Spring Babies

Qwerty - I love staycations. Lately being home the weekends has been so nice, it's like constant nesting. I think my hubby has it more than I do. :winkwink:

I can't wait to see a bump pic from you! I definitely feel the growth these last few weeks. I also had my glucose test this morning, I am so nervous, I hope I passed. How was the 3 hour test? Do they do blood draws multiple times? I'm hoping I don't have to go back again :wacko:

so the three hour (for my clinic at least) you have to fast overnight then they take one baseline blood draw. then you drink 150g glucose (so three times the orange stuff concentration from the first time - it was gross - i didn't mind the 1h version...). then they draw at 1h after you finish drink, 2h and 3h then you can leave.

lily how's your pup?
I PASSED!!!! yay! phew. sorry - depressing how exciting that is...
I PASSED!!!! yay! phew. sorry - depressing how exciting that is...

OMG YAYAYAY!!!! I can imagine how exciting that is, I am stressin over mine. LOL

Oh man, that three hour does sound terrible. I mean it could be worse. Thank goodness I love to read.

Oh and YAY for 28 weeks! I am having an U/S on the 13th! I can't wait to see my little man again!
Morning ladies!

So the DH did more shopping yesterday, got a stuffed octopus and a new bookshelf! I think he's nesting more than I am! Plus new bump shot! Hope you are all doing well!


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Hey ladies

How are you all?

Your nursery looks lovely Tee! Happy 28 weeks too to you and Qwerty!

My little doggy's back at home now and back to normal but on a special diet from now on, poor little thing!

Had my 34 week MW appointment today and she's head down, nearly engaged and is measuring slightly bigger for her due date. Only 1cm though so hopefully that doesn't make much difference?

DH goes away in the morning and i'm dreading it! Really don't want him to go!

I finish work ont he 7th March which is great, only one more week at work and then i'm on maternity leave - woo hoo!

Hope you're all ok and that you're enjoying the time without the OH at the moment Emma!

x x
Hey ladies

How are you all?

Your nursery looks lovely Tee! Happy 28 weeks too to you and Qwerty!

My little doggy's back at home now and back to normal but on a special diet from now on, poor little thing!

Had my 34 week MW appointment today and she's head down, nearly engaged and is measuring slightly bigger for her due date. Only 1cm though so hopefully that doesn't make much difference?

DH goes away in the morning and i'm dreading it! Really don't want him to go!

I finish work ont he 7th March which is great, only one more week at work and then i'm on maternity leave - woo hoo!

Hope you're all ok and that you're enjoying the time without the OH at the moment Emma!

x x

Aww thank you Lilly! It's really coming along. Just need a few more things and I think we're set and ready for the baby shower. The weeks are just flying by Lilly, I can't believe you had your 34 weeks appt already. WOO HOO! And on leave next Friday! So exciting!

AFM: I passed the glucose test! Talk about cutting it close though, it was 121/130! WHEW! Also got another set of prenatal blood draws and all came back perfect! I cannot tell you how relieved I am! :happydance:

Oh and I meant to ask, are you lovely ladies on Instagram or FB? I would love to keep in touch with all of you. Instagram - TerraMATimmons Facebook - Terra Stimson Timmons :hugs:
Just sent you a friend request on FB :thumbup:

AFM - nothing to report. Did my GTT test as well as being tested for an infection during the week but need to run the results by my doctor on Tuesday so don't really know anything yet. Usual aches & pains & that's it really...
Hi girls! How are you all?

Not had chance to post in here for a while - I do short post-n-runs in other threads but I like to ramble here. How are you all? I feel absolutely exhausted! It's after 3 in the afternoon and I'm just lying in bed, hungry with dead legs lol. Yesterday morning I was so tired because the storms had kept me awake all night, so noisy, and then this morning, the truck came to empty the trash at 4:45. ON A SUNDAY. Yeah. So I've been awake since then but fit for nothing.

It seems like the growth spurts are getting more frequent - I'm wondering if that's contributing to my tiredness, too. Seems like this week as well as last, Maia's doing her Alice in Wonderland routine where she grows rapidly haha. She's still oblique/transverse with her head down in my hip grrr now if she could just wiggle it over, that would be great.

My Spanish community midwife cheekily said I've gained too much weight this past two weeks. Granted, I have gained 2kg :lol: but I'm 6ft2 and you can't even tell I'm pregnant from the back, so it's not a big deal to me. The Spanish seem very disciplined and rigorous in pregnancy and birth; they don't gain any weight and don't have a lot of birth choices. I'm flapping now about how and where I'm going to deliver; I just hope Maia turns so I can try for a homebirth or at the very least, a drug-free hospital one. But if she doesn't turn and I have to have a C-section, OH is not allowed into theatre, just me, and if they pretend they misunderstood my birthplan 'cause I'm English and inject her with anything or clamp the cord too soon (which I imagine they will during C-section), I won't be able to do anything about it. Back to the weight gain, my glucose test came back normal, as did my bloods, urine, blood pressure excellent, so I think she's making a big deal about nothing.

What are you guys thinking about re: delivery? Do you have any specific wishes or are you open to most things? My cousin just delivered a 10lb5 little boy via C-section, 12 days late. :lol: she got induced but nothing happened for two days and she was very uncomfortable, so they took her to theatre. He's very big for her as she's one of our smaller-framed family members, but a lot of babies in our family are huge. It brought home how Maia may take after me (I was 10lb1). :o

Anyhoo, this has turned into one of those long diary posts :lol: I still haven't done any nesting; organised Maia's clothes, which is more than I can say for my dressing room, but other than that, nada. I'd like to paint our bedroom, but not so much for a baby arriving but because I'm sick of it being white with ugly patterned tiles. We rent a traditional villa so can't do too much to it, but I think painting, new window coverings, a rug, new bedding etc, will make a world of difference.

I have to eat. I'm going to force myself into the kitchen now. Veggie chili awaits nom nom. My FB is https://www.facebook.com/emmadivadotcom but if you add me, you might want to hide my posts in your feed as some days I get a bit prolific :lol:

*lies down again and wishes chili would prepare itself*
Just sent you a friend request too Emma! Mine is https://www.facebook.com/karry1412 :happydance:

How is everyone doing today? I had a mini heart attack/sigh of relief when I saw my ticker is gone under 30 days! :wacko: My folliculitis has flared up again though & I really don't want to go into labour when I have that. Hopefully I'll only have another day or two of this bout though. Crazy to think that baby can come any time now though! I've spent so long wanting to having a baby & then wanting to go into labour & the other night I thought labour might be starting & straight away I changed my mind! :haha:
I've sent Tee one and will add the rest of you tonight (though i'm useless on FB so i'm sure i'll mess it up somehow!). Emma, can't wait to see your prolific rants on there!

Feeling good thanks!

I know this is a gross question and i'm not entirely sure where our boundaries lay ladies, but is anyone else having trouble......... going to the toilet?? I am! It doesn't matter how much fruit/fibre I eat or the water I drink either!

My thoughts on delivery, hoping for a water birth but have to be realistic that that might not be possible for any number of reasons. Whatever happens though, I don't want to give birth laying flat on my back. If it's out of water then I'd like to be on all fours with DH in front of me or something. Pain relief, i'm planning on just gas and air, don't really want anything else. Though once I start feeling contractions I might change my mind, but i'm hoping I don't! It's not so much the pain that bothers/scares me, it's throwing up, it's one of my biggest fears, feeling/being sick!

What about everyone else?

Congrats to all the glucouse test passes! We don't have those here for some reason?

Missing DH so much this week, can't wait for him to come home on Saturday! On Monday next week we're going on a little spa break not far from where we live (just in case!). Can't wait!

x x
I think I got Karry's FB request. Karen?

Emma - I haven gained about 30 lbs already. 30!! My doc says that's it's been a steady growth so he's not worried about it, but I feel like a house! I don't have an exact birthing plan but I know that I will do whatever I can to make sure my son is born safely. I guess what I want to happen is, my water breaks, I go to the hospital, if I can't handle the pain I will do the epidural so that I am comfortable, if I don't have time, I can deal with out it. I'm hoping my labor is quick HAHA. I laugh because this sounds like every perfect movie. But if I have to get a C I will be ok with that as well. In my mind I want to be as comfortable and as peaceful as I can. Only having my DH, MIL, Mom and Sister in the room.

Lilly - I don't think I got a FB request from you. I can't belive you have 29 days left to go! OMG less than a month! I am so excited for you!!!! I am so sorry you are having bathroom issues. I have to say, being pregnant has actually cured my bathroom issues. (knock on wood) I havn't been constipated once since being pregnant and before I had it at least once a month or every other month. It's terrible, and I hope you feel better fast! It's got to be so uncomfortable.

AFM: I passed my glucose test!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 121/130! Cut it close but I passed! Also, all my blood work came back great. Healthy momma and healthy baby! Started painting Noah's name to go above his crib. It's going to look so amazing! I will of course share pictures. My mom and dad came by and saw the room and bought me an awesome diaper bag, diapers, and other awesome essentials. Also got some toys in the mail from a good friend in SF. This kid is already so spoiled! I am really blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. <3
Yep Tee - that's me! :thumbup:

I can't believe I've 29 days left & have my 36 week appointment tomorrow! Can't wait to see this little guy again. I don't really know what's involved with the 36 week appointment - going to make sure again that he's measuring well & go through our birth plan (it's a whopping three points long - don't want the baby offered a bottle unless we request it, don't want a particular drug that has caused some deaths here (but I doubt since all the reports they'd be using it anyways!) & hopefully DH can cut the cord). Apart from that we're happy to go with the flow. Hoping to get through it drug free but we'll see! :haha:
I've added Tee, Emma and Karry! So impressed with myself lol:happydance::haha:

That's so weird that it's helped you rather than got worse Tee, but brilliant for you! My sister suggested drinking orange juice with pulp and bran flakes so that's what i'm off to buy today lol. I bet all your days are brightened by this news! I can assure you that you won't see any of this sort of news on FB!

I've got 37 to go but not far behind Karry! Ok, so now i've just typed 37 I realise how scary that is. In 37 days i'll be expecting a daughter - how amazing is that?!

I love how proud you are being an IVF Mummy Tee (not that you shouldn't be!!!!!), so special that science can help women to make their dreams a reality isn't it?

Do you think we should set up a group once the first of us has had our LO's on the post baby side of the forum so that we can carry on chatting about how we've not slept for weeks and that we have poo everywhere?!

x x
I've added Tee, Emma and Karry! So impressed with myself lol:happydance::haha:

That's so weird that it's helped you rather than got worse Tee, but brilliant for you! My sister suggested drinking orange juice with pulp and bran flakes so that's what i'm off to buy today lol. I bet all your days are brightened by this news! I can assure you that you won't see any of this sort of news on FB!

I've got 37 to go but not far behind Karry! Ok, so now i've just typed 37 I realise how scary that is. In 37 days i'll be expecting a daughter - how amazing is that?!

I love how proud you are being an IVF Mummy Tee (not that you shouldn't be!!!!!), so special that science can help women to make their dreams a reality isn't it?

Do you think we should set up a group once the first of us has had our LO's on the post baby side of the forum so that we can carry on chatting about how we've not slept for weeks and that we have poo everywhere?!

x x

Not our own poo, obviously! xx
I actually laughed out loud at that!! :haha: I think it would be great to keep in touch :happydance:

AFM - Had my 36 week appointment this morning. Back in again next week for another appointment with the consultant & GTT test (despite me asking to be tested ages ago!) I'm exactly 36 weeks today & the baby is measuring 41w1d!! So looking like an elective C - seems to be what the consultant thinks is best. What do you ladies think?
Holy moley batman - you're measuring 41w?! What have you been eating Karry?!

I think if you ever want to sit down again you should go for the c-section.

Seriously though, could it not be that you have a lot of amniotic fluid still in there and that baby is a normal size?

Silly question, but what does GTT stand for? xx
Lilly - I think a new group for when our LO's arrive would be a great idea. I don't want to lose contact with any of the women I've met here. We will all be going through mommyhood together, and I think having all the support is a great thing.

I am very proud to be an IVF mommy. Trust me, I would have been a lot more happy to be able to just BD and surprise I'm pregnant, but I guess life had a different plan for me. I think that maybe I was meant to be an IVF mommy to help others. I have no problem talking about my journey, I am a very open book. Of course the reason I am in this position is becasue I was young and stupid and didn't use protection with a person that didn't care. I ended up with an STD that clogged my tubes which eneded with an ectopic pregnany with my husband and then resulted in my tube being removed. I think that me and my DH going thorugh this whole thing, with saving tens of thousands of dollars to start this process to the shots, the heartbreak, the speedbumps just made us that much stronger and forced us to wait to be parents. I always try to see the upside to things. <3

I totally didn't mean to blab just then but my gracious. I have been getting all emotional lately. LOL I swear it's like the first trimester all over again. LOL
I actually laughed out loud at that!! :haha: I think it would be great to keep in touch :happydance:

AFM - Had my 36 week appointment this morning. Back in again next week for another appointment with the consultant & GTT test (despite me asking to be tested ages ago!) I'm exactly 36 weeks today & the baby is measuring 41w1d!! So looking like an elective C - seems to be what the consultant thinks is best. What do you ladies think?

Oh my! I have a feeling this might happen to me too. Every time I go in and get measured my doc tell me, "this baby is big" or "WOW, he's growing like a weed" I will find out for sure the weight and all that on the 13th. But I totally feel the growth. Whew!

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