Spring Babies

Emma - so sorry you had a horrible Christmas, he sounds like an absolute arsehole. Has he been any better since (not that it would make up for how he's been)? Make sure you do try and eat - it'll make you feel loads better x x

RANT WARNING: DH's parents were down from yesterday afternoon and have just left and I didn't enjoy one single second of it. We met in Mothercare (they live about 300 miles North of us) as we were buying the pram for Lily yesterday as they were doing a sale (went with the Joie 3-in-1 travel system) and as soon as they got there they started getting involved in what teat flow we should get as if it weren't a choice of my own (it's my aim to breastfeed but also express to help me out in the night). Standing in Mothercare with his Dad going on like he's a f*cking expert on them with his mother pulling faces behind DH at anything I said. Then we went over to the pram which my parents have bought for us and they were talking as if they were buying it. Seeing his mother push my pram around the shop as if she will ever have Lily turned my stomach. Then she was looking at some awful clothes for her which she ended up buying and are hideous (maybe i'm biased as I literally hate this woman).

They then came to our house for dinner and even though I told his Dad not to give him any, he gave my dog some chocolate (I haven't told DH this) even though I told him it was poisonous to dogs!

Then today, DH suggested we go on holiday with them next year!!! To Wales to camp in a dome (an awesome idea if it were just the three of us), she was saying how she'd have the baby and do things with her without asking me. I really hate how people think they can lay claim to my child without asking me first. It's my daughter, I'll decide when I do and don't want to be away from her!

I realise none of the above actually warrants the rant but I haven't had a good history of relations with them from the start (for example his father spat in my face in the desert in Arizona a couple of years ago when we were doing Race Across America and his mother is just literally one of the worst human beings there are and the most selfish person in the world).

I'm sure my hormones are playing a massive part of all of this but I just wish families would keep their noses out. What's the harm in keeping things to ourselves and why do we feel we have to involve them in every decision we make? I don't particularly want his mother involved in which breast pump i'll buy, it's nothing to do with her and I don't in anyway value her opinion given that she keeps telling me that I shouldn't bother with breast feeding and it's bad for me as apparently the baby will just take all the good stuff away from me. Erm, women have been breastfeeding since neolithic times and our bodies adapt to provide for our babies. And even if that were the case, I want Lily to have all the good stuff she needs to help her grow?!

I am in such a foul mood (hence the long rambling post that probably doesn't make sense!), I feel so down lately, really alone but I can't really say for why. I think his parents are bothering me mainly because they just keep telling me what's going to happen with my baby but the rest must be hormones. Does anyone else feel like that?

Sorry for being so blue and pathetic! x x:nope:
Emma and Lilly - I am so sorry about all the holiday drama. I know being pregnant doesn't help the hormones or our feelings, but I feel ya totally on all that you said Lilly. I don't know how you kept your cool, I would have blown up! I hope things are a lot better for you both! <3

I hope everyone had an awesome holiday!

AFM: I had my anatomy scan on the 23rd. The baby looks great so far and weighed at 9oz. He was opening and closing his mouth, playing with the umbilical cord and flashing us! The tech at first said it looked like a girl and I just cried! I think I was just in shock because I was so certain it was a boy. Don't get me wrong, I am happy either way. Then after using the restroom and drinking some water and doing a squat for 60 seconds he finally got into a good position to tell. And oh boy was he showing it! HAHAH

The day after Christmas the hubby and I decided to hit the stores for some sales on baby clothes. I was thinking we'll just buy a few outfits. My hubby had the shopping bug because he went crazy! Even picked out these two cute banks and they are awesome colors so we said OK, this is what we will base the theme on the nursery with. I really think now that we know the sex that it makes it feel that much more real for my hubby since he can't feel what I am feeling. Oh and speaking about what I am feeling. Started getting Braxton Hicks over the weekend. Freaked me out! Stay hydrated ladies, they are gone now. I guess I was skimping on the water over the holiday.

We also started cleaning out the spare room this weekend and my hubby has packed up all of his Disney collectibles and we got an air conditioned storage unit. It's really coming along. I just can't believe how fast it's going by. Tomorrow I will be 20 weeks, half way! Here's some pics from the shopping and the 19 weeks bump!


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Welcome & congratulations Aurora!

Emma & Lilly - so sorry to hear you had such drama over the holidays :nope:

Tee - Congratulations on your little boy! I can't resist shopping either!! :haha: I got some lovely stuff in the sales & then a bundle of things for only 33c each! :happydance:
33 cents?! WOW! That is amazing!!!

I want so badly to do more shopping but we are still trying to clean out the spare room. I really need to find the before pics I have of that room. It's so much to put away in storage. But it's coming along. I just can't wait to finish cleaning and start building the nursery.

I hope you ladies are all doing well!!! <3
33 cents?! WOW! That is amazing!!!

I want so badly to do more shopping but we are still trying to clean out the spare room. I really need to find the before pics I have of that room. It's so much to put away in storage. But it's coming along. I just can't wait to finish cleaning and start building the nursery.

I hope you ladies are all doing well!!! <3

I know! I couldn't resist! Some of the stuff is from really good shops & some still have tags on! I have anything that didn't have a tag drying at the moment - everything else is put away in the nursery. We did a big clean up today. I'm only sorry that I didn't take pictures first - that's a great idea! We're going to IKEA tomorrow to get the wardrobe (I'd rather stay away from IKEA but we're very restricted with space in that room (we live in a dormer bungalow so we have the sloping ceilings which are lovely but awkward!) & IKEA have one that we like AND will fit which is hard to come by!) Looking forward to that & IKEA do some lovely bits for kids rooms so I'll have to have a little look! :blush::haha:
Hi, girls! How are you all doing? How are the bumps? Maia's growing fast and been a little athlete the past few days but suddenly I'm exhausted and she's kicking less today, though still regularly. I'm starting to see a pattern every few weeks; she goes crazy, I get tired and my ligaments hurt and then a few days later my belly explodes lol. It's like she has little growth spurts. So weird to feel her through my abs. She pushes her head out when I lie back in the recliner so I can stroke the top of it and today it felt like she was lying sideways and I swear I could feel the shape of her arm. Usually, though, she seems to like hiding away feet first and booting my bladder. I've gained ten inches around the waist - think I have body dysmorphia though, 'cause I don't think I look that much bigger :lol:
Hey everyone

I'm quite glad you said that Emma, Lily has been going literally mental since Christmas Day and on Friday it was so uncomfortable in the evening as I'd just eaten dinner and she was going mental and you could see my belly moving etc. I felt exhausted from all the stuff I've been doing and got realy achey etc. Then Saturday and Sunday, when I took it easier, she seemed really calm and quiet and I got worried (typical and so ironic). But I guess maybe she was having a growth spurt like you say.

How's your OH Emma?

DH has been painting Lily's room the past couple of days. It's pink on two walls, mauve on another and white on the other and we'll do a little stencil of her name on the white wall. I'm making a little laundry bag to hang on the side of her cot and will sew her name onto it. Also making her a little dress and hat. Gives me an excuse to make something!

How's everyone? Can't believe i'll be in my 3rd trimester on Thursday! Also, it's just sinking in that our babies are due THIS YEAR!!!

x x
Morning ladies!!!!

Sorry I've been MIA. I was sick last weekend and it kicked my butt so hard that I am just now feeling better. Finally back at work anyway. Being sick while pregnant is no f'n joke! Only being able to take a few things to help the pain and suffering is so terrible. I am so used to taking Nyquil, DayQuil and getting on with my day, but nope, not this time. Good thing is I do not have the flu and I heard that the H1N1 is going back around. Whew! WHY didn't I get the damn flu shot??!! Lesson learned!

The upside to being in bed for 4 days is that I could really spend some time listening to my body. Baby boy has been moving like crazy and I am feeling it more and more. Monday before my doc appointment I actually saw a kick through my stomach! So amazing!!! Now when I start feeling him move around I lift my shirt to see if I can catch another kick. I must say, seeing and feeling him move while I was sick really helped me feel better. I hate taking any kind of meds while I am pregnant. I was so scared for the baby. But I made it! Now I think I can tell when he is awake and asleep. So awesome!

While I was sick, my hubby was busy working and then coming home and cleaning out the spare room, packing stuff up for storage and giving stuff to Goodwill. He has been nonstop. I am so thankful for him!!! Tuesday was his b-day and I was still sick in bed but he ended up going out and getting the baby a new swing! It was on clearance so we couldn't pass it up. He did end up coming home yesterday with the cold I had. Poor guy. So now it's my turn to buck up and finish the baby's room. Getting ready to pick out some paint!

I hope you are all doing well!!! <3

21 week bump!!! I'm getting big! The pic is terrible since I was sick, no makeup. LOL


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Glad you're feeling better, Tee, being ill while pregnant sucks. I have a migraine today and am just sitting in semi-darkness - hehe I usually do that anyway as no meds ever touch my migraines, but I have work to do that I haven't started and the day's nearly gone. Better you don't have the flu shot anyway, it's made from past strains and has so much junk like formaldehyde in it that your body can fight germs in its own time with rest, hydration and lots of vitamin-rich foods.

It's so lovely seeing and feeling kicks, isn't it? :) I love your baby bundles! Before I knew whether I was having a girl or boy, I was complaining how hard it is to find nice boy clothes but I like those. Now I'm complaining they might have got the gender scan wrong so I will be demanding they check again haha. My cousin who's due in February has chosen our boy name for her little one, coincidentally, so we'd need to go back to the drawing board if Maia does turn out to be a boy. I'm pretty certain she's a girl, though.

Baby's nursery sounds lovely, Lilly. We haven't started on ours; she's going to just sleep in our room for a while, but I think we'll probably do it pale yellow or cream with a jungle theme for her. Yeah, I've noticed a pattern of frantic kicking followed by laziness now, so I'm not freaking out all the time any more. She still loves snuggling right down as low as possible, though. Have an ultrasound this week, I think on 14th, looking forward to seeing if she's grown a lot - I hope so! Want her to be big and strong (though I'll hate labour aaaaaah).
Hi everyone! Happy new year! Was MIA with traveling over the holidays and then got attacked by work. Was so nice to be away from computer for a bit though I missed you ladies.

I started feeling baby move around Christmas which makes me so happy still feeling good and all of a sudden I have a bump which can't be 100% holiday eating ;) Got tons of hand me down clothes and baby equipment from friends and relatives which is so great. Everyone was so generous.

Tee... Are you having fetal echo? We are going in for ours in two weeks (tyey have all IVF patients go) and I am making them double check sex because the pictures were just NOT convincing...

So nice to catch up on all of the developments ladies!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well (other than your migraine Emma and your sickness bug Tee!).

Feeling tired all the time here! Officially entered my third trimester yesterday (I think) :happydance:. Struggling to sleep anyone? Keep getting back ache or leg cramps or needing a wee even though I hadn't drunk anything! I do love being pregnant, honestly.........

Only 13 weeks until I meet my little lady! Well, if she's on time anyway...

x x
Oh gawd, I wake at 5am every day; I've given up trying to go back to bed now, so I just stumble through the day and fall asleep on the sofa around ten every night. Migraine gone, yay, so I'm catching up on all the studio work I have deadlines for today. So much harder to sing with a baby in the belly! Hard to bring my abs into play to hit the high notes, boo. Probably wakes Maia, too :lol I don't reckon she's arrive anywhere near her due date; I couldn't remember my LMP so just threw a random date at them - mind you, I think they recalculated her twice. First I was due second week of May by LMP date, then from 9wk scan they said 2nd May, then 20wk scan they said 3rd of May. So picky over twenty-four hours! So, I reckon she'll come a week late, 'cause I was three weeks late and my brothers two weeks.
Lilly congrats on third tri!! Sorry that you're getting uncomfortable again though :(

Emma I love that your baby is developing in your listening to your voice. So cool!
i should probably stop moaning lol - I was so desperate to be PG when we were TTC and I shouldn't constantly whinge at you ladies!

Just had a pregnancy massage and it was amazing!

Advice for my friend (it's not one of those occassions where I say "friend" and it means me, it's really my friend lol).

To start, i don't condone what she did and am really dissapointed that she did it, but I guess at the end of the day she's still my friend.

So, she's pregnant and her OH is obviously over the moon (they were TTC). She was tracking her O etc and she did an OPK on the Thursday, it was nearly positive and then did a OPK on the Friday and it was positive. Her and her OH DTD on the Thursday and Friday and then on the Monday, she had a one night stand, didn't use protection but he didn't actually "finish". She's just had her 12 week scan and was worried about dates, they dated her two days earlier than she'd thought (she used one of the due date calculators online) which sort of means that she O'd two days earlier than she thought or they were really lucky and the egg was waiting for his little men right away. But she's still worried as she thinks that the bit on the side might have still gotten her pregnant (pre-ejaculation or whatever it's called?) even though the EDD doesn't actually suggest that he might be.

What do you guys think? I personally cannot see how anyone but her OH could be the father given the dates and that there was also 3 days between her O'ing and sleeping with this other guy.

I stress again lol, it's not me!

Tee & Emma - So sorry to hear you both weren't well but glad to hear you're both on the mend! :flower:

Lilly - Congratulations on reaching 3rd tri! :happydance: My sleep is (somehow!!) improving but I do wake up multiple times to pee & have to go so badly it hurts! (ETA: We were posting at the same time! I agree that it's likely your "friends" :)haha:) OH is the baby daddy)

I feel crap today! I just feel so tired & tried to lie down on the couch but can't get comfortable. And annoyingly (seeing as my sickness only stopped about a month ago) I feel quite sick today! Not again PLEASE! :nope: But on the upside our little man has been going crazy for the past 24 hours! I don't know what he's at in there! :haha:
That really made me laugh Karry. She's due in July so she's got a few more months of fretting to go (the one night stand was apparently mixed race which is the main reason she's in such a state).

I really hope your MS stays away - you need a break from it!

Are you feeling like there's a bowling ball right underneath your ribs? Whenever I sit down I feel like her head is just beneath them and it feels uncomfortable!
Do you know, now that you mention it, yes!! I've only noticed it the past little while but it is incredibly uncomfortable alright...

The sickness only lasts an hour our two around lunch time so it's not too bad - at least it's not 24 hours like before.

Your poor friend must be freaking out...

How is everyones weekend going? DH did a lot of cleaning today (I was exhausted just looking at him! :haha:) & he assembled the wardrobe for the nursery. Still the drawers to go & I sorted all the clothes to be put away when the drawers are assembled. After the next pay day we're going to order the wall stickers we've picked out. We've our next scan (& Anti D :coffee:) on Monday so after that we're going to buy bedding for the little crib :happydance:
Weekend went too fast! Back to work again but on the bright side, only 8weeks here until I start my maternity leave! Roll on 7th March!

Made Lily her little dirty clothes bag for her room last night and love it - now DH wants a matching one lol - bless him!

How is everyone feeling? x
Qwerty - So great to hear from you, glad you had a great vacation. I really need one of those! I find myself more and more fed up with work lately. It's like I think I deserve a bit of a break or something because I am pregnant, or my fuse is just a lot shorter now that I'm pregnant. HAHA I am not dealing with these jerks very well lately. LOL Well, that was a little tangent, sorry ladies. LOL

I am not getting the Echo, at least my doc hasn't mentioned it. I wonder if they did that at my anatomy scan? I know she was looking at the heart then. I have an appointment in two weeks, I'll have to ask about that.

How neat is it feeling the baby move? So amazing! I think I am feeling a lot of hiccups lately. My sister said they feel really weird and are really low.

AFM: Well I hate work lately, I want to quit. LOL We cleaned out the spare room for the nursery and my hubby is at home painting as we speak. I can't believe how fast this is all coming along. I can't believe that in 4 months we are going to have a baby!

I am finally over my cold, still have a bit of a cough, and my hubby got sick too, but he kicked it faster than I did. Being able to take all the good meds. LOL It's been a while since I've been on here that I forgot what I wrote so forgive my repeating.

I've been catching the baby kick a few times. It's so amazing to see the little bump on your stomach. It sure reassures me that my little one is doing awesome in there. I can't wait to meet him!! I really want to get a 4D U/S now so I can see his features. At first I was uneasy about it, because it looks so weird! HAHAH but I really want to see him!

How is everyone else doing??

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