Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

awwww, I love seeing lines!

wishing you all the best!!

my daycare lady, who was a saint, is closing. I have 2 weeks to find another. ugh!!!
Ms. Elizabeth, this same thing just happened to me!!! but thankfully we worked out an arrangement and she's going to keep taking the girls part time til next summer (she decided to go back to school part time, so they will get to go on her off days and get us more time to find a high quality provider). I hope things work out for you!!
thanks's crazy

also dealing with Mr Fussy with me only. DS throws fits and whines with me only. with DH he's to be constantly held or fed or something. I know it's a trust and I feed, change etc thing....but can't a momma sit for 1 second like daddy? lol
I've been trying to catch up after a long absence here. So much has happened! I can't reply to it all but huge hugs to everyone! <3

Charmed I hope I have a due date buddy here because I'm baking #2! I have not yet said anything on Facebook so sshhhhh! For now I'm due around July 21st. :flower:
Charmed and Lavender, congrats!!! So excited for you both! Haha, everyone seems to be on to #2 right now (or with Twinkie, already had #2), and here I am over here still working on #1! Ha! That's okay, I'm getting there!

I had my lining check on Tuesday and everything looked great! I'm all ready for transfer on Monday, 11/14! I've been back at work for these couple of days and then DH and I will fly back out to Cali tomorrow! So hopefully I'll be joining you in the baby club soon. :) If this transfer does work, my due date will be August 2nd, so not far behind you, Lavender! :) I started the progesterone shots on Wednesday and I'm very happy to report they haven't been as bad as I feared, and that I've been able to do them myself without an issue! (even though they're in my butt, haha!)

Happy weekend, everyone! :)
Aw congrats Lavender!!

Good luck, Turtle! I'm so excited for you. Thinking sticky thoughts xx

I don't think I am pregnant :( I took another test & couldn't really see anything, so I think it was the curse of the blue dye!! Tsk. Poor Oliver has had a massive allergic reaction to dairy after we tried to reintroduce it. He sucked on a crumb of a malted milk biscuit & has been incredibly unwell for 3 days now. His skin has been burned by the acid levels in his poop. Somehow, he's still his usual self.. but when he's having his nappy changed he's writhing in pain. This evening, the pain was so much for him that his body sort of went into shock & he just lay on the changing mat very still for 5 minutes. We sang songs to him & made him chuckle with his teddies.. but i don't think he could tolerate being touched where his skin has burned :cry: it's heartbreaking.
Best of luck Turtle! Congrats Lavendar!!
Charmed, when you change him I'd suggest keeping a bucket of clean soft baby wash clothes and warm water nearby to clean him up, don't use wipes, that will only irritate his bottom more. Poor thing :(
Ms. E, boy do I know how you feel!! Dh gets all the fun and I get all the crap (sometimes literally!!)
Thank you, Twinkie. We started just popping him in the bath because anything touching him was too much :( He's really improving.. although I've spent all day in bed with a sickness bug & he's just been sick on hubby. Poor guy!!
ugh....acid poop!!! we switched from whole milk to 2% and cut out cheese. really seemed to help. trial and error. ugh. poor little men!! excited for you!!! wishing you the best!
Poor baby! :( It hurts so much when they hurt... Gabrielle has a ear infection right now, I just want to make it all go away!

Congrats again Lavender!!! I saw your thread in the pregnancy test forum :)

Good luck with everything Turtle, I had to go through IUI to get my baby and she was so worth the wait and the struggle. I hope you meet your baby very soon &#10084;&#65039;
Oh that's so awful when they're sick or hurting. I hope Gabrielle and Oliver are feeling better!

Thank you for the congratulations ladies. It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. Got the news of baby, and then on the 11th my mom unexpectedly passed away. I've been down in the US with my family away from husband and DD and things have been so crazy. We're all just taking this one day at a time, and I'm trying my best to remain calm so baby stays healthy.

I've been thinking of you Turtle! I hope everything went well for you. <3
Congrats lavender! I had no idea. I hope things are going more smoothly for you.

Well I'm sad to report I am currently miscarrying. My little waterbear which is what we started calling it, passed at 9 weeks. I have been bleeding for 9 days now. Just waiting to pass the baby. I have decided to do it naturally. It's sad it passed the day after our first ultrasound. I am doing OK mentally. It wasn't the right time. We also had a really bad car accident the Sunday before last. The car rolled two and a half times. I of all of us should not be alive. But here I am. Oliver left without a single scratch. The bleeding really picked up after that so we thought it was from the accident but nope waterbear had passed some weeks ago. I kind of knew because I wasn't gaining weight. Theres a lot more to the whole story but that's the gist.
Also Twinkie thanks for the suggestion on warm water and soft cloths for wiping. My Oliver has a very nasty bum rash from using pampers wipes. I gave him a bath and let him run naked and put some calendula cream on and it seems much better but he's noticeably in pain when we use our old and trusted brand of wipes. Poor guy just has sensitive skin.
MrsH I'm so so sorry for your loss & to hear if your accident. Are you ok? It sounds terrifying.

Turtle, I've been thinking of you! I hope you're doing ok.

Poor Oliver is better from his allergic reaction & now has a chest infection. It's one thing after another & his poor body isn't getting a chance to heal. I've got tonsillitis too, so I am so very grateful that hubby has not got his new job yet! What a rotten start to winter.
Thanks charmed. I'm alright. The accident part messed with DH more than me. Since he was driving of course. But it truly was not his fault. We were on the highway trying to keep Oliver napping and a woman merged onto the highway. She came all the way into the middle lane which is where we were at. DH swerved and we hit the barrier and that caused us to roll. My first thought was oliver was fine because of his car seat (which was true the fireman said it was installed perfectly) and then I blacked out. DH broke out his window and ran around to get me. He said I was sitting upwards so my bum on the roof and I know I had the thought to climb out his window and apparently I did. Then he went back in and got Oliver out. They rushed me to the hospital since I was pregnant. Long story short both the nurse and Dr missed that the baby was already gone. The next day I had my 12 week prenatal and the bleeding really picked up. I called and the mw said it was OK to wait. She did a pelvic exam and thought the bleeding was from my cervix. She did not find a heartbeat but I have a tilted uterus so thought that could be why. I scheduled another us because I told her my experince at the hospital and because of the accident and not finding the heartbeat. My bleeding never stopped but I was in denial and time got away from me. I emailed the mw Thursday and they called me Friday as I was leaving for my ultrasound and told me to go in immediately. The tech saw me right away and I just knew when the baby came up something was wrong. It was small and there was no heartbeat. As time goes I think I'm more so going to get the medication to speed it along. I will never forget this baby ever but I want the bleeding to end. If we find it we decided to bury it in the mountains.

Sorry that was long but I figured my first post was a little blunt and undescriptive.

All of this actually was for the better. I have a new outlook on life and I'm happy I can hold DH and Oliver still. I decided to take care of myself more make more time for me so I can be a better mom and wife. It wasn't the right time for a baby and I was actually really freaking out about it. Oliver while a really happy kid, demands a lot of my time. I wasn't sure how id handle it. So we'll try again when he's 2 if it doesn't happen on its own. My milk did dry up so Oliver is weaned though I can nurse him when he's really freaking out but that's like once a week. So he's STTN which is really nice and I can enjoy that. heart is breaking for you. I'm sending you all the love and hugs possible.

having been in one with's the scariest thing. Car seats are amazing and a life saver. i wasn't thrilled at spending $350 on ours but 3 days later...saved DS as well....worth every penny.

hope the healing is fast. DS....

love to you!
Thank you MsE. I really appreciate all the kind words and thoughts.

I ended up taking cytotec to complete the miscarriage. I took it at 830am. Around 530pm nothing had happened so we decided to run to target and get dinner. Of course it started while we were out and got bad at dinner. I basically went into labor. DH said my cntx were 30-40 seconds apart lasting 30 seconds. I took Percocet and that took the edge off and I could get into a good rhythm. I was laying on the bathroom floor in fetal position. Then I started falling asleep between cntx so I decided to get in bed. Around 930pm the cntx were right on top of each other. For some reason my instinct told me to get on the toilet. I did and my water broke. Wasn't expecting that! Then the cntx were gone. I started bleeding really heavy and then at 230am I changed my pad. When I lifted my leg to get back in bed, the baby passed. It was slightly bigger than a golf ball. I couldn't tell that's what it was but the Dr said it'd look like a gray ball and that's exactly what it was. I was able to put it in a nice box. Yesterday morning we took it to be buried. My body and mind feels so much better.

I hope this post doesn't bother anyone but it helps me to talk (or write) about it.
Huge hugs to you MrsH. My heart breaks for you, but I'm glad that writing this all out is helping you. :hugs:

I'm keeping my news of this baby off of my FB wall, but feel comfortable saying something here and one other group I'm in. So far I'm nervous since so much could happen in the first tri. I'm actually getting a scan on Friday thanks to a resource centre near my folks home since things blew up and I haven't been able to see a doc or have tests yet. That'll be a bright spot while I'm wrestling with my mother's death and the aftermath. I'm missing my girl for sure and really can't wait to go home.
Sorry I've been absent, but Lavender and MrsH, sending you both tons of love and support :hugs:

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