I didn't know you should finish the pack. I got off the pill end of June, had a normal period a week later. I am now on month 2 of TTC. I didn't suffer any side effects, thank God! I was on it for a year. You still on the pill?
Curious- the cycle before this one was about 85 days and they had to force a period with progesterone. I'm just hoping that I don't have to do the same thing this cycle. I might take you up on the venting. Lol. How are you holding up?
cdex, I totally, totally know how you are feeling. I got to about CD150 with NOTHING and was just praying SOMETHING would happen.
Can I ask, what is your BMI like (just as a rough guide, are you underweight, average or overweight?). The reason I ask is that I truly believe the only way I ended by 200 day cycle (and brought on an ovulation which I thankfully caught!!) was for two reasons: First of all, I went on the GI diet. I was really, really strict, and I believe it balanced my hormones enough to allow my body to ovulate. Obviously I have PCOS and you may not, but perhaps it is worth thinking about. The reason why I think it worked is that I literally ovulated 3 weeks after starting the diet, and I know it takes 2 weeks to grow an egg. Secondly, doing the diet, I lost 10lbs, which took me from an "overweight" BMI to an "average" one. I don't normally read too much into BMI (think it is a load of rubbish due to muscle weight etc, but I 100% believe these two things kick started by body into popping out an egg and ending the ridiculously long cycle!)