Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

I agree! This cycle is going by so fast!!!! Please update us ASAP after your procedure!

I def will! Ill probably be on here either celebrating with u ladies or crying and venting within minutes after the procedure lol. Hopefully its celebrating but either way I always seem to come on here immediately when something big happens lol u all have become such a big part of my ttc journey! I am so thankful I found this site <3 FX for April!
Rainy day around here! We were going to go to the zoo but the weather had other plans for us. Oh well, we just BD instead! :haha:

What a great change of plan:haha:
I am doing more interesting stuff, like laundry, changing bed sheets etc:thumbup:
But very first thing is:coffee: and catching up with you girls.

So, I had positive OPK 3 days in row and yesterday afternoon it was faint line, so its going away..... I hope we caught it:shrug:. For some reason I don't really care this month. I am calm and not watching any symptoms at boobs, headache or imaginary pregnancy symptoms. I am sure we all know those.....

Happy Saturday girls!
I agree! This cycle is going by so fast!!!! Please update us ASAP after your procedure!

I def will! Ill probably be on here either celebrating with u ladies or crying and venting within minutes after the procedure lol. Hopefully its celebrating but either way I always seem to come on here immediately when something big happens lol u all have become such a big part of my ttc journey! I am so thankful I found this site <3 FX for April!

Good luck with your procedure aidensmoomy :hugs: when exactly is it? I am sure you wrote it somewhere, but I don't see it. I will hold my fingers crossed for you, I will even tell my cats to cross their paws:haha: it will be great....
I had creamy /ewcm last cycle how many dpo r u? U usually get a surge in estrogen at 7/8dpo which causes ewcm, the white colour is the creamy cm which comfirms your post ovulation, hopefully its a good sign for u x

Im currently 8dpo I have all my fingers and everything crossed for this month still feel i should be pregnant after my mc :( when i am pregnant the belly rubbing thing starts real early so hard for me to hide pregnancy untill 12 weeks .
I agree! This cycle is going by so fast!!!! Please update us ASAP after your procedure!

I def will! Ill probably be on here either celebrating with u ladies or crying and venting within minutes after the procedure lol. Hopefully its celebrating but either way I always seem to come on here immediately when something big happens lol u all have become such a big part of my ttc journey! I am so thankful I found this site <3 FX for April!

Good luck with the procedure hun wishing you all the best. Fx
iBeach - FX you caught it this cycle!! :thumbup:

Missink - I am testing Monday ,at 13DPO.. how about u? FX for BFPS!

Aidensmommy: All the best, I am sure everything will come out grt!

How is everyone else holding up?
All good here except af is being so painful and heavy! I started my second round of my clomid today, and I booked a dye scan test on my tubes for next month! I also already have a scan for my ovaries and uterus
Hello everyone, im getting ready for my ultrasound monday! Yay! Hoping my letrozole gave me some big eggs so I can trigger shot monday night. If all goes well I will have iui #3 on Wednesday! Hopefully this will be my last tww!
I agree! This cycle is going by so fast!!!! Please update us ASAP after your procedure!

I def will! Ill probably be on here either celebrating with u ladies or crying and venting within minutes after the procedure lol. Hopefully its celebrating but either way I always seem to come on here immediately when something big happens lol u all have become such a big part of my ttc journey! I am so thankful I found this site <3 FX for April!

Good luck with your procedure aidensmoomy :hugs: when exactly is it? I am sure you wrote it somewhere, but I don't see it. I will hold my fingers crossed for you, I will even tell my cats to cross their paws:haha: it will be great....

lol thank u ibeach :-) and it's in two days (Mon 31st). I am trying to stay positive and keep my faith but at the same time I have such a bad feeling :-(. I hope my feeling is wrong this time around! Waiting on finding out if my only tube even works is worse than any of my TWW's so far! I am being patient and time is flying by and every am when I wake up I just think OMG ITS COMING! and then my mind goes nuts instantly! I keep having to take nice big breaths or I randomly feel like I can't breath :-\. Hopefully it'll all go diff, clear my tube and along with the vitex, help me conceive in the next month or two! FX soo hard! Ill have to have my kitty cross his paws too! :-P lol
Hello everyone, im getting ready for my ultrasound monday! Yay! Hoping my letrozole gave me some big eggs so I can trigger shot monday night. If all goes well I will have iui #3 on Wednesday! Hopefully this will be my last tww!

hope god brings us both a great blessing on Monday! :-) good luck hun!
Rainy day around here! We were going to go to the zoo but the weather had other plans for us. Oh well, we just BD instead! :haha:

What a great change of plan:haha:
I am doing more interesting stuff, like laundry, changing bed sheets etc:thumbup:
But very first thing is:coffee: and catching up with you girls.

So, I had positive OPK 3 days in row and yesterday afternoon it was faint line, so its going away..... I hope we caught it:shrug:. For some reason I don't really care this month. I am calm and not watching any symptoms at boobs, headache or imaginary pregnancy symptoms. I am sure we all know those.....

Happy Saturday girls!

I guarantee u caught it! FX for u! I have a great feeling you will be starting the bfp luck for us this cycle! :-) which day are u testing?
Ps. I selfishly wish u charted temps so I could obsess over ur chart along w all the other ladies charts helps keep my mind off me.
Today I did a HUGE spring cleaning out of nowhere (got 3/4 of it done!) and it def helped keep my mind off of my test for a few hrs! :-) I can tell dh is getting very nervous too and he admitted it the night before last finally. I knew he was nervous bcuz we have both been a little more quiet (like.thinking alot) but he finally said "I haven't wanted to worry u more but I'm scared as well" and he started tearing up but he made it clear its me and him and aiden no matter what our future holds baby wise and that's always comforting to hear every now and then for reassurance and to help take a little of the extra pressure off, u know what I mean ladies?

baby dust to every last one of u! My test just has to go good and we will all be talking about our BFP's and pregnancies in no time!
Hello everyone, im getting ready for my ultrasound monday! Yay! Hoping my letrozole gave me some big eggs so I can trigger shot monday night. If all goes well I will have iui #3 on Wednesday! Hopefully this will be my last tww!

hope god brings us both a great blessing on Monday! :-) good luck hun!
Good luck to you too. Monday is going to be a great day for us both!
Ibeach, I feel the same way! I could not have gotten through any of this half as well without all of you ladies!

I just got my opks. U ladies reminded me :-)

I am getting more and more nervous about Monday. I made plans to drop my son off with his gram before my appt and have her keep him for the night just incase I need to let any news digest. Dh finally admitted how scared he is. Ugh my stomach is in my throat! Praying is alls I can do until then!

Good luck! I really hope you get a definite answer right away.

Missink- interesting! So the white jelly-like CM would be EWCM, maybe mixed with some creamy CM, I'm assuming. Usually it means you are fertile but I have heard of women having this before their BFP or even sometimes before AF. Have you started any new vitamins or supplements, or drinking green tea? I suppose it may have something to do with your recent MC (so sorry about your MC :( ), and your body just trying to fix itself. I wouldn't read much into it until you get your result from this cycle... then you'll know if it was a good sign or meant nothing at all. Maybe take an OPK just to see if you're trying to ovulate again? Who knows. Good luck :)

Thank you for your reply.. I think im just stressing myself out more thos month be ause of my MC.. it seems like it could be EWCM mixed with creamy CM. I have tested using opks for the past few days with only faint second lines :/ I have not stopped taking pregnacare vitamins since i got my bfp woth the MC so guess it could be a side affect from them.. im stupidly symptom spotting tho which im sure is adding to my stress but i cant help it . Had shooting pains in my bb and strange cramping but only when im sat down. FX Though and hope we all get the bfp we have been waiting for.

I agree that it's creamy and ew combo. I got the the cycle after each of my mc's.

I agree! This cycle is going by so fast!!!! Please update us ASAP after your procedure!

I def will! Ill probably be on here either celebrating with u ladies or crying and venting within minutes after the procedure lol. Hopefully its celebrating but either way I always seem to come on here immediately when something big happens lol u all have become such a big part of my ttc journey! I am so thankful I found this site <3 FX for April!

I'm on here right before or after all my procedures too. It's nice to tell people who understand what you're going through.

Rainy day around here! We were going to go to the zoo but the weather had other plans for us. Oh well, we just BD instead! :haha:

What a great change of plan:haha:
I am doing more interesting stuff, like laundry, changing bed sheets etc:thumbup:
But very first thing is:coffee: and catching up with you girls.

So, I had positive OPK 3 days in row and yesterday afternoon it was faint line, so its going away..... I hope we caught it:shrug:. For some reason I don't really care this month. I am calm and not watching any symptoms at boobs, headache or imaginary pregnancy symptoms. I am sure we all know those.....

Happy Saturday girls!

Happy Saturday! I'm glad your opk's sorted themselves out. I really hope you caught the eggy this month.

Hello everyone, im getting ready for my ultrasound monday! Yay! Hoping my letrozole gave me some big eggs so I can trigger shot monday night. If all goes well I will have iui #3 on Wednesday! Hopefully this will be my last tww!

hope god brings us both a great blessing on Monday! :-) good luck hun!
Good luck to you too. Monday is going to be a great day for us both!

Fingers crossed for you. Let us know how it goes!

Afm: not doing too well. Spring break started at 4pm yesterday and at 4:20 I started puking. I threw up the entire 2 hour drive to my mils house, including all over the side of the dog, the car, my clothes and in my hair :cry: I haven't puked in a few hours so I hope it's done. But it's been almost 24 hours of gut wrenching vomiting.

My uterus is so achy too. It has been achy and sore since I started the bcp on Tuesday. My abdomen is rock hard and swollen, so I don't think my body cares for the pill.

Another three pregnancy announcements on Facebook. One girl found out 2 weeks ago and she is 16 weeks along.
Jrepp, I'm sorry ur not feeling well and are in pain! Do u think its just the bcp causing ur pain in ur uterus or something else? Gosh I feel for you so much :-(. I pray u feel better sooner then u expect! The things we go through... :-\ It'll all be worth it in the end though :-) And yes, it'll def be nice to have answers Monday. Regardless of what they are, it'll take me out of this limbo and ill be able to know a definite as to which dh, my doc and I think is best for our next step. With all of u praying for me, I just have to get good results..right..? :-) fx so tight!!
Guys!!!! I just discovered something. I think it was Aidensmommy (maybe? I forgot), telling us about a girl who wrote as her FB status "Guess it was 2 good 2 b true I'm pregnant"... It is a joke!!! I just got a big long message because my friend wrote "I won 7000 on a scratchy" and it was one of those "breast cancer awareness" messages where you have to put some crazy status and pass it along. That exact message was there, word for word, even with the "2"s. So stupid! Did that girl ever admit it was a joke? I'm just wondering because clearly this pisses me off, that one of MY friends was hurt by something like this, and the intention was to... what? Get a message saying "be aware of breast cancer"??? I'm all for breast cancer awareness but not this way. It doesn't make sense at all. I'm mad. Anyway don't worry, your friend is totally not pregnant again.
OMG Jrepp, that sounds horrible. Please keep hydrated and rest up. Do you think the nausea is also related to BCP or just some other sickness? I truly hope you feel better soon!!!

Oh wow, I have seen stuff like that before, Megan...I hope that is the case with Aidensmommy's friend. But definitely not a good way to go about support breast cancer awareness. My grandmother died of it and I don't think she'd want me posting such things.

Clomid ladies, did you all have bad O cramps? I know Marie said she felt them, but were they like super noticeable? I'm asking bc I'm hurting so bad that BD was very uncomfortable, I'm nauseous, and it hurts to put any pressure on my lower abdomen.
Guys!!!! I just discovered something. I think it was Aidensmommy (maybe? I forgot), telling us about a girl who wrote as her FB status "Guess it was 2 good 2 b true I'm pregnant"... It is a joke!!! I just got a big long message because my friend wrote "I won 7000 on a scratchy" and it was one of those "breast cancer awareness" messages where you have to put some crazy status and pass it along. That exact message was there, word for word, even with the "2"s. So stupid! Did that girl ever admit it was a joke? I'm just wondering because clearly this pisses me off, that one of MY friends was hurt by something like this, and the intention was to... what? Get a message saying "be aware of breast cancer"??? I'm all for breast cancer awareness but not this way. It doesn't make sense at all. I'm mad. Anyway don't worry, your friend is totally not pregnant again.

I think it was actually sweetmelodies about her friend with her tubes tied. My friends all called me and I had to hang up before I cried! Lol I'm happy for MOST of them but i just needed to let it settle. But I agree, that is disgusting that ppl would "joke" like that with friend of theirs who are ttc! NOTHING while ttc is a joking matter! Like I always say, we may joke w each other sometimes but its different because we aren't hurtful and we know what each other are going through! I swear ppl who never have had to struggle w this can be completely blind as to how common and painful it really is and how blessed they are to NEED their tubes tied and such just to AVOID pregnancy. I would love to be that fertile!! Im happy u mentioned that before I went on FB and saw ANOTHER friend was "pregnant" (i only go on once a month if that). You would think they'd add breast cancers awareness to the title and not pregnancy stuff. I am 100% for breast cancer awareness, I do walks and everything but as u said, that's not how u go about it!
OMG Jrepp, that sounds horrible. Please keep hydrated and rest up. Do you think the nausea is also related to BCP or just some other sickness? I truly hope you feel better soon!!!

Oh wow, I have seen stuff like that before, Megan...I hope that is the case with Aidensmommy's friend. But definitely not a good way to go about support breast cancer awareness. My grandmother died of it and I don't think she'd want me posting such things.

Clomid ladies, did you all have bad O cramps? I know Marie said she felt them, but were they like super noticeable? I'm asking bc I'm hurting so bad that BD was very uncomfortable, I'm nauseous, and it hurts to put any pressure on my lower abdomen.

I obv don't have experience or know much about clomid but I do know vitex causes stronger O pains and such and its sort of a form of clomid so its very possible that's the case! FX!!! I do hope ur pains get better but maybe u are having a stronger O which def couldn't hurt ttc wise! :-) FX FX!!!
OMG Jrepp, that sounds horrible. Please keep hydrated and rest up. Do you think the nausea is also related to BCP or just some other sickness? I truly hope you feel better soon!!!

Oh wow, I have seen stuff like that before, Megan...I hope that is the case with Aidensmommy's friend. But definitely not a good way to go about support breast cancer awareness. My grandmother died of it and I don't think she'd want me posting such things.

Clomid ladies, did you all have bad O cramps? I know Marie said she felt them, but were they like super noticeable? I'm asking bc I'm hurting so bad that BD was very uncomfortable, I'm nauseous, and it hurts to put any pressure on my lower abdomen.

Honestly I didnt get reslly bad cramps constantly I actually only got them on off and a fee sharp ones which I guess was ovulation but it did hurt to bd alot! I was told thst because the ovaries are swollen more than usual when u bd it kind of knocks off organs around snd make it painful, with me my lower back killed me so badly!

Oh my god! Seriously first af after clomid is like hell! I woke up so much during the night thinking id wet myself or my pad had leaked. So ladies way tmi but af is extremely heavy and clotty? First ive seen in a long time. I reckon I must not of been ovulating at all which cause af to be light and sluggish! No wonder I didnt get pregnant first round my linging needed a good shed first
OMG Jrepp, that sounds horrible. Please keep hydrated and rest up. Do you think the nausea is also related to BCP or just some other sickness? I truly hope you feel better soon!!!

Oh wow, I have seen stuff like that before, Megan...I hope that is the case with Aidensmommy's friend. But definitely not a good way to go about support breast cancer awareness. My grandmother died of it and I don't think she'd want me posting such things.

Clomid ladies, did you all have bad O cramps? I know Marie said she felt them, but were they like super noticeable? I'm asking bc I'm hurting so bad that BD was very uncomfortable, I'm nauseous, and it hurts to put any pressure on my lower abdomen.

Mine were not as bad as yours, but I definitely felt them!
I checked your temps this morning, I'd say you're ovulation today! Temp dip is a good sign!!!!

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