Spring Babies

Lilly - Even the bath mat?? That's extreme! lol I definitely wouldn't be let pick up my dog - he's a Belgian Shepherd! (A little smaller than a German Shepherd) :haha:

Tee - A strong name? I like it! :happydance: I was sorting baby clothes yesterday - it's so cool! I'll be sick of messing around with the clothes by the time he actually gets here! :blush: I love that lampshade! Well done Mr. Tee! And your Valentines gifts are so cute! I told my DH not to bother because I can't get to the shops due to pain but he still got me a lovely box of chocolates & beautiful roses because apparently he has to "take care of his baby momma"! I told him I felt bad about not getting him anything & he told me that I'm doing everything he needs right now - how sweet! :hugs:

qwerty - Good luck with the interview! :thumbup:

Emma - There are definitely epi options but make sure you check with your hospital. I know the "walking epi" isn't an option in my hospital. And I know what you mean about friends babies - my best friend had her baby at the start of January & keeps sending me pictures making me even more impatient to meet my little man!

AFM - Pain is driving my crazy but the end is in sight thankfully! The little fella is kicking away like crazy while I'm typing. It's my MILs birthday today so heading out for dinner with the in-laws. Just hope I feel ok enough to enjoy it..
lilly - that's cool info re: cycles. i've never heard that but sounds like it makes sense...?? we'll see! take it easy with those BH contractions - you are probably starting to have real false labor contractions now that you are getting closer and they must hurt :( - isn't that where they start to actually get more regular too? oo so exciting at the same time sorry!

tee i can't believe how cute your husband is with those sweet presents. i started crying this weekend because i was telling my mom that tuesday (tomorrow!!) i'll (we'll!) be third trimester. just totally lost it at how happy i was to have made it here. i'm a little sad that we didn't get to see your little mermaid legos. when you make something you'll have to post :winkwink:

thanks karry for the good luck! going to be so weird to think about new job. at least it would start a year from now so it's forever away. gotta stop sipping tea and playing with you ladies and get ack to work now...
sorry you're in pain but yes you are getting so close! hope you enjoy dinner.
Hi, girls! How are you all feeling?

OH went away for three weeks today woohoo! He was in a stinking mood because on Friday, the job with Fox got postponed so he thought he didn't have to go, but then the company he was working for who were doing the machinery for the Fox theme park ride called today and said they had other work they need him to do and to get on the flight. So he had a couple of hours to race round and get parts, try to return others, pack his case and sulk 'cause he didn't get laid last night. I had the good grace to look forlorn, but inside I was cheering at a few weeks' peace!

We actually had a nice Valentine's Day, went for tapas in the city after popping into a client's cafe bar (the lamp in the pic below is one of my OH's creations and is in residence at the bar. I decided it was a wig day; my hair's in dire need of a trim and at this point, it's easier and quicker to go in my dressing room and pick a wig rather than fight it with hair products.

Had a row with him yesterday before meeting friends for Sunday roast as my hair and makeup weren't behaving - I need winter foundation and powder, and my split ends are a hot mess, so after putting my makeup on I got all hormonal and had a tantrum. Same with my hair - if I'm eating, I want to wear it back but jerk complains if I don't wear it down and put makeup on - like anyone else cares! I told him while he's away I'll spend all his money on beauty products and then ask for more for groceries, because clearly they take priority. I really don't think people are going to care about how I'm wearing my hair or whether my face is painted, when they just want to eat. My mum raised me not to judge people on the outside - so when I dress up, I want to do it to make myself feel good, not because I feel obliged to otherwise he tries to make me feel bad. He's not Mr Perfect anyway; gonna start bringing my hot, young record producer and DJ colleagues over for barbecues in summer and make him feel insecure ha! You don't mess with a pregnant woman with an excess of hormones and insecurity.

I definitely look pregnant now and getting impatient to meet Maia. My cousin was due Valentine's Day and desperately trying all sorts to get labour started. I've gained 20lbs/9kg which I think is reasonable as I was too skinny at the beginning from a combination of morning sickness and my heavy work schedule with the summer tour. All our family babies are at leasy 8lbs7, lots of 9lbers, so I won't be surprised if Maia walks out during labour, straight into a 2-6mos romper suit lmao. I'm hoping her weight will help propel her out, at least!

Midwife from hell at the clinic kept shushing me when she was looking for the heartbeat - all I wanted to tell her was she was looking in the wrong place - and when she finally found it she was all WTF? 'cause Maia had her head crammed in my left hip and her butt up on my right side by my belly button. Begrudgingly, she had to accept the clinic messed up by not seeing me for an appointment since I was 7wks. First, she tried to blame us for not going back for the next appointment, to which I replied I DID and waited for over an hour, and the matron sent me away, saying I wasn't on the booking system. Silly cow is apparently my new family doctor and all she had to say was I didn't have an appointment with her, but the midwife a few doors down. She knew it was my first pregnancy and my Spanish is rubbish.

Anyhoo, after we left, I told OH the appointment had strengthened my resolve to have a sneaky homebirth with the private midwife and we'll just pretend the baby came too fast for us to get into hospital. I asked him did he want the narky Spanish one delivering Maia, to which he firmly shook his head.

Thanks for the epi info, karry, I'm going to look into what I can get at the hospital and what - if anything - I can get at home. I have a feeling I'll have to go au naturel at home but am considering getting a big bag of mary jane - not good at being stoned lol. The only time I ever smoked it was when I had bad menstrual cramps but it makes me pretty much pass out, so it might not be a good idea if I want a quick labour! :sleep:

@lilly - hahaha I've started sitting with my legs spread now - it looks totally unladylike but I'm beyond caring these days. Same with trying to not belch, it's a waste of time trying to keep it in so I just set the burps free!


Ooo, have to add this thread link, I've been reading it since yesterday. Hilarious. :lol:

Karry - OMG I so want one of your dog! Is it a Belgian Malinoir (spelling probably wrong)? What is he/she like with children? We have a border terrier and so want to get him a friend.

Poor dog is really poorly today, he's got an infection from some food he ate (our fault for trying to change his diet) and was being sick from 7pm to 4am this morning! He's so tired and miserable today and feel asleep as soon as I started stroking his head. DH said that this is practice for when Lily comes along!

Qwerty - I'm hoping that bit of info is correct lol! I bet i'll be sitting on here at 41 weeks begging you all to tell me things that might speed up the labour!

Tee - I think that's ok as long as they aren't too regular and they go away after getting up and walking around for a bit. Are you still getting them now?

Will post a bump picture later, but I warn you, it's not pretty!

Emma - cannot understand how you haven't murdered him?! You look completely amazing and beautiful and your hair looks so much better than you keep saying! I can't see any split ends! If you ever need an alibi you can rely on us all!
Hehe that's my wig, I'll see if I have a recent one with my real hair :lol:

This is from Saturday, not very clear but my own hair lol


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Emma - you look AMAZING!!! I feel ya about the hair thing. I thought your hair was supposed to be growing faster and healthier with pregnancy! I'm finding that my hair, nails and skin is totally different. My hair is beyond managable and my nails are so bad that I had to cut them all off so they'd stop breaking. It's insane! My skin is so dry and I think I am getting some sort of rash or something on my hands again. Just little bumps on the top part. I'm really glad you had a nice Valentine's Day. It seems like things are a wee bit better. <3

I hope all you ladies are doing well out there!

AFM: The nursery flooring is done and the crib is up! OMG I can't tell you how much of a weight has been lifted having just that part done. Now all we need to do is find a dresser that doen't cost 400 bucks! I mean my goodness, I can't believe how pricey dressers are!

After the crib was set up, I sat there staring at it and thinking, OMG I am going to have a baby in 3 months, and then the fear set in. I am going to be responsible for this human being. OMG! Then I hung up the clothes and I cried. I can't believe this is happening, that after 7 years, we are finally going to have our son! AH!!!

Here are some pics.


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Emma - you look AMAZING!!! I feel ya about the hair thing. I thought your hair was supposed to be growing faster and healthier with pregnancy! I'm finding that my hair, nails and skin is totally different. My hair is beyond managable and my nails are so bad that I had to cut them all off so they'd stop breaking. It's insane! My skin is so dry and I think I am getting some sort of rash or something on my hands again. Just little bumps on the top part. I'm really glad you had a nice Valentine's Day. It seems like things are a wee bit better. <3

I hope all you ladies are doing well out there!

AFM: The nursery flooring is done and the crib is up! OMG I can't tell you how much of a weight has been lifted having just that part done. Now all we need to do is find a dresser that doen't cost 400 bucks! I mean my goodness, I can't believe how pricey dressers are!

After the crib was set up, I sat there staring at it and thinking, OMG I am going to have a baby in 3 months, and then the fear set in. I am going to be responsible for this human being. OMG! Then I hung up the clothes and I cried. I can't believe this is happening, that after 7 years, we are finally going to have our son! AH!!!

Here are some pics.

So great!! love it! love your husband in the crib too tee hee.

for a dresser you should try salvation army or a consignment/antique store. We've gotten a ton of nice, cheap furniture there and then you can spend 5$ on some paint or stain if you want to customize it or spruce it up.

so excited for you! the scared part hasn't sunk in so much yet for me... think i am enjoying being extraordinarily self-centered this month...
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO I just realized, I think we are all in our 3rd trimester now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
qwerty - Dinner was lovely but odd! DH got held up in work so missed most of it but his brother collected me so I dinner with the in-laws. DH arrived just after we finished our mains, had his main & we had dessert together. It looked funny for a while because it was just his parents, the kids, me & DHs brother so it looked like we were a couple & the baby was his instead! :haha:

Lilly - I love Border Terriers! I work with an animal rescue & just had a Border Terrier X here yesterday! He did pee on my coat but he was super cute! And my guy is a Belgian Malinois! I've attached a picture of him in day care - he's obviously the one on the right :haha: Hope your dog is ok. Did you change his diet suddenly? It's best to mix new food with their old food to let them get used to it gradually x

Tee - My hair is doing ok. I don't notice that it's thicker or anything because it was thick to begin with but it doesn't get greasy nearly as quickly as it used to. My nails on the other hand aren't great. I'm trying to look after them now by keeping them polished, keeping my hair clean & eyebrows tidy so that I look half decent in the post-delivery pictures! :blush: I'm so jealous that your crib is ready! Ours is still partly here & partly in my in-laws house. Love the picture with your DH in the crib! :haha:


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qwerty - Dinner was lovely but odd! DH got held up in work so missed most of it but his brother collected me so I dinner with the in-laws. DH arrived just after we finished our mains, had his main & we had dessert together. It looked funny for a while because it was just his parents, the kids, me & DHs brother so it looked like we were a couple & the baby was his instead! :haha:

Lilly - I love Border Terriers! I work with an animal rescue & just had a Border Terrier X here yesterday! He did pee on my coat but he was super cute! And my guy is a Belgian Malinois! I've attached a picture of him in day care - he's obviously the one on the right :haha: Hope your dog is ok. Did you change his diet suddenly? It's best to mix new food with their old food to let them get used to it gradually x

Tee - My hair is doing ok. I don't notice that it's thicker or anything because it was thick to begin with but it doesn't get greasy nearly as quickly as it used to. My nails on the other hand aren't great. I'm trying to look after them now by keeping them polished, keeping my hair clean & eyebrows tidy so that I look half decent in the post-delivery pictures! :blush: I'm so jealous that your crib is ready! Ours is still partly here & partly in my in-laws house. Love the picture with your DH in the crib! :haha:

Awwwwwwwwww Your doggies are so adorable!!!!!

We got our crib so early, it was our first baby purchase, only because we got such a great deal on it! I'm so thankful my hubby is a bargain shopper and finds the good deals.

OK - now I have to share pet pics! Here's Crimson (her sister was Clover, I'm a HUGE Tommy James and the Shondells fan) and then there's Drummer (found her at a local bar by our house called The Dirty Drummer) and Rex, the only boy, my hubby's cat. Named after T-Rex for his attack mode. lol


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AW I love everyone's pet pics! i had to add my little princess with her stuff unicorn. oh and a nursery rough draft while i'm at it! going to have a huge tree decal over the crib eventually. and more curtains when we finish fixing the plaster in the wall :)

kinda an exhausting day. had a phone interview this morning which was weird and awkward (all form questions - very impersonal...), normal work then my glucose tolerance test (so i was slightly grumpy from having no sugar or carbs today and skipping lunch to fast an hour or two before it... i know you can't cheat the test but i didn't want to be spiking blood sugar from lunch right before...) then normal OB appointment. where i embarrassedly admitted that my pants were soaked because i slipped and fell into the slushy snow. OB kinda looks at me and was like, "you fell?" i didn't really think at the time but he wanted me to go to fetal monitoring at the hospital for the next four hours.

so i am starving and have to drive to the hospital (got a nice tour of the place where we'll give birth!) and then sit there without food or drink for 4 hours (i guess in case they emergency c section me??). husband came over (he works nearby) at least and i got lots of work done with monitors strapped to my belly to measure baby's heartrate and my non-existant contractions.

SIGH now i'm home. i felt silly but glad that we went in case i had hurt baby with my fall. i am careful but not overly so and i guess this should be a wakeup call. it's just that *I* wasn't really hurt falling so I figured nice big cushey uterus would protect him.

just had to vent about the crazy day. so excited for sleep. got some delicious turkey soup that i made a few weeks ago and froze and going to slurp it in bed.


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OMG qwerty are you ok? did you fall on your bump or your bum? I bet DH went into a bit of a panic! Has bubba been moving around lots since then? Your dog looks so gorgeous!

Here's my little angel! Just had a call from the vets and he might be able to come home tomorrow but he had pancreatitis so will have to be on a low fat diet for the rest of his life (hopefully a long one as he's only 2.5yo!).

Karry - we did try and introduce it slowly but i don't think we did it slowly enough!

I absolutely love that breed, so beautiful! Is he at doggy day care there? that's where Henry goes when DH isn't working from home and he loves it more than anything in the world! So want to get a puppy Belgian Malinois in a year or two (DH is scared about rescue dogs around a baby but i'm slightly more relaxed as I grew up around them from a young age). Do you think a Belgian Malinois would get on with our dog? So cool that you work at a rescue centre, that's what I really want to do but I know i'll get too emotionally involved - do you find that part hard?

Emma - your hair looks lovely and i love that you wear wigs, how many do you have? Is that purely for your stage work or do you like them anyway? DH is in Spain next week so you'll be closer to him than I will lol!

Tee - your cat looks very spoilt and loved!:flower:

x x


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Qwerty - I am glad you are ok!! I hope your test goes well. I am doing my glucose test next Monday and I am a little nervous. I don't know a whole lot about it but, with everyone saying to me, "you're going to have a big baby" it's making me think I may fail the test. I am trying to watch my sugar and carb intake, but I can't help it. I just LOVE food so much right now. I should get my butt up and walk but I am so freakin tired. LOL Your dog is soooooooooooo pretty and fluffy, I want to use her as a cuddle pillow! I love the nursery! The wall color is beautiful!! I lvoe the room set up too!!! So perfect!!! <3

Lilly - I hope your little precious pup is OK. I know how stressful and hard it is when an animal is sick. The poor little thing!!! My cats are so spoiled, my husband gets mad at me hahaha. They are my babies!!
OMG Tee you've really popped in your new picture. Bump looks so big! But that doesn't mean he'll be a chunker, he could still come out 7lbs! Good luck finding the fruit that i'm now this week, never heard of a durian fruit in my life?!

They are our babies aren't they, i'm such a loser with my dog telling him that he'll have a sister soon. DH looks at me like i'm mental (especially when i carry him to his bed at night like a baby:blush:)
lol i'm totally fine... wasn't that bad of a fall - right on to my bum. Dr. was worried enough for me to go though.

so i failed glucose test - 163 and cutoff here is 130. Tee - I really would fast longer than I did (2hours) and maybe have eggs instead of oatmeal for breakfast if i were you. sure they say just be normal but depending on what time of day it is i would try to bank odds in your favor.

doc said now to eat 150g more carbs per day three days before test (will do again on monday) and i have to fast 12h beforehand (so will do first thing in a.m.). idea is to get your system used to responding to a high dose of carbs so you're not in shock when you get the glucose. i thought that i ate tons of carbs (candy, cookies, etc) but i actually went through my normal day and i tend to be pretty low except for those cookies. will try to shove some pasta down this weekend. and maybe discount valentine candy??
Lilly - I know, I feel like I've totally blown up. I think my little man is a super hero! HAHAH My DH and I keep saying, well he is Super baby. He was a AAA Grade Blast. LOL

Qwerty - I am sorry you failed, it seems like most women fail the first test no matter what they do. My doc did tell me to eat high protein before the test and to stay away from sugar and carbs. I'm so nervous, I know there is no getting around it and there's no way to "cheat it" nor should you, but I just don't want to fail. I feel I could easily because of my starbusrt addiction. LOL
lilly hope you get our pup home to you soon. low fat diet foods are around in lots of places - i am sure you will find a good match for his needs.
Morning ladies! I hope you all had an amazing weekend!!! How are you all feeling?

AFM: I have finally started on the baby shower invites and (I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself) they look amazing! (pics below) Also, we put up the swing and a few other things in the nursery over the weekend! I swear the baby's room is becoming the nicest room in the house, I was in there for a while yesterday reading, it was so relaxing. DH came home this weekend with some baby laundry detergent and I about lost it. I don't know what it is about the baby clothes that gets me so worked up! I think I just look and realize our little human is going to be wearing these and pretty soon picking out his own clothes, OMG!

I had my glucose test this morning, so I will find out in a few days whether I passed or not. I'm so nervous! I didn't have to fast, so I was told to eat protein for breakfast, eggs and sausage with black coffee was all I had. Also got some more prenatal blood work done and the doc said that my little man is growing like a weed! He said it's great and that's what they like to see. Whew! I thought that with being further along the fear would subside, but it never does. OOO oh and I got my breast pump in the mail and it was 100% free. WOO HOO!

My appointments just got upped to every two weeks! EEK! Next appt is on March 13th and it's for an Ultrasound! I am so excited! I haven't seen our LO since the Anatomy scan at 18 weeks! When I say that it does seem like it's flying by! Whew!

Here are some pics!


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Morning ladies! I hope you all had an amazing weekend!!! How are you all feeling?

AFM: I have finally started on the baby shower invites and (I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself) they look amazing! (pics below) Also, we put up the swing and a few other things in the nursery over the weekend! I swear the baby's room is becoming the nicest room in the house, I was in there for a while yesterday reading, it was so relaxing. DH came home this weekend with some baby laundry detergent and I about lost it. I don't know what it is about the baby clothes that gets me so worked up! I think I just look and realize our little human is going to be wearing these and pretty soon picking out his own clothes, OMG!

I had my glucose test this morning, so I will find out in a few days whether I passed or not. I'm so nervous! I didn't have to fast, so I was told to eat protein for breakfast, eggs and sausage with black coffee was all I had. Also got some more prenatal blood work done and the doc said that my little man is growing like a weed! He said it's great and that's what they like to see. Whew! I thought that with being further along the fear would subside, but it never does. OOO oh and I got my breast pump in the mail and it was 100% free. WOO HOO!

My appointments just got upped to every two weeks! EEK! Next appt is on March 13th and it's for an Ultrasound! I am so excited! I haven't seen our LO since the Anatomy scan at 18 weeks! When I say that it does seem like it's flying by! Whew!

Here are some pics!

oo your weekend sounds GREAT! nursery and shower invites look amazing. we have "spring break" in two weeks so no teaching at least so will hopefully spend it all in the nursery :) have one interview that week (yay! but scary...) but other than that going to try to take it easy and spend time with hubby. we wanted to go away somewhere but with $$ and stress it will just be nice to be home together.

my glucose 3h test is done with only minor shenanigans. hope it comes back clear.

TONS of heartburn lately. and i am getting huger :) will have to post a pic at some point in the next week or so!
Qwerty - I love staycations. Lately being home the weekends has been so nice, it's like constant nesting. I think my hubby has it more than I do. :winkwink:

I can't wait to see a bump pic from you! I definitely feel the growth these last few weeks. I also had my glucose test this morning, I am so nervous, I hope I passed. How was the 3 hour test? Do they do blood draws multiple times? I'm hoping I don't have to go back again :wacko:

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