Starting a new cycle.....come join!

well my back has started to hurt again this morning so if that carries on thru the day then its the same as last month so i am thinking im out now deffo! :hissy: really wanted it this month as well!!

Conswayala how are things?

oh im 7dpo now by the way x

good luck irish_eyes and snuggleboot x
Hi guys! Claire - your little one sounds soooo cute! Glad its all ok.

I'm 12DPO and ready for AF Sunday.
I've had sod all symptoms except hurty BBs and lots of creamy cm.
(and a negative PG test this am)
i'm with you conswayla - I just want it to happen and then we can focus on next month.

We went shopping last night and picked up some His & Hers Pro-natal tablets.
OH is now officially joining me in the evening pill-popping frenzy!

Can't believe we're all just waiting our last few days now...
hia cazd awww hun im so sorry BFN on test. We will try again next month im sure ill be joining you my back ache today is unbelievable its going down my legs. Why do we get backache before our period? its weird.
hia cazd awww hun im so sorry BFN on test. We will try again next month im sure ill be joining you my back ache today is unbelievable its going down my legs. Why do we get backache before our period? its weird.

Claire this is also an early pg symptoms hun. You not out until the :witch: arrives.
i wish it was a early preg symptom but when i google it i find very little to suggest its preg related most peple who had it get there period :( this is also typical for me 7dpo.

Im feeling really down in the dumps this afternoon, i carnt bear this anymore i dont know why my body isnt working but its really soul destroying. I dont know what to do i am thinking of a break, but then again after so long i dont know how to stop trying and thinking about it. This was 2nd cycle using preeseed as well so im disapointed heard so many good things about it, i guess it isnt a miricale worker though. Dont know weather to go to my GP they say a year but they might help when they see my history of having a ovary removed last year. I know it sounds daft but im scared to go to the docs incase they just shrug me of i will cry and never stop! they will probs just say loose weight (got about a stone and half to loose) thats there answer to everything and it might help i guess but i was heavier than this when i got preg with my daughter what if they shrug me of and say well its your owne fault you carnt get pregnant. Or do i keep going till the year is up im pretty sure i ovulate (pos opk, pain and then sore boobs couple of days after suggesting the rise in progestrone, also regular periods) i really dont want to temp i hate the idea of it. Maybe i just dont get enough :sex: i mean we all know that trying to get :spermy: out of my OH at fertile week is like trying to get blood out of a stone, really i only got 1 shot this month day 13. Dont know sorry for the ramble my head in bits i just want to cry and cry.
Well.......CD 30 and here I am. No :witch: yet. Last night I decided I was going to test this am. I know, I said I wouldn't do it. Anyway I had the worst sleep, maybe got in an hour or 2 thinking about the results. I held my pee all night, and woke up at 5 and checked to see if :witch: was here first, she wasn't. So I tested.....:bfn: :cry: anyway I jumped in the shower and left the test on the counter, once I got out I took the test apart and inspected it. A few minuutes later a tiny faint line appeared. This was about 10-20 minutes after I did the test. So now I am confused if it is an evap? Its not really gray, it looks pink, but I don't know. Its after the said time so now I think I am just obsessing for no reason. I feel super down right now, I may try and post the pic on the picture board and see what everyone thinks.

Sorry you feel so down Claire, I am with you. I think this is the worst thing.....I am ready to call it quits. I wonder if all this worry and stress is just making us less healthy. So much for not thinking about it this month......I am going to crawl in a hole.
Try not to worry hun. I didnt get a pos last time i was preg until about i was a week late :hugs:
Oh no!

Claire.... i can't imagine how you must feel so many cycles in... and to get such bad pre-p pains too!

Conswayla - sorry hun but it sounds like an evap to me - post a pic here if you can?

Samzi - Just worked out that 31 days is my longest cycle so if i've had no AF by Weds 11th then its a possible - but with 5 days to go and hurty BBs its not v likely.

I'm off out to walk our dog now and then we're going to see my friend and her week old baby. bought a gorgeous set of nursery buliding blocks from M&S for them.
Hrumph. I want to be buying that stuff for me!!!

I probably won't be back online tonight but I'll have a proper play tomorrow.

Big Hugs xxx
Nevermind looks like the :witch: is here :cry:......well she is starting anyway.......AHHHH, you know I do feel better though. I think just knowing either way (even though its not what I wanted) it is better then being caught in lingo not knowing what is going on. But I am going to stick around and root for you ladies!!! Now maybe I can focus on getting some work done. See this is why I don't test until I am really late! Because everytime I test.....AF comes with in a few hours....:cry:
so sorry hun :hugs:

keep your chin up, next month will be yours! xx
i have been gone from here forever and iwas so behind! i went out of town and forgot my laptop at home. OH thought i was going to have a hissy or something. LOL. I guess im officially an addict. I Just got rid of the witch, im CD 10 today. looking forward to next week where OH and i can get :sex: :happydance:
Welcome back Mabrey, get to that :sex: :sex: :sex:!!!

Well, I am still hanging around here, like I said, I want to see how the rest of your ladies do and I want to see the :bfp: start rolling in soon.

I am starting a new cyce buddies thread here:

Hpoefully none of you will need it.

conswayala - awww im so sorry hun i really wanted you to get it, its funny but i have been thining about you lots today and thinking i must pop bk on to see whats happening. Its absolutly soul destryoing and i feel for you i really really do big hugz for you hunni and ill be joining you in your new cycle thread xxxx

Cazd, dont give up just yet come on we have to get one BFP this month!

Well i am in absolute agony tonight i have took maximum painkillers, had a bath, hot water bottle and im still sat scrunched up in pain its really bad AF pain but its in my back and in my front (just on the left side and middle thou) this is where my one remaining ovary is and i am thinking i might have another cyst on it, this pain can not be normal it really carnt i feel like crying its like pulling pain constant on my left side but its so strong its making me feel sick. :( if its no better tomorow im going to the out of hours GP and if not monday im going bk to my GP who will reffer me bk to my gyne for a scan. :( maybe i have another cyst (had my right ovary removed 2 years ago due to a 15cm cyst)
Get it checked out dear. It could be a sign of an ectopic. I don't mean to be doom and gloom but it is better to be safe than sorry!!
Thanks Claire, I know you were really rooting for me, now I am going to root for you!!

I was thinking while reading your post, that it could be a cyst. You shouldn't be in this much paion so far away from AF, even during. I get some really intense back pain about a week before AF and then during AF, but I usually take some PMS pills and a bath and it seems to help. So get it checked hun, you never know, it could be something really easy to fix. And if it is a cyst, at least you can get it looked after before it gets big like your last one. Good Luck, hope it goes well, let us know!
Hi girls. Sorry about that :witch: conswayla. :hug:

Claire - twinging and pulling is a good PG sign - but of course... if its eptopic or a cyst.... You poor thing... on the edge of great news or awful news xxxxx
well all my pain has gone now went to sleep last night and when i woke and had a bath its all bk to normal weeeeird! creamy CM for 6 days running now also weird and shooting pains in my boobs but not neccisarly sore if that makes sence. Still think im out thou. im 8dpo today
Sounds V positive - I've got everything crossed for you!

After cleaning the bathroom, fitting some door knobs and sorting the washing I'm feeling much better about the whole thing.

Just posted that poll thread to find out which cycles the most common for BFPs.
Bet it isn't #1 !!!

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