Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

congrats Ange and littlefishy!!!! Sending sticky bean dust your way :)

I'll add in my symptoms this month too :) Right now I am 11dpo and o'd on Feb 16.
Dh and I are not trying though, just kind of being reckless, so I wasn't really symptom spotting. Here's what I remember:
6dpo - blood when I blow my nose (this was my first symptom when I was pregnant with my son and bloody noses continued throughout the pregnancy)
8dpo - holy teenager face! Major breakout!!
8dpo - 10dpo - sooo tired by 1am which is abnormal for me, usually don't go to sleep until around 3 or so
11dpo- twinges, nervous stomach feeling and light cramps. Some diarrhea
11dpo- spotting/light bleeding. mainly brown but a little red too. May be af but she is always on time and usually comes with a vengeance when she rears her ugly head, so we shall see!

No sore bbs. Will test tomorrow if af isn't here fully.

12dpo - Well like i expected, af came on strong today.
Well i ve read so much of this thread i thought why not join!
I be got pcos and a septate uterus so i m very irregular but i had a positive opk on saturday 21st so i think i ov on sunday 22nd. So here goes:

1-3 dpo nothing

4 dpo weird nausea at night, felt like i couldnt digest my food, very gassy, painfull ovary

5 dpo very gassy, again poor digestion, stuffy nose, pain in ovary

6 dpo stuffy nose, weird leg pain, very slight cramping, painful ovary

7dpo stuffy nose, very bad indigestion

8dpo terrible insomnia last night, woke up very lightheaded and kind of dizzy which lasted a good 1 hour, upset stomach, lower backache (but had cleaned the house), stuffy nose

Well that s it! Every month i experience 100 symptoms so
not making anything out of this! Will update soon!
Baby dust to all!
omg this is like my favorite thread ever. It helped me through some intense tww scares and hopes. I thought it was gone forever (because I'm a dummy and I don't know how message boards work) and tried to start another one just like this and here it is! I hope you don't mind i join this one since it's the original... And good luck to you all!

I'll go too!

I am supposedly 5dpo if I o'd on time. I suspect I was early but I won't know for sure until my missed period.

1dpo- Cramps on the left and lots of cm. Very normal o symptoms.

2dp-3dpo - ewcm like o never went away. Usually I dry up very quickly. Hiccups. I smelled stuff clear across the apartment which was very strange, very heightened sense of smell.
My warped sense of smell also ruined my ability to cook and I was forced to throw away food I cooked because it was just gross to me. I am usually an excellent cook and love doing it. Apatite gone.
I am an insomniac and at night I began to get this weird waterbed feeling in my lower abdomen, attributed it to gas though it didn't feel like it at all.

4 dpo- no cm so I tell myself to get over my suspicions and move on but still no apatite, I ate half a bagel and couldn't force myself to eat more.
At night I experienced some light cramping, they honestly still haven't gone away from my left side where I O'd. Still getting fluttery waterbed-ish feeling in my lower abdomen pelvic area, this is the weirdest symptom for me since I never felt anything like it. When it happens I am convinced I am pregnant, it's almost like a stretchy muscle spasm.

5 dpo (today) - I cooked sausage for my husband and could barely touch it. Made soup and rice for myself, made it bland and tasteless because I can't handle any spice. Tried a bite of sausage when hubby came home and had to spit it right out. Felt I was going to get physically ill from it. Still a bit crampy and a bit of cm came back.

6 dpo: I had some nausea when I woke up. It went away after I had my coffee. At lunch my apatite was still low, ate half a portion and again spices and herbs I usually like hit me kind of strong (rosemary and garlic which I usually love were just too much) experienced slight nausea after lunch.
No stomach twitches today, having some cm but not much which makes me think this is all in my head.

7dpo: Almost nothing but appetite is still very low and I'm a bit irritable... the pms kind.

8dpo: I wipe what could be spotting but I'm not too sure. No ewcm at all. Just two drops of red blood and then some pink an hour later. Done. I thought I might've scratched myself somewhere but couldn't find a source so who knows. Trying hard to ignore all other symptoms and not get too far in my head.

9dpo: Boobs feel a bit sore, it comes and goes, relieved when I got to take my bra off. Light AF-like cramps. Lack of appetite, I eat till a certain point and then all of a sudden I can't take another bite. I gagged at an apple I couldn't finish, I usually have a healthy appetite and can force myself to finish something this small. Strange dreams, woke up at 5am. Still not a ton of cm which is the main reason I think I'm fooling myself :(

10dpo: Headache, feeling flushed and very sick. Lack of apatite yet I had to use the bathroom 5 times today (TMI). Eating lunch/dinner made the symptoms subside for a while but they eventually came back each time. Craps, when I took a shower they were so bad it was hard to bend. CM in the AM but none in the PM. Sore breasts (Like for real... I've never had sore breasts in my life.) AF isn't due till the 8th but I made a deal with myself- if I puke before that (Been feeling so sick) I'll test sooner.

11dpo: Woke up at 5am again. Bit of CM in the AM but that's expected since AF is due in a few days. Breasts are sore to the touch. My stomach hurts when it's empty, I actually got my apatite back today. O-like cramps and a very full feeling bellow my pelvic.

12dpo- NOTHING :(

13dpo- sore boobs (but also sore back so could be a pulled chest muscle), slight pinch in pelvic area when I stretch. AF should come in the next 1-3 days depending on the length of this cycle (I am anywhere between 28-31 days). CM bone dry! There's none. Which isn't usually the case a couple of days before AF. Since most bfp's experience globs of ewcm I highly doubt I'll get one.

14dpo - AF was due but was a no show. No cm yet, I should have some before AF. I do feel like it's coming though, slightly crampy and gassy, my lower abdomen pelvic area is sensitive.

15dpo- AF late but wiped brown. Scared it's gonna show up soon. Had a terrible toothache last night and my stomach was in knots. But these symptoms can be attributed to AF coming soon as well :( Waiting to see as my plan was to not test on the weekend anyway.

16dpo- brown spotting continues. I think it might be AF.

17DPO- AF for sure. I'm out.
Hi so this is first cycle trying after mc 3 months ago. Already hv a 7 year old DS. This month did smep plan, preseed & opks. Currently 5dpo

1dpo- cm

2dpo-creamy cm in underwear (dont check cervix)

3dpo- gassy, wet cm in underwear

4dpo-wet cm in underwear,gassy..stitch like twinge on left side just near leg joint on & off through out day(had this last times just before implantation so we'l see)

5dpo- stitch type twinges still thr on left side same place but a little more intense & constant now, itchy nipples in evening

6dpo- the twinges less intense nw just a light stitch type feeling. Underwear quite dry so nt much cm thr. Tired & runny stool this am not extremely runny but runnier than normal (tmi) not very hungry today had t force myself t hav breakfast late afternoon, extremely dry skin, towards late afternoon can feel the twinges again on left side

7dpo- sticky cm wen wipe after using loo & in underwear, nothing else for now. Got really intense twinges on left side again today evening & through night. Very noticeable ache.

8dpo- getting af type cramps when woke up in morning. Yellow gluey consistency cm.

9dpo- getting pre Af cramps & legs hurt too usually legs ache before af. Tested BFN think i'm out this time. Later in afternoon went to toilet & wiped after & got a blob of snotty cm tinged with brownish color. Ib? Start of af? Nothing for rest of day into night. Just that once. But still cramping so we'l see in next couple days.
Oh & extremely thirsty since yesterday & today & urinating more frequently than usual from 9.15am-1.30 in afternoon mustv gone to pee 9 times. Drank alot of water day before tho so dunno even woke up at 1.30am the morning before to use toilet x

10dpo- tested this morning with ic & stark white BFN. Was a little bit of brown smear in underwear an hour later. I'm thinking its going to turn to spotting then af. Will update later on nothing else just feel like af coming x

11dpo- BFN a little more spotting. Af due in 2 days so i knw wat this means x

12dpo- BFN on Frer. Stil tiny smears of spotting on underwear. Knw af coming but prob cum full flow bang on time lol

13dpo- AF arrived
9dpo- getting pre Af cramps & legs hurt too usually legs ache before af. Tested BFN think i'm out this time. Later in afternoon went to toilet & wiped after & got a blob of snotty cm tinged with brownish color. Ib? Start of af? Nothing for rest of day into night. Just that once. But still cramping so we'l see in next couple days.

9dpo is still early. Don't give up! the brown cm could be IB.. Good luck!
Wow ladies i am gealous of your spotting..this early on it sounds like in to me!!! When are you testing and when is af due?
Wow ladies i am gealous of your spotting..this early on it sounds like in to me!!! When are you testing and when is af due?

Testing after AF is due so probably on the 8th or 9th. But I've been feeling so miserable today (10dpo) that I made a deal with myself that if I actually puke my guts before that (tmi) I'd test that moment. lol.. weird tww logic.
9dpo- getting pre Af cramps & legs hurt too usually legs ache before af. Tested BFN think i'm out this time. Later in afternoon went to toilet & wiped after & got a blob of snotty cm tinged with brownish color. Ib? Start of af? Nothing for rest of day into night. Just that once. But still cramping so we'l see in next couple days.

9dpo is still early. Don't give up! the brown cm could be IB.. Good luck!

Hi i dunno feels like it does before af cums. Wiped today & a little bit more i'm thinkng af going t show her ugly face early. Did a ic this morning BFN x
Wow ladies i am gealous of your spotting..this early on it sounds like in to me!!! When are you testing and when is af due?

Hi dont b jelous could just be af coming early lol for me anyway, did a test today 10dpo but negative & got what i think is a nasty evap on a frer yesterday. I'v posted it in two week wait its somewhere on first page. Last time i gt pregnant i got ib at 8dpo & a bfp on 9dpo. But hat time was just a smear of dryish dark brown this time its mixed with cm & so dunno never pay attention to it wen i'm not trying but i think i'v had this mixed with cm kind before af a couple times x
Littlesesame as odd as this might sound i really hope you get sick soon!!

Will try to hold testing until the 9th (when af is due) but i usually cave before that. I dont hold much hope though cause i ve been feeling af type cramps today (9dpo), strong ovary pain and have had no more lightheadedness or weird stomach. Only other possible weird symptom is i got a very weird twinge (like a muscle twinge) right by my leg joint today twice. Anyone ever had that??
Wow ladies i am gealous of your spotting..this early on it sounds like in to me!!! When are you testing and when is af due?

Testing after AF is due so probably on the 8th or 9th. But I've been feeling so miserable today (10dpo) that I made a deal with myself that if I actually puke my guts before that (tmi) I'd test that moment. lol.. weird tww logic.

Good luck hun x
Mom2sam i really hope its ib this time! Have you seen it again? It happened to me last cycle and the one before that, mixed with cm but af came within 24 hours so if you got your way before af is expected then you re in for sure!
Littlesesame as odd as this might sound i really hope you get sick soon!!

Will try to hold testing until the 9th (when af is due) but i usually cave before that. I dont hold much hope though cause i ve been feeling af type cramps today (9dpo), strong ovary pain and have had no more lightheadedness or weird stomach. Only other possible weird symptom is i got a very weird twinge (like a muscle twinge) right by my leg joint today twice. Anyone ever had that??

Yes that twinge is wat i had last time & never really went away i was pregnant thn! Ths time got it 7/8 dpo but its not thr nw. Good luck hun x
Littlesesame as odd as this might sound i really hope you get sick soon!!

Will try to hold testing until the 9th (when af is due) but i usually cave before that. I dont hold much hope though cause i ve been feeling af type cramps today (9dpo), strong ovary pain and have had no more lightheadedness or weird stomach. Only other possible weird symptom is i got a very weird twinge (like a muscle twinge) right by my leg joint today twice. Anyone ever had that??

Yes that twinge is wat i had last time & never really went away i was pregnant thn! Ths time got it 7/8 dpo but its not thr nw. Good luck hun x

So no more bloody cm? That s a good sign hun, yaaay!!

Ok back to twinge (cause a girl cannot but hope) mine felt like a little drumming right by my hip leg joint. Does it sound like what you had? Also it only happened like twice??shouldnt it continue?
Littlesesame as odd as this might sound i really hope you get sick soon!!

Will try to hold testing until the 9th (when af is due) but i usually cave before that. I dont hold much hope though cause i ve been feeling af type cramps today (9dpo), strong ovary pain and have had no more lightheadedness or weird stomach. Only other possible weird symptom is i got a very weird twinge (like a muscle twinge) right by my leg joint today twice. Anyone ever had that??

Yes that twinge is wat i had last time & never really went away i was pregnant thn! Ths time got it 7/8 dpo but its not thr nw. Good luck hun x

So no more bloody cm? That s a good sign hun, yaaay!!

Ok back to twinge (cause a girl cannot but hope) mine felt like a little drumming right by my hip leg joint. Does it sound like what you had? Also it only happened like twice??shouldnt it continue?

Hi yep i remember it continued was constantly thr & would notice it more if i coughed or sneezed would a get a sharp pain thr & i hd cramps earlier thought af coming put a pad in & was just that brown smear & nothing yet but i usually gt full af a day later in am wen i wake up. So will see hw it goes tmrw. Good luck n kp updating evn if i'm out i wana see lots of bfp on here x
Littlesesame as odd as this might sound i really hope you get sick soon!!

Will try to hold testing until the 9th (when af is due) but i usually cave before that. I dont hold much hope though cause i ve been feeling af type cramps today (9dpo), strong ovary pain and have had no more lightheadedness or weird stomach. Only other possible weird symptom is i got a very weird twinge (like a muscle twinge) right by my leg joint today twice. Anyone ever had that??

haha the tww is the only time I can say "thanks" to someone hoping I will get sick.
Woke up again super early today (5am) and felt some heartburn/acid but so far "no luck" :P

Hey! I got the weird twinge earlier this week. Felt like a drumming twitch just like you described. I tried to convince myself it was weird gas but I wasn't even gassy!
Mom2sam yaay hope it stays well away from you!!!

Littlesesame wow weird...imagine if this is the sign for both our bfps!! I m itching to test tomorrow!
I Think i will be hugely dissapointed as i got some watery cm today after bowel movement (sorry tmi) which usually means af is on its way :(
Hi ladies. Just wanted to say good luck and fingers crossed for everyone. AF is due Thursday but that's my birthday so I'm gonna test tomorrow which will be 16 dpo for me. I'm so nervous because I feel like the symptoms I've been noticing are way different than what I usually feel and I definitely didn't want to be a wreck for my birthday. Ha ha. Trying to stay positive!
Wow akr your lp is 17days normally????

Around about.. usually. I normally have a 31 days cycle but typically I get my first +opk anywhere from cd14-cd16.. this cycle was a cd14 +opk so it's bben dragging! Ha ha.

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