Hi, ladies! I am in the same boat with Patience when it comes to mediums/psychics. I tentatively believe that there are some people out there who really might be able to "know" things, but I think the vast majority are just really good at reading people and can pick up on cues you're subconsciously giving and run with it. I agree on probably only doing it if I could just sit in silence and listen but even then, I think they can manipulate you into giving them clues without you even realizing it. Our facial expressions give away more than we realize a lot of times, and when they're watching you closely for even the subtlest reaction to something they've said, they can still read you and manipulate it. Or I would do it just for fun without really believing it (as long as it was cheap!

) I think we all kind of have a 6th sense though in a way, some stronger than others I'm sure. I can't count the number of times I've thought sometime completely random, or get hit with the urge out of nowhere that I should do something out of my norm that I brush off because "What? That doesn't make sense, why would I do that?!" only for it to happen/end up being the thing I should have done after all. So intuition can be stronger in some people than others I think, but that's different in my opinion than really being psychic about other people's lives!
Patience, what a sweet thing to say, thank you!!!

Honestly, I'm just so relaxed about it anymore because I'm cynical that it's ever going to happen/I just don't really think that it will. I'm a very optimistic person but not when it comes to my health, then I tend to be completely paranoid and pessimistic!

This is one time that being all "whatever, it won't happen anyways" has actually helped me though, as not obsessing over it and being more relaxed about it has made me actually happier with life right now! Go figure. I don't have any appointments again until 4/28 when we meet with the RE, so I have some time to just sit back and relax!
Patience, good luck with your hubby today! That's totally a fear I would have with my hubby too. Part of it is my controlling personality, I always want to make sure he'd ask the same questions I would ask, and tell them the same info I would tell them.

I hope she doesn't try to talk him into anything and that he comes home with you guys still having the same game plan in place!
Danna, sorry the week is dragging by for you! It's actually going by really quickly for me, I love it!
Not a whole lot going on in my world. CD7 now, just waiting to O. We're going to my grandparent's place at the lake this weekend, I can't wait! I love that place so much but I've only been once now since my grandma passed away. Part of it is because of it being winter but it's also because it's just kind of hard to be there emotionally. But they're moving right along with getting the place cleaned out to get it listed, my aunt is hoping to have it on the market by April. So I definitely want to get down there again and have more time there before it's gone! I'm secretly hoping it won't sell for awhile, so we can have another summer there.