Kylas, I am so sorry for your loss

I was following your post on the First Tri boards -- So sorry little bub didn't grow

It is best to wait a few cycles after a D&C anyway, because of the risk of miscarriage again from not having enough lining in your uterus - They told me to wait at least 3 full periods - Of course I didn't wait, but we never got pregnant. If we had, I think I would have been terrified for a second loss anyway. I wanted that hole filled so badly. It is good to grieve and do special things for your loss- I used medication to pass my baby at home, so I was able to call a funeral home that cremated for free, so I have a tiny little urn with my last ultrasound pic (baby was much bigger, but no hb

) and then bought some necklaces to fill with ashes - I wear 1 all of the time. I also highly recommend a miscarriage support group - It was very helpful for me, I wish I had done it sooner than I did - they go in cycles, you usually can't join a group that has already started -but check in your area to see if you can find one. Mine was held at a hospital cafeteria in Denver. If you don't have ashes (which most people don't) make a little memorial or buy a special necklace or something in baby's honor. These things helped me immensely. And then for my Due Date on June 1, I bought a baby kitten. (which I really needed as I already had 3 cats, but I love my Kermit so much) And talk about it as much as possible.