Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

OMG I tested this morning, got BFP! Now im going to get an expecive digital test, do it, wrap it up for valentines.

Lots andd lots of baby dust to you all. You all deserve it, I really enjoy reading this thread because of how lovely ypu all are to each other. Xxx

ahhh riapnut congratulations! Your symptoms did sound very convincing!

send some of your babydust our way xx
Thank you Tinadecember!

Oh I most definately am! Shaking my baby dust wand for all it's worth! ;o)

I must admit, my symptoms are VERY similar to my normal build up to AF symptoms, only stronger.

I DO hope this one sticks. I had a missed miscarrage in August, baby stopped developing at 6 weeks, my body didnt miscarry until 10 weeks.

Good luck everyone! xxxxx
I've been having a tonne of heartburn this TWW which is the only thing that's standing out so I hope it's a good sign.

Hoping you have a happy and healthy pregnancy this time xx
I had heartburn yesterday, whilst driving home, but convinced myself that it was all in my head and that I was clutching at straws! I never have it outside of pregnancy, so here's hoping this is your month! :thumbup:

Im not sure how man dpo or even if I ovulated I just realised my thermometer is broken! I think I could be anything from 13 to only 3 dpo :shrug:
On cd 12 to 15 I had ewcm, then dry until cd 20ish I started getting thick creamy cm which sometimes was stretchy sometimes not at all so no idea!
It lasted until yesterday, ive had cramps since cd 20.

My symptoms so far are cramps, extremely bloated, tired earlier than usual, irritated easily lol, my bra is 2 sizes too small! And im actually on a diet so it cant be that ive put weight on lol, peeing alot, sinus is playing up and on off creamy cm
I'll play!

1DPO-6DPO - not much. Vivid dreams and tired.
7DPO: EXHAUSTED. Fell asleep at 830 on the couch
8DPO: vivid dreams, cramps, sore, itchy, full boobs, nipples hurt when I push in on them, stuffy nose, tons of head mucus, exhausted, fluttery in my tummy, irritable
9DPO: cramps, watery CM, sore boobs, stuffy nose, tons of head mucus. tired, peeing 1-3 times in the night, gassy, irritable, waking up with hot flashes
10DPO: cramps, watery CM, insomnia ( :( usually a sign of AF coming), tons of head mucus, stuffy nose, tired, peeing a lot in the night (1-3 times), bloated, super bad gas (poor DH), irritable, waking up with hot flashes
11DPO: cramps, tired, watery CM, stuffy and bloody nose, head mucus, tired, SUPER bloated (should not have worn rings to work - SO TIGHT!), lower ab flutters, gassy, irritable, woke up with acne everywhere
12DPO: BFN - AF showed up 2 days early. :(
Grats Ria! Just so you know, you may be better off getting an frer for your valentines test. The digital ones don't stay on for very long so the "Pregnant" will vanish by the time he unwraps it. If you do want to do a digital, maybe snap a photo of it, draw a big red heart around it and wrap that photo with a lined test?
Thanks for the tip Renaendel. Unfortunately the line is very faded now. I didn't use a digital, but I picked up a new one, an early response one. But I got home, and the cheap test strips I ordered had arrived, so I did two of them, both negative! Argh, so now I'm all - am I aren't I? Again!
i'll join in:

1dpo - EWCM
2 - 6 dpo - no notable symptoms, some vivid dreams
7 dpo - light pink spotting and mild cramping
8 dpo - mild cramping and slight sore throat, emotional
9 dpo - BFN cramping
10 dpo - BFN no symptoms :( think im out
i'll join in:

1dpo - EWCM
2 - 6 dpo - no notable symptoms, some vivid dreams
7 dpo - light pink spotting and mild cramping
8 dpo - mild cramping and slight sore throat, emotional

I'm at 9 dpo and with the exact same symptoms!!!

Good luck!
1DPO - tender boobs, not out of the norm for me
2DPO - tender boobs
3DPO - tender boobs*
4DPO - tender boobs, creamy CM, woke in the night with heartburn
5DPO - tender boobs, creamy CM, cervix low. Pinching on low left side in PM
6DPO - tender boobs, cervix low and tightly closed, creamy CM, woke with heartburn in the night again, niggly headache throughout the morning.
7DPO - tender boobs, creamy CM, cervix high and tightly closed, random prodding feelings in lower abdomen every now and then. Feeling sickly on and off but could be completely imagining this! sore throat in the afternoon. By evening feel like I've swallowed razor blades and also have heartburn AGAIN! !
8DPO - tender boobs, creamy CM, cervix high and closed. Still getting the odd little pinch in lower stomach feels quite central. Throat is insanely sore, could be due to catching my daughters sniffles though. Sneezing all afternoon sinuses feel irritated. Did my first test BFN. Lots of burping/heartburn 9pm
9DPO - cold symptoms still persisting, woke with a headache. Boobs very tender. Cervix medium height and closed, creamy cm. Shooty pains down legs a few times
10DPO - took a test with FMU BFN! grr. Boobs still sore, cervix medium height and closed
11DPO - boobs still very tender, I could swear my nipples are sore but I'm scared that I'm imagining things. Very hungry first thing, cervix medium height and closed. Creamy CM. AF due in next 24 hours!!!Cramping in evening
12DPO - Cramping continues, won't be surprised if AF shows today. Keep checking cervix but it's still closed and just has creamy CM. Boobs still tender
1-6 dpo cramping on and off, and light twinges/sharp pains on and off, hungry, sore nipples at times...

6 dpo- hungry, cramps and twinges, some nausea (minor), gassy

7 dpo- not much really just crampy and twingy. Bit tired
headaches though i never get headaches

8 dpo- some very mild cramping, fatigue,headaches although ive drank reasonable fluid intake, am i weeing more than usual? LOL! PARANOID! haha
decided im not testing until saturday and that's only if no period shows! I have my test at the ready... lets hope i get the chance to use it!

9dpo very very fatigued all day bed early and woke 10dpo feeling same
Headache al day sore throat hunger pangs more than usual slight nausea MAJOR irritable with oh nearly throttled him on several occassions haha! BFN

10dpo fatigue

11dpo nothing really went off coffee a bit some nausea BFN

12dpo nothing but not really paying attenrion as think im out now BFN some painful af type cramping but no bleeding 1 day Late for af

13 dpo bit queasy still no af no other signs at all no testing 2 days late
thanks furry_bandico - hopes its a BFP for both of us x

DH is getting me an HPT today so I will take it later on this after noon. Though I feel like it will be like all the others in the past 3 years... a bfn

I wish you good luck Cupcake! looking foreward to seeing your post turn that pretty green color:thumbup:
Currently 10 dpo - twinges, back ache, headaches, mood swings - nothing that feels particularly unfamiliar from when AF is going to make an appearance. Desperately trying not to test too early. Holding out till next week at the earliest!
9dpo here and have all the usual 9dpo symptoms. Test day feels like it's a long way away.
Hey ladies! Just wanted to give you my list!

1dpo – Nausea, headache, increased sex drive
2dpo – Right breast is sore/sensitive, pinchy feeling in right lower abdomen, dull pelvic cramping, acne, tiredness/fatigue
3dpo – lower back pain, dry skin on face, constipation, severe diarrhea
4dpo – lower back pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, decrease sex drive
5dpo - acne increase, dry skin, constipation, headaches
6dpo - acne, constipation, gas, lower back pain, pinching/twinges in right lower abdomen
7dpo - acne, nausea, constipation, headaches, lower back pain, food aversion, decrease appetite
8dpo - nausea, right lower abdomen dull pain, headaches, nausea, itchy skin
9dpo - light pink spotting, nausea, mild cramping, diarrhea, gas
10dpo - lower back pain, sore and painful boobs, acne, appetite decrease
11dpo - BFN, lower back pain, nipple pain, boobs feel heavy
12dpo - BFNx2(IC), AF due today, no show, sore boobs/nipples, nausea, dry skin, dull cramping
13dpo - AF late, BFNx2(IC), tummy fullness, constipation, gas, sensitivity to smell
14dpo - AF 2 days late, BFN(FRER), feeling out, frustrated, nausea, diarrhea
15dpo - Bleeding, AF is here.
Next 10 days, no charting.
25dpo - Pink spotting mixed with EWCM, nausea , :bfp:

This goes to show, that even if you seem like you had AF, it's not necessarily true. At least in my case. I am now 5wks6days pregnant! :happydance: :baby: :cloud9:
Not TTC (using withdrawal!), but this cycle has been weirder than usual (symptom spotting of course), figure I'd post anyway. Not 100% on O date but was def between Jan 31-Feb 3rd so these are estimates based on O-ing on Feb 3rd.

1-4 dpo- nothing, incredibly vivid dreams all week (not baby related), very low appetite (prob hormones switching)
5 dpo (?)- a small amount of brownish CM/ spotting just once
6 dpo- nothing that I noticed really
7 dpo- left side felt a little pressure for several hours (I think gas?)
8 dpo- really, really mild cramps all over (not gas) and lower right back/butt pain lasted all day
9 dpo- had a "shaky" spell & got really tired after that, no back pain, really bloated, had heartburn from eating a cheeseburger (I usually eat a ton of food without any)
10 dpo- noticed nipples have been very... erect (TMI sorry) and a little sore (not totally unusual), my house smelled like mildew to me this morning (air was on not stagnant air and we don't have mold/mildew) But my snout is really heightened during LP
11 dpo- woke up to mild AF type cramps- nothing since that. Very tired and crabby today and can't concentrate on anything.
12 dpo- Had a "hot" feeling under my belly button and some left side ... "pinches" I guess you can say. I think AF is getting ready!
13-14 dpo- nothing I noticed; wasn't paying attention all weekend
AF due date today- no cramping (I cramp for the full day when she comes), it's possible the brown CM was late ovulation?, random heartburn (2 hours after eating a sandwich), prominent sharp twinges in lower right "ovary" area
16 dpo (?)- no real symptoms, my mood is great! No AF cramps but have been feeling off and on twinges/pressure. Red dots all over my face and my face is super dry since last night as well as chapped lips ( I'm in FL and it's in the 70's now)

Frustrated. Waiting to test until Wednesday if nothing tonight/tomorrow.

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