Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Oh good luck twink!

DH and I are interviewing a home birth midwife I know through being a doula and we're touring a birth center tonight. Trying really hard to not birth in a hospital again but it may be an issue with our insurance. I'm working on weaning Oliver slowly. I just don't think tandem nursing is for us. I think he senses I'm pregnant because he's super clingy. Rubbing my belly a lot which is probably pure coincidence. But cute. I still don't really feel pregnant. I get dizzy and pee a lot and NEED to eat every few hours else I turn into a bear but otherwise I'm fine. I felt so odd with Oliver in the early days it's weird to not feel like that. No nausea but there's time for that. Hopefully not lol.

Turtle is doing really good! They're working on some things in the ttc realm but I'd rather her share. I'll tell her to update if she wants. And yeah crazy on the second babies. I honestly think we should've thought this trough more but we'll survive haha. Just getting it over at once I guess.
Thinking of you twinkie!!!!

I wished I could have nursed...darn nipples. EP was the best i could do. Pain in the

Updates turtle!!
I don't know if you remember but I had such a ridiculously hard time bf. I mean it when I say it was the hardest thing I've ever done. But I had a great lactation consultant and after a few adjustments with the chiropractor and working super hard to get my supply up, it worked for us. I don't blame anyone for stopping. It was the only way I felt I could connect with Oliver though. I'm currently seeing my therapist to work through weaning. It's such a huge part of my parenting.
I guess im inverted. . . It was the weekend so there wasn't a consultant....and with 7 people and a newborn in my 2 bedroom apartment....I just got overwhelmed with time and before I knew it...he was a bottle boy and he was getting my milk so no harm. I'd like to try again. And will!
Oh yeah that's so hard! I hope it works out this time. I'm sure it will!
Hello, ladies! So good to hear from everyone! I do log in and read every once in awhile, I just never post. MsE and Twinkie, congrats on your pregnancies!!! How exciting!!! Twinkie, I can't believe you're so close already and this is your second! Man, it's been awhile. :) Do you know what you're having this go around, or are you remaining Team Yellow again? And of course congrats to MrsH as well, but obviously we've been in touch outside of here, so I've already told her, haha. :)

So I've been doing really well! It was awesome to meet MrsH in person, DH and I had a fabulous time hanging out with her, MrH and Oliver. Oliver is soooo cute too!!! It was a great time. :)

So as MrsH said, DH and I are working on something new (to us) in the ttc realm. I can't remember where we were the last time I posted, but we had decided to go the route of adoption and had started the process. Since then, in May, we learned of something called embryo adoption. Not sure if you guys are familiar with it, but typically it's when couples have leftover embryos from their own IVF cycles that they donate to other couples in need. Well after looking into that more, we discovered something similar but a little different and that's the route we've decided to take. What we're doing is basically a shared double donor program. In other words, it uses donor eggs and donor sperm to create an embryo, and a profile (sperm/egg donor combo) is offered to 3 different families (which is what makes it a shared program). It's done at a facility in California. We're REALLY excited about this, as it feels like it has all the things we were looking for...we're essentially "adopting" the genetics (well not technically, but kind of) but I will get to carry the baby and experience pregnancy, and have control over prenatal care. We're so excited! And even more exciting, we finished the prerequisites a couple of weeks ago and were already offered a profile! We accepted and will be transferring most likely sometime in November! I didn't think I wanted to do IVF, and I still don't want to do traditional IVF, but DH and I are both really excited about this and something just "clicked" and feels right about this. Wish us luck! :)

Anyways, that's what's going on with us. Glad to see this board have a little more activity, hope to keep in touch a little more! :)
That's awesome!!! So happy for you guys!! Please keep us updated!! That's amazing the opportunities that are available. I'm so glad you found options.

Silly questions...but is it like IVF where they implant multiples? Do you have an idea of the donors? Race, hair color etc? Not that any matters...I'm curious! I'm so happy, that's amazing news. Been thinking of you often, so ecstatic to hear about November!!

Turtle that is so great! I'll keep everything crossed for you come October and I totally expect updates!!!

Hope everyone else is well....I'm just a swollen whale counting down the days. I'm really uncomfortable and tired so not getting much done and I feel like there is so much to do still :(
Swollen whale haha. I hate that feeling. But it'll be here before you know it 😊
Wow! That's so cool Turtle! I think that's really neat you will still get to experience pregnancy this way as well! Will you know anytime about the donors?
Hi, ladies! Sorry for the delay in responding! Twinkie, I see that you had your little girl (from your journal, I stalked to find out!)...congrats!!!! So happy for you! I hope you guys are adjusting well as a family of 4! MsE, I see you're having a little girl (and MrsH filled me in too)! That's so exciting, congrats!!! <3

Thanks so much for the well wishes on the path that we chose. I know some people don't understand it but it's right for us and we're happy with it! :) I am moving right along with it, I have my lining check scheduled for 11/8 and as long as everything is good with that, we'll transfer on 11/14! So soon! I started the meds on 10/18 and I must admit, I'm NOT a fan of them. But you do what you have to do. It will be worth it in the long run.

MsE, those aren't stupid questions at all! It is like traditional IVF where you can transfer multiples if you want. Well, you have the choice of 1 or 2 embryos each transfer. DH does NOT want twins and 2 vs 1 only increases the overall success by a little, so this first time we're just doing 1 and hope it will take!

As far as your ladies questions about the donors, we do get quite a bit of info about them before deciding if we'll accept the profile or not. We've mostly been just looking at medical history for them and their families, and basing most of our decision on that. The first profile we were offered fell through (the egg donor didn't show up for her appointments) so we were offered a backup frozen profile which we accepted. So we know height, weight, eye and hair color, profession, their medical history, their families medical histories...all sorts of stuff. None are going to be perfect but we just have to feel comfortable enough with them and we do. The egg donor goes through the facility we're doing this with and they won't give out any pictures or name or anything like that. :( The sperm though they purchase through a sperm bank, and the sperm donor is an open donor through them. So we can register our child on their website as one conceived through his sperm, and once 18 they can have contact if our child wants. And you can purchase a childhood photo of the sperm donor through the sperm bank! I love that!!!

So that's what's new with me. I'm terrified of this next type of meds I have to do, which I have to start a week from tomorrow, so wish me luck! ;) And hopefully everything will go well next Tuesday at the lining check and on the 14th at the transfer!

I hope everyone else is doing well!!! Any other updates, besides Twinkie having her adorable little girl, and MsE finding out she's having a girl this time?! :) :)
thank you turtle!!

twinkie....congrats!!! wishing you all well.

so exciting the next steps you are taking. no matter what....I wish you guys the best!! keep us updated! so exciting! I understand not wanting multiples....I couldn't imagine 5 at one time!! what type of car would that require??? DH has twins from his previous....they seem to be each other's BFF...and worst enemy. lol. typical siblings!

love the childhood photo....such a great idea!! fingers crossed for you....and your lining! may it be perfect....and silver!
Wow Turtle, so soon, but I am wishing you all the very best and praying it all goes well and only requires one time!!

And thank you! Hailey Jane was born on Oct 7th, and weighed exactly 9lbs :) We are doing very well, she's got a sensitive tummy so I have to watch what I eat with breastfeeding, but otherwise, she is a really good baby. And her older sister adores her!

Wishing you all well!
Turtle you already know how excited I am for you and I can't wait for your next update! Such an amazing opportunity and I know it all go just fine.

Congrats twinkie! Love the name. Happy things are going well for you.

I stopped posting when I was 5+6 weeks because I was bleeding and basically thought I was having a miscarriage. But my symptoms continued (even though minor compared to my last pregnancy) so we had high hopes. I had an ultrasound at 9 weeks and confirmed my dating was perfect and so is baby! We are so excited and sometimes scared lol. We purchased a crib and changing table second hand today. I'm starting to show. Unfortunately my milk dried up around 8 weeks and I am only able to nurse O once before bed. It was a hard couple days but he understands as much as a 1 year old can and he sure loves cow milk. I'm going to hold onto that one nursing session as long as I can. Everything is going well otherwise.
Turtle, that's so exciting! I can't wait to read your next update too.

And congrats Twinkie!! So pleased for you &#55357;&#56842; I might have to stalk your diary. Hehe

MrsH I'm so sorry about the bleeding, I don't know if you remember, but I had bleeding throughout the first trimester with Oliver due to a small clot in my womb. It was harmless & went away. Massive congratulations & I can't wait to see more updates!!

Our little Oliver is 13mo now, he's walking & sort of talking in his own little way. He's such a kind and gentle little boy. I love him so much!

Um.. I think I might be pregnant again though! Lol. I literally took a test this morning, it's blue dye though so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'm only 8dpo after not ovulating since May! So this one would be a little miracle too! I'll post a pic if anyone wants to see. I've not told hubby yet, he's just got a new job, but doesn't really want it as it's crazy hours for little pay. He might have another offer though, so just waiting on that call later today xxx
Ok, it's super early & could very well be an indentation! I've got some pink dye tests to take tomorrow... but here's the one from this morning


I'm only 8dpo xx
I see it Charmed! Hehe, squinting at tests brings back memories xD

That sounds like an amazing program Turtle, I wish you a smooth transfer and a sticky one first try! :)
I definitely see it, but I hate blue dye they can be so tricky! Can't wait for your pink dye test! Please post it for us!
I know, Danna! I didn't think I'd be squinting at tests again. Haha. I just couldn't help myself this morning! Eek!

I'm retesting tomorrow with a pink dye & let you all know. FX!

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