Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Weirdest cycle ever. Pretty sure I O'd on CD17. Had ovulation bleeding the day before.

1dpo- ovulation pain, cramping, heartburn
2dpo- mild cramps, pulling and twinges (made me wince), mild headache
3dpo- mild cramps, pulling and twinges, mild headache, fatigue,slight dizziness
4dpo- mild cramps, pulling and twinges and a bubbling feeling, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea (nearly threw up my breakfast)
5dpo-same as day before but no nausea and now I think someone snuck a trumpet into my underpants (gassy)
6po- same but nausea is back
7dpo-same but now have a hot feeling in low abdomen, irritable. No nausea.
8dpo- same as above but now my teeth are hurting and I feel warm ( not feverish)
9dpo- same but teeth stopped hurting but now my labia minora aches and I have a tight feeling in my lower abdomen.

Now the part that has me completely freaked out. I decided to check my cm because I have felt like I had a lot of moisture but haven't really seen much on the tissue. My cervix seemed soft but I couldn't tell if it was open. Anyway, about an hour later, I went to the restroom and when I wiped I had bright red streaks on the tissue. I was very carful when I checked my cervix and other times I've done it I haven't had bleeding. This is the first month that I have really felt "different" after O'ing but this bleeding has thrown me off.
Real quick update. DH got me an HPT on 10 dpo (i'm 11dpo today) and it was a clear BFN.

I ordered some online HPT's called BFP from FairHaven and they should be here tomorrow or Wednesday. if AF don't show by then i will test again and give another update.

Symptoms today are: tired around 8:00Pm and a little gassy with OMG sore nipps and bbs and a few facial pimples.
hi iv been currently trying to concieve for 4 years now we have been attending fertility clinics in belfast in june i had a dermoid cyst removed and from then my periods have been like clockwork.

My period this month was due on the 16/02/14 i ovulated around the 02/02/14 from around 7dpo i have been having mild backache and twinges like period cramps but not as strong on the 15/02/14 i got a BFN and lost all hope but I have been having a lot of white cm and last night i check my cervix its still high sort of like pursed lips and a glob of jelly like discharge came out TMI sorry lol could this be the beginning of my period if their is no blood hope someone can help x
Hi Sarah welcome! That all sounds very promising hun. I had loads of cm with both previous pregs at the start. I didnt get bfp until day. 15 po with my last prgnancy so it just be a few days until test will show. Go fx xx
thank you i would be 17dpo now just worrying myself crazy incase it was a cyst will do another test on saturday :) xx
Neat thread!
I am 12 dpo today with af supposed to show on Saturday. I kinda think she is coming because my only symptoms are Gas and a bubbly feeling in my stomach. Those are normal pms symptoms. But either way I will keep posted and/or start anew on cd1.
i'll join in:

1dpo - EWCM
2 - 6 dpo - no notable symptoms, some vivid dreams
7 dpo - light pink spotting and mild cramping
8 dpo - mild cramping and slight sore throat, emotional
9 dpo - BFN cramping. clumsy, dropped hot coffee on myself
10 dpo - BFN no symptoms think im out
11 dpo - BFN, hungry! poss increased sense of smell
12 dpo - BFN - major PMT. I am so angry today! think AF is on her way :( feeling sad
13 dpo - havent tested. pre-mentrusal cramping. af is def on her way. im vvv sad.
14 dpo - BFN. occasionally tender boobs. convinced af on way.
15 dpo - no testing. quite tired. holding out to test until monday 17 dpo (af due then) plus i
am so so itchy! what is that about? excema coming on on face hasnt been there
since i was 14! plus ears, now belly itchy too. hives! dont know if it is related though!
16 dpo - BFN - taken antihistamine for itching. still feel like af on way. might have felt queasy this afternoon - or just hungry!
17 dpo - BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

plus i am extrememly clumsy! i think that is a pmt type symptom though?
1 dpo: nothing
2 dpo: nothing
3 dpo: lots of cm, peeing a lot, super tired but waking at night, vivid dreams
4 dpo: a lot of cm, peeing a lot, super tired
Clomid Round 2 - 50mg
25 months TTC
PCOS and a Bicornuate Uterus

Normal Clomid Post Ovulation signs - Pink
New Post Ovulation signs - Blue

2 DPO: Gassy
3-5 DPO: Gassy, Tender Nipples, Extremely Stiff Neck (probably not related)
Hi ladies! I stalked this thread like crazy so I am sharing my results now!
2 dpo constipated
3 dpo constipated crampy, kind of bloated at night
4 dpo nothing really
5 dpo diarrhea boobs feel funny getting heavy or almost sore esp left one, pimples (very unusual for me)
6 dpo creamy cm, pimples
7 dpo hungry , constipated
8 dpo nothing
9 dpo boobs a bit sore, short tempered/irritable
10 dpo nothing
11 had sex dream last night, nothing else
12 gagged brushing teeth, nausea at night, constipated
13 dpo BFP!!! And more nausea

Thought I would join in with my symptoms! I'm 10DPO!

1dpo: face broke out. Tender breasts. Irritable. Nipples sore. Getting over cold.

2dpo: small crampy pain in right side. Breasts still tender. Still getting over cold.

3-5dpo: creamy cm.

6dpo: dry cm. Temp dip. Diarrhea.

7dpo: breasts tender. Dry cm. So sleepy; napped.

8dpo: uterine cramps. Tearful. Breasts still tender. Heart palpitations for 5-10 mins (like my heart was skipping a beat)

9dpo: uterine cramps. Heart palpitations for 5 minutes. Thirsty. Tender breasts. Gassy.

10dpo: slept for 13 hours and still tired. Tender breasts. woke up with headache. Temp was 97.70 so still elevated.

EDITED: 11dpo: mild cramps.

Congrats on ur bfp angel!

I just tested 10dpo silly me bfn :( feeling deflated

Been feeling sick and really tired was convinced i was! Maybe will still get bfp but trying to be realistic incase im not
Hi! I'm new here, and I am loving this thread!

My symptoms:

1dpo-4dpo: mild cramping (very unusual outside of AF), tugging & pulling (never felt this before in my entire life), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas
5dpo-7dpo: mild cramping, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness
8dpo: cramping (not strong but uncomfortable enough to delay my sleep after laying down at night), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, tired and bleh feeling
9dpo: same cramping, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, negative (<1) result from beta hCG blood draw (Dr says it's too early to test but I wanted to try anyway)
10dpo: same cramping (this is really concerning me in case I'm not pregnant!), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, BFN using FRER
11dpo: same uncomfortable cramping all over with dull ache near left hip, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, slight nausea and stomach feeling unsettled, BFN using FRER

I've also been having bad heartburn for the past few days but that's pretty normal for me.

AF due on 2/21 (but I am extremely irregular).

Baby dust to all!!!
Hi! I'm new here, and I am loving this thread!

My symptoms:

1dpo-4dpo: mild cramping (very unusual outside of AF), tugging & pulling (never felt this before in my entire life), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas
5dpo-7dpo: mild cramping, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness
8dpo: cramping (not strong but uncomfortable enough to delay my sleep after laying down at night), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, tired and bleh feeling
9dpo: same cramping, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, negative (<1) result from beta hCG blood draw (Dr says it's too early to test but I wanted to try anyway)
10dpo: same cramping (this is really concerning me in case I'm not pregnant!), pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, BFN using FRER
11dpo: same uncomfortable cramping all over with dull ache near left hip, pelvic pressure, bloating, gas, headaches, slight dizziness, tired and bleh feeling, swollen nipples with pronounced white glands, slight nausea and stomach feeling unsettled, BFN using FRER

I've also been having bad heartburn for the past few days but that's pretty normal for me.

AF due on 2/21 (but I am extremely irregular).

Baby dust to all!!!

Forgot to mention aches in lower back, butt, and upper thigh/groin areas 9dpo-11dpo.

Really hope I'm preggos...
Not just because I want to be but also because don't know what to make of my symptoms if I'm not!
On vacation but quick post to list symptoms

4dpo - weird fatigue
6dpo- dizzy spell, little breakout, cramps
7dpo - backache, cramps
8dpo- tiny twinge, really no symptoms :cry:
9-13 cramps
Replied to my post instead of editing - Oops.

I figure I've stalked this enough to add my 2 cents:
1dpo-4dpo: nothing
5dpo-6dpo: tender bb
7dpo: SORE! bb [felt like someone punched me]
8dpo-9dpo: tender bb, cramps in lower ab that radiated to top of thighs, lower back ache
10dpo: tender bb, got out of shower and noticed 6-8 small bumbs inside left areola and 3-5 inside right areola. Went away after a little bit [it was like the heat brought them out]
11dpo: tender bb, gagged twice brushing teeth, left nipple very sensitive [weird], lots of cm.
12dpo: bb have settled down.. now just certain areas are sensitive, bumps after shower again, haven't #2'd for 2 days [sorry tmi], lots of cm.
13dpo: not much! :( tender bb [actually had to put bra on to make them feel better], slight nausea after eating.
14dpo-15 dpo: sore bb [mostly the outside of each and bottom, best they felt all day was in a sports bra at the gym], bumps on areolas there all the time now and the whole area is very itchy, some cm, feel like I have excess saliva [weird?], af due in 2 days but I have no acne [kinda weird for me]. Testing tomorrow morning!

So that's that so far. AF due on Thursday March 6th, which is also my birthday.. not sure how I feel about that. Thinking of testing Wednesday the 5th to avoid bad news on my birthday if that's how this turns out..
O dpo: dull cramps and spotting.
Normal post Ovulation symptom of sensitive nipples from 2dpo onwards
6dpo: dull cramps and spotting (hopefully IB)
7dpo: dull cramps and acne breakout on my chin
8dpo: seems like I am weeing a lot (woke up a 3am to wee, which is unheard of for me) BFN with fmu on IC although only 3 hour hold thanks to the 3am toilet trip.
9dpo: dull cramps, tired, feeling sick/slight heartburn in the late afternoon.
10dpo: BFN with fmu on IC, dull cramps, frequent urination, feels like getting an UTI, tired
11dpo: very very faint positive with fmu on IC but so faint I thought it was an evap. heavy feeling in stomach, dull cramps, headache, slightly constipated, frequent urination, increased amount of creamy cm, acne breakout
12dpo: didn't test, dull cramps, tired, slightly constipated, frequent urination, increased amount of creamy cm, oily skin
13dpo: clear positive with fmu on IC and positive 1-2weeks since conception on a clearblue digital. heavy full feeling, increased creamy cm, oily skin, food aversion and nausea.

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