Spring Babies

Rikkitikki - what a beautiful scan! I updated the fron page with your new due date. ♥

Qwerty - You are so lucky to have your sister show you your little one! That is too neat. I have no idea why I have to wait. My last scan was at my RE to measure how far long I was. I haven't heard the heartbeat yet. That will happen for the first time tomorrow. Then at 18 weeks I will finally see my little one and possibly find out the sex! So that makes for a great Christmas card gender reveal.

How is everyone else doing today?
I have my first u/s today, eek! I haven't had luck with the sonoline b, so I've been waiting on pins and needles for today. I'm hoping all is good, I do have a retroverted uterus, AND I'm a bit overweight, I think even just one of those would make the doppler less effective.
Two hours till my appointment! :-=

Don't worry, my uterus is retroverted and doppler worked at 9wks with me :) Starting to feel my uterus now, so it's flipped forward or at least upright. Can't really see it, though. I hope your scan goes/went well :)
I have my first u/s today, eek! I haven't had luck with the sonoline b, so I've been waiting on pins and needles for today. I'm hoping all is good, I do have a retroverted uterus, AND I'm a bit overweight, I think even just one of those would make the doppler less effective.
Two hours till my appointment! :-=

Don't worry, my uterus is retroverted and doppler worked at 9wks with me :) Starting to feel my uterus now, so it's flipped forward or at least upright. Can't really see it, though. I hope your scan goes/went well :)

Thank you for responding. That makes me feel a lot better! <3
Emma - no idea how you cope with your OH saying that! If my DH said anything like that it'd be WW3! It should be all about you and baby, and not his sexual needs. I mean, i realise they're not going to go away etc but he shouldn't say it to you!

Emma - I can't believe your OH said that! I really don't think the men undestand the feelings we are having and the changes our bodies are going through. Maybe you should get him the Expectant Father book so he has some idea.

Well, after several arguments, I think I've finally got through to him - I don't know whether he really is this stupid or just completely single mindedly selfish when it comes to his sexual needs, but he's realised now it's easier to just play nice because I'm not backing down just to make him happy when I feel like death. Fortunately, things are starting to ease off yay and I can see light at the end of the tunnel re: pregnancy symptoms, especially now he's off my back. Have meds from doctor and am managing to eat pretty well at the moment, which has put me in a better mood and gives me more energy. Fella's playing nice too, so let's hope he stays that way!

Thank you for responding. That makes me feel a lot better! <3

:D It's the best, hearing the little heartbeat. And very bizarre, knowing that's all going on inside your belly hehe
tee SO excited you get to check in with baby tomorrow! let us know how it goes :) this must be a big milestone for you.:hugs:
I found my baby's heartbeat tonight, yippee! Though my extra padding and tilted uterus would cause more of a delay, but I guess not :D
(Audio only)
Rikkitikki - yay you found the HB - it's amazing isn't it?!

Tee - good luck at your appointment - hope it goes well!

This morning I was bending down after my shower drying my legs and got a kick in the bladder! Obviously baby didn't like his/her living space being squashed by Mummy!
Alrighty, apparently I missed near a page of replies when I posted last night, whoops. I wasn't ignoring, just tired I guess... :blush:
BigLegEmma, you were absolutely right, I didn't think I was going to be able to find it for awhile, did surprise me when I finally came across it :)
Good morning, ladies and Happy Halloween!!!

So after I waiting an hour in the doc office we finally got to hear our baby's heartbeat.

I was such a wreck it took a while for him to find it and I was devestated. Held my eyes shut so tight and prayed. He said he heard movement so he knew the baby was there. Finally after what felt like forever, but was actually about two minutes, he found the heartbeat. 160-170 and said it sounded perfect!

LADIES! I am so relieved! My chance of miscarriage drops down to 2%! Whew! I feel like I can finally relax! I got a video of it and I wish I could post it. But instead I will leave you with my witchy look.:witch:

Next appointment is scheduled for Nov. 27th and that's just the regular check up. Then three weeks later I will be able to FINALLY see my baby!!!


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Oh tee so glad you got t hear it! What a horrible two minutes. You are SO adorable in your costume (unless this is just what you wear to work every day)

Trying not t just have Halloween candy for dinner, that is the goal of my day.
I am the same way about the candy these days. It's all I want. That and waffles. I have almost made my way through the third box.

Yeah it was a wretched two minutes, I just kept thinking, this can't be happening!!

I am so happy that we were able to hear it and I can't wait to see my little baby again!!

How are you feeling Qwerty?

Oh and yes, today was the day I DIDN'T dress up, mwaaa haaa haaa
Feeling ok. Some days feel back to my old self and other days still feel totally ug and nauseous. How about you? Go in for scan ne t Tuesday so excited for that.
Is anyone else not really showing? Unless I stuff my face - and then I end up with a belly that looks like a cross between period bloat and a balloon - I don't look any different to pre-pregnancy, besides being generally thicker all the way round my waist, but no one can tell I'm pregnant. Other than the funny feelings when the baby moves at night, and the odd lingering bout of nausea, oh and the tiredness, I don't feel how I expected pregant to feel. :?
Qwerty - I am feeling more and more like myself lately. The only complaint I have is being so damn tired all the time. It was gone for a week or two and now it's like all I want to do is sleep! I am so excited you get another scan. I'm so jealous!!! Waiting until December is so hard.

Emma - I am already showing and I am only 11 weeks along. I don't have any of the nausea or sick feeling, but I am feeling something. Like you said, maybe it's the baby moving around? I have never made it this fat in the two other times I've been pregnant, so it's all new to me too. I did tell my hubby though, that this is not as fun as I thought it was going to be HAHAH.
Qwerty - I am feeling more and more like myself lately. The only complaint I have is being so damn tired all the time. It was gone for a week or two and now it's like all I want to do is sleep! I am so excited you get another scan. I'm so jealous!!! Waiting until December is so hard.

Emma - I am already showing and I am only 11 weeks along. I don't have any of the nausea or sick feeling, but I am feeling something. Like you said, maybe it's the baby moving around? I have never made it this fat in the two other times I've been pregnant, so it's all new to me too. I did tell my hubby though, that this is not as fun as I thought it was going to be HAHAH.

:lol: I know, right? I just don't believe these women who say they loved being pregnant, unless they have a mental block on the worst trimester. I wish I could sleep for a month, but this weekend is horrible - directing choir in the morning and then private clients' functions for 10hrs tomorrow and 10 on Sunday. At least if I had a bump I'd get sympathy from my colleagues! But 'cause I can still squeeze into a party dress I'm expected to have as much energy as usual boo!

I'm definitely feeling baby movements, I think it just must depend on how in tune with your body you are in general.
Tee, wonderful news about the heartbeat! And I totally know what you mean about not as fun as you thought it was going to be... I feel like Wendy from "What to Expect When You're Expecting," lol

I just wanted the glow. The one that they promise you on the cover of those magazines. Well, I'm calling it - pregnancy sucks. Making a human being is really hard. I have no control over my body or my emotions.
Hello ladies! So after discussing the NT screening over the weekend with my hubby, we've decided to do the scan. I am a nervous wreck!

Have any of you ladies had this done yet? The only upside is that I get to see my baby.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! How is everyone doing? I will be officially 12 weeks tomorrow! WOO HOO!
Hello ladies! So after discussing the NT screening over the weekend with my hubby, we've decided to do the scan. I am a nervous wreck!

Have any of you ladies had this done yet? The only upside is that I get to see my baby.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! How is everyone doing? I will be officially 12 weeks tomorrow! WOO HOO!
Hey doing it tomorrow. It wasn't even really an optional thing for our clinic... I think they figure everyone would want it. Not sure how yours will work tee but our clinic has an algorithm of maternal age, hcg values a week before the scan (or you draw blood day of scan and get results a week later) and nuchal thickness. Honestly we weren't really even concerned about this, while I know it's a real possibility, the abnormalities just haven't crossed my mind yet. I guess the will give me those results at the scan tomorrow as they have drs and genetic counselors present at the clinic.

I'm just so excited to see baby tomorrow! We might even treat ourselves to an ikea window shopping trip after.

How are you ladies feeling? I'm wiped today after a super grueling day at work but feeling pretty good otherwise.
I am so excited for you! I think that is the only reason I am excited. I am a nervous wreck about any testing. You're always afraid of the "what ifs".

I can't wait to see the pictures of your little nugget!! I am hoping I will get in soon because I have to have it done before 13+6. So crazy!!!
Morning ladies! So I am 12 weeks today. But I am kind of freakin out. This morning after I got out of the shower I felt a little trickle down my leg. I thought, wow I really need to start some keegle excercises. Then it happened again, so I went to the bathroom. When I sat down a gush came out, it was not urine. Then I finally went pee. (sorry for the TMI).

I know I shouldn't be googling, but I am so afraid I may miscarry. It was a clear fluid, no cramping, no odor, no color. Has anyone else had this? I am freakin out!?

PS I did call my doc and I am waiting for a call back.

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