Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts. If u have insurance through work there, its the law that they have to pay for ALL fertility treatments. Also I heard taking a trip to Iran is $1000 instead of 15-30grand. I wasn't sure if u meant to move somewhere or just travel for the procedure so I figured I'd throw out both options I know of :-). There are also 14 other states in the US that have to pay for fertility treatment through work insurance but I'm unaware of them off the top of my head, I'm sure google can tell you though :-) good luck and baby dust!!!

Also, if u haven't tested since Sunday, there's a good chance a bfp may pop up tomorrow :-) FX for u! Then u even have to worry about ivf! :dust:
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts. If u have insurance through work there, its the law that they have to pay for ALL fertility treatments. Also I heard taking a trip to Iran is $1000 instead of 15-30grand. I wasn't sure if u meant to move somewhere or just travel for the procedure so I figured I'd throw out both options I know of :-). There are also 14 other states in the US that have to pay for fertility treatment through work insurance but I'm unaware of them off the top of my head, I'm sure google can tell you though :-) good luck and baby dust!!!

Also, if u haven't tested since Sunday, there's a good chance a bfp may pop up tomorrow :-) FX for u! Then u even have to worry about ivf! :dust:

Thanks for the info, I meant travel, but thats really interesting that it is covered in certain states too!

Testing tomorrow afternoon (working nightshift tonight) bought some of those cheap tests today!
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

Steph - I've considered going to Sweden for IVF. There's this blog I read, she went there I believe two or three times for IVF treatment. I know you're not supposed to post links, but you can look up my Sweden IVF on google and it should take you to her story. If you email her, she'll give you more information as well. It just might take her a little time to get back with you. I would still consider it, 100%.
I was a twin as well. I had a twin brother. My mom was in a car accident when she was 6 months along and lost him though.

Whoa that's crazy! I think my sibling was a natural loss early on. Crazy to think we could have had twin siblings! Would have changed our whole lives.
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

Steph - I've considered going to Sweden for IVF. There's this blog I read, she went there I believe two or three times for IVF treatment. I know you're not supposed to post links, but you can look up my Sweden IVF on google and it should take you to her story. If you email her, she'll give you more information as well. It just might take her a little time to get back with you. I would still consider it, 100%.

Thats interesting I will look this up for sure. :)
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

Steph - I've considered going to Sweden for IVF. There's this blog I read, she went there I believe two or three times for IVF treatment. I know you're not supposed to post links, but you can look up my Sweden IVF on google and it should take you to her story. If you email her, she'll give you more information as well. It just might take her a little time to get back with you. I would still consider it, 100%.

Thats interesting I will look this up for sure. :)

Let me know if you can't find it, and I'll send the link to you via msg! :)
Aidensmommy, I see that your temp didn't go up today. More time to bd!!! FX FX!
Aidensmommy, I see that your temp didn't go up today. More time to bd!!! FX FX!

yay! And urs stayed up! :-D I knew it would though. & I see FF now agrees with you and that blazin opk! I rushed on to look at ur chart before I actually put my own info in today haha :-)
Aidensmommy, I see that your temp didn't go up today. More time to bd!!! FX FX!

yay! And urs stayed up! :-D I knew it would though. & I see FF now agrees with you and that blazin opk! I rushed on to look at ur chart before I actually put my own info in today haha :-)

Lol! I check yours around 6 every morning! :) I hope both of ours are up tomorrow! FX FX FX!!
Aidensmommy, I see that your temp didn't go up today. More time to bd!!! FX FX!

yay! And urs stayed up! :-D I knew it would though. & I see FF now agrees with you and that blazin opk! I rushed on to look at ur chart before I actually put my own info in today haha :-)

Lol! I check yours around 6 every morning! :) I hope both of ours are up tomorrow! FX FX FX!!

me too! Bding kinda hurts (just veryyy crampy after) so I'm hoping ill get my positive opk today so we can take a few more days for me to heal.
I still cant believe my temps...they are so steady for the most part and normally by now it would have gone up and down by at least .4 and this time it hasn't gone higher than .2. I def do think the vitex started helping my hormones pretty fast :-) I cant wait to see if I get a better rise for O too. Fx!
Hi Mary and Kenna and Sarah and Jessica! (Did I get everyone?) Nice to meet you by first name :) I'm Megan of course... lol. Now I'm curious what inspired your usernames. Mine came from my name... Mega... I've had people calling me "mega woman" or some variation my whole life, I guess it's just about the only thing you can do to my otherwise common name. I like my name, and DH's name is David, and we are struggling to find a boy name that we love. We love the name Lydia for a girl and we sorta always imagined we'd have a girl first so we will see. We might wait til finding out we're having a boy before really deciding on a name since we have been pondering it for 2 years now and nada. David is the only name we like. hahaha. Our best friend's name is Marshall (rare, but classic and strong) and we like his name but I don't think we want 2 of anyone going around, it's too confusing.

My days are going by so fast and I know when I start the 2ww it will go super fast this time because I'm going to be insanely busy at work, preparing for our tour (leaving for tour the day AF is due!! hoping to get a BFP instead and have a super happy week!!!).

Now I still feel like I know you by your usernames so I won't be able to switch, haha. Wishing and Aidensmommy you guys have beautiful looking charts!! Nice steady temps :) I'm liking mine as well. Hey at least we have that going for us, right? First step is getting that eggy out!!

Off to another long day of work... have a wonderful Friday everyone :)
Wishing bc I'm wishing for a baby and 1010 for our wedding day :)
I don't comment much, but I keep up with all of you! My name is Jenna - my username comes from when I tried to teach my niece how to spell my name and I tried to annouciate it without giving to much away. So then she would say "Aunt Jennuuuuuuh" over and over again when she would spell it. She's pretty cute. =)
So we have a Mary, Jessica, and Sarah! :) easy to remember names!

I was supposed to be a boy (actually was thought to have been twins at first as well, I'm a clomid baby!) and my parents were shocked when I came out a girl lol. Apparently I never got in a position where the doc could tell with certainty. Anyhow, I was supposed to be Ken Jr. But got made into Kenna once they found me to be a girl. :)

Hello gals....I am Katarina:coffee:
Dh calls me frog. He has since we met. And we are weird and random people, and he asked me if I was a rapper what would my name be, I responded mc froggyfrog.
Hey ladies, im still late, probably gonna test tomorrow again, (bfn on sunday) maybe ill get something. This if not pregnant will be the longest cycle Ive had in over two years :S.

Okay so on a different note. I have a weird question. Has anyone considered traveling to get ivf done? I know here in Canada dental is crazy expensive and Ive seen people travel to mexcio for dental work and a holiday and still save a ton of money. And on of my girl friends moms was going to have a surgery done in mexico she has ovarian cancer and it wasnt covered and it was again going to be way cheaper in Mexico again. So has anyone ever looking in to a like a fertility trip??

Any thoughts ladies. I simply cant imagine paying such crazy amounts :( Its 15,000 each time here...

I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts. If u have insurance through work there, its the law that they have to pay for ALL fertility treatments. Also I heard taking a trip to Iran is $1000 instead of 15-30grand. I wasn't sure if u meant to move somewhere or just travel for the procedure so I figured I'd throw out both options I know of :-). There are also 14 other states in the US that have to pay for fertility treatment through work insurance but I'm unaware of them off the top of my head, I'm sure google can tell you though :-) good luck and baby dust!!!

Also, if u haven't tested since Sunday, there's a good chance a bfp may pop up tomorrow :-) FX for u! Then u even have to worry about ivf! :dust:

Thanks for the info, I meant travel, but thats really interesting that it is covered in certain states too!

Testing tomorrow afternoon (working nightshift tonight) bought some of those cheap tests today!

Check out fertility clinics in Czech of the best in the world!!! I know a lot of babies that were made over there:haha:
Prices are cheaper even with a travel...and if you go off season airline from USA can be under $1000 and IVF about $3000-$4000. They are state of the art centers....the reason why they are cheap is the money conversion...
I think you can all guess my name, but just in case, it's Marie ;)

So I read an article on "vanishing twins" a few months ago because I was totally fascinated. Apparently the conception of twins is extremely common, and something like half of all pregnancies begin as multiples. However, in the majority of those cases, one of the twins is reabsorbed into the body (hence, vanishing twin) and no one knows about it, because it happens very early on in the pregnancy. They did some studies overseas, doing scans on women who were TTC, basically starting from conception. They found a lot of women who conceived twins, but by 4 or 5 weeks, were down to only one baby. Kind of like a chemical pregnancy, where many women never even know they were pregnant - only with this, many women didn't know they had conceived multiples.

Sorry, I know that's random. I read a lot about this a few months ago and it just intrigued me!

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