Cool jobs cdex!
DanaD, I'm pretty positive I did not O last month. I like you got pretty desperate and did a google search of herbs to help aid fertility and Dong Quai kept coming up. I went to the health food store and took one as soon as I got into the car and an hour later the cramps started. I had spotting two days later and then that stopped for a day and then BAM! AF came. I know for sure I'm O now.
Charmed this cycle I have the same symptoms as PMS during O. I was just thinking that on the train this morning. I'm very moody and tired.
You ladies seriously make me feel so much better. DH and I did not DTD last night because he was in a foul mood and I was convincing myself he just doesn't want me anymore. Which sucks because I had every sign of O. But you all make me feel better. He would die if he knew this but my last relationship was not this hard when it comes to sex. We were teenagers but sexually we just meshed really well and DH and I have never been that way. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE DTD with him and it's good when we do but we're both submissive so getting things going has been hard for us. I used to try all the time in the beginning but he's turned me down enough I feel embarrassed now.
But, I decided like some of you ladies have mentioned, I am not going to mention O anymore and just try to initiate things again. I don't want to make our sex lives harder than it is.
I work as an Assistant for a Financial Advisor. It's very hectic. I started working here answering phones when I was 18 and moved on up. My boss has become sort of a father figure for me because we're a lot alike. I take the train to work so it's easy going but when we move, I'll have to take the bus. I have before but being pregnant on worries me lol.