Spring Babies

Qwerty - thank you about the pic comment. <3

And you are right, it is the last time that we can selfishly do what we want. I don't know why this is become such an issue and I think it's a good suggestion to have my sister be the one handling it. She is the hostess and it is her house.
Morning ladies! I have a major dilemma and I need some feedback.

I am in the process of working with my sister to get the baby shower going. We are doing a cute pirate theme and my sister is taking over. She said that she will do it all with the help of my mom and a friend. That is a huge weight lifted. At first I wanted to plan it, but now I am ok with her doing it all.

SO, I need to get all of my friend's mailing addresses for her. I post something on FB because I don't have everyone's phone numbers. I let them know the date and that it is co-ed and that there are no kids.

My sister-in-law texts me right away and says, "No kids at the baby shower??? I can't go then." My cousin then texts me saying, "Here's my address but I want to bring my daughter." I told them both, no, sorry no kids. My cousin says, "She's 15, she's not a kid" YES SHE IS! NO KIDS! I'm sorry, but I am doing a co-ed party because I have such a wide group of friends I wanted everyone to feel comfortable. If all my friends brought their kids there'd be more kids than adults. In my opinion, baby showers are not for kids in the first place.

Am I wrong here? It's not at my house, and I don't want kids there. It's our last get together with friends and family before we have kids. This has been a fight for us, we've been trying to have a kid for 7 years. This is huge for us. I'm giving everyone a 3 month heads up. It's one day for a few hours, FIND A DAMN SITTER!

Can someone please tell me I'm not being a crazy lady?! This is so ridiculous. I spent all night crying and now hubby and I aren't talking. His family is the side that won't be able to make it because they all sit for each other. UGH!

Side note: I WILL not do a separate shower for the family. This is for everyone to come together for us. I will not make exceptions. Sorry, I know I sound harsh, but this is so unbelievably disrespectful to me.

No! It's whatever you want - it's your shower! Keep us posted on how things go. I love the pirate theme!
Hello lovely ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, had the flu last week and barely left the sofa until yesterday morning when I came back to work! Can't believe how much it takes it out of you when you can't take medicine! I went to the pharmacy and asked whether there was anything I could take and they just laughed at me and sold me some tissues!

Feeling better now but MS has made an appearance again for the last few days :cry:

30 weeks this week! Feeling great though and she's so active which is lovely. Last night she was poking her foot (or hand) for ages on my tummy and DH could feel her little foot (or hand) and he got really emotional, bless him!

Anyone else thinking of buying a baby sling/carrier? I am as it'll be really convinient when we go to France to oversee the business in June but i've no idea on brands etc?

Hope you're all doing ok.

Tee - completely agree, it's your decision and don't listen to their moaning! x x :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, had the flu last week and barely left the sofa until yesterday morning when I came back to work! Can't believe how much it takes it out of you when you can't take medicine! I went to the pharmacy and asked whether there was anything I could take and they just laughed at me and sold me some tissues!

Feeling better now but MS has made an appearance again for the last few days :cry:

30 weeks this week! Feeling great though and she's so active which is lovely. Last night she was poking her foot (or hand) for ages on my tummy and DH could feel her little foot (or hand) and he got really emotional, bless him!

Anyone else thinking of buying a baby sling/carrier? I am as it'll be really convinient when we go to France to oversee the business in June but i've no idea on brands etc?

Hope you're all doing ok.

Tee - completely agree, it's your decision and don't listen to their moaning! x x :hugs:

Oh lilly - sorry that you were out and feeling horrid. Glad that you are on the mend. We bought a moby wrap used and plan to use this a lot in the first 9 months. We will also be getting an Ergo carrier hand me down from my sister in law which we also loved. I liked the Ergo because there were so many more points of contact than the baby bjorn so it puts less pressure on your shoulders and back. There are some drawbacks, like the baby always has to face you and not their environs but I think that is just fine :)
Hi girls!

Hope you're all doing well. OH is being a monster, I'm not speaking to him, had a lovely 4-hr nap yesterday, baby is tap-dancing on my insides, so cute - I could feel her little feet with my hand yesterday...um, that's my highlights :lol:

lilly, hope you're feeling better now. It's horrible being ill and not being able to take anything for it. I've been okay so far apart from the odd migraine and medication never helps those for me anyway. I just have to lie in a dark room and sleep it off.

re: slinging, I'm probably just going for a big piece of fabric, African-style. I think a lot of these slings are overpriced and women across the globe have been successfully wearing babies for years. What I'll probably do is buy one and then run some others up on the sewing machine. I'm also looking at belly-binding with fabric, too. Aside from this lovely diastasis recti I'm trying to fend off, I need everything to go back in place quickly because I have shows in June, so I'm turning to Africa and Asia and binding like they do. Until I started reading up on it, I never considered women feel funny like their guts are falling, but thinking about it, the uterus pushed all the organs out of the way so they kinda are falling... :wacko:

I can't believe I only have 13wks left! But at the same time, that's aaaaaaaaaaaages. Remember when you found out you were pregnant and think how long the next 13wks were bleh.

Tee, it's your baby shower, tell them it's your way or no way. I wish I could have one but I emigrated and don't have time to go back to UK before birth :(

Here's me this weekend, Maia's moved up a bit now and I have a definite bump. My hair's turned into a bird's nest since becoming pregnant; doesn't matter how much I condition it, so I've turned to my faithful wig collection. :lol:

Aw I have to get my laundry in. I put it on the front terrace hours ago in case it rained; hope it didn't blow into the street below :lol:

Emma - OMG you're picture is amazing! You look like such a hottie lol! Sorry about OH, what's wrong with him now? Absolutely no idea how you cope with him!

Probably a stupid question, but what material do you use to bind? won't that be uncomforatable?

Thanks for the sling tips - will defintely be getting one. Whenever i mention it to people they tell me about the risk of her being smothered, is that a real risk??

I probably just overreacted massively but I was sitting at my desk and my boss came over and started pushing my chair (he's a pretty fat man so there was a lot of weight behind it) and pushed my bump into the desk. I shouted at him and told him not to do it! I don't have any pain or anything and I know she's pretty well protected in there so i'm not worried but how stupid are some people? Or possibly i'm just incredibly moody today lol!

x x
Lilly - I hope you're feeling better!! :hugs:

Emma - You are looking great!! Swit swoo!

AFM - Nothing much different here. Still achey & can't do a whole lot. Our weather is miserable anyways so at least I don't feel too bad about not bothering to leave the house! Going shopping with Mam tomorrow to stock up on baby essentials. Trying to do a little bit of housework here & there to get ready for baby arriving & the influx of visitors. I get light headed so easily though so there's not a lot I can do in one go. Mam has been such a great help! I can't believe I'm down to EIGHT weeks & six days!! :happydance:
I'm so jealous of your plans Karry - can just about stay awake at work i'm so tired.

How's your bump getting along? big now?

Agree with you about the weather!
Morning ladies!

Whew, I've been a busy bee.

Our nursery is coming along. We've got the painting done and just waiting to pick out the wood flooring, then we finally get to set up the crib and other furniture!

Today I hit 24 weeks! Had my OB check-up yesterday and when my doc measured my uterus he said, "This is a big baby!" I got a little scared but he said that it's better than a small baby! I should have asked him what I was measuring at, but my uterus is really close to my ribs and trust me I can feel it when I try to sleep. LOL

Also, I am counting my kicks. He said (my doc) that it's normal routine, every doc is different, but he said that I should get 15 kicks a day and between 8-9pm when the baby is most active I should get 4 in that hour. I get 15 before noon and the 4 I get in the first 5 minutes of the hour. This baby is so active! He's starting to kick so hard I can see my whole stomach move! It's so incredible.

Here are some pics!!! (I am going to go back and read all the other entries I've missed) <3


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Emma - you look amazing! What a beautiful bump!!!!

Karry - wow only 61 days to go!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!! nad Lilly - only 70 to go! Oh my goodness, time is flying by!!

Qwerty - how are you doing??!! I hope you aren't too exhausted from work. <3

I hope all you ladies are having a wonderful week so far!!
Loving the room Tee, looks great! You must put an updated one on when it's all done!

Lily has moved so far up her head is poking at the front of my tummy right under my ribs lol (could be her bum I guess). Cannot wait to meet her now. Isn't it crazy how much we love them already and they're not even here yet?

Yay for 24 weeks Tee, love the new bump picture too! :thumbup:
Home alone for a few days *does happy dance*

After OH and I arguing because I suggested he take the concrete work overseas for two months, instead of banking on local work from a company he's contracted with in the past who are repeatedly all talk, so action (and this time too after us arguing they didn't keep their word), he's gone to a meeting for this contract that starts in Feb. Then next week he has to go to the US for a few days to fit his sculpture in the US and then he's off to do the theme park animatronics in Europe for 2mos.

It will be weird being home alone, especially being pregnant, but at least we can get back on top of the rent, stay here until the end of our lease in 2 and a half years, and get Maia stuff she needs. Gave him some action last night so he's happy as Larry - I'm just not feeling it at all, don't know if it's just the hormones or him being annoying as hell, but I could totally take or leave sex right now.

Decided I'd use it as a bargaining tool to get my own way and after I give birth my bits may never be the same again (no one ever tells you the truth lol) so I may's well give him some fond memories.

I have the longest body ever; my uterus is only just above my belly button. I'm hoping it never reaches my ribs as I'm finding it hard to sing now and don't wish for a big baby head to get in the way :lol: I love when she sticks her head or butt out the front of my belly. She's definitely reacting to being patted and stroked now. :)

Ah, I need (more) food. Been hungry today. Think it's relief. Maia keeps kicking me in the butt, not sure what she's trying to say :lol:
Oh Lilly, believe me - you definitely don't want to be jealous of me! I'm jealous that you're still able to work! I had to quit about half way through the first trimester!! My bump is absolutley massive! But apparently the baby is normal but I have a lot of fluid. Going to ask doc to measure baby at our next appointment on the 11th.

Tee - I only realised that myself! I was so focussed on the week numbers that I managed to forget the days were counting down too! :haha: 60 today which means I'm in the 50s tomorrow! :happydance: I love your nursery pictures! How do I add pictures? Can't figure it out!
Oh Lilly, believe me - you definitely don't want to be jealous of me! I'm jealous that you're still able to work! I had to quit about half way through the first trimester!! My bump is absolutley massive! But apparently the baby is normal but I have a lot of fluid. Going to ask doc to measure baby at our next appointment on the 11th.

Tee - I only realised that myself! I was so focussed on the week numbers that I managed to forget the days were counting down too! :haha: 60 today which means I'm in the 50s tomorrow! :happydance: I love your nursery pictures! How do I add pictures? Can't figure it out!

Karry - below the "submit reply" is additional options and if you click on "Manage Attachements" a box will pop up and you can upload pictures :)

I can't wait until our flooring is done. We've picked out the color wood we want and I am hoping it will be installed in the next weekend or two. It's so exciting. All my pregnant girlfriends have their nurseries all set up and ready to go. I feel so behind.
Think I figured it out! Thanks Tee! Never would have found that on my own! :thumbup: There is still a bit of work to be done - we're waiting on some deliveries of wall stickers from eBay & the crib in the pictures is to be moved to our room & the cot will go in this room. We'll hopefully be getting the cot & moses basket this weekend but with the weather being so bad that might not happen. They're only coming from my in-laws anyways so at least I know they're there. I wish they were here & set up but what can you do. My MIL has two grown children, one still living at home, & three foster children so I don't want to keep hassling her to get the stuff down from the attic :coffee:


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Think I figured it out! Thanks Tee! Never would have found that on my own! :thumbup: There is still a bit of work to be done - we're waiting on some deliveries of wall stickers from eBay & the crib in the pictures is to be moved to our room & the cot will go in this room. We'll hopefully be getting the cot & moses basket this weekend but with the weather being so bad that might not happen. They're only coming from my in-laws anyways so at least I know they're there. I wish they were here & set up but what can you do. My MIL has two grown children, one still living at home, & three foster children so I don't want to keep hassling her to get the stuff down from the attic :coffee:

Oh wow, that is beautiful! It looks so calm and cozy and I love the bassinet! LOVE IT!
Love the pictures Karry! The room looks so lovely!

How is everyone? Bought some new bras at the weekend and they're like heaven! Went from a 34DD to a 38D, no wonder they've felt tight underneath my boobs!

Getting so big now, can't see my feet and certainly can't paint my toe nails! Also got a craving for chocolate like i've never had before!

Emma - awesome that you have the place to yourself! When is he back?

Lilly - Hi there! I hope you had a great weekend. I had to get new bras at the beginning, I think it was from all the progesterone I was taking, but now I'm noticing they are starting to get bigger again. When I was telling my hubby that I had to get some new bras again he said, didn't you just get some? HAHAH Silly men, they don't know a thing about pregnancy. Also, I am still having problems sleeping, while I don't think a pregnancy pillow will solve it, I think it would definitely help. My hubby can't seem to grasp the thought of spending 60 bucks on a pillow that I will only use for the remainder of the 3 months. UGH! I'm getting really frustrated with him on that. I just want to sleep! Any ladies have the pillow and still have issues sleeping. I think this is my one HUGE complaint about being pregnant. My ribs and hips are really starting to get sore. Also, I've been noticing my hips popping a lot lately.
I'm loving the nursery pics :D I feel like maybe I should get started, but I can't be bothered :lol: Maia's sleeping with us so her room's not been touched yet; still a guest room with two single beds in it lol.

Love the pictures Karry! The room looks so lovely!

How is everyone? Bought some new bras at the weekend and they're like heaven! Went from a 34DD to a 38D, no wonder they've felt tight underneath my boobs!

Getting so big now, can't see my feet and certainly can't paint my toe nails! Also got a craving for chocolate like i've never had before!

Emma - awesome that you have the place to yourself! When is he back?


Boobs have either shrunk or I'm used to them now - I think it's the latter. Omg and the PAIN when I go into a cold room for too long. Have a mini hot water bottle gets stuffed in my top just to stop the throbbing. I've had it in there all day :lol:

Urgh he came back from the first trip, goes to Baltimore on Wednesday for a few days, then is HOPEFULLY gone within two weeks for at least 6wks. Can't wait!

He's majorly upset me this time, always going on about how I don't make an effort any more - can't win either way, like hell am I trying. Moaned that everyone else at the restaurant had makeup on at lunch yesterday apart from me, moaned that I go out of my way to choose outfits that make me look fatter, that I never wear my hair down any more blah blah blah.

Went on about it at regular intervals; fact is, only clothes that fit me now are my sports-type ones. All my other stuff is made to measure stage and off-stage wear that doesn't go anywhere near me while pregnant and I don't see the point in spending loads on a new wardrobe while my body keeps changing and I'm due in 3mos.

The 'restaurant' was not a restaurant; it was a local carvery where all the locals go for Sunday roast. They've all seen me dressed to the nines onstage and TV and they've all seen me on the beach with no makeup on and hair scraped back. They were there to eat dinner and meet with family and friends and I'm sure didn't care about my appearance.

If I'd gone to the trouble of finding something formal to wear, I would have had to get up earlier, and I was exhausted yesterday, as I would have had to style my hair and paint my face. Then I would have been chilly walking round the two markets he dragged me round before lunch. I wore jeans with leggings underneath to keep me warm, and a long jumper. Pretty much what everyone else wears at the market. At the carvery, people are too busy stuffing their faces to expect a fashion show and that's the way I like it.

My hair stylist moved to the mainland last year and after a disaster trim with a so-called professional since then, I've decided to wait until I find someone who is good at handling my hair, rather than have someone butcher it. If he thinks wearing my hair down when it's dry and split-ended is preferable to tying it back in a neat bun, then we're going to have to disagree. And I am not going to the hassle of pinning it all to my head and wearing wigs to the damn market. Until I find a stylist worth keeping, I'm not wearing my hair out just to please him, simple.

Oh yeah, and at the market, he looks at my jacket and goes, "I know you say it's fashionable and expensive, but that jacket's really not nice," (like he's said a dozen times before - probably hates that I continue to wear it). All the while, I'm standing there in a nice fitted Bench fleece, which I like and was expensive but worth the money, and he's standing there in some trashy fleece that looks like it's been stepped on.

And this is the guy gets upset when I don't feel like sex. He's not right in the head, I swear. I'm quite happy being a sex hormone wasteland right now, but his cheek makes me feel vitriolic - does he seriously think I find him anything but repulsive when he behaves like this? Aaaaaaargh!!! My mum says he has womb envy :lol: And she reminded me how her ex/my step-father used to put her down to make himself feel better about himself - even admitted it to her when they split.

So he thinks I should just get over it and I'm extra emotional and hormonal at the moment - it's not even like his words have cut me, more that I'm so enraged he has the cheek to be such a hypocrite and so shallow, that all I can do is be upset about it.

He knows he's being mean and is doing it on purpose, because I said last week how I hate that I don't have makeup to wear (my skintone changes each season and I need my winter stuff!) or any decent clothes to make me feel good, or get my hair to look nice no matter what products I use 'cause all I need is a good cut. I know he's doing it on purpose; he has a horrible nasty streak. He does this and then cooks and cleans, and sings mine and Maia's praises to his clients and colleagues, like it makes up for his bad behaviour.


Back to the baby - I am loving the crazy rolls and other movements she's doing at the moment. She has the odd quiet day, but seems to be having a ball in there, experimenting with all her motor skills. Can't wait to meet her. :cloud9:

How are you all doing with your pregnancies and work and families? :)

Lilly - Hi there! I hope you had a great weekend. I had to get new bras at the beginning, I think it was from all the progesterone I was taking, but now I'm noticing they are starting to get bigger again. When I was telling my hubby that I had to get some new bras again he said, didn't you just get some? HAHAH Silly men, they don't know a thing about pregnancy. Also, I am still having problems sleeping, while I don't think a pregnancy pillow will solve it, I think it would definitely help. My hubby can't seem to grasp the thought of spending 60 bucks on a pillow that I will only use for the remainder of the 3 months. UGH! I'm getting really frustrated with him on that. I just want to sleep! Any ladies have the pillow and still have issues sleeping. I think this is my one HUGE complaint about being pregnant. My ribs and hips are really starting to get sore. Also, I've been noticing my hips popping a lot lately.

Yeah, it's weird 'cause I'm not sleeping in a different position but I always wake up feeling bruised on the hip and upper arm. And the sleep quality hasn't improved. Having weird dreams too :D
Emma - Man, this guy of your's is a piece of work! I don't understand men's thinking when they treat you like crap and then expect to get love from you! It doesn't work that way! Unlike them, we love with our emotions, not our body parts. Not to mention you are carrying his child, I mean, kudos to you for keeping your cool, I don't know if I would be as strong as you. YOU are doing everything right. I don't even know the guy but I am so stoked he'll be gone for 6 weeks and you will finally have some alone time with Maia and time to relax and be happy! Man, that guy is a huge buttface!

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