Support Group failed IVF/ICSI IUI or any failed assisted conceptions 2014

Inky you are right - Canada does have an awesome health care system - except NONE of ivf/icsi is covered.

So I just spent $16,000 on my ivf/fet and have nothing.
I am feeling so angry at the failed ivf/fet situation today. It is like moving through the stages of grief. It is shit.
hey blue. Have pm'd you.

Hope every else is okayx
Hi ladies - I saw this thread last week when I was stimming for my second round of IVF, and I considered posting then, as I had the feeling it wasn't going to end in smiles. Turned out my feeling was right - after 11 days of stims I had 1 okish sized follicle and 3 less than 10mm, two days later all four of them had each only grown a further 1mm, so I pulled the pin. On our first cycle I only had 4 follicles, 3 eggs only 2 suitable for ICSI and neither of those survived the fertilisation process. I was so devastated after that experience (and some piss poor communication from my clinic), I really don't think I was in the right head-space to tey again, but at the same time I also didn't see any point in waiting. Not sure how big a part my NMA played in this cycle's failure, but it sure didn't help!

My FS is always super busy - as he runs clinics all over the country, so in place of a follow-up appointment, we had a good phone conversation with him yesterday evening. He thinks we don't need to wait before trying again (though this will be our last chance with my eggs if I don't respond), but I want to give my body a bit of a break and focus on something else for a while - so we ae going to "relax" until January.

I'm glad this thread is here, but also sad it is needed. Even sadder are the familiar faces. :hugs:

Star - I am so very very sorry to see you in here. :hugs:
Hi, I am new to this forum and hope I am on the right one. i always read the threads but have not yet posted. I have been reading with interest the journey of others and I am so amazed at the strength and courage of the women.

I have just completed a cycle of ICSI with EC on 25 August and ET on 27 August. The 2 ww was just awful. I could not concentrate on work and just wanted so desperately to be pregnant.

DH and I trying for 2 years with no success. It was - I am ashamed to admit - very difficult for me watching others around us get pregnant constantly in some cases and with ease.

We were on waiting list since early last year and the problem was male factor.

I got my LMP on 2 July and started cyle of treatment on 25 July. After that things seem a blur!

I think I started my daily injections - which was not as bad as I had expected until the 10th day. I produced too many follicles and there was a danger I was hyper stimulating. But Iw as told to continue until 14th day. Due to the number of follicles I felt so uncomfortable but so excited at the thought it was working. Thankfully they recovered 14 eggs on 25 August and on 27 August I had my ET .I was told I had 11 eggs which were ok and 5 of these were later frozen. 2 were transferred.

My 2 ww was Friday 10 September where I was told I was pregnant.

I also had Ovarian hyperstimulation which got worse some 10 days after ET. This was agony. My body was still producing follicles making it very uncomfortable but I was told it would not pose a problem to the pregnancy.

I asked for a scan yesterday as I have my first scan on 11 October and I am very scared, that anything can go wrong. I have constant pains, from hyper stimulation of ovaries (which is calming) but also sharp pains, cramp pains, stretch type pains, but thankfully no bleeding, so I am taking that as a good sign right?

I am 7 weeks today. yesterday i was told i had two sacs, empty. i was shocked. i was told i would miscarry - delayed. :nope:

i booked a private scan elsewhere today where I was told, one sac is empty, its seperating and the other sac has a foetal pole. My heart lifted then I was told there is no heartbeat. I should remain pessimistic as it is strongly looking like a miscarriage. At 7 weeks they should see a heartbeat. :shrug:

I have an appointment now for 7 October at 10.30pm. The doctor will talk to me to let me know what to do now...

I am gutted.

I have completed one cycle of ICSI and 5 frozen eggs. What happens now? I have not bled. Do I have to bleed before I can start another cycle? How soon can i start or does that depend on the hospital? :sad2:
Blue - have PM'd you :hugs:

Leilani - so very sorry hun. I think you are right, sometimes it's good to have a break - that's exactly what we are doing. Healthy mind and body before the next go.

Rosegal - so sorry that you are going through this. I had an early m/c and was bleeding so it was relatively straight forward. From my experience on another forum the girls on there have varied between ERPC and natural m/c - sometimes it takes the HCG to fall before you bleed so it can take time. It depends what your FS says and whether they are happy for you to wait. It really is so cruel you are having to go through this hun :hugs:

We had our follow up - drug change to Gonal F as they are worried that the embies slowed down from day 5-6 and there were probs going from morula to blasts - they think the Gonal F could help if it's a prob - can't hurt! Having anti coagulation bloods done - Lister think it's wise to do the test now since IVF is so expensive as normally the do the test after recurrent m/c - if the test is positive it's just aspirin and heperin so straight forward. Consultant said to go again, responded well etc, email PCT to see about having funding sent there rather than our local place, speak to egg share people about the possibility and we have chosen to cycle end of Dec at the earliest... time to chill, enjoy each other - our new kitten and our NyC shopping trip! xxxx
Hi gals,

I am going on Thursday to see whether the foetus (no heartbeat at 7week 1)is still in sac or removing itself for m/c. I think I am going to ask to speed things up if it still is in sac. I feel awful but I want to start second round of ICSI now. How soon do I have to wait before I can start ICSI? Do I need to wait a few months?:help::-k

My mind thinks it is wise giving my body time to recover. My heart says try again soon.

What do others think???? Is it easier preparing yourself second time round???? How soon have ppl waited??? :
Hi rosegal - your clinic will probably suggest you wait at least 2 months before gettingback on track - especially as you over-responded, your ovaries will need that time to recover. As you have 5 embryos on ice, I'm guessing you'll try a couple of FETs before going through the whole IVF process again. Have you spoken to your clinic about getting a review appointment?

Rachelle - were you on Puregon for stimmimg previously? Love the kitten. I asked DH if we could get a couple of kittens, and he said "No, we're going to get a baby".
Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing ok, I am definitely glad that Friday is here.

Blue, I’m so sorry for your loss. I really wish I could say something useful and give you (and everyone else) a hug.

Inky, I hope you are still feeling better and I am glad that you enjoyed your class. I’m sorry to hear they have no cancellations. We definitely deserve a few treats once in a while (I helped myself to three Celebrations at lunch and a latte at lunchtime!)

Starbright, I am so sorry that you have had to join us. That really is devastating.

Rachelle, sorry to hear about your argument with your MIL. What a cutie your new kitten is! I am glad that your follow-up was positive; your consultant seems very helpful. I think having the bloods done is a good idea. It’s great about your NYC trip, enjoy!

Helen, how are you?

Leilani, I am sorry that you are here too. I think giving your body a bit of a break is a good idea. I also have a poor response to stims and it’s heartbreaking.

Rosegal, sorry for what you are having to go through. I barely waited three months before starting my second cycle and as soon as I started my injections I felt as though I had started too soon. With my third cycle I waited four months and felt more relaxed. Everyone is different though. I hope you are ok.

As for me, I had my follow-up on Wednesday and it wasn’t great. Consultant said that he feels we have given it out ‘best shot’ and that he would be ‘reluctant’ to let us try again. He didn’t even acknowledge our early mc (I guess because we didn’t get to the scan date). He has suggested donor eggs and has given us details of a clinic in Washington, DC where there is no waiting list. After many tears on Wednesday, we decided that we will go for a second opinion at 2 other clinics. If they agree then I guess that’s it. I am heartbroken. We’ll pick ourselves up (again) but it is getting very difficult. Sorry for the essay.

I hope everyone has a restful weekend xx
I'm so sorry to come on here and to hear that so many of us are suffering.

Big hugs to all of you especially Blue, Leilani, Rosegal and woowoo. My heart goes out to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

It makes me so sad that this journey has to be so hard and that there are some cr*p parents out there who do not know how lucky they are. Why does life have to be so hard?

I'll update you all on Tuesday after my follow up appt. I'm hoping we can get a date to start round 2 but we'll see. I'm still doing the ovulation tests and no sign of ovulation yet. If I count my cycle from the day I started bleeding then I think I'm about day 23/24 so not really sure what's going on. Just my body getting back to normal after the miscarriage I guess. The only good thing I'm taking from this is that we're off abroad for a week next Sunday and the longer it takes me to ovulate the less likely it is I'll start my period when I'm away.

Rachelle - looks like things are improving for you and Inky sorry the clinic didn't have any cancellations. I would keep trying but then I am known for being impatient lol!

H xx
Hi, just to say there are some very sad stories on here and I feel for all of you.

Having your journey end in miscarriage must be the most awful thing to happen in the world. I can't even comprehend what you are all going through. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better.

This is just a quick update from myself as have been working all over weekend and yesterday and have not been on site. I went to counselling which was beneficial what came out of it was that I need to let myself feel sad and down as IVF is a huge thing to go through. I know I have only had one IVF that ended in BFN, but my feelings have been 'what if I can't ever get pregnant'. I might never get a BFP. I have also drafted a letter of complaint to the clinic because I think there were alot of shortfalls in their care after a failed IVF. I will send it today.

Otherwise, as I am in a state of limbo, I have decided that i must get on with my life. I am doing an evening class, I am going to the gym, and am also going pursue my love for Art and start painting again. I am going to join a local art group. I am seeing friends alot more. I am doing things now that I have put of for the past two years. I still feel sad quite a few days of the week, but today am feeling okay.

I really hope everyone else is okay. xx
I had a big cry too last night inky. I had bought the book a couples guide to ivf and I had refused to read the chapter on what next - after a failed ivf - because I wanted to be so positive. Reading it last night was helpful but devastating that here I am reading this when only a short time ago I had all the hope in the world for ivf.

thinking of everyone here. xo
Blue - I know what you mean. I was positive too. During the whole 3 months of IVF I didn't buy any clothes, because I thought would need maternity ones. It is a miserable time. I hope you are okay. I also avoided that section of the book too. Its good to cry, I do, but not so much now. My biggest problem is anxiety, a big hurdle will be going to a wedding next month. Because I told people, I'm feeling that they will all know when I go to wedding. It makes me feel vulnerable somehow. Also I don't want people to feel sorry for 'us' or give advice. Anyway, I suppose I had better go. Trying to summon up the energy to go to the gym. Also got a great big headache as had some glasses of wine last nightxx Take carexx
Hi everyone.

Inky I think you do the right thing going to see a counsellor. I initially made contact but it took her a few days to return my call by which point I felt a bit better. Blue have you thought about it?

We've just had our follow up appointment. I wish everyone could have the same service we have. I felt particularly lucky today because we saw the Professor that runs the clinic.

She said two things I particularly liked, one was that at 34 I'm young and the second was that she thought we should try IVF again. She said if you threw a dice wanting to get a 6 and you didn't get it first time you wouldn't just stop and say oh well that's it:

Our clinic doesn't have a waiting list so we're starting round 2 later this month. DH agreed to that on the basis I definitely have counselling if it doesn't work after he saw the state of me last time.

So off we go again......

Hope everyone is well.

H xx
Hi Helen
That is great news. Sounds like a really good clinic. I think having that kind of feedback makes you feel positive. Helen, when you say you start IVF at the end of this month, does that include birthcontrol or will you go straight into stimms. I know there is the long and short protocol. I had the long protcol last time. I took BC for a month prior to stimms. Just interesting to compare different clinics. Also did you get your AF. I know you said you didn't pick up ovulation on sticks. I haven't either and would usually ovulate cd16. I know your situation was different but just wondered.

Anyway, I've written a letter to the executive director of the clinic. I hope they take some of my complaints seriously. Really feel that I've been dumped.

I was like you with the counselling Helen, by the time it came round I was alright, but decided to go ahead anyway, and feel I benefitted from it. I'm a fan of anything like that anyway.

Blue - hope you are okay.x

Hope everyone else is okay.

With Love Inks.
Hi Inky,

It's bizarre how different clinics do things different ways. Where I am they start you on the nasal spray at any point in your cycle. I never had to do BC or anything.

I will be on the nasal spray for about 3 weeks and then if all goes well I'll go on injections for 12 days and then onto EC and ET. I worked it out last time and from starting the nasal sprays til getting the results it was 7 weeks and 2 days which I guess is long protocol?

I've been using my OV sticks every other day and tested with the last one this morning and still no sign. I have no idea what's going on but it looks like AF won't show her face on my hols which is good. I am of course worrying that I'm never going to OV again but I think the delay is just a result of the treatment and miscarriage. I'm not going to buy any more sticks and will just wait for AF to show her face when she feels like it (after my holidays please!!).

Glad you've been indulging in wine - always helps I find and I hope the wedding goes okay for you.

Hope everyone else is okay.

H xx
Hi everyone

I hope you don't mind me butting in!

I am just about to start my second round of IVF. My first was cancelled due to poor response which I am thinking leaves me with a much reduced chance of success. I have been taking bcp and to be honest all the drugs I have taken over the last year have been making go a bit round the bend this week. I have been worrying about the same things over and over in my head and been feeling disconnected in work because I am so stressed.

Anyway - today I bit the bullet and told my boss exactly how I was feeling. He was amazing and really supportive. My DH was horrified that I had gone into so much detail but do you know what I am just past caring!

I was wondering if counselling would help. Has anyone found it helpful?
Hi everyone. I'm so glad I found this thread but I'm so sad that we are all having to go through this.

I'm still grieving my failed IVF from July / August this year and I am due to start the next cycle very shortly - AF is due this weekend and then DR should be 3 weeks after that. I can't believe its come round so quickly and I'm dreading doing it all again. I have a history of depression and have been struggling so much that I'm thinking of going to my doctor and asking about antidepressants. Humph. Just don't know how I'll get through things without some kind of support. I've had counselling which was excellent but my counsellor has been off sick now for 4 months and there's been no replacement so I'm all alone, or so it feels. And its starting to drive a wedge between DH and I which is the worst thing - I'm just so insular and withdrawn that he doesn't know how to communicate or reach me.

Big hugs to everyone :hugs: And especially Star - I'm so so sorry that you are on here. What a terrible thing to happen. :hugs::hugs:

silarose - sorry to hear about your first cycle - dyou know what. I think it was a brilliant thing to tell your boss, because then you might get the support you need, and he might make allowances. I have had counselling it does help because you can't take all the burden yourself. Even if you only need one session, is worthwhile. In the real world it is hard to talk to people about because unless you have been through this your can't fully understand. I think the 'thoughts' on a loop effect is quite normal. I have had this. I have to try and stop myself but is difficult. A counsellor will definately help you be more positive going into the next cycle. Also do you do accupuncture. I am still doing this and I don't how but really relaxes me. I am going to have another session with counsellor jsut before FET.

Baby Christie - I'm so sorry about your last cycle. I also got a BFN in August but have no idea when I can have a FET - because clinic is rubbish - have a long wait.I think alot of us know how both you and silarose feel. If you want someone to talk to, talk to us. I can relate to you with DH. men don't shoulder it as much as we do. After all they aren't being pumped full of hormones. I think this whole process makes you down. Baby did you do accupuncture also, because apparently it works for depression. Also, its having contact with someone each week that understands your plight.

Helen- have a lovely holiday. Hope you relax and forget about it all and enjoy sunshine (presume you are going on a sunshine holiday.) Hope AF stays away.

Anyway, I tell you what has helped me today, my husband has booked a spa weekend. Can't wait. Have chosen to have a massage and a facial. Can also use the sauna, gym and swimming pool. Can also lounge around. I might do the latterxxxx

Take care everyone.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for your support Inky2006. I do acupuncture every week. It really relaxes me too. I can get free counselling with my clinic and I'm going to phone them tomorrow to arrange it. It makes me feel a bit weak that I can't cope by myself - but I have to remember that IVF truely is an ordeal and that it is normal to need help. Good luck with FET - when do you get going?

BabyChristie - I totally understand how you feel. I'm absolutely dreading starting the hormone treatment again - it's soooo awful!!! I am really scared about the impact they are going to have on me. My cycle involves clomid and I cried constantly the last time I took that! Acupuncture might help a bit - I go each week and it is quite uplifting. Is there no way you could ask your gp whether another counsellor might be available for you to talk to? I haven't got any experience of antidepressants and IVF but your clinic should be able to give you advice on this. Good luck


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