Spring Babies

Glad everyone is getting good news!!

Can't wait for our 20 week scan in two weeks - soooo excited!

Met my friend for dinner last night and when i was on the train home afterwards, it was like little fireworks going off in my tummy - baby was moving about - must have been the coca cola I had?!

Feeling massive today, will take a picture of my bump and post it to see what you guys think, be honest! x x
Think i've uploaded it properly!

Not the most flattering picture of me (and i had to sneak into the changing rooms at work)!



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Awww Qwerty! I am so happy for you!!! I actually JUST got the call and everything looks perfect!!! Maybe I did pee myself!! HAHAHA[/QUOTE said:
lol maybe... i dunno. we know our bodies, i'm sure it was just lots of perfect mucus. glad doc called with the all clear. so did you guys get scheduled for the NT after all? or is it now moot because you saw little one?

We did schedule the NT screening for next Thursday. (the 14th). I think if I decided to skip it I'd just worry and wonder more. So another upside is seeing the baby again, and I will be almost 14 weeks!

Time is flying by!!!
just to be sure though - you'll be before 13 weeks 6 days right? i just would hate for you to go there and get a larger measurement just cause your baby is older! i honestly wasn't that worried about it and got the measurement of like 2.2 i think which is normal but now still waiting for algorithm and i'm a teensy nervous. NOTHING like the nervous i've been earlier on though.

i almost laugh at your time is flying by - i remember in the beginning how slow everything was!
Lilly - I can't wait to feel that! It had to be amazing!! You look fabulous too!

Qwerty - I will be 13 weeks and 3 days. Cutting it really close, but that is my fault. The hubby and I weren't going to do it and then decided to do it just to see the baby again too. I read that they look for the nasal bone as well? I think I could see it pretty clearly in the scan I just got. But I think overall it would be good to know. I am hoping to get a cool tech and see if I can't get a potty shot LOL
Tee I'm sure it will be perfect - they know what they're doing and so happy you get to see little one squirming around. get your blood done before if you can (my clinic said 5days before but anytime before will get you results faster) - we had a mix up with this and had to wait a lot longer.

We got our results this morning after Dr's apt - 1 in 640 for DS and 1 10000 for trisomy 18 so that's great news. We weren't thnking about it too much but it was nice to get good news.

Went to a wedding this weekend and got to tell friends that I'm pregnant which was fun. Danced until 11 which was waaaaay past my bedtime so i went to bed last night at around 8. We had a lot of fun and are starting to relish the weekends when we are still just the two of us. Important to remember and appreciate after wanting baby so long!

How is everyone? Still feeling symptoms? Easing up? Stay healthy!

Qwerty that is fantastic news. I can't wait to see the baby again!! I am so hoping to get a "potty shot" if my tech is cool enough. I so want to start shopping!!

I had a CRAZY weekend. Saturday the hubs and I headed to Tucson for the UofA homecoming game. Got up there early and did some shopping and wayyyyyyyyy too much running around for this momma, but it did feel good. Got to the game at about 7 and got back to the hotel at midnight. The woke up and headed 3 hours back home, then another hour out to the NASCAR semifinals. I am exhausted! But it was fun!

I don't think I am having any symtoms besides being hungry all the time and having the headaches still.

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!!
I'm with you on the headaches Tee, my midwife said I wasn't drinking enough water, so make sure you're drinking LOADS! It can also be a sign of a water infection apparently - I had a test and it came back fine. But just be careful!

So tired at the moment, and my boobs are KILLING. I keep dreaming about breastfeeding and then waking up expecting to see wet patches on my top but there's nothing, I think it'll start happening soon. They're friggin' HUGE and hard (sorry tmi) and feel like they're going to explode!

Did pregnancy yoga last night and when we were laying around relaxing afterwards, baby was wriggling around!

It's so cool you guys get so many scans, in the UK we only get one at 12w and then one at 20w and that's it!

Qwerty - awesome news on the screening!

Hope everyone's having a great day (though you're probably all asleep at the moment with the time zone difference!)
I'm with you on the headaches Tee, my midwife said I wasn't drinking enough water, so make sure you're drinking LOADS! It can also be a sign of a water infection apparently - I had a test and it came back fine. But just be careful!

So tired at the moment, and my boobs are KILLING. I keep dreaming about breastfeeding and then waking up expecting to see wet patches on my top but there's nothing, I think it'll start happening soon. They're friggin' HUGE and hard (sorry tmi) and feel like they're going to explode!

Did pregnancy yoga last night and when we were laying around relaxing afterwards, baby was wriggling around!

It's so cool you guys get so many scans, in the UK we only get one at 12w and then one at 20w and that's it!

Qwerty - awesome news on the screening!

Hope everyone's having a great day (though you're probably all asleep at the moment with the time zone difference!)

Yeah I definitely need to drink more water. bluah.

How was the pregnancy yoga? I need to start doing something. I know you are supposed to gain weight, but I still want to be healthy. Plus I think it will help with my back pain.

As far as the scans, I only have the regular ones at 18 weeks and then I think 20 or 30 something, I can't remember. That last scan was becuase I had a little scare which ended up being me peeing myself. HAHAH So embarassing. The next scan will be for the Downs screening. Although the scan isn't 100% it's the less inavasive test for the baby. Plus I get to see the baby again.

OMG WOO HOOO I hit 13 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yoga was awesome! I told her I'd been getting back pain and she based the class around back strengthening which was so kind of her, felt really good afterwards!

OMG - I started leaking today! My boobs were so painful and then i went to adjust my bra and my bra stuck to me - how gross (but natural!) :holly:

Yay for 13 weeks - I found it went soooooo slowly up until 16 weeks and now it's flying by. Can't believe i'll be 19 weeks on Thursday. I'm going to seriously miss being pregnant!

Yoga was awesome! I told her I'd been getting back pain and she based the class around back strengthening which was so kind of her, felt really good afterwards!

OMG - I started leaking today! My boobs were so painful and then i went to adjust my bra and my bra stuck to me - how gross (but natural!) :holly:

Yay for 13 weeks - I found it went soooooo slowly up until 16 weeks and now it's flying by. Can't believe i'll be 19 weeks on Thursday. I'm going to seriously miss being pregnant!


Oh goodness, leaking at 18 weeks? I'm glad you are posting all of this so I know what I am in for. LOL

I do feel like it's draggin right now. I just can't wait to really start showing. I am showing but I look fat, not pregnant. LOL
Lilli thanks for the heads up! Somewhere someone posted about buying a maternity or nursing bra during pregnancy and I didn't really understand it would be necessary before the very end!!

Hope you guys are doing well and headaches go away soon.
Hi girls! I hope you're all doing well :)

Quick update, got my 2nd tri bloods back and results indicate a 1:38 chance of Down's Syndrome, but we decided not to have amnio as we don't want to take the risk. We will have our baby regardless as I never thought I could get pregnant, so he/she is a blessing and results are inconclusive, anyway. So lots of praying and fingers crossed bubs is healthy and fit, and now we have to wait until the 20wk organ scan to hopefully find out the gender. I misunderstood the nurse the other day (Spanish) and thought yesterday's appointment would include an extra ultrasound but no such luck; the consultant just wanted to meet with us to confirm our decision and have me sign off on it. He seemed happy enough and said plenty of women at the hospital who come back with high risk results have perfectly healthy babies.

Other than that, I had a craving for Chinese food the past two days, got it last night and barfed it all back up again within 2hrs - first time being sick in a week or two so I hope it was a one off! Got my dream stroller yesterday, w00t! Wasn't planning on buying so early, but saw someone selling it on FB in perfect condition and for less than a third of retail price I couldn't risk not finding such a good bargain in the future (haven't seen it that cheap in the past, either!). So the baby now has a pushchair and a black ACDC t-shirt; good to go.

My OH is behaving at present, thank God, he can be a nightmare. I swear he has sex addiction as he is completely unable to have any empathy for my condition when he doesn't get laid. Gave in begrudgingly the other night - it's really not comfy for me at the moment - and now he's all sweetness and light.

So anyhoo, how's everyone else going? I'm still not showing! I kinda am, in that I look wider all round and if I relax my muscles I have a belly, but I'm trying to keep my abs active as long as possible. :)
Hi girls! I hope you're all doing well :)

Quick update, got my 2nd tri bloods back and results indicate a 1:38 chance of Down's Syndrome, but we decided not to have amnio as we don't want to take the risk. We will have our baby regardless as I never thought I could get pregnant, so he/she is a blessing and results are inconclusive, anyway. So lots of praying and fingers crossed bubs is healthy and fit, and now we have to wait until the 20wk organ scan to hopefully find out the gender. I misunderstood the nurse the other day (Spanish) and thought yesterday's appointment would include an extra ultrasound but no such luck; the consultant just wanted to meet with us to confirm our decision and have me sign off on it. He seemed happy enough and said plenty of women at the hospital who come back with high risk results have perfectly healthy babies.

Other than that, I had a craving for Chinese food the past two days, got it last night and barfed it all back up again within 2hrs - first time being sick in a week or two so I hope it was a one off! Got my dream stroller yesterday, w00t! Wasn't planning on buying so early, but saw someone selling it on FB in perfect condition and for less than a third of retail price I couldn't risk not finding such a good bargain in the future (haven't seen it that cheap in the past, either!). So the baby now has a pushchair and a black ACDC t-shirt; good to go.

My OH is behaving at present, thank God, he can be a nightmare. I swear he has sex addiction as he is completely unable to have any empathy for my condition when he doesn't get laid. Gave in begrudgingly the other night - it's really not comfy for me at the moment - and now he's all sweetness and light. I swear one day I'll stove his head in and drown him out back in the pool. Other than that, he's a model partner.

So anyhoo, how's everyone else going? I'm still not showing! I kinda am, in that I look wider all round and if I relax my muscles I have a belly, but I'm trying to keep my abs active as long as possible. :)

I've heard a lot about the NT scan not always being 100% and that my boss said too she had two pregnancies and was very high on the scale for Downs and had two perfect shildren. It's nice to have the scan, but I'm with you, I'm having my baby no matter what. <3

I'm amazed that my hubby hasn't been really pushy with the sex thing but I feel like my drive is hightening. I surprised him the other morning. :winkwink:

I am having my NT scan tomorrow afternoon. While I am nervous as all hell, I can't wait to see my little one again. I am praying I get a cool tech and that hopefully they can let me see if we can tell the sex yet. But, if not, I am waiting until my 18 week scan in mid December.

I am still craving SUGAR! I have gained 10 lbs since August. No bueno. I need to start working out.

I hope you all are doing wonderful!! Here's my new bump shot!


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Tee I think we have matching nail polish on right now :)
Emma that's big news but it's only one test. Here they combine the nuchal thickness with the blood values as well as accounting for maternal age so for all you know you are perfect on every other front and the odds will be on your side. I agree also that we would have this baby no matter what and just the fact that it's YOUR baby will make them perfect.

SO excited about your stroller... We're planning on buying used as well but aren't sure how picky we should be. I guess we should figure out our favorites and see if anything comes on Craigslist in the next few months and just go for it!

I've GOT to pack some HEALTHY snacks for work. I'm starting to get starving every afternoon. Yesterday I ate half a box of cheeze-its, a carton of blueberries and a carton of raspberries which were NOT cheap and today I snuck off to the vending machine for a snickers bar costing more than a dollar. I NEVER buy food when I'm here and bring my lunch but I think I need to double it :)

Happy hump day!
Oh p.s. when do we get out of first tri tee? Now? How about meow?
I've heard a lot about the NT scan not always being 100% and that my boss said too she had two pregnancies and was very high on the scale for Downs and had two perfect shildren. It's nice to have the scan, but I'm with you, I'm having my baby no matter what. <3

I'm amazed that my hubby hasn't been really pushy with the sex thing but I feel like my drive is hightening. I surprised him the other morning. :winkwink:

I am having my NT scan tomorrow afternoon. While I am nervous as all hell, I can't wait to see my little one again. I am praying I get a cool tech and that hopefully they can let me see if we can tell the sex yet. But, if not, I am waiting until my 18 week scan in mid December.

I am still craving SUGAR! I have gained 10 lbs since August. No bueno. I need to start working out.

I hope you all are doing wonderful!! Here's my new bump shot!

Hehe my weekly bump shots are boring as they all look the same :happydance: I'm craving sugar, too; I never went near refined profucts for years pre-pregnancy and now I keep buying cereals like Golden Grahams and Sugar Puffs lol. I wish I'd had a scan yesterday, I know good techs can tell gender at 16wks. They've put my date back two days (was told I was 15wks6 yesterday, so I'm guessing my due date's now April 30th). I think I've gained about 7lbs but that's probably 'cause I can't go to the bathroom :cry: How are you feeling in yourself? :)0

Tee I think we have matching nail polish on right now :)
Emma that's big news but it's only one test. Here they combine the nuchal thickness with the blood values as well as accounting for maternal age so for all you know you are perfect on every other front and the odds will be on your side. I agree also that we would have this baby no matter what and just the fact that it's YOUR baby will make them perfect.

SO excited about your stroller... We're planning on buying used as well but aren't sure how picky we should be. I guess we should figure out our favorites and see if anything comes on Craigslist in the next few months and just go for it!

I've GOT to pack some HEALTHY snacks for work. I'm starting to get starving every afternoon. Yesterday I ate half a box of cheeze-its, a carton of blueberries and a carton of raspberries which were NOT cheap and today I snuck off to the vending machine for a snickers bar costing more than a dollar. I NEVER buy food when I'm here and bring my lunch but I think I need to double it :)

Happy hump day!

Happy Hump Day to you too :) Oh, I'm loving my stroller sooooo much; actually I keep walking past it and forgetting it's there but when I remember, I'm ecstatic ha. I need to stop getting OH to buy junk food;. like I said, I never used to touch it and now it's all I eat. Baby's going to come out looking and smelling like a doughnut....mmmm I could eat one with icing now...blueberries and raspberries are very good for you but yes, far too expensive!

re: the NT scan - is that the measuring one where they measure the baby's neck? I had that at around 12wks and it came back right in the middle of normal; it was the blood test where they test the baby's hormones that came back dodgy, but like you, I know people who had similar results and healthy babies, so I'm hoping everything's all good.

re: your stroller, just research what features you want/can't live without and put a reminder/auto search on ebay - can you do that with craigslist, too? I think I wished that Stokke Xplory into being haha. Still can't believe we got it!
Emma - I am feeling good, I feel ya on the bathroom thing. LOL I'm serious, pregnancy is a lot of work. OH and the hubs and I bought our crib when I was at 6 weeks I think, really pushing it. But it was a 400.00 crib for 100.00 on Craigslist! We couldn't pass it up. AND we saw that WalMart has a sale on a Graco convertible stroller on Thanksgiving for 100.00! I have to get that! I think that thing goes for at least 200.00.

Qwerty - I love this polish color. I have to redo them though. My nails are growing like claws! I also need a haircut. Everything is growing so fast!!! And the food, did I say I woke up at 5:30 and was eating sugar cookies??!! I have gone through bags of starburst and now I am eating peanut M&M's. (If I repeat myself, I'm sorry. I have major PG brain lately!) I do eat a bag of veggies for lunch though and the hubs always makes some kind of protein and veggies for dinner. But I think the sugar is packing on the pounds. UGH.
Hi! I'm 20 and my hubby is 26- our first child is due on April 6th, 2014. We're currently 19 weeks along. This is my first pregnancy and it got off to a rocky start: lots of early contractions and symptoms, but our baby girl is healthy and happy! It will be nice talking to other expectant mothers who are at the same stage of pregnancy as I am!
Hi! I'm 20 and my hubby is 26- our first child is due on April 6th, 2014. We're currently 19 weeks along. This is my first pregnancy and it got off to a rocky start: lots of early contractions and symptoms, but our baby girl is healthy and happy! It will be nice talking to other expectant mothers who are at the same stage of pregnancy as I am!

Welcome to the thread CoppoLove! Congrats on your bundle!!! <3 I will add you to the front page!

Wow contractions that early? That had to be scary for you. I am so glad that you and the little one are all OK. :hugs:
Hi girls! I hope you're all doing well :)

Quick update, got my 2nd tri bloods back and results indicate a 1:38 chance of Down's Syndrome, but we decided not to have amnio as we don't want to take the risk. We will have our baby regardless as I never thought I could get pregnant, so he/she is a blessing and results are inconclusive, anyway. So lots of praying and fingers crossed bubs is healthy and fit, and now we have to wait until the 20wk organ scan to hopefully find out the gender. I misunderstood the nurse the other day (Spanish) and thought yesterday's appointment would include an extra ultrasound but no such luck; the consultant just wanted to meet with us to confirm our decision and have me sign off on it. He seemed happy enough and said plenty of women at the hospital who come back with high risk results have perfectly healthy babies.

Hugs :hugs: That's how we feel about our LO as well. We had the NT screening, but it was only to feel more prepared. We would also have our baby regardless. My daughter goes to a daycare provider with a 20mo girl with DS and she is such a sweet girl. Also a 1:38 chance is still very low - it means there's a 97% everything is perfect :thumbup:

Hope you are all doing well. I keep forgetting about this group! Time is flying for me and everyone is so far along already. We just had our 20w ultrasound today and found out we're on team blue!! :happydance: Everything looked great (to me, who had no sonography experience lol), but we won't know for sure until I get the results back. But so happy to see my little (super active and thumb-sucking!!!) bubba. Also found out I have yet ANOTHER anterior placenta which is why I only feel very very subtle movements. But so so happy today!

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