Spring Babies

Love your new bump pic on your profile Tee - it's a proper beautiful bump now (not that it wasn't beautiful before:winkwink:)!!

Lily's been so active lately - can't imagine how it'll be when she's fully grown and ready to come out. I suspect it'll look like a scene from Alien!

My friend had her baby on Sunday (a 48hr labour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I was sat there thinking how surreal it is that in 3 months (give or take) it'll be me giving birth - how mental is that?!

Cannot wait to finish work - I agree with you Tee, people are really pissing me off at work! x x
Thank you, Lilly. The bump looks way different with the bare belly. It's insane how much he's grown in just a few weeks!

I was thinking the same thing, that in 4 months (for me) we will have a little one. It's so crazy! Awesome, but crazy! It's been just me and the hubby for 8 years and now we're adding another member. It's so exciting!! HAHAH funny you metion alien, I think about that when I see him kick through my belly.

OMG about work! I don't know what it is that snapped in me, but I am just so over it! I'm in an office full of men, which doesn't help and there's one that is the most sexist jerk, omg I just want to tell him off. LOL
Tee glad you finally kicked that cold and so sorry everyone is a jerk at work.

Lilly wow time is flying for you! I had an OB apt today and she said things start t slow down again near the end so love every moment of it :)

AFM after enjoying my unemployed month off I have started a few new part time positions to try to patch together enough of a job. Hard to keep applying to jobs because I just want to stay home with baby this summer but with the start dates in the fall I just need t get over it.

Feeling good still! Rode bike to work today out if necessity but felt so great. Baby punches to all of you in your respective wombs :)
Tee - yeah my boss is a bit of an insensitive ar*ehole! He doesn't seem to have common sense/understanding and the other day was asking me to fix a cable underneath his desk when i'm standing there with a massive bump and keeps saying that i've eaten too much Christmas pudding?!

qwerty - glad you've found part time work - is it doing what you want to do? Is it hard finding work whilst pregnant?

DH's cousin gave birth this morning at 7.30am to a little girl and we got a text from DH's mother saying that they were going straight to the hopsital (only 2 hours later!). Worried that if she'll travel 200 miles that quickly for her great-niece, how quickly will she travel 200 miles to see me and the baby in April?!
Tee, I totally get the shorter fuse thing! DH was in the en suite this morning brushing his teeth while I needed to pee (he didn't even know I was waiting for him to come out) & I wanted to scream at him that he only has so many teeth! He was taking ages! :shrug: The thing is that if I'd asked him to pop out for a sec he would have! Hormones, eh? And I've started to feel hiccups too! I felt them once ages ago & then nothing again until the night before last & have felt them twice since too!

We got to see our little man again on Monday. It must have been the quickest scan in medical history but we got to see that his head is where they want it to be at this stage & saw his little fingers - cuteness! Heartbeat is great too & I tested fine on both blood pressure & keytones so all good! Back again in a little under a month & we have our classes next weekend! :happydance:
Is she taking the you know what?

So my mother just IMed me on Facebook to ask shall she book flights for her and one of my brothers the week I'm due or a week later, in case I go late. Like I am psychic, how would I know when the baby's going to come? So, anyway, I don't know why she's bringing my brother, so I asked wouldn't my other brother feel left out if she brings one - meaning come alone - her response, "Oh he wants to come with his girlfriend and the first brother's girlfriend wants to come too."

Is she kidding??????

This is my first child and I want a house full of guests? Is she seriously having a laugh? I haven't even met one of their girlfriends yet and I want them all sitting on the edge of the birthing pool while I'm dilating? SERIOUSLY????

So now she's got a mood on and said they can all come at the end of the month if it suits me better, then she signed off. I actually just wanted my mother and OH there, not a freakin' family outing. I'm surprised I'll have to explain this to her. If we lived in the same country I'd always anticipated she would be there at my future child's birth but this was not how I intended.

She's the one told me she hated having visitors after giving birth as she was exhausted and emotional, but she wants us to open the house for a damn reunion.

I feel like telling her not to bother at all, but I know I'll be speaking in haste. Not sure what to tell her now. Really p-ed off and glad she wasn't on the phone, else I would have yelled at her.


Anyway, went for extra scan yesterday due to my high 1in38 T21 results a while ago and everything looks good; Maia's showing none of the soft markers for Down's Syndrome, so we're optimistic she'll be fit as a fiddle - and if the way she kicks is anything to go by, she'll be a very active little girl, too! Technician said she's measuring above average so looks like another big baby for the clan. :)
Qwerty - GOOD FOR YOU! I can't stand coming to one job and you're on a few jobs! Now I feel really lazy LOL. I'm glad things are going to so great for you! And riding your bike! I've been staring at my bike and telling my Hubby that I want to go riding while it's still so nice out and yet I haven't even gone once. LOL I just want to sleep when I get home from work LOL.

Lilly - I can't believe your boss is asking you to go under his desk. WOW! I would have laughed. I had some similar issues, we got a new TV put in to our conference room and they don't like the wire hanging down so they want it to go through the wall. The cut outs are there, but I was expected to the get the tool to fish the wire through the wall. SO I am so stand on a step stool with a drill and a fishing tool to get the stupid cable behind the wall. Meanwhile I work in an office with nothing but men and I'm the one in a skirt and heels. What the hell is wrong with that picture? LOL

Karry - OMG I had a similar issue with my hubby. I was sick and I went down stairs to make some soup. We didn't have any clean soup pots so I was going to hand wash one. He had a bucket in the sink because he was cleaning our fish tank. So I stood there and was going to jump in when he dumped the bucket, but he put another one there. OMG I lost it. I slammed the soup can down and threw the pot back in the dishwasher and stomped upstairs. I was so PO'd! So I laid back down and a half hour later he comes up with soup. HAHAH I felt bad for being over dramatic, but shoot!

Emma - WOW! I would not be OK with other people being invited into the delivery room. I was on the fence for a bit with having my sister and mom in there. I just wanted my hubby in there. But I think I have calmed down a bit and I know that my mom and sister should be in there. I was in for all three of my sister's births. But I still have some reservations. If I'm in pain and pissed off, they will be kicked out of the room if they start joking around. This is some serious stuff! HAHAH

Ladies I'm telling you, I am not myself anymore. LOL I feel like a possessed pregnant she-devil! HAHAHAH I am really hoping that when it comes to the delivery I will be calmer. HAHAH I doubt it. It does make me feel a little more sane coming on here and knowing that what I am feeling is normal and that I can tell you ladies anything and you all don't think I am a crazy lady. <3
:lol: You guys sound as hormonal as me, I'm just sooooo glad I work from home, because my tongue would get me fired right about now.

Tee, I want a home birth, so they don't want to be in the delivery room per se, just want to rock up for an early summer holiday and stay here while I'm having my most intimate/painful/stressful/emotional life event and even if they don't come in the room, you can bet they'll be all over the baby afterwards and I want to spend a week or two bonding with her, not having her manhandled by squealing, excitable girlfriends. I can't believe I even have to explain that to my mother - or any of them! I found once I moved to Spain from England, suddenly everyone thinks it's open house for when they fancy a sunny holiday grrrr.

Bah, Maia's decided to lie facing inwards today and play footsie with my bladder. She's funny; her favourite position is diagonally transverse, facing downwards, with her head wedged in my pelvis at one side and her body higher up so she can boot everything I don't want her to.
Emma - how on earth can you say when you're going to go into labour?! I stupidly took some days off a couple of years ago around my niece's EDD and obviously she was overdue and I wasted the days off! Even worse if she's booking flights! Is there anyway that only she can come and stay for like two weeks or so?

Bringing 4 other people with her is really OTT, I know they must be excited but you'll definitely not want people at your house when you're in labour/waiting to go into labour/just had the baby!

Why are families so much drama?!

Great news though on Maia! So they think there's a really low risk of DS then?
We all posted at the same time lol!

Tee - that's mental that they let you do that?! What wasters!

I had a bit of a flip out at DH because he made a joke and I was in a really bad mood and I just got into bed and didn't want to talk to him. He was really annoyed i'd reacted in the way that I had but I fell asleep and we never go to sleep on an argument (we also never argue) and I woke up to a text from him saying sorry lol (even though we lay next to each other but I think it's because he wanted to get it out of his system before he went to sleep).

My boss just snapped at me over the phone and I lost my temper and snapped back and hung up. We've been arguing so much lately. Guess that's the downside of being a PA!

Lily's been poking her foot and/or elbow or something out of my side this afternoon. I was poking it back which was cute until she did a massive kick which made me feel sick! I realised earlier how much i'm going to miss being pregnant, though i'll love all the cuddles! x
Emma- Oh that is even worse! I'm sorry I didn't read that right the first time. I would not anyone staying at my home either. I think it's amazing you are having a home birth!
We all posted at the same time lol!

Tee - that's mental that they let you do that?! What wasters!

I had a bit of a flip out at DH because he made a joke and I was in a really bad mood and I just got into bed and didn't want to talk to him. He was really annoyed i'd reacted in the way that I had but I fell asleep and we never go to sleep on an argument (we also never argue) and I woke up to a text from him saying sorry lol (even though we lay next to each other but I think it's because he wanted to get it out of his system before he went to sleep).

My boss just snapped at me over the phone and I lost my temper and snapped back and hung up. We've been arguing so much lately. Guess that's the downside of being a PA!

Lily's been poking her foot and/or elbow or something out of my side this afternoon. I was poking it back which was cute until she did a massive kick which made me feel sick! I realised earlier how much i'm going to miss being pregnant, though i'll love all the cuddles! x

:lol: I was thinking the same yesterday when Maia was kicking full throttle at the ultrasound. If she's this strong now, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it may be at the end of pregnancy! I'm now starting to understand what friends meant about missing being pregnant, I'll definitely miss the kicks and rumbles and flip-flopping around.

OH is being a miserable so and so at the moment; it's partly my fault because I'm just not interested in being intimate with him at present. Mainly because we've had so many problems recently, but also because my hormones have my libido through the floor and I'd rather snack and surf the net than have him all over me. We were lying in bed last night in an effort to spend some time together last night to watch a movie - or so I thought - and then he snapped at me because I didn't make a move on him immediately. I'm at the point where I can't even be bothered making the effort; I feel bad for him, but he keeps making problems. Like on Christmas Day when we had a massive row, he went out for a few hours; I didn't eat 'cause I was waiting for him to return but when he did he went straight to bed - turns out he ate dinner at someone else's place! That and many other things make me just not feel very close to him so it's like an eternal roundabout. I suggested counselling, which he's not very open to, but it's either that or just keep digging this hole bigger. And he brings sex - or lack of it - into EVERY conversation, whether we're talking about work, Maia, or anything else. Which automatically puts me in defensive mode. Booooo!
Emma - I feel so bad for my DH too. We haven't had sex in a few months. I just can't get myself in the mood. I feel so bad because he has been so sweet and helpful, but he never complains about the lack of it, I think he gets it. But it really weighs on me. The poor guy! I wish I felt what most women talk about, wanting it all the time. I am so the opposite.

If he was anything like what you are dealing with OMG I would lose it. We're emotional enough as it is, and I think it's so incredibly rude that your OH is being so selfish. He needs to really take in how you're feeling. I am so sorry you are dealing with that, I can just imagine how uncomfortable that is making you feel.
Aw thanks :)

I try to remain detached, 'cause when I lose it I feel bad for Maia - I believe babies can pick up on our stress in the womb and I don't want her to, so I just switch off. I came to this country on my own steam and always looked after myself, so if push comes to shove, I'm out the door once I have the finances to do so. Sounds terrible, but I'm definitely not ruling it out. He has his good points and will be great with Maia, but if things don't work out, I won't stay just for her sake. That never works out for anyone.
Emma - I agree about the baby feeling your emotions. You're one strong woman and good for you! Hopefully once the baby arrives he'll change. Men are so different, they just have no idea what we are really going through emotionally and physically.

Thanks, Tee! Gosh, they really don't. Even I didn't anticipate the huge changes being pregnant would have on me. But I wouldn't change it for the world. :)
Thanks, Tee! Gosh, they really don't. Even I didn't anticipate the huge changes being pregnant would have on me. But I wouldn't change it for the world. :)

Amen sista! I am taking all the sleepless nights, the sick feelings, the awkward hiccup bumps on my cervix, the moodswing, food craving and weight gain as a blessing and an experience of a lifetime. I really wouldn't change a thing. <3
Oh Emma, I don't even know where to start! You definitely don't need the drama of your whole family arriving for the birth! I am EXTREMEMLY close to my Mam but I don't even want her at the birth - OH only! And your OH seriously needs to grow up! I hope he starts being more considerate :hugs:
:lol: So, OH isn't talking to me (again). I can't be doing with the childish behaviour. He is giving a talk at a college today, which is my field, education, so I asked him last night had he thought about what he was going to talk about with them. His response: "I've thought how we haven't had sex." So I ignore that comment and go back to reading. About half an hour later, I remarked he was very quiet and he's like, "Yeah, I'm sad. 'Cause we don't have sex."

Aaaaaaaaagh! It's literally EVERY conversation and it has the opposite effect on me to that which he is hoping for. Anyway, I didn't want to get into a slanging match, so I closed my laptop, took it to the spare bedroom and stayed there for the rest of the night. I've avoided him today, but I'll have to see him at some point if he comes back here before going to the college. I should start doing the lottery.

Oh Emma, I don't even know where to start! You definitely don't need the drama of your whole family arriving for the birth! I am EXTREMEMLY close to my Mam but I don't even want her at the birth - OH only! And your OH seriously needs to grow up! I hope he starts being more considerate :hugs:

I understand they're excited but just because I live on a picturesque Mediterranean island now :lol: doesn't mean I want a bunch of house guests when I've just had a baby/am in the process of having a baby. I can't even believe she'd suggest it and I'm upset that she's saying it's okay and she'll come a month later instead. So she'd rather sulk for a month because she didn't get her own way than meet her first granddaughter when she's born?

I know she's saying it 'cause her nose is pushed out of joint and I'm put out that she'd rather wait and land us with 5 houseguests at ANY time rather than be my birth partner. Because OH is unlikely to reduce my stress, so I want her there to balance things out. :lol:

Main thing is, I'm putting my foot down and I don't want 5 houseguests, period. And definitely not girlfriends I've never met.
Oh Emma... I feel your pain. I have NO idea really what to expect for those first few weeks and DH's family is HUGE and all are planning to come FOR THE BIRTH. I told them to plan to come a week and a half after due date and they can stay for a week. Brothers and their families can come but have to stay in hotels.

As for my mom luckily she can drive and I want her here ASAP but it will just be her.

Thanks for all your support re: job. I'm currently applying to professor positions so while my research support ended last semester I am doing a ton of teaching and some administrative work helping undergrads get involved in research. I miss doing it myself, and running around to three different universities teaching is stressful - but hey it's good to try to stay in the academic life while I pay the bills (almost!). I'm so worried about the end of semester coinciding with my due date but as long as I don't go too early I won't have water breaking in awkward places :wacko:

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