Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

when are you testing lauraloo?

Have tested today and BFN. But seeing as not too sure when I ovulated, and cycle a bit all over the place, I'm not declaring myself out till AF. By Monday i would think i should get a BFP if i'm pregnant! Think i will probably test daily between now and then!
I just tested too - BFN here as well. And I probably won't test again until at least Sunday night. I'm pretty sure I'm out, though.
FX'ed for you!
I'm posting again on this thread after a while since we just started ttc :) (first time I posted was hoping for a whoopsie :winkwink:)

3dpo: Strong AF like cramps in my abdomen... the pain was radiating to my legs.
4dpo: cramps and tmi... diarrhoea
5dpo: back pain, cramps, and fatigue. Also was starting to experience some hot flashes during the night
6dpo: HOT flashes galore. Feels like I have a fever but I don't. Sore throat when I woke up but felt better after a while.
7dpo: Woke up with some tenderness in my nipps... and those damn hot flashes still coming and going :/ Also noticed that had to go peepee a lot more than usual during the day...
8dpo: My boobies feel tender to the touch and my nipps are a bit sensitive.. got some back pain (probably cause I've overslept :haha:) Also kinda feels like AF's coming but I think it's a bit early to feel like this since AF's due on April's fool! Hope this could be a good sign!
9dpo: Have some aches and pains in my knees and ankles. Feel a bit of pressure 'down there' and some back pain. Feel tired and a bit bloated but that's it. My breasts don't feel so tender anymore. Metallic taste later in the day. I'm tempted in testing later on today... heh - tested after work c. 17:00 and it was bfn.. waiting till 13dpo to test again
10dpo: Some aches and pains here and there, stuffy nose and sore throat early in the morning, got better later on. Breasts feel heavy but not tender. I don't know but I have that feeling.. where you kinda know you're pregnant.. we'll see fx'ed
Later in the evening breasts feel super heavy and a bit sensitive :)
11dpo: Breasts still feel heavy and woke up with some aches in my lower back and abdomen. Also, I miraculously woke up early (like 6.30am) on a day off!! That's quite unusual for me but I just could stay on that bed no longer... Tested bfn
12dpo: Not much today but my nipples feel hot to the touch and boobies are tender. I woke up feeling hot all over but had no fever. I just feel like I'm super sensitive. Tested in the afternoon and got what looks like a very faint bfp but not sure. testing again tomorrow with fmu.
13dpo. Woke up with bad backache and stuffy nose. Feels like AF is on her way. Boobies still feel tender but not as much. Also noticed that my areola look a bit different, like their circumference is larger? Tested again with fmu at 0300am and test look the same as yesterday. Very faint bfp (I think). Not convinced so I'm waiting till the 4th April to test again. I would be 3 days late hopefully.
14dpo. woke up with bad backache, sore throat and heartburn! Also my period was due today and no sign of it yet! Fx'ed!
So obviously I couldn't wait till this Friday (obviously), and tested yesterday evening (1st April) and got a faint bfp!!! So yeah, I'm not going crazy, the symptoms were actually there! I'm so happy I can't wait to tell the family and my friends!

I also remember now that on the 6dpo I got my nails done and the technician asked me if I was on my period my hands felt like super sensitive... They were in fact getting hot and kinda watery? I was also getting hot flashes so I hope those were early signs cause if not, I'm not so keen to going to the doc to get checked out! lol

:dust: to y'all :hugs:
Hi everyone! Popping over from WTT.. DH and I werent planning on TTC officially for another couple of months. Since coming off the pill in September my cycle has been all over the place - shortest 23 days and longest 28.

Anyway this month I am getting a lot of strange symptoms I've never noticed in previous months. Just wanted to get them all down in writing so can compare in future months if i dont get a BFP.

Due to strange cycle I have no idea when I O'd....

First thing I noticed - a sort of stitch type pain in my lower left hand side - wasnt painful, just noticeable and stuck around for a couple of days, coming and going. Never had this in previous months.

Other symptoms over past few days:

I swear my boobs have got bigger, a shirt i wore a couple of weeks ago i'm having to wear with a couple of buttons undone as its too stretched over my chest. They arent tender as such but i've had a few shooting pains.

Waves of mild nausea, throughout the day.

Very light headed at times, two nights ago I actually had to lie down it felt that bad.

Feel more tired than usual and very spaced out.

Increased discharge a few days ago.

Lower abdomen feels taut and somewhat bloated.

Getting a few cramps like ones i usually get on day AF is due, but it wont be due for at least another week.

Yesterday i experienced some shooting/stabbing pains in my middle, when i was bending over.

Slight headaches throughout the day.

I think I look really pale and washed out.

I think thats everything at the moment. Baby dust to everyone xx

21/03/14 - Time to update: Symptoms seem to have decreased. Noticed when I have got out of the bath this week, each time I have felt so dizzy I have had to go and lie down. Also breasts feel tender and bruised when i apply light pressure to the sides but nothing on the front/nipples. Sort of losing hope even though I know I'm not out yet!

Now at 13dpo or thereabouts. For last two days have had backache and niggly feeling in stomach like AF on her way! also feeling v damp down there and keep rushing to loo but nothing . Very strange for me as normally get these symptoms when she's already arrived. Boobs v tender too. Will be testing soon!

Bah, the witch got me! Think as it was the first month we could have had a whoops I was just super aware of every twinge - wishful thinking! Could still be my body adjusting after coming off the pill though, as this AF seems different to previous, more painful just like they used to be before going on the pill. Not too worried though, got another month to lose a bit more weight and going to temp and take OPK's so I have a better idea of when I ovulate. I think i've got a 26 day cycle on average with 14 day luteal phase but need to be sure x
Thought I would post in here again as I'm having such strong symptoms even though we have only DTD once this cycle on CD16, so who knows!!!! Maybe a miracle :)

3DPO creamy CM and AF type cramps
4DPO dull pains in lower abdomen, creamy cm
5DPO big clumps of creamy CM (sorry tmi!!!)
6DPO creamy CM, break out on face/neck, dull aches in abdomen
7DPO creamy CM, dull pains in lower abdomen
8DPO stabbing/shooting pains up my vg (sorry tmi!!!) only last a few seconds each time enough to make me wince.
9DPO (today!!!) lower back ache, bloated, CM is dry and sticky, quite emotional. Rubbish taste in my mouth.
10DPO creamy CM, dull aches in back. Hot sweats in the night
11DPO creamy CM, tingly nipples. tested, BFN
12DPO slightly tender bbs, creamy CM.
13DPO bbs more tender, creamy CM.
14DPO AF arrived :(
1 dpo nothing
2-3dpo sore nipples
4-5dpo twinges, a few minor cramps wave of nausea 5dpo
6dpo needing to pee alot, yellow creamy cm, intense af like cramps!
7dpo cramps, and sore/sensitive nipples!
8dpo I got a really sharp pain in my left side, followed by intense af like cramping, lots of wet cm thought id wet myself! Sensitive nipples!
9dpo bfn :( feel like ive a cold, sore head, neck and throat, stuffy nose, cramps and sensitive nipples!
10dpo bfn feeling out, depressed, over upset, yellow cm, mood swings, cramps.
11 dpo more yellow ewcm, sore nipples, feeling moody and upset. Bfn
12 dpo v crampy no cm, sore nipples, feeling v out im sure af will be here any min, v bloated! Bfn :cry:

Af showed yesterday but its ok im happy I had a regular cycle and I ovulated! Im happy, this cycle is gonna be relaxed and about loosing some weight :)
I'm posting again on this thread after a while since we just started ttc :) (first time I posted was hoping for a whoopsie :winkwink:)

3dpo: Strong AF like cramps in my abdomen... the pain was radiating to my legs.
4dpo: cramps and tmi... diarrhoea
5dpo: back pain, cramps, and fatigue. Also was starting to experience some hot flashes during the night
6dpo: HOT flashes galore. Feels like I have a fever but I don't. Sore throat when I woke up but felt better after a while.
7dpo: Woke up with some tenderness in my nipps... and those damn hot flashes still coming and going :/ Also noticed that had to go peepee a lot more than usual during the day...
8dpo: My boobies feel tender to the touch and my nipps are a bit sensitive.. got some back pain (probably cause I've overslept :haha:) Also kinda feels like AF's coming but I think it's a bit early to feel like this since AF's due on April's fool! Hope this could be a good sign!
9dpo: Have some aches and pains in my knees and ankles. Feel a bit of pressure 'down there' and some back pain. Feel tired and a bit bloated but that's it. My breasts don't feel so tender anymore. Metallic taste later in the day. I'm tempted in testing later on today... heh - tested after work c. 17:00 and it was bfn.. waiting till 13dpo to test again
10dpo: Some aches and pains here and there, stuffy nose and sore throat early in the morning, got better later on. Breasts feel heavy but not tender. I don't know but I have that feeling.. where you kinda know you're pregnant.. we'll see fx'ed
Later in the evening breasts feel super heavy and a bit sensitive :)
11dpo: Breasts still feel heavy and woke up with some aches in my lower back and abdomen. Also, I miraculously woke up early (like 6.30am) on a day off!! That's quite unusual for me but I just could stay on that bed no longer...

I also remember now that on the 6dpo I got my nails done and the technician asked me if I was on my period cause my hands felt like super sensitive... They were in fact getting hot and kinda watery? I was also getting hot flashes so I hope those were early signs cause if not, I'm not so keen in going to the doc to get checked out! lol

This damn tww is taking a toll on me !!

So far so good (I think) Will update thread day by day until I turn my thread green :) I hope...

:dust: to y'all :hugs:

I tested again at 11dpo with fmu and got yet another bfn :cry: feeling a bit discouraged but hoping it was just still a bit early... I will probably test again at 13dpo or wait it out. we'll see... heh

I was just browsing my old posts and threads and it appears that with my first pregnancy I had the same issues. I waited till 3 days after a missed period to get a bfp! I sure hope this time would be the same fx'ed!
I just had a very sudden stabbing like pain in my lower left abdomen and lasted almost a minute or so... had to lay down! I'm at CD26/11DPO. Could this mean something? I never experienced such sudden pain (kinda when I was in labour).. Is this a bad sign or a good sign? HELP!
1-3 dpo: constipated

4 dpo: horrible gas! Extremely tired. Still constipated.

5 dpo: Still gassy. Still constipated.

6 dpo: Constipated. Still. And yes, I have been getting enough water and fiber.

7 dpo: Still constipated and my boobs are hurting a little. (Having sore boobs is a normal PMS symptom for me.)

8 dpo: Boobs hurt much worse. Went to used the bathroom and found a big white boogery glob of cm in my underwear. Constipated until I had a bout of cramping/diarrhea with no apparent cause. It only lasted about an hour. (I'm hoping there's some off chance that it could be implantation cramping.) Then I got ravenously hungry for Mexican food and ate so much it didn't make sense. I never even got full and had to cut myself off once it started getting too ridiculous.

9 dpo: Woke up and boobs were less sore than yesterday but started hurting worse as the day progressed.

This is my first time ttc and I'm trying to remain optimistic while not getting my hopes up.


10 dpo: Boobs still sore, still constipated. Thought it would be too early to test, but I did anyways to ease my mind so I can stop obsessing. BFP!!!!! I can't believe it! I haven't even told my partner yet because he's still at work. That line was DARK too!
1 DPO: Tender breasts. I also spotted once when I wiped. (blood from ovulation the previous day?!)

2DPO-3DPO: tender breasts and temp was elevated to normal post-ovulation temps. (97.58-97.62)

4DPO: Tearful.

5DPO: tender breasts

6DPO: cramps/twinges. headache. neck and face breakout. temp was 98.04 (I THINK I IMPLANTED THIS DAY!)

7DPO: big glob of lotiony cervical mucus! (TMI!) and had cramps/twinges. I actually was very irritable! I would have SWORN AF was coming early!!

8DPO: more lotiony cervical mucus. heartburn. cramps/twinges. tender breasts. I slept 13 HOURS!

9DPO: Temperature spiked to 98.44. Cramps/twinges.

10DPO: Slept for 14 hours! I knew something was up because I slept so LATE before my night shift! So, I took a test and it was BFP! (faint line!!)

Things I did differently: I used preseed twice during TTC week. I ate healthy and we BDed 5 straight days during fertile time!!
Don't have the patience to write what I felt each day so I will give the overall lol...

:af: was March 11th-15th and :sex: every other day since it ended. I am now 5DPO and feel twinges in my abdomen, pain in my knees/feet, gassy, craving french fries. But NO nausea, no sore boobs or anything. Hate that AF symptoms are so similiar to preggo symptoms. Now the TWW..sigh.

:dust: to all you lovely ladies xo
I tried to do this last month. But went away during my tww and didn't get a chance. I actually did get a BFP but my tests started to fade. BFN by 17 DPO and started bleeding at 18 DPO. So very early loss. Anyway, we'll see what happens this cycle.

1-2 DPO - not much so far. Lotiony CM. I get this every tww (I look out for this to make sure I ovulated!)

3 DPO - pretty much nothing. Still some creamy CM.

4 DPO - More creamy CM (lots and lots). My temp rose by 0.3 degrees.

5 DPO - Yet even more creamy CM. My temp rose again by another 0.2 degrees but I suspect it will go a little down tomorrow. And had some cramps this morning. Though pretty sure they were intestinal.

6 DPO - again, creamy CM :wacko:. Temp surprisingly went up by another 0.1 degree. I imagine it won't go higher than this. We'll see if it goes down tomorrow. Super bloated and gassy. But sure that's brought on by the bean salad I had yesterday :haha:. Feeling dull aches in my left side. Most likely intestinal or in my head. Oh and took a test today. BFN of course. Way too early. It was to get the urge out of my system.

7 DPO - Creamy CM. Had to change my underwear because of it :wacko:. My temp actually went down a little today. But it's still way above the cover. Feeling tired (though I did wake up earlier than usual, and was on my feet most of the day). I have a weird nervous butterfly feeling/ anxiety. Headaches (might be from lack of sleep). Took a test with FMU, but the results were inconclusive (smeared--just looked wrong). Took another test later on on the afternoon. BFN at first glance. Looked like a super-squinter upon further examination. Not sure though. Plus it's early.

8 DPO - Vivid dream last night. Gassy. Tired. Cranky. Nipples sticking out a little more? Tested and it was a BFN. CM is not as abundant. But is creamy and a little watery when it shows up. Starting to feel out.

9 DPO - Temp dropped today by 0.4 degrees! Thought for sure I was out. CM watery. Dull aches in my left side. Decent squinter line on a test gave me some hope back. Now looking forward to testing tomorrow and hoping it's the start of a BFP.

10-11 DPO - Temperatures super wonky. Sure now that my chemical last month has royally F'ed up my hormones this cycle. Creamy CM gone. Just watery now. BFNs on Answer brand tests. Just waiting for AF now. Will change this post to red even though AF hasn't shown up yet because I'm sure that I'm out.

Chart is in the spoilers in my sig. If anyone is curious.
Since I dont have regular periods and don't know if/when ovulation took place I'll use days.

Day-1 Jeans got tighter, thought i'd put on weight.
Day 2- started peeing a lot
Day 3 - Obsessed over thoughts of preg, took test BFN.
Day 4 - Backache, AF type Cramps tired
Day 5- Backache, AF type cramps, Headache when woke up. tired
Day 6- Creamy cm, nothing like ive had before. very tired
Day 7- Cervix feels low. very tired
Day 8- went docs, tested bfn :(
Day 9- Kept getting cramps backache and my excezma has got worse
Day 10- cramps stopped mostly backache, tested with FRER, BFN :(

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