Spring Babies

Hi girls! I hope you're all doing well :)

Quick update, got my 2nd tri bloods back and results indicate a 1:38 chance of Down's Syndrome, but we decided not to have amnio as we don't want to take the risk. We will have our baby regardless as I never thought I could get pregnant, so he/she is a blessing and results are inconclusive, anyway. So lots of praying and fingers crossed bubs is healthy and fit, and now we have to wait until the 20wk organ scan to hopefully find out the gender. I misunderstood the nurse the other day (Spanish) and thought yesterday's appointment would include an extra ultrasound but no such luck; the consultant just wanted to meet with us to confirm our decision and have me sign off on it. He seemed happy enough and said plenty of women at the hospital who come back with high risk results have perfectly healthy babies.

Hugs :Hugs: That's how we feel about our LO as well. We had the NT screening, but it was only to feel more prepared. We would also have our baby regardless. My daughter goes to a daycare provider with a 20mo girl with DS and she is such a sweet girl. Also a 1:38 chance is still very low - it means there's a 97% everything is perfect :thumbup:

Hope you are all doing well. I keep forgetting about this group! Time is flying for me and everyone is so far along already. We just had our 20w ultrasound today and found out we're on team blue!! :happydance: Everything looked great (to me, who had no sonography experience lol), but we won't know for sure until I get the results back. But so happy to see my little (super active and thumb-sucking!!!) bubba. Also found out I have yet ANOTHER anterior placenta which is why I only feel very very subtle movements. But so so happy today!

OMGoodness how adorable! Congrats on the little boy! I am hoping for a little boy too, I don't know why becaue I am all about the pink! I should post a picture of my desk, it's blinding. I will be happy with whatever I am blessed with. I can't wait to see my little one sucking his/her thumb. That is just the coolest thing to see in the womb! When will you have your next scan?
I know - I can't believe he was sucking his thumb!!! We didn't manage to get a pic of it yet though. Amazing since I've never had a scan that showed LO sucking their thumb. He was also kicking away and shaking his head side to side :cloud9: I'm just so excited. Here's a pic of the scan!!

Also I won't be having another ultrasound - we only get a 20week one (and a dating or NT scan earlier if necessary). I have had a few later ones, but they have been for specific issues. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and I won't need any more! :thumbup:
Congrats on the 20w scan Emma - so cute that it's a little boy!! We would really like a boy too but really I don't care either way!

1:38 does initially sound low but it's still a 97% chance, like you say. And either way it doesn't matter, I have an adopted sister with DS (now 10yo) and she was the cutest little thing you've ever seen. So happy all the time (still is now!).

19weeks today - woo hooo! Little one has been moving about all morning and I was woken by little prods.

I have an anterior too Emma, but mine seems to be far left, so my movements are all either low down or to the right.

Arrrrgggghhhh only 11 days until we see him/her again and find out what team we are!
Sun - what a beautiful shot of the LO. I can't wait to see mine today!!!

Lilly - YAY for 19 weeks! So exciting. I hope the 11 days go by super fast for you.

So I need some advise ladies. Since I've been pregnant I have been left out quite a bit. I will find out that my mom and sister are having girls nights, sleep overs and they never ask me or if they do it's the night of. I've been so exhausted lately that I'd rather veg out at home with the hubby. But now it's that I am being left out of planning for the holidays. I'm being told what's going on. I think I have so much pent up that it finally hit me. IT HURTS! I let them know that and now I am getting the 1st degree. I'm sorry but WTF did I do?! I am getting more pissed at the fact they are acting this childish and adding stress that my baby doens't need. I've become so over protective already of my LO and I don't want anyone compromising my or my babies health.

I am so pissed off and so hurt. This is the third day with their text battles with me and the third day of me crying. I know this isn't healthy and I am so ready to write them all off until the baby is born. I am so taken a back with the way my family has been acting. All I can say is WTF?! I think I am upset too that they don't listen, they don't pay attention when I tell them about my appointments and I don't think they understand how badly I need the support. The only people that get it right now are all of you and the friends I've made along this journey. IVF is stressful enough.

Please tell me I'm not the only one going through this crap. LOL Thanks for letting me vent.
Sun - what a beautiful shot of the LO. I can't wait to see mine today!!!

Lilly - YAY for 19 weeks! So exciting. I hope the 11 days go by super fast for you.

So I need some advise ladies. Since I've been pregnant I have been left out quite a bit. I will find out that my mom and sister are having girls nights, sleep overs and they never ask me or if they do it's the night of. I've been so exhausted lately that I'd rather veg out at home with the hubby. But now it's that I am being left out of planning for the holidays. I'm being told what's going on. I think I have so much pent up that it finally hit me. IT HURTS! I let them know that and now I am getting the 1st degree. I'm sorry but WTF did I do?! I am getting more pissed at the fact they are acting this childish and adding stress that my baby doens't need. I've become so over protective already of my LO and I don't want anyone compromising my or my babies health.

I am so pissed off and so hurt. This is the third day with their text battles with me and the third day of me crying. I know this isn't healthy and I am so ready to write them all off until the baby is born. I am so taken a back with the way my family has been acting. All I can say is WTF?! I think I am upset too that they don't listen, they don't pay attention when I tell them about my appointments and I don't think they understand how badly I need the support. The only people that get it right now are all of you and the friends I've made along this journey. IVF is stressful enough.

Please tell me I'm not the only one going through this crap. LOL Thanks for letting me vent.

Tee that sounds horrible. All I can think is that maybe they were trying to give you space and assumed you wouldn’t want to participate because you’ve been feeling crappy and you need your rest. My family has this weird way of behaving too when they “don’t want to bother me” or “don’t want me to worry.” BUT this is still crazy and they should have asked you and included you and should be more supportive of you. NO ONE except you knows what you are going through but I agree the closest thing I get is other people who have gone through IVF and this heartbreaking and tense journey – but they could try a little harder to be sensitive and excited for you in a healthy way.
Not sure what to say re: advice. Maybe let things cool for a day or so and then get back with – hey I’m feeling a lot more like myself and have more energy now that I’m farther along and really can’t wait to celebrate with you guys for the holidays. Please keep me in the loop!
Just curious… is it a little sister? Heck – maybe just write them off this year if you have other options, but it sounds like you love them dearly and want to have that relationship happy.
sun - what are the implications with the anterior placenta? does this make things more uncomfortable for you? any impact on your/baby's health? teach me!
Mmmm Tee that does sound very unfair - do they know how stressed it's making you?

qwerty - anterior just means the placenta is at the front and not at the back or laying low. Not necessarily a bad thing but means it cushions baby's movements. Thankfully my anterior is to the left at the front so I can feel baby but only on one side or really low down. I think it sucks nut others might not think so lol. I think the only health implication is if it at the front and low and you have to have a c section there can be complications but I'm not too familiar with them and sun might know more than me! Do you have an anterior qwerty?
sun - what are the implications with the anterior placenta? does this make things more uncomfortable for you? any impact on your/baby's health? teach me!

It doesn't cause any problems, it just means that the placenta is at the front instead of the back. The annoying thing is that it can make it hard to feel the baby moving until much later. I felt my son (low anterior placenta) at 24 weeks for the first time! It was also harder for the MW to find the HB on the doppler early on. My daughter's placenta was high anterior so I felt her from 14 weeks, but this one I'm almost 20 weeks and barely feel a thing. Boo! But apart from that, it doesn't cause any problems. The only location that really impacts things medically is low-lying (close to the cervix) or complete placenta previa (covering the cervix). With this you need a c-section.
Sun - what a beautiful shot of the LO. I can't wait to see mine today!!!

Lilly - YAY for 19 weeks! So exciting. I hope the 11 days go by super fast for you.

So I need some advise ladies. Since I've been pregnant I have been left out quite a bit. I will find out that my mom and sister are having girls nights, sleep overs and they never ask me or if they do it's the night of. I've been so exhausted lately that I'd rather veg out at home with the hubby. But now it's that I am being left out of planning for the holidays. I'm being told what's going on. I think I have so much pent up that it finally hit me. IT HURTS! I let them know that and now I am getting the 1st degree. I'm sorry but WTF did I do?! I am getting more pissed at the fact they are acting this childish and adding stress that my baby doens't need. I've become so over protective already of my LO and I don't want anyone compromising my or my babies health.

I am so pissed off and so hurt. This is the third day with their text battles with me and the third day of me crying. I know this isn't healthy and I am so ready to write them all off until the baby is born. I am so taken a back with the way my family has been acting. All I can say is WTF?! I think I am upset too that they don't listen, they don't pay attention when I tell them about my appointments and I don't think they understand how badly I need the support. The only people that get it right now are all of you and the friends I've made along this journey. IVF is stressful enough.

Please tell me I'm not the only one going through this crap. LOL Thanks for letting me vent.

Tee that sounds horrible. All I can think is that maybe they were trying to give you space and assumed you wouldn’t want to participate because you’ve been feeling crappy and you need your rest. My family has this weird way of behaving too when they “don’t want to bother me” or “don’t want me to worry.” BUT this is still crazy and they should have asked you and included you and should be more supportive of you. NO ONE except you knows what you are going through but I agree the closest thing I get is other people who have gone through IVF and this heartbreaking and tense journey – but they could try a little harder to be sensitive and excited for you in a healthy way.
Not sure what to say re: advice. Maybe let things cool for a day or so and then get back with – hey I’m feeling a lot more like myself and have more energy now that I’m farther along and really can’t wait to celebrate with you guys for the holidays. Please keep me in the loop!
Just curious… is it a little sister? Heck – maybe just write them off this year if you have other options, but it sounds like you love them dearly and want to have that relationship happy.

I have pretty much given up. I am going to focus on me and the baby. That little one is my top priority right now which means I am top priority. I'm done trying to make it all work. So I told them both to do what they planned and I will make my own plans. HA!
Morning my ladies!

NT scan was amazing yesterday! I got the most amazing tech and she did tell me her guess on the sex and said it was a boy right away. We shall see for sure in 5 weeks!

So while the appointment was amazing, seeing my little one bouncing around it was unsuccessful. I have to go back today for another U/S because I was contracting. I freaked out! She assured me that it was completely normal and it happens a lot and we never feel it. We just happended to catch this one on screen.

I did get some pics, not as great as the other ones. But I'll take anything. The baby's heartbeat was at 175 and he is measuring at 7cm.


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So glad to hear you had such a great scan TeeinAZ!! Love the pics :cloud9:

Also I'm amazed they would guess. Here they never guess early on (well they probably do guess, but aren't allowed to say in case they're wrong). Though apparently boys are more obvious early on, so there's a good chance she's right! So exciting! And only 5 weeks until the next scan :thumbup:
So glad to hear you had such a great scan TeeinAZ!! Love the pics :cloud9:

Also I'm amazed they would guess. Here they never guess early on (well they probably do guess, but aren't allowed to say in case they're wrong). Though apparently boys are more obvious early on, so there's a good chance she's right! So exciting! And only 5 weeks until the next scan :thumbup:

I know! I was excited she asked if I wanted to know her guess! While I want her to be right I am not about to do my gender reveal pics yet. I know it's not 100%. I wish I could have gotten a shot to see for myself, but I really can't tell. I'm not used to these U/S pics just yet. :shrug:

I am praying that when I go back I will not be contracting and get to see the LO moving more. He was a little constricted from movement with being squished by the contraction. Poor little fella. <3
So glad to hear you had such a great scan TeeinAZ!! Love the pics :cloud9:

Also I'm amazed they would guess. Here they never guess early on (well they probably do guess, but aren't allowed to say in case they're wrong). Though apparently boys are more obvious early on, so there's a good chance she's right! So exciting! And only 5 weeks until the next scan :thumbup:

I know! I was excited she asked if I wanted to know her guess! While I want her to be right I am not about to do my gender reveal pics yet. I know it's not 100%. I wish I could have gotten a shot to see for myself, but I really can't tell. I'm not used to these U/S pics just yet. :shrug:

I am praying that when I go back I will not be contracting and get to see the LO moving more. He was a little constricted from movement with being squished by the contraction. Poor little fella. <3

Oh Tee you just made me cry at my desk! so happy you got to see little one and yes I've heard tons that contracting is totally normal. Bummer you have to go back in but glad they will do everything to make sure he's perfect. IT'S TOTALLY A BOY!!!!! I'm so happy because i know you secretly wanted one :happydance: you're right that i can't tell anything on the US shots but these guys are pros and they were 90% sure of sex at 12 weeks with these fancy new scanners. Glad you are focusing on you and baby these next few weeks.
So glad to hear you had such a great scan TeeinAZ!! Love the pics :cloud9:

Also I'm amazed they would guess. Here they never guess early on (well they probably do guess, but aren't allowed to say in case they're wrong). Though apparently boys are more obvious early on, so there's a good chance she's right! So exciting! And only 5 weeks until the next scan :thumbup:

I know! I was excited she asked if I wanted to know her guess! While I want her to be right I am not about to do my gender reveal pics yet. I know it's not 100%. I wish I could have gotten a shot to see for myself, but I really can't tell. I'm not used to these U/S pics just yet. :shrug:

I am praying that when I go back I will not be contracting and get to see the LO moving more. He was a little constricted from movement with being squished by the contraction. Poor little fella. <3

Oh Tee you just made me cry at my desk! so happy you got to see little one and yes I've heard tons that contracting is totally normal. Bummer you have to go back in but glad they will do everything to make sure he's perfect. IT'S TOTALLY A BOY!!!!! I'm so happy because i know you secretly wanted one :happydance: you're right that i can't tell anything on the US shots but these guys are pros and they were 90% sure of sex at 12 weeks with these fancy new scanners. Glad you are focusing on you and baby these next few weeks.

Qwerty - Don't you start! HAHAH I have been crying at the drop of a hat the last week. Sitting here all happy eating some candy then boom! I cry. LOL

I have a feeling this lady tech is right too, she said it so fast! As soon as that U/S scanner hit my belly. Amazing!

It does suck I have to drive ALLLLLLLLLLL the way back out there, but I do get to see the baby again so that just makes it worth it!

I am drinking TONS of water so that I don't have the contraction issue again. WHEW!

When is your next appointment?
Hahaha that might be my favorite thing of the week "I'm just sitting there eating candy and BOOM!" Hahaha I miss candy... It's been like, two days since my snickers trip.

My next scan is probably around the same time as yours ... Dec 16 for anatomy. They do it 18-20 weeks so I am going right in at 18 weeks because of all sorts of traveling, work,insurance issues... Too boring but I'm sure in a month I will be ranting here :)
I am back from the NT scan and the tech said that everything was perfect. I was so in awe of watching the baby I forgot the exact number she gave me, but it was 2.08 or something, I think that is pretty darn great! And the heartbeat was down to 165. I'm thinking he was a little stressed out from being stuck under the contraction, plus I had candy that morning. UGH.

He was so much more relaxed. Had his knees pulled up and legs crossed at the ankles with his arms up and his hand at his eyes. He looked so content! I need to chill on the candy.

Yes and now I wait the 5 weeks until my 18 weeks anatomy scan which I think will be the week of December 16th. That wait is going to be torture!!!!!!


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I am back from the NT scan and the tech said that everything was perfect. I was so in awe of watching the baby I forgot the exact number she gave me, but it was 2.08 or something, I think that is pretty darn great! And the heartbeat was down to 165. I'm thinking he was a little stressed out from being stuck under the contraction, plus I had candy that morning. UGH.

He was so much more relaxed. Had his knees pulled up and legs crossed at the ankles with his arms up and his hand at his eyes. He looked so content! I need to chill on the candy.

Yes and now I wait the 5 weeks until my 18 weeks anatomy scan which I think will be the week of December 16th. That wait is going to be torture!!!!!!
Morning lovely ladies - how are we all?

So the tech said she thinks you're having a boy then?!

Only 7 more days until our scan! Have officially got all of our nursery stuff too! My sister gave us the cot and the moses basket, she also bought us a nursing chair and we just bought a white chest of drawers which is also a changing unit. And the best bit (other than the fact that we haven't paid a penny for any of it), is that it's all white! looks so lovely!

Hope you're all ok x x
Morning lovely ladies - how are we all?

So the tech said she thinks you're having a boy then?!

Only 7 more days until our scan! Have officially got all of our nursery stuff too! My sister gave us the cot and the moses basket, she also bought us a nursing chair and we just bought a white chest of drawers which is also a changing unit. And the best bit (other than the fact that we haven't paid a penny for any of it), is that it's all white! looks so lovely!

Hope you're all ok x x

Hi Lilly! Oh that sounds so lovely. what a beautiful little nest you are making. I'm ok. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything as we are finally starting to look at strollers, pack and plays, swings, carriers, AHHHHHH and I feel weird putting things on a registry but i guess that's what you do. just not sure anyone will be helping us out much and with our jobs both ending in a few months we're being scant with the pennies. So we are registering for the pretty nice stuff we want, and then if we find anything second hand in the meantime we'll buy it and then just take it off is the direction we're going with.

so silly to be anxious about awesome fun stuff!
Have you thought about buying the stuff you don't get bought (I assume that's what a registry is?), from eBay or somewhere similar? That's what we've done. The changing unit we bought was from eBay, £77 for us but the person we're buying it off paid £230 for it so it's a bargain as it's in such great condition. Obviously the pram will be new but that's the only thing we're buying new (other than a little bath and the clothes etc).

It's all exciting but terrifying at the same time - i'm so worried about money after the baby is here!

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