Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'll give this a go, although I'm unsure if I'm 3 or 4 days dpo. I'm going to go with 3 to be safe.

1-2 dpo- twinges in right ovary, cramps, stretchy CM, congestion.
3 dpo- wet CM, lots of pulling/pinching in right ovary, congestion.
4-6 dpo- thick CM (but not a whole of it), slight cramps, gas, congestion, sensitive nipples.
7 dpo- thick (but not plentiful) CM, gas, bloat, congestion.
8 dpo- less CM, but awfully thick, gas, bloat, tingly breasts.
9 dpo- woke up to watery & lotion-y CM (after a very vivid pregnancy dream), tingly breasts, bloat.
10 dpo- a bit drier, tingly breasts, constantly "feeling" wet even though there is nothing there. Very faint shadows on my Wondfos but I'm nervous they are just evaps.

Well, this particular cycle was a dud. Thankfully I've accepted it readily and am eager to get started on this new cycle.
So it appears I actually did ovulate because this morning I got a BFP on a CB digital! (Stick bean, stick!!!)

1DPO - 5DPO No symptoms at all (didn't even think I had ovulated), 1DPO cervix rock solid
6- 9 DPO - cramps and sensitive nipples, CM creamy, cervix firm
10 DPO - Tooth ache, cramps and sensitive nipples, very tired (slept a lot of the day!)
11 DPO - Tooth ache, Woke up with hugely sore throat which appeared out of nowhere
12 DPO - Coughing badly/sore throat, faint BFP on IC's in AM and PM TMI but hard cramping pain after an orgasm (never felt this pain before). Strange aversion to coffee!! It STANK! Small amount of "snot" like clear discharge when wiping, never seen this sort of discharge before
13 DPO - BFP on clear blue digital with FMU! Tooth ache strangely gone, but gums bleeding, more cramping
14DPO - Cervix very hard and low - so hard that is has changed shape to a shape I have never felt before!
14 - 15DPO - on/off nausea, aversion to coffee, another BFP :), on/off cramping, nipples a little sensitive but not hugely! Lack of appetite, not sleeping well for the past 3 nights, as have very bad cough.
16DPO - tiredness, nausea, nipples sensitive, cough
17DPO - breasts a little sore

Note: I was supplementing with progesterone from 4DPO onwards.
Thank you so much! Can't quite believe it! I hope it's a sticky bean!
1dpo gassy

2dpo indigestion and gassy felt travel sick in car.

3dpo gassy lots of burps

4dpo bloated hungry and gassy.. noticed a thin blue vein near nipple

5dpo bloated hungry lack of energy pooping more

6dpo bloated, middle of nose is swollen.. nose is runny and sneezing odd twinge in lower abdomen, little gassy still.

7dpo bloated feeling a lack of energy. Lower tummy felt crampy for a few mins like a poo cramp but nothing. Pooping more Felt sickly earlier. Keep going hot

8dpo woke up a couple of times in the night hungry. Blood on tissue when i blew my nose this morning. Gassy burps already little bit more wet white sometimes abit like mucus cm. Feel the odd mild cramp and bloated. Feel a little tired

9dpo woke in the night for a wee and felt really tired and sickly for a min when alarm went off. Had a full 8 hours so dont know why. Feel a little wet down there but cramps have stopped. Head feels slightly headachy but not much. Cm had a really stringy thick pale yellow white blob on tissue... bloated!!

10dpo woke up tooth throbbing still tired an a mild headache bfn on cheap test. Very tired and sickly hungry at bedtime. Soon as i ate it went.

11dpo felt sickly hungry at 11.15 had to make dinner. cm is i guess watery on underwear got a beige tinge to it on odd times with lots of watery looking almost like snail trail.

12dpo more red cm looks like af has come 2 days early :-(
Love this idea! Now I can obsess over this thread instead of trawling Google :)

We were WTT but got caught in the moment, I wasn't tracking ovulation, but I use the mydays app on my phone, so when I checked the day after BD, we were 2 days before ovulation, so my DPO days could be a little out depending on when I ovulated.

1-4 DPO - No symptoms.

5DPO - On/off sharp twinges in both sides, creamy, lotion, shiny CM, pressure feeling in uterus, ridiculous sneezing, tired, achy legs.

6DPO - Sneezing, cramps in uterus and both sides, creamy, shiny, lotion CM, tired, lower backache, toward the end of the day I noticed CM had changed to quite sticky with greenish lumps.

7DPO - Really tired, cramps, loose BM, sticky, stretchy, greenish CM, slight headache, dry CM in the evening.

8DPO - Cramps, loose BM, headache, snotty nose, dry CM, sore bbs.

9DPO - Green lumpy CM, mild headache, runny nose, sneezing, tired, pulling in uterus, twinges in both sides, strong cramps in the evening, shooting pains in vagina, one big blob of green CM like snot in the evening.

10DPO - BFN (FMU), lots of cramping could be due to BD, sharp twinges in both sides, stomach feels empty even though I have eaten well, gassy all week, bra feels tight and constricting, mild headache, achy hips in bed.

11DPO - BFN (FMU), cramps, sniffly, sore hips, constipation, sore bbs and tender nipples.

12DPO - BFN (FMU), cramps, nausea, mild headache, full feeling in stomach, achy bbs, vivid dreams.

13DPO - BFN (FMU), mild headache, mild cramps - more like pulling and tugging, tired, loose BM, sticky greenish CM, one sharp pain in front of pubic bone, cramps in vagina walls, sore bbs and senstive nipples, 2 large veins down right breast, sharp pain on left side of uterus, vivid dreams. *Implantation?!

14DPO - Didn't test, bbs tender, mild-medium headache, small cramps, dizzy, gush of watery CM, heart fluttering.

15DPO - BFN (FMU), very nauseous, medium headache which lasted all day really dull and sore, sore glands, sore achy hips, sooooo tired, pregnancy dream.

16DPO - BFN (FMU), sore throat/glands, tender bbs, mild headache, awful lower backache, bbs got so sore and sensitive in the evening.

17DPO - Didn't test. Sore and tender bbs (can't even touch them), mild headache, nausea, mild cramps, sticky green/yellow CM.

Will keep you posted!
Just wanted to add, this was my IC pregnancy test progession through the days when I could first see the line! Hope it helps, I was obsessing so much over whether they looked like BFP's or EVAPS!

From top to bottom, 11DPO, 12DPO (AM), 12DPO (PM), 13DPO FMU
I'll join in TTC after a Loss Cycle 2 after MC. I don't chart etc, so based on my 27 day cycles i am approximately 13DPO going by 29th March(Give or take). Lots of BD that covers early, on time and late O. Abundance of slippery stretchy EWCM the second last time we BD which was 2 days before predicted O date.

These are written as per my app notes :)

1DPO - 0 Symptoms
2DPO - 0 Symptoms
3DPO - 0 Symptoms
4DPO - Teeny tiny bit of pink mixed with CM (I put it down to BD, Way too early for IB unless i ovulated earlier ofc, doubtful, could be from O/shrug), bad headache.
5DPO - Woke at 5am busting for the loo(not normal for me), headache still. Nausea/queasy feeling while eating my regular lunch, didn't finish it. Craving sweet things.
6DPO - Woke at 6:45am Busting to pee, still have a headache. Super stuffy nose upon waking, blew out lots of snot (TMI) Went back to sleep. Heightened sense of smell later today. Craving sweet stuff again. Again mild Nausea on and off.
7DPO - Headache finally gone. Woke at 5 had to pee again, again with the stuffy/snotty/sneezy nose. Can't get enough sweet stuff again(weird).
8DPO - Again woke busting for the loo about 5:15am, feeling hot in bed, strong sense of smell, toilet air freshener smelt like vomit laced with fruit wth?. Nose back to normal. Afternoon popping sensation lower left around pelvis region, probably gas bubbles. Shrug. Super moody today, snapping at everyone and tired(this normally happens 2 days before AF like clockwork?). Again prefer sweets to savory
9DPO - Lower left back 'ache' (more like pulling/tightness) radiating down to left leg.
10 - DPO Tired, gassy, loose BM.
11 - DPO Tight weird lower left back pain again.
12 - DPO Loose BM, got hit with a tired bat at 3pm, had to have a nap.
13 - DPO (Today) Snotty/congested nose is back, tingles in nipples last night, this morning, only slight. Boobs feel fuller, but this could be an AF sign too. Toilet evening, wiped loads of pale yellow, tinged with pink stetchy cm, like really stretchy. Weird (for me anyway).

Other obs, lots of CM requiring a panty liner, not usual for me, but ever since MC this has been the case, abundance of watery, ewcm and creamy on various days.

Anyway AF is due in 2 days, so hoping she stays away. :)
Glad I came across this thread. Its a great thread especially for people like me ttc#1 its so much easier to look for real symptoms of others to compare with.

DPO 1: Frequent urination (irrespective of amount of water intake), hungry every 2 hrs
DPO 2: frequent urination, hungry every 2 hrs & bloated, light cramping, back ache, moody
DPO 3: Back ache, frequent urination, mild cramps, hungry and bloated feeling, lightly dizzy, uneasy in abdomin like may be af due, extremely tired and feel really hot from within but no fever.
DPO 4: Back ache, joints ache (legs/hands), hungry but bloated too, sleepy, urge for frequent urination
DPO 5: Tired, back ache, hungry but bloated feeling, sleepy and mild cramps.
Most of the symptoms seemed to decrease by DPO6.
DPO 6: Tired (can relate it to the preggo symptoms, as friends visited home and we were busy with cooking and cleaning almost all day) and hungry.
DPO 7: Sleepy and hungry.
TMI Alert, i just went to the loo and when i wiped i noticed a lot of snot like CM and it was really really stretch between my fingers, ever so slight pink tinge to it as well. But not clear like EWCM. My AF is due in two days, and i can positvely state have never had this type of CM before a period before? It literally looked like snot ?? Any ideas? No itching/burning/bad smell either fyi. Oh and no BD for a week and a bit, so def not semen.
I don't want to get your hopes up but at 12DPO I had weird discharge when wiping that looked like clear snot. At 13DPO I got a positive on a clearblue digital!
I don't want to get your hopes up but at 12DPO I had weird discharge when wiping that looked like clear snot. At 13DPO I got a positive on a clearblue digital!

Im 12-13 DPO o.0 there is some hope for me yet. Hehe. Thanks for reply x
So excited to be doing this again after a CP two cycles ago!! I'm only CD2 today but as soon as O comes - I'll be charting (from my honeymoon!!!! WOOOOOO!!!) FX & sticky babydust to all you ladies & big congrats to all those who got to turn their posts green!
I can't believe that I am writing this :happydance: so here goes:

1-2 dpo nothing

3 dpo sharp twinge on the right side

4dpo thick creamy cm and diarrhea am and pm

5 dpo nothing creamy cm

6 dpo absolutely nothing

7 dpo little creamy cm, mood swing, felt lightheaded twice, sudden hunger and very gassy

8 dpo absolutely nothing creamy cm

9 dpo absolutely nothing questionable squinter on ic

10 dpo serious cramps all day and all night couldn't sleep, ff confirmed chart as triphasic and another squinter on ic and sticky cm

11 dpo (yesterday) another temp spike and cramps continued and :bfp: on frer.

Top is 11dpo and bottom is 12dpo :happydance:


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