Spring Babies

Emma - Man, this guy of your's is a piece of work! I don't understand men's thinking when they treat you like crap and then expect to get love from you! It doesn't work that way! Unlike them, we love with our emotions, not our body parts. Not to mention you are carrying his child, I mean, kudos to you for keeping your cool, I don't know if I would be as strong as you. YOU are doing everything right. I don't even know the guy but I am so stoked he'll be gone for 6 weeks and you will finally have some alone time with Maia and time to relax and be happy! Man, that guy is a huge buttface!

:lol: He just asked what I'm laughing at, I burst out laughing when I read buttface. Ahahaha that cheered me up, thanks, Tee :D

I will never understand some men - we women are totally connected to our emotions and our bodies but they are able to separate theirs. I'm just focusing on Maia and staying relaxed as possible so she stays chilled out in there. Well, I say chilled out but she feels like she's in training for the Olympics sometimes! :dohh:

Oh for a decent night's sleep aaaaaah. It's 18:50 and I'm ready for bed. Wish I could sleep right through 'til morning for once.
Emma - HAHAHH I am glad I could make you laugh! I wanted to use a little more explicit words, but I held my tongue.

I agree about the Olympics. I posted on my facebook about the baby kicking and attached a youtube clip from the Matrix where Neo and Morpheus fight. That's what it feels like sometimes.
Haha so glad you're feeling more of those moves Tee! Was gonna ask... Karry your nursery looks so sweet and calm. You have so much space in there which is so perfect. Lilly, I went out and bought a new bra too last week. Luckily at TJ Maxx you can get a sweet one for around six bucks so I didn't feel too bad. The ones I borrowed from my mom just weren't big enough anymore... Forget about mine! Emma, please keep managing your cool. You are incredible, and when you feel like getting all dolled up do it for you :) I hear you about the hair especially. Think I will treat myself to a nice cut before May but not yet. I only get it cut once or twice a year because my hair grows SO slow and last cut was pretty aggressively short for me. Want to be able to keep it tied back for the summer this year since it's curly and I'll have a newborn.

Anyhow, just a nice Monday afternoon aimless post. Hope you all are doing well!
I'm so glad you guys like our nursery! We actually painted it that colour when we built the house so it worked out well! My alphabet wall stickers arrived yesterday so I'll be starting on that shortly & will upload more pictures. I've moved the bags out as well & they're now downstairs ready to go! :happydance: My in-laws have a cot that will go in to that room & the crib that's in there will be in our room. They also have a moses basket that we'll use downstairs. Just need to get them over here...

Tee - I use a pregnancy pillow & I love it but I'd imagine if you don't want to spend the money you could use regular pillows to try support yourself a bit more? The main benefit I find with it is the part that goes between your knees which you could easily do with a regular cushion or pillow.

qwerty & Emma - I think the thing I'm most looking forward to after baby arrives (obviously apart from all the baby related stuff!) is getting my hair cut & dyed! I'm afraid to get it dyed while pregnant so I have awful roots (have dark brown hair which I had gotten highlighted a couple of times before getting pregnant) & I also have greys that I am so embarrassed about! :blush:

Emma - I totally agree with Tees description of your OH. Hope you're ok :hugs:

AFM - Not quite as sore today which is brilliant. Still very sore but I can get off the couch now without tears! Yesterday I was so concerned about how I was even going to answer the door to the postman! Little dude is going crazy at the moment! Think he's making a break for freedom! :haha: 32 weeks today & one week until our next appointment :happydance:
Emma - I agree with Tee, he's a massive buttface and I cannot fathom how you haven't punched him in the head/face/stomach/goolies already! Can't understand why he thinks he can speak to you like that? Even if you weren't carrying his child, he shouldn't speak to you like that and deserves nothing less than a slap in the face! What does his mother think? Do you get on with her?

QWERTY - new bras are awesome aren't they? I can finally make it through the day without taking my bra off at work lol. I've lost so much dignity by people seeing my bra poking out of my bag next to my desk or something. Don't care though! FREEEEDDDOOOOOOM!

Tee - I have a massive pillow (5 ft long) and still have trouble sleeping. But I wouldn't be able to sleep at all if it weren't for the pillow as it helps so much when it goes between my knees and lifts my hip. But then, as Karry said, you could do this with a regular pillow really. I got mine from eBay and it was about £11 (it looks like a giant penis though as the pillow case is flesh coloured :haha:. You could get a smaller one and tell him that (which is true) you'll use it for nursing after the baby is here so that it's not just for while you're pregnant? He'll probably even get use out of it if you're bottle feeding/expressing?

Lily's bum is currently poking out under my ribs.

Karry, this is your 2nd isn't it? How do you know when they've gone head down?

x x
QWERTY - new bras are awesome aren't they? I can finally make it through the day without taking my bra off at work lol. I've lost so much dignity by people seeing my bra poking out of my bag next to my desk or something. Don't care though! FREEEEDDDOOOOOOM!

x x

you are amazing :) this is hilarious!
AHHH I'm a cauliflower! SO WEIRD!!! was wondering what was up next.
Nope Lilly, this is my first (except for a second tri loss) so I ain't got a clue either! I only know he was head down at last appointment because doctor told me but he's probably moved since.

qwerty - I'm always fascinated with the tickers! I'm just glad I've moved off pineapple - that sounded painful! :haha:
Sorry Karry, that was really insensitive of me. I don't know why I thought this wasn't your first.

Had our first NCT class last night. Was good but bit weird at points. DH's face drained of colour when she told us about "perennial massages" but I assured him afterwards that I didn't want one! Some colour then returned to his face!

Qwerty - lol - i have no shame!

Can't believe how fast the third tri is going! 9 week tomorrow!

Hope you ladies are all good today.

x x
Hola ladies!!!!

I have to share this. SO you know how we are all loving the veggie thing to measure the babies growth? I tell my hubby (according to my phone app "I'm expecting") it says that my baby is the size of a zucchini and I use the Baby and Bump app too and it says cauliflower. I ask him to pick up either one from the store for our Bump Pic. He gets the zucchini. I guess I didn't really think about different types of zucchini :dohh: so he got what was at the store and they are about 6 inches. So for the pic I was holding two together :blush:. I was laughing so hard. This is by far the more memorable bump pic.

Also! We picked up our flooring and hoping to have it installed next weekend! I CAN'T WAIT to set up the crib!


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Hola ladies!!!!

I have to share this. SO you know how we are all loving the veggie thing to measure the babies growth? I tell my hubby (according to my phone app "I'm expecting") it says that my baby is the size of a zucchini and I use the Baby and Bump app too and it says cauliflower. I ask him to pick up either one from the store for our Bump Pic. He gets the zucchini. I guess I didn't really think about different types of zucchini :dohh: so he got what was at the store and they are about 6 inches. So for the pic I was holding two together :blush:. I was laughing so hard. This is by far the more memorable bump pic.

Also! We picked up our flooring and hoping to have it installed next weekend! I CAN'T WAIT to set up the crib!

hahaha so great! the zucchini is super lame, sorry Tee :p ANYONE could have a zucchini sized thing inside them. glad you put two together at least. what kind of flooring you get? We put in marsh oak from home depot that was the "cheapest of the nice stuff" when we bought our house a few years ago. We really fun to put in! Get that floor down so you can set up more shiz.

how's everyone? lilly, for the record we're totally doing those massages. i keep giggling and feel like i have to poop sorry tmi... but baby is measuring HUGE right now and has a giant head which runs in DH's family.
Qwerty - Ok, so i mocked before but i'm now thinking it might be a good idea? I'm keen not to involve DH so will do it myself! Is it easy to do yourself? DH and his brother have hammer heads (no wonder his mother is a miserable b*tch) and I was quite concerned she'd inherit this but the scans have calmed most of those fears. But I guess it could have elongated since 20 weeks?!?!

Love the veggies Tee, you couldn't notice that it was two from the picture!

I'm a pineapple today which strikes me as uncomfortable but fingers crossed she has no spikes in there!

x x
Qwerty - I should have went with the cauliflower, much better to look at! At least I have a head of lettuce or an eggplant to look forward to next week.

The flooring that we got is called walnut, but it's laminent. We went with the 12mm size so that it isn't so loud when you walk on it, and we got some foam padding stuff to put down first so that it makes it even quieter. My step dad does flooring, so he found a great price for us and isn't charging us to put it in. I think when we are done with the nursery we are going to do the whole upstairs. I really can't wait to get this part done. Although it's only been a month since we started it feels like it's been forever. I just can't wait to see what it looks like with the crib set up. Whew! After that I have a feeling we'll really start the shopping. The good thing is that Hubby's mom is buying us the dresser and changing table, I am hoping my mom will get us the glider or the pack and play. Then we're set! I still can't believe it's only 3 months away. After everything we've been through and waiting 7 years to save up for IVF we are going to have a son in three months. It still blows my mind!

Karry - I was telling my hubby that I think from looking at the US pics that our son is going to have a huge head too, looks like he's got quite a bum on him too. And OMG a pineapple. I can't believe how fast the time is going by.

I mean, look at that head!


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Wow Tee, 7 years? How long were you trying naturally for? That must have been a really hard time for you? I think i've said before that I was born from IVF and I think it took my parents the same amount of time to have me and then had IVF again three years later and it worked first time for my sister.

Flooring sounds lovely! We live in a rental property and the carpets are really really nice but DH is renting a carpet cleaner to do the whole house to make sure it's super clean before she comes along!

Eaten far far too much today. DH is a personal trainer so is always keen on me eating really healthily. The other day at work i had a massive craving for toffee popcorn so I went to the shops on my lunchbreak and bought a multipack of butterkist toffee popcorn and ate a bag in my car and then hid the rest under the seat. Well, that night we went out and went in my car, and DH drove and asked me why the steering wheel was so sticky. I had to confess that i'd had a small bag but didn't tell him about the multipack under his seat. He started reaching behind him to find a cloth to wipe the steering wheel and i was expecting to hear the rustle of the packets but thankfully he didn't feel them and i smuggled them into work yesterday :happydance:. I'm sooooooo sad!
aRG Tee you have me sobbing with your excitement. you guys deserve thus and has been such a long road for you. so happy for you!!

your flooring sounds perfect. sweet deal and sounds like it will be expertly installed.

lilly - i'm sure you can do the massage yourself - DH read about how to do it in "the birth partner" - might be tricky to bend your finger towards bum with that angle but i figure anything is better than nothing! I'm feeling the same way about eating habits lately. DH is on the side of as long as you put the healthy stuff in its ok that the unhealthy stuff is going in too. I have kind of been going with this my entire pregnancy and I feel like I need to pull in the reins a bit so am trying to cut back a bit on sweets. Sounds like you eat pretty healthily all the time and the caramel corn is the exception. go for it! i have to make it the exception again not the regular...
Lilly - I got PG naturally when I was 21 with twins and MC'd. Then 4 years later I met hubby and we decided to try shortly after and got PG on our first try and it ended in ectopic. After that I was told my remining tube was blocked so we've been trying since, but figured OK this isn't happening and there's no WAY we can save 15-20 grand for IVF, but 7 years later, here we are! WHEW! I do remember you saying that you were an IVF baby, I think that is so amazing! I've been journaling since my journey and I think our son will know how much he was wanted. IVF is an amazing experience.

Qwerty - I'm so emotional and mushy lately. The other day I was driving to work remembering how 5 years ago DH and I were sitting on our patio having a brew and saying that we're going to have the cutest kids. HAHAH my hubby is gorgeous, dark hair, blue eyes, lond eye lashes and just so handsome. I was in my car remembering this conversation and thinking then, it might never happen. That I will leave this earth without leaving behind a piece of the most amazing thing in my life, me and my hubby. It was heartbreaking to think about. Now I have this perfect human inside me, taking him with me everywhere I go and I can't be more thankful.

GAH, I am so sorry. I am so emotional!!! <3 I am just so in love!!!
Qwerty - I'm so emotional and mushy lately. The other day I was driving to work remembering how 5 years ago DH and I were sitting on our patio having a brew and saying that we're going to have the cutest kids. HAHAH my hubby is gorgeous, dark hair, blue eyes, lond eye lashes and just so handsome. I was in my car remembering this conversation and thinking then, it might never happen. That I will leave this earth without leaving behind a piece of the most amazing thing in my life, me and my hubby. It was heartbreaking to think about. Now I have this perfect human inside me, taking him with me everywhere I go and I can't be more thankful.

GAH, I am so sorry. I am so emotional!!! <3 I am just so in love!!!

AHHHH stoppit! i feel exactly same way lately. especially about hubby (he's also dark, blue eyed and long lashes!) - so much so that i feel kinda pathetic that i am just so sappy and lovey-dovy.

it's my birthday this weekend so i'm allowed to be all mushy and in love:happydance:
Qwerty - I'm so emotional and mushy lately. The other day I was driving to work remembering how 5 years ago DH and I were sitting on our patio having a brew and saying that we're going to have the cutest kids. HAHAH my hubby is gorgeous, dark hair, blue eyes, lond eye lashes and just so handsome. I was in my car remembering this conversation and thinking then, it might never happen. That I will leave this earth without leaving behind a piece of the most amazing thing in my life, me and my hubby. It was heartbreaking to think about. Now I have this perfect human inside me, taking him with me everywhere I go and I can't be more thankful.

GAH, I am so sorry. I am so emotional!!! <3 I am just so in love!!!

AHHHH stoppit! i feel exactly same way lately. especially about hubby (he's also dark, blue eyed and long lashes!) - so much so that i feel kinda pathetic that i am just so sappy and lovey-dovy.

it's my birthday this weekend so i'm allowed to be all mushy and in love:happydance:

OH YAY!!! Happy early birthday to you!!!! I'm never on the weekends. Are you doing anything fun??
OH YAY!!! Happy early birthday to you!!!! I'm never on the weekends. Are you doing anything fun??

Thank you! It's technically on Monday but I have a horrid day at work and decided that this weekend will be observed b-day. Gonna go get Dim Sum brunch, bake a cake for myself, and hubby has some surprise for Saturday.
Lilly - Don't give it a second thought! I don't mind talking about it at all & sure how were you to know? :hugs: I had my classes too & can't tell you how relieved I am that those massages weren't mentioned! I can't imagine I'd be thrilled to have DH do that & he's so over protective & careful that if a doctor or midwive told him that he was supposed to do those massages I'd have no say in the matter! :haha: I love your popcorn stash! I don't even try to hide my evidence anymore! :blush:

Tee - I agree with the veggies! They seem to differ so much! Loving the new pic! :thumbup: And I love the sound of the new flooring - when we were building here I really wanted walnut doors but couldn't find nice ones. Can't wait to see pics! I think your baby (head & all!) looks adorable! I can't wait to see ours again on Tuesday :happydance: I too can't believe you've been trying for so long! You guys totally deserve this & will make amazing parents :hugs:

qwerty - Early happy birthday! Hope you have an amazing weekend! :flower:

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