Spring Babies

Qwerty - I hope you get super spoiled this weekend!!!

Karry - thank you!! I really hope we'll be great parents. The closer I get the more nervous I get. I just want to raise him right and make him happy. It's scary! HAHAH

Oh ladies. I haven't told anyone yet, because I don't like hearing my friend's and family's opinions, but I will tell you ladies because you are all the best! I think we have a name picked out. I just need my DH to say yes. When I ask him he says he's still waiting for something to stick out at him and he'll just know. But for now, and I think this is it, the name we are going with is............ Noah Wayne. Wayne is my DH's middle name. I really wanted to do a Jr. (Wesley Wayne) but he won't go for it. SO Noah Wayne is the closest I can get. I liked Wyatt too, but I think DH thinks I am getting too Western. HAHAH so YAY!
I just need my DH to say yes. When I ask him he says he's still waiting for something to stick out at him and he'll just know.

hahaha it's like what they say about wedding dresses! I keep hoping this too but I have a bunch of favs that husband is not so into for one reason or another.

i LOVE noah wayne. i think it's so perfect. try a sly move like, "oh honey little noah wayne just heard your voice and kicked!" :p

think now i'm totally into ethan, morgan and bryce (or bryson). feel free to chime in if you want! i've got a tough skin with this topic (Tee you're right family and friends NOT great for this game...)
I just need my DH to say yes. When I ask him he says he's still waiting for something to stick out at him and he'll just know.

hahaha it's like what they say about wedding dresses! I keep hoping this too but I have a bunch of favs that husband is not so into for one reason or another.

i LOVE noah wayne. i think it's so perfect. try a sly move like, "oh honey little noah wayne just heard your voice and kicked!" :p

think now i'm totally into ethan, morgan and bryce (or bryson). feel free to chime in if you want! i've got a tough skin with this topic (Tee you're right family and friends NOT great for this game...)

OOOO Ethan was one of the other ones I was thinking of at first too. Here's a few others.


I keep wanted to do Flynn Ryder then the DH reminded me that it's the character from teh Disney movie Tangled. HAHAH that's why I liked it!
Oh Tee, I know the feeling! I'm so excited to have this baby & can't wait to meet him but am terrified at the same time! I have little to no experience with teeny babies! And am worried that everything I do/don't do will effect him later in life! Guess I'll have to get over that fairly quickly! And I LOVE the name you've picked!

qwerty - I love the name you've picked too! It was on our short list too but DHs uncle bet us to it & have a little Ethan already. We were also thinking Nathan but DH thought it was too similar :coffee:

We keep getting told the name we've picked (Scott Gunning) sounds like a 50s detective - that just makes me like it even more! :haha:
Oh Tee, I know the feeling! I'm so excited to have this baby & can't wait to meet him but am terrified at the same time! I have little to no experience with teeny babies! And am worried that everything I do/don't do will effect him later in life! Guess I'll have to get over that fairly quickly! And I LOVE the name you've picked!

qwerty - I love the name you've picked too! It was on our short list too but DHs uncle bet us to it & have a little Ethan already. We were also thinking Nathan but DH thought it was too similar :coffee:

We keep getting told the name we've picked (Scott Gunning) sounds like a 50s detective - that just makes me like it even more! :haha:

ooo that is so cool! I love it!
DOUBLE DIGITS TO GO TEE! can't believe we're here!

hope you ladies have a great monday:thumbup:
Yay for double digits!

Had the MW this morning and apparently she's head down but she's still got ages to move about but i think she's been there for a while as they said they could feel her bum and knees and that's exactly where i've felt stuff so make sense! :happydance:

Karry - tell me about it! DH won't even let me lift the bath mat anymore or pick my dog up for a cuddle, bless him! He is so protective of me and I get nervous about what information he'll come across next as if he reads or hears something that might be good for me, he makes me do it!

How is everyone today? x x
Morning ladies!!

Karry - I love the name Scott Gunning, it's so different and a strong name for a boy!

Qwerty - OMG I was like what is she talking about we have 14 weeks to go, but then I saw the 99 days! Holy crap!

Lilly - How exciting about feeling the little one like that. I can't wait until I can tell which end is which. LOL

AFM: We finally registered this weekend. We hit one out of the 3 stores we wanted to hit but I didn't think we'd spend two hours at the first. THEN on the way home we stopped by a BuyBuy Baby, have you ladies been or seen that place? Now I want to register there. It's like a Bed Bath and Beyond but all baby stuff! I mean everything you can think of.

We are getting the flooring for the nursery done this weekend! I'm so excited to set up the crib and the swing. I think setting up the crib and putting away the baby clothes is going to freak me out. In a good way. It's all coming together! I just can't believe that in 3 months I am going to have a son!!!! OH and I've been craving MEAT LIKE CRAZY! It's so not like me either, I'm not a huge meat eater and lately all I want is sausage and hamburgers. LOL

My hubby has been getting pretty crafty, I think it's his way of nesting. We got a plain black lampshade and my hubby made a stencil and created an awesome pirate shade, and we thought that it'd be fitting to cover the cord with rope. Here's some pics!!


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Hehe I love the pirate shade :)

You girls are making me laugh! Tee, Maia feels like she has a huge head, too. I love Noah, that was our boy choice, though Wesley Wayne sounds good, too. My cousin is due Friday 14th and she's calling her son Noah, so it's a good job I'm having a girl or I'd have to go back to the drawing board. Although, we liked Jacob and Joshua too, so would have been happy changing to one of those.

I went to the shops on my lunchbreak and bought a multipack of butterkist toffee popcorn and ate a bag in my car and then hid the rest under the seat. Well, that night we went out and went in my car, and DH drove and asked me why the steering wheel was so sticky. I had to confess that i'd had a small bag but didn't tell him about the multipack under his seat. He started reaching behind him to find a cloth to wipe the steering wheel and i was expecting to hear the rustle of the packets but thankfully he didn't feel them and i smuggled them into work yesterday :happydance:. I'm sooooooo sad!


Omg I was in so much discomfort yesterday; thought I was either having Braxton Hicks or Maia was practicing standing up straight in there - my whole abdomen was aching and I had the worst indigestion to boot. I couldn't bear to lie down so ended up sitting up straight on the sofa 'til late, eyes tripping me. I did waver, thinking about my planned natural labour - the pain was only mild last night and I was having visions of me saying, "Screw this, I changed my mind! Give me everything you've got!" lol but I don't think they have pain relief here other than epidural and I'm adamant I want to be able to walk around.

She's gone to war on my bladder even more today and I thought I would wee myself at the supermarket today whenever she kicked it. Each time she makes me think I need to desperately use the bathroom and I rush there and a teaspoon-sized trickle comes out. Naughty baby!

I was relieved to wake up this morning and find she'd moved a little higher - she was sooooooo low again yesterday - I think my belly gained an inch overnight from her new position. I have a bit of discomfort on my left side by my ribs; think it's the ligament, which is a first, as I usually just get the occasional pain on the right side.

Can't believe I'm in my seventh month! Seems crazy to think a little independent-minded miss is in there, just waiting to experience the world. I can't wait to see it through her eyes. :D

OH just got back from his trip to the States. He tried to bleat about sex but I gave him a firm No as I still don't feel 100% comfortable after Maia's acrobatics yesterday and my lack of sleep, and he's exhausted, so he's gone to bed. I made him his favourite dinner and bought his favourite red wine, so that's enough spoiling for him today.

I try to stroke my belly up to lift her out of my pelvis a bit and get comfy and then she starts kicking. I think she thinks it's a game. :dohh: I can't complain, though, it's the best experience ever, being pregnant. :)

Just noticed my top ticker - when I put it up, I was 3 from the left-hand side, now I'm 3 from the right. It felt like it would take forever to get to third trimester but suddenly, I'm here! And my vegetable changed haha.
Love your name choice Tee! Your DH is talented if he did that stencil! My pirate would have ended up looking like someone had pooed on the lamp!

Emma - it's so uncomfortable when they do that isn't it! Now her head is down it feels like I have a football between my legs and was sitting at the dinner table last night like a gross man with my legs spread lol. DH said he couldn't look at me!!

Good for you telling him no. Honestly, I think we could all slap him for you!

It's going just so quickly isn't it? I'm 8 months on Thursday!

Qwerty - did you have a lovely birthday? How's work going?

I made myself a little cushion fort last night on the bed while DH was in the shower, dimmed the lights, had my dog cuddled up next to me and played her one of my favourite Eienaudi songs and she was kicking away listening to it and then DH comes in, burps really loudly and puts the lights up full whack! If it hadnt' of made me laugh so much I'd have been annoyed!

Another NCT class tonight, this time we have to take our balls and she'll teach us exercises to help in labour......... :thumbup:
Morning everyone!

Birthday was awesome. Just spent so much time with hubby this weekend with no work for the whole day Saturday - I didn't even turn on my computer. Ate lots of cake that we made :) Things back at work have been quite busy, and I'm preparing for an interview next week. I don't think I can pretend I'm not pregnant anymore either - but the job doesn't stat until next January so maybe they just won't care. DH def thinks I should tell them because he thinks it will be awkward if I don't but at the same time I am so paranoid/protective... we'll see what the vibe is. Any advice is appreciated!

Oh, Emma - FYI there are many options for epidural where you can still walk around. One of my coworkers is the obstetric anesthesiologist at the hospital here (when she's not in lab!) and she sys they do it all the time - you just use a lot less of it and they can now "dial" the amount every 15 minutes to adjust to your needs. Talk with your doctor about options that you have.

LOVE the pirate lamp :) your hubs is so cute Tee.
Thanks, qwerty, I will. I think - as usual - all the expat mothers who've had children here have relished telling me their birth stories with a liberal dash of horror and maybe they didn't discuss options so they got the full dose or something. You'd think mums would be more helpful but so many want to dictate their way's the oooonly way and any other thoughts are disrespecting their choices. Gah!

I think I just squashed Maia's nose :( She was kicking my butt and punching my belly and I didn't realise how long she is now so when I rubbed above my bellybutton just out of habit, I felt a little button-sized protrusion of bone. Investigating, I prodded it before realising it might have been her nose. I hope she doesn't come out looking like a boxer. She's surreptitiously moved away from my invading hands now :lol:
Lilly - my hubby is a busy man, he can't sit still. I'm lucky for that because he's done the WHOLE nursery. I, of course will be doing the decorating though. But, never before has he been this crafty. I'm usually the one doing all the artsy fartsy stuff. I think this whole "daddy" thing is bringing out a whole different side to him. Plus it's cool to be able to tell your son that you made the lamp for him, ya know? And really quick about the football between the legs thing, is that what I am feeling when I roll over in bed? OMG I thought my cervix was getting twisted! So uncomfortable!!!

Qwerty - Happy belated birthday my friend!!! Your day sounds so perfect. I want to bake a cake and eat it all with my hubby HAHAHA! About your interview and whether or not you tell them you are pregnant, I know that you don't have to tell them that you are. It is your right. I've read that in the many pregnancy books that I have. And that they can't not hire you because you are pregnant. I know it's a touchy thing and who knows what people think. But you do whatever makes you feel comfortable, for sure! OOOO and there is an epidural that you can still walk around on? I wonder if that would make it feel less weird? I've heard so many stories about the different effects from epidurals. And... WOO HOO we have lettuce babies HAHAH

Emma - I am so sick of people's opinions. I swear it's like no woman has ever been pregnant but them and then they have to fill your head with what they think and know. But, every woman and every pregnancy is different. While I'll listen to what they have to say, I am not taking their advice. I am going in to this labor with no expectations except to have a healthy baby. If I go in and decide I want an epidural, I'm getting one. I'm just gonna wing it. I just know that no matter what you plan to do the baby is going to do what he/she is gonna do. <3 You do what you need to do to make it YOUR experience.
Haha I'm sick of them, too :D re: birth plan, I'm open to any changes, whatever feels right at the time. I can't wait for us all to have our babies! I wish I knew some people local at similar stage of pregnancy to me; everyone I know who was pregnant started popping them out in December :lol:
Haha I'm sick of them, too :D re: birth plan, I'm open to any changes, whatever feels right at the time. I can't wait for us all to have our babies! I wish I knew some people local at similar stage of pregnancy to me; everyone I know who was pregnant started popping them out in December :lol:

I'm with you. Everyone I know all live in different states or countries. But I do love having my B&B gals. You all keep me sane!
Morning my ladies!

So last night my hubby finally saw the baby punch! That's right, haha no more flutters, but a punch! SO amazing! Noah is really getting down in there, I am so loving this part of the pregnancy!

Also, BUMP PICS!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe the difference 13 weeks can make. I remember saying at 13 weeks too that I felt so huge, like, omg I am so pregnant. HAHAH oh boy. I can't wait to see what I'll look like at 30 weeks, because I am feeling huge now!

Happy BUMP day! HAHAH


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Love the bump pictures, can't believe how big he's got! You look like you've not put on any weight though - that's not fair lol!

Been getting braxton hicks the past couple of days that have taken my breathe away! Also she keeps changing sides so every now and then her back will go across the front of my belly, feels really weird!

At my antenatal classes the other night, they were saying that women who have regular cycles will more likely have a baby on or very close to their due date and those that have longer more irregular cycles are more likely to go over their due date. Mine were 28 days exactly (even to the hour!) but I wonder how accurate that statement is, have any of you guys ever heard that?

Lilly - I know, he's gotten really huge! My girlfriend is a week or two ahead of me and I am measuring bigger than her. I blame my back fat. HAHAH

It may look like I haven't gained any weight, but I have. It's all in my thighs and my rear! But I'm not complaining. It's all good and I should start doing some physical working out, but I like being lazy right now HAHAH. But thank you so much for the sweet compliment.

I am having a lot of BH lately too. It's mostly when I am laying down on my back. But the ones that take your breath away, whew, is that OK? You're getting so close to the due date. So exciting. I am also 28 days on the dot. I wonder if what you said about the due dates is correct. I really don't want to go far over my due date. I'm anxious enough as it is to meet my little man.

AFM: It's Valentine's Day! I woke up to the BEST presents this morning. I got some shoes, some Little Mermaid legos (we're big Disney freaks, and big kids lol) some candy, a onsie that says, "Shhh I'm mommy's secret admirer" and the BEST of all, a framed picture of our transfer day. The frame says, "Once in a while, right in the middle of and ordinary life love gives us a fairy tale" And I'm crying again!!! My DH is seriously amazing!!! I had to share!


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