Spring Babies

Emma - I am so sorry you are dealing with your OH's crap yet again! But good for you for just getting up and ignoring. It still must be so hard to deal with. I found that the best thing you can do is give them the silent treatment, they usually start to feel bad. I hope he comes around.

Qwerty - You must be exhausted running around so much! You are one strong woman!

AFM - I am starting to reallllllly feel pregnant. I need to start getting physical. My thighs are HUGE and my arse is catching up with my belly HAHAH! I am feeling it getting in and out of my car, rolling over in bed and trying to get out of bed. I'm not kidding, this boy is making his mama HUGE! He hit a growth spurt the last week and I don't eat really bad. I swear! :winkwink: There are times I give in to my fast food cravings and over the holidays it was easy to eat up all the candy and chocolate that clients sent in to the office. I know I need to get in a little better shape to make labor easier too. But I have no motivation. I just want to sleep when I get home.

I am feeling my little one kicking a lot more lately. I could sit here at work and just enjoy the kicking. It's the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced. (Now I'm crying) I am just one lucky girl! I'm so emotional lately. HAHAH OK enough of that, I'm sharing last week and this week's bump! HELLO BABY!

Love all you ladies and I hope everyone is doing well!!! There are a lot of ladies we haven't heard from in a while. I am sending my love your way!!


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sooo glad the subject of sex has come up (no pun intended :winkwink:). We haven't since just before the 20 week scan. I think it's a combination of DH not wanting to poke her in the head (i've tried to tell him that although he's pretty "well endowed", he's not superman), that he now knows the sex, she kicks all the time and i think he'd freak out if he got kicked in the middle of it. We talk about it a lot which is good but I find it awkward all the time because I feel like I should make a move but it's really the last thing I can think that I want to do!

Cannot believe your OH is playing up again Emma. Maybe we should start an escape fund for you so that you can leave sooner?! How's he being now?

Qwerty, I think you're so amazing with all the work you're doing!

Tee - I'm with you on the rolling over thing, it's wakes me up each time i want to change positions. Just wait until you're 28 weeks, it's heaps of fun lol! Love the pictures Tee, you do look poorly from the flu in the 21 week but look loads healthier in this weeks!

Officially 7 months pregnant today - how awesome is that?
Lilly - I know right? I can't believe I still took the shot when I was looking so miserable. But I think it's good for the scrapbook LOL. I will remember how bad that cold kicked my butt while being pregnant and sick.

I was thinking the same thing. I am only 22 weeks and feeling this already, I better stop my complaining now. It's not going to get any easier. Also, been having INSANE nightmares again. They were gone for a while, but holy moly I had some scary ones last night. Part dementor and part zombie, SCARY!
lilly i can't believe you're 7 months!!! that means winter is almost over too :)

tee you look so gorgeous all the time in those shots but yes good to see you have your color back after being sick.
I can't believe some of us are hitting seven months - me included! :happydance: I feel like time can't go by quickly enough but yet can't believe we're this far already!

For those struggling to roll over in bed - be grateful you can turn over at all! I have awful pain on my left hand side (I think my lung?) so I have to spend the whole night on my right hand side which means I wake up with hip pain several times a night & my lung still hurts! :sleep:
It's terrible Karry! I have to sit up in bed and move to my side to roll over. I can't roll over laying down. Last night I did that because I was still half asleep and my ligament pain kicked in. So I was sitting up in bed for about 10 minutes before it went away. Now I am getting them driving. OUCHIE! I am not looking forward to worse pain. I hope it gets better for you!!
Oh don't say that!! I've been so lucky to not have to drive a whole lot this pregnany but I did the other night to a meeting for the charity I work with & I was fine but I'm thinking it may have been a fluke. I'm just heading out to another meeting now so hopefully I get on ok! And next week I've to drive an hour each way to visit a friend who just had her baby :coffee:
Hi ladies. Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! I had family here which was so great. My tear in ab muscle came back really bad on Thursday so I was stressed, in pain, and bummed I would be a bump all weekend with them here but it was actually a huge relief. Everyone helped so much with everything and we went to Ikea and bought our crib and changing table. Our nursery is now a nursery and not our "gym" (aka empty room with some cycling gear and workout clothes). I was a little sad that all the cute crap wasn't on the floor due to construction like the rugs, curtains, blankets, etc but we can always go back later :)

Oh - also I wanted to send out a calm warning for those of us only allowed to take Tylenol - my sister reminded me that the MAXIMUM dose is 8 tablets in a 24h period and over that can be really rough on our livers and lead to serious complications... much more serious than ODing on NSAIDs. I haven't taken much until this weekend but pain was too bad.
Qwerty - That's so terrible about the tear! OUCHIE! My ligament pain is SO bad, I can't imagine the pain of a tear! SO exciting about the nursery furniture! The hubby and I were talking about making a trip out to Ikea also. We have the crib but we need a dresser and was thinking about using it as a changing table. The challenge is going to be matching the wood color to the crib. Good to know about the Tylenol!!! When I was sick I was only taking it when I couldn't handle the headaches anymore. I am really trying not to take any meds. But this is so good to know!! Thank you for passing that along!!

AFM: We finally started painting the nursery! The gray color that we picked out actually looks amazing! I was a little nervous about using a gray, but it really looks soothing! Now we need to find a good blue color for the accent wall, which is a little tough for me. I am being far too picky lol. We are working on getting a quote to get the carpet taken out and wood flooring put in. This room is going to look better then the rest of our house! LOL

Saturday started a whole new level of pregnancy side effects for me. I have been getting heartburn/GERD and it's been waking me up all hours of the night. I even got a new pillow, propped myself up, ate smaller meals, not eating before bed and there is no getting around it. My sleep schedule is so off. Guess I'll be ready when the baby comes.

OH! We also stocked up on baby wipes. HAHAH Target had a sale and they were $1 a pack. I think we got about 40 packs. Now I know that will last a few months and we will need more, but at least we'll be set for me being home on maternity leave! Total score!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are doing well. Here's some pics from the nursery! Some of the wipes we got! Hubby ended up buying a new baby blanket too. LOL


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AHHH! Tee I love the grey. It's such a perfect color. For your blue are you thinking like a grey-blue? Or a violet-blue? Or green-blue? I would go with a blue jeans color. I LOVE painting.

Karry, lilly and tee I hope that you sleep better soon. Would body pillow help? My sister is lending me hers and it's been amazing.
I am thinking a gray with a blue tint to it to match a little bit, I think a jean blue would look amazing!!!

As far as the sleeping, I have a body pillow and it didn't help, but I haven't tried it since I've gotten bigger. I'll have to try that tonight. I totally forgot I had it.
Tee - I love the paint colour!! Be sure to update after you choose your blue! I stocked up on wipes too but you're way ahead of me! :haha:

Thanks qwerty! I do use a body pillow - in fact have started using two! My left lung is so sore that I can't lie on my left hand side at all until early morning when eventually the pain in my right hip gets too much :coffee:

I shall return later or tomorrow to post properly; mad busy but wanted to say Hi to all you bumpalicious gals :)
Karry - funny you bring up the lung thing, I started feeling that last night. That sh!t hurts!!!!

Emma - hope you are doing well girl! Love the "bumpalicious" WOOT WOOT!
Karry - funny you bring up the lung thing, I started feeling that last night. That sh!t hurts!!!!

I'm obviously sorry that you're in pain but I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I've said it to a couple of people & nobody else seems to know what I'm talking about! Apparently we'll get relief when the baby drops (according to my app on my phone)...
Glad I don't know that pain; Maia never left my crotch. She seems to have moved up all of an inch this past few days and is now above my underwear at last, but she's in no hurry to leave her comfy place :lol:
My guy was like that for ages too & now I can't believe how high up he can kick!! It's crazy! Although he does seem to spend most of his time pretty low (although I still have the lung pain pretty much all the time though).

Hope everyone is doing well today! :flower:
Morning ladies! I have a major dilemma and I need some feedback.

I am in the process of working with my sister to get the baby shower going. We are doing a cute pirate theme and my sister is taking over. She said that she will do it all with the help of my mom and a friend. That is a huge weight lifted. At first I wanted to plan it, but now I am ok with her doing it all.

SO, I need to get all of my friend's mailing addresses for her. I post something on FB because I don't have everyone's phone numbers. I let them know the date and that it is co-ed and that there are no kids.

My sister-in-law texts me right away and says, "No kids at the baby shower??? I can't go then." My cousin then texts me saying, "Here's my address but I want to bring my daughter." I told them both, no, sorry no kids. My cousin says, "She's 15, she's not a kid" YES SHE IS! NO KIDS! I'm sorry, but I am doing a co-ed party because I have such a wide group of friends I wanted everyone to feel comfortable. If all my friends brought their kids there'd be more kids than adults. In my opinion, baby showers are not for kids in the first place.

Am I wrong here? It's not at my house, and I don't want kids there. It's our last get together with friends and family before we have kids. This has been a fight for us, we've been trying to have a kid for 7 years. This is huge for us. I'm giving everyone a 3 month heads up. It's one day for a few hours, FIND A DAMN SITTER!

Can someone please tell me I'm not being a crazy lady?! This is so ridiculous. I spent all night crying and now hubby and I aren't talking. His family is the side that won't be able to make it because they all sit for each other. UGH!

Side note: I WILL not do a separate shower for the family. This is for everyone to come together for us. I will not make exceptions. Sorry, I know I sound harsh, but this is so unbelievably disrespectful to me.
Morning ladies! I have a major dilemma and I need some feedback.

I am in the process of working with my sister to get the baby shower going. We are doing a cute pirate theme and my sister is taking over. She said that she will do it all with the help of my mom and a friend. That is a huge weight lifted. At first I wanted to plan it, but now I am ok with her doing it all.

SO, I need to get all of my friend's mailing addresses for her. I post something on FB because I don't have everyone's phone numbers. I let them know the date and that it is co-ed and that there are no kids.

My sister-in-law texts me right away and says, "No kids at the baby shower??? I can't go then." My cousin then texts me saying, "Here's my address but I want to bring my daughter." I told them both, no, sorry no kids. My cousin says, "She's 15, she's not a kid" YES SHE IS! NO KIDS! I'm sorry, but I am doing a co-ed party because I have such a wide group of friends I wanted everyone to feel comfortable. If all my friends brought their kids there'd be more kids than adults. In my opinion, baby showers are not for kids in the first place.

Am I wrong here? It's not at my house, and I don't want kids there. It's our last get together with friends and family before we have kids. This has been a fight for us, we've been trying to have a kid for 7 years. This is huge for us. I'm giving everyone a 3 month heads up. It's one day for a few hours, FIND A DAMN SITTER!

Can someone please tell me I'm not being a crazy lady?! This is so ridiculous. I spent all night crying and now hubby and I aren't talking. His family is the side that won't be able to make it because they all sit for each other. UGH!

Side note: I WILL not do a separate shower for the family. This is for everyone to come together for us. I will not make exceptions. Sorry, I know I sound harsh, but this is so unbelievably disrespectful to me.

ugh. can we just go back to how fabulous you look in your 23 week pic?? sigh - so sorry this is causing drama for you. what does hubs want? you said that both of you had decided you wanted no kids there - but his family is the "problem" end. don't let this come between you two. i agree that this is one last request for you two to have selfishly WHATEVER you want. we were incredibly selfish and bossy about our wedding since we paid for it all and we were so happy about it. sure there was some drama and whining, but you know what? the people that cared about us made it happen and dealt with it. everyone was FINE. anyway... i don't know what the specifics are of your relationship with all these people but i would say stand your ground or have sis get in touch with them and explain this is what you guys wanted. they will either figure it out or not come. and i seriously doubt they get to the point of not coming. just my 2 cents.

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