Spring Babies

Hi ladies!

happy acorn squash! (I feel like that is WAY smaller than an eggplant...)

karry - wow girl you are so close! you must have so many feelings of anxiety/excitement/doom/elation! I feel really lucky to be able to have you ladies a few weeks ahead to be role models :p no pressure!

lilly would love to have a new group with y'all! i'm not good with facebook - too many of my students/young employees are too promiscuous online for my taste/job security :)

AFM - birth plan is to go with the flow. will try to go without epidural but am open to it as soon as I feel like it if that's still an option. Yes will mention the no bottle feeding thing though... although need to learn some more as I will likely start pumping right away as well so hubby can help with feeds and for when i go back to work a month later :-/

BUT - yes Tee I agree that I am also feeling like I might get the same advice you did Karry. Baby has always measured in the 75-85% - although we don't have any plans for a last ultrasound so not sure how accurate they have been in the last few appointments. Karry, while c section wasn't your plan I am sure that your doc will take good care of you and help you make the best decision for you an baby. I have ZERO advice for you... going through IVF I feel like you have to let go of a lot of those "failures" when you can't do things the "natural" way and that in the end you are going to be an amazing mommy to an amazing baby. my DH was a c section baby (all three of the brothers were due to size and huge heads) and his mom was so hard on herself about it but recovered well and they are all amazing. Along those lines another reason why I think c section might be in the books for me...

wahhhh i have ANOTHER super bad cold. right on the heels of the last one. felt great for a few days now i am such a baby and feel SO SICK. don't think its a secondary infection - just another cold. Super stressed re: work. Got an interview next week for a big position but hubby still hasn't had any interviews for his. Wish he could get this job and do it instead of me.

Sorry so blabby... was busy last few days and missed you guys!
oh lilly - yes i've been constipated a few times a month throughout whole pregnancy. eating two prunes at night with warm water has helped things through in the morning. i guess you could even do more than that but they also make you gassy so i just have one or two.
Qwerty - I feel the same as you about the birth plan. I have written down what I want to happen. I for sure want Wes to cut the cord (oh that's my DH's name) and I want to hold my baby right after birth as well as breastfeed. I don't want the nurses to bottle feed my son at all. I know this is just the plan and doesn't mean it will happen, but I am praying it all goes smoothly.

I am so sorry you are sick again! When I was sick a few month ago and it was just a cold I felt like I was going to die. Being pregnant and not being able to take any meds is terrible. We are strong ass women! lol Making a human, getting sick and toughing through it all.

Good luck with your interview. You sure are a momma on the move. I wish I have the energy and motivation you have. AND...happy 29 weeks! Can you believe that we have 11 weeks left!

Lilly - another thing about the constipation thing, and I think this might be why I am better since being PG. I eat (am obsessed with) a ton of yogurt now. I didn't used to. I also was told by my doc to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. I never did that before, I am not a water drinker. But, I know that my baby needs it. I really do think that has been helping me.

About the group. Do you all think we should just keep this one going and change the name? That way all the ladies that are subscribed won't lose us and we're all having our babies this Spring? Let me know what you all think. <3

Back in a bit with a proper post, just popping in to say I'm sure this thread title can be changed and a mod will move it to one of the baby forums if asked nicely, save starting a new one. :)
Lilly - I know, right? I haven't even been eating that much but probably just eating the wrong things. Since the doctor didn't seem concerned about gestational diabetes when I mentioned it at one of my first appointments I threw caution to the wind! :haha: Majorly regretting that now. I just had the ms for so long & something sweet always seemed to pick me up when I was feeling low/tired so I figured what harm. :cry: I'm pretty concerned about the tearing alright which is one big plus for the C! The doctor did say before that there was a lot of fluid but didn't mention that there was a lot this time. I guess I'll find out more next week... And GTT stands for Glucose Tolerence Test - the test for the diabetes.

qwerty - Glad I can be a role model for you but apparently you should do as I say, not as I do! :haha: Things are a bit crazy at the minute alright. I REALLY want to get this baby out now because I'm getting worried about him (which probably isn't doing him any favours) but I thought labour was starting a few days ago & I was instantly terrified & wanted him to stay put! :haha: But after yesterdays news I definitely want him out. I'm concerned now that if he's so big that he's putting too much pressure on the placenta & it could start to fail. That's probably complete rubbish but I can't get it out of my head! :nope: Hope you feel better soon & best of luck with your interview - be sure to let us know how it goes! :hugs:
Lilly - i know it must be hard. just remember how every single day you are giving that baby so many more neurons (well ok these will keep coming regardless of where they are for a while) and a safe place to finish up those lungs and heart. at this point though, no matter what, you are gonna have a healthy baby!

Thanks for your encouragement ladies. It's terrifying to be interviewing 7 months pregnant. These professor searches are insanely long (I applied in October for all of these jobs) and only come out once every 5 or 10 years. My plan is to go in all confident, mention how I am teaching the summer course in July so that they think that the baby won't be an "issue" (not that I will explicitly mention the pregnancy). Then negotiate to start next January or even next summer if they let me (and since this search takes a year they ofetn will be a bit flexible if i am the candidate that they want). shhhhh don't tell them. So hard because my husband is in the same path and hasn't gotten any in person interviews yet and time is running out for this year. Arg. I guess he could be stay at home daddy but I've been wanting and saving money for this time off with baby for years...

Yes let's def keep forum going however it's easiest (you guys are so techie!). I will find you over in babies or whatever the next forum locale is - just post here.
Thanks for the tip qwerty! I'll definitely try that! Ironically I now have the opposite problem for some reason!!! Also gettng annoying BH which don't help or might be as a result of the first problem lol!

Massive good luck for your interview tomorrow, you'll totally smash it!

I cannot believe you have to go back to work after 1 month?! Will that not be the case if DH gets a job that could support you longer?

Tee, love the new bump picture (i know i say that every week lol), will defo try the yoghurt too. Hadn't thought of how good that would be. I do drink an awful lot of water though, i don't really drink much tea or fizzy drinks and hate coffee so water has always been my only option!

I hope that there's just a lot of fluid for you Karry and that we're not going to hear on the news that the world's biggest baby has just been born in a few weeks :winkwink:. I too haven't really watched what I eat either, I've been eating really good foods, but an equal amount of bad foods. Like today, someone bought me a giant toblerone as a leaving gift and i've eaten half of it and am now on a sugar high (typing at like 90wpm lol). I just can't stop friggin' eating!

Ok, well when the last of us has had our LO's, i'll get a mod to change the name and move the thread into the other section?

x x
I hate my job and the people I work with! GAH! WHAT THE HELL is wrong with me the last week?! I swear I think my hormones are raging again. I am so irritated with everyone around me. The only place that isn't pissing me off right now is this forum. I thank GOD for all you ladies! If I didn't have all of you I would lose my marbles! <3

I wanted to share my HUGE bump pic, and I will be back after all these losers leave for a meeting and post something better :hugs:


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Hope you're ok Tee! Hate those times/days when everything just seems to annoy you... Hope the meeting is a good long one! :thumbup:

Love the bump! :hugs:

AFM - I love working for my charity but it's gone crazy busy! Which, don't get me wrong, is great but nobody else seems to be doing anything leaving me with most of the work :nope:
I cannot believe you have to go back to work after 1 month?! Will that not be the case if DH gets a job that could support you longer?

Hey lilly. we both lost our jobs as of this May - so there's no going "back" to work. I did get a summer course that I will teach one month after giving birth but it's only 5 weeks long. So yeah will suck but it's not going back full time. Need one of us to find something to get back to full time... yes if DH gets one then I'll def stay home longer!

thanks again for your support.
Sorry qwerty, I meant back into the workplace, rather than back into a specific place of work lol!

I really hope the interview went well? I bet you aced it!

DH is home tomorrow, can't wait to see him!

Last day at work today and then i'm on maternity leave - woo hoo!

Discovered stretch marks on my bump this week. I couldn't see them before but I got a mirror and looked underneath. It's my appendix scar that's the worst part as the skin is I guess stretching differently. How's everyone else doing for stretchmarks?

I have also made a vow today that it will be my last day wearing jeans, leggings all the way after this. Just far too uncofmortable! i'm struggling not to strip off right now! x x
Lilly - YA about DH coming home. And doubel for being on maternity leave. I can't wait to go on mine. It seriously can't come soon enough.

I have recently discovered stretch marks on my hips but that's it. GAH! Still hate it.

I stopped wearing jeans too. Lately I've been buying a lot of maxi skirts. OMG so much more comfortable and they will cover my cankles. LOL I wish I could pull off leggings but I am far too wide to even try to look good in those. LOL
Oh don't even mention stretch marks! I try not to even look any more! My consultant even commented on it! :blush: Ah well! Can't do much about it & they'll fade eventually (I hope!)

How is everyone doing this weekend? I'm much more sore around my hips & very lower back & getting some pressure. Getting some pains in my lower bump as I type but probably means nothing... :shrug:
Gosh, I've been living in leggings for months now. I guarantee once I have this baby I won't ever want to look at another pair, much less wear them. :lol:

It's a fact of life that this is my first child and I have a flexible (work when I want) type of job, but OH thinks that doesn't allow me licence to be tired. His first trimester comments of "I don't believe you're that sick," while I hung my head in the toilet have now been replaced with, "I don't believe you're that tired," and since his return from working overseas on Thursday all he can do is gripe about how the house wasn't tidy and there were dirty dishes in the sink from the night before.

First week he was away, I found my favourite kitty dead in the garden and had to bury him, so wasn't up to much at all; second week, my sleep was disturbed a lot by external noise: the neighbour's dog, the trash collection at silly o'clock etc. He says he grew up on a farm, animals die so I need to get over it, and as to me being too tired to keep the house tidy, that other women manage to have a full-time job. Well, I take my hat off to them. I'm constantly exhausted and in need of naps but I'm not allowed to have naps. Oh and after the babys born, apparently being a mum won't be a full-time job because Maia's going to sleep 5 or 6 hrs at a time, so I have plenty of time to catch up on sleep and work and household chores blah blah blah.

Is anyone getting hip pain? I'm getting it in my left hip and I think it's just due to lying on that side all the time. I have a sneaky few minutes on the other side to ease it up but then I feel worried I shouldn't be sleeping in that position.

RIP Sunny - ? Sept 2012 - 19 Feb 2014
Emma, I am so sorry about your cat! I grew up on a farm too but that doesn't necessarily make it ok when your pet dies! That's ridiculous!

I too don't understand how some women are capable of doing this while working full time & potentially with one or more children at home already! But then every pregnancy is different & maybe they're the lucky ones? Or they manage because they have to? I'm so lucky DH makes enough to support us both so I was able to give up work early - I'm at the stage now where I can barely walk!

I think your plan to save as much as you can over the summer is a good one - at least you'll be keeping your options open although I hope it doesn't come to that. Please God he'll cop on when your little girl arrives.

I am getting hip pain also. I wouldn't worry about sleeping on your right - I've been sleeping on my right exclusively for months due to rib/muscular pain on my left & my little guy is doing fine. I think at this stage go with whatever works!

Thanks, Karry. When I think back to twenty-something me, I would have killed him by now. I don't know whether my increased patience is a good thing or a bad thing. At least it helps me to not get eaten up inside because that's good for nobody. I can think long-term instead of being a hothead :)

Oh, the odd times I lie on my right, it's such a relief! I've never been a left-side sleeper; I know it's apparently better for digestion, but I prefer to sit or stand while digesting ha.

I have some good friends here with children and they're supportive and give me a boost, which is much needed! They're throwing me a baby shower, girls only, which will be nice. :)

Can you believe we'll have babies soon? I keep saying it, but it doesn't seem to sink in :lol: I met two of the women from a local mums coffee morning yesterday; the only other woman I know of who goes is a total bitch, think Mean Girls in adulthood, and so I was reticent to go, but these others seem nice so maybe I'll give it a whirl. I reckon you can never have too much support as a first time mum.
Emma - I am so so sorry about your cat. I am a HUGE cat person. I have 3 now, I had 4 before and I had to put one of my girls down 5 years ago and it still hurts! Also, your OH is a PITA! WOW. I can't believe he'd say those things to you. I swear if my hubby ever said that shit I'd kill him too! HAHAH Especially with all tha raging hormones, he's asking for it!

AFM - I am having major hip pains, shoulder pains, rib pains, etc. It's the sleeping on my sides that is causing this pain. I want to sleep on my back so bad, or my stomach, but even if I lay on my back for just a little while I lose my breath.

I think we are nearly done with the nursery. I can't believe we've only been working on it for 3 months, it seems like so much longer than that. The last thing we need is the dresser/changing table and the DH's momma is getting that for us hopefully this week. DH also put up the video cameras. It's a little creepy watching an empty room on the tv through the video feed, I watch way too many scary movies. LOL But it's so nice to have!

I can't believe I am going to be 30 weeks tomorrow. And the funny thing, I still wake up sometimes and don't feel pregnant. Weirdest feeling in the world. And because the worry never goes away I swore when I was looking at my bump in the mirror this morning it looked smaller. HHAHA I am a basketcase. I just can't wait to hold my little boy in my arms. I must admit I will miss being pregnant though. Feeling him kick, roll and move around is the most amazing feeling. Next appt is this Thursday to check his weight and measurments, I am so excited! A lot of my girlfriends are measuring 2-3 weeks ahead with their boys, I am hoping I am not. I want my little one to stay in as long as possible to be sure he's as healthy as he can be when he arrives. I can't believe it's going to be in two months!!!

As always, here are some pics. <3


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Hey Ladies

My first day of being a lady of leisure! We're going to a spa hotel today for two nights as a "baby moon" which is nice. Going to swim lots!

Feeling real pressure down low so wondering if her head is now engaged? will find out at my 36w MW appointment on Friday! I hope it is now engaged - though I know that can still mean she's 2 weeks late and isn't really a good indicator on when she'll make an appearance. It's actually starting to hurt now more than a pressure as i'm typing. You been feeling this Karry?

Can't believe people aren't pulling their weight at the charity you work at. What are the sorts of things you have to do there? No heavy lifting I hope? Is it just dogs that are there or different types of animals?

Really sorry about your kitty Emma, that can't have been nice but at least you gave her a good home and i'm sure you gave her lots of love.

Ok, so i have seen today the extent of my stretch marks, they're awful! I really thought i'd get through it without any (stupidly) but I guess it's all part and parcel of having a baby and i'm sure they'll fade soon after she comes.....?

:hugs: to all xx

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