Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congratulations Dreambaby! Happy and healthy 9 months :)

="Lime"]Back here for cycle #4 ttc baby #3

I think today I am 3dpo but not 100% when I ov as I don't temp I just use cm method. So...

1-2 dpo mood swings and irritable lots of cramping headaches and nausea when hungry but I get a lot of nausea anyway so probably unreliable very tired

3 dpo- some twinges in L side lower abdo some hunger nausea again in the morning and mid morning very very tired needed to go for a wee at 11.30 and 3am once in bed which is very unusual for me I never need to go at night time but not getting hopes up. Woke at 3am with very sore R boob Which is unusual for me also. Boobs have never been sore in pregnancy but I am still breastfeeding baby #2 atm

4-10 dpo sensitive nipples, mild cramps on and off, passing urine a lot but not at night,bloating in and off, very tearful and emotional on and off...

10dpo very tempted to test but then got a streak of reddish blood with discharge hardly any but this happens every month about 4 days before af is due. Af is due on 25th so 6 days to go may wait till af comes or not as hate bfns and I know it's only 4 cycles now but starting to think somethings wrong with me cause I think I'm out and feel disappointed already. Cramps are back today

11dpo cramping on and off

12dpo cramping on and off

13 dpo lots of cramping feels stronger and on the right side still haven't tested been so good this cycle!! Am just going to wait until af comes or not to consider testing

Af is due on Friday but my cycles vary from 28 to 30 and usually I would have spotted a bit by now and still no sign fingers are glued crossed!!!!! Going off my head a bit now!!!

14dpo loads of cramping and shooting pains still no sign of af and really tired
Took a cheap test BIG FAT......... BFP!!!!!! Cannot believe it! I'm made up!,

And scared a bit cause il have 3 babies!! But obviously still early days so taking each day as it comes!

Good luck ladies xxx[/COLOR]
1dpo - Aching/cramping in middle, kind of like AF cramps and kind of like if i'd been doing lots of ab crunches!

2dpo - Further cramping, dull lower back ache.

3dpo - Bloated, tired (had nap), very emotional, more lower back ache and cramping. Sharp pains in back, legs.

4dpo -Bloated, tired (tho could be down to late night!) back ache and shooting pains.

5dpo - Increased creamy cm, AF type cramps, lightheaded and mildly nauseous at times.

6-7dpo - not much to report. Other than occasional AF style cramps.

8dpo - woke early hours of morning with lower back ache and cramps like AF arrived, but nothing. POAS and BFN but early. Have been having shooting and stabbing type pains in my boobs most of the day.

9dpo - more shooting pains mainly in right breast. Felt a bit light headed and nauseous in the morning.

10dpo - some sharp pains, completely unlike AF, in the stomach region, and more pains in boobs. Noticed some veins on boobs. Had migraine and nausea before trying to go to sleep, but couldnt get comfy.

11dpo - 12am! Decided to take FRER not expecting anything but second line appeared immediately! Got some cm tinged with brown.

TMI but another sign is that all week I have had TERRIBLE, REALLY SMELLY gas!
Hi hope you dont mind if I join? I stopped my pill (mycrogynon) 31st March and had my withdrawel bleed from 2nd April until the 5th, on the 7th I had extreme pain over left ovary, wondering if coming off pill I have ovulated early?? Symptoms after as follows
8th: spotting constipation tired
9th spotting, cervix high soft closed and tilted back, af cramps, sore throat, stressed
10th same as above
11th same
12th same, emotional, bf says boobs are bigger, stabbing pains on right side, very bloated, pee has slight green tint?
13th same as above, nausea in evening
14th same, nausea on and off

Confused as to when I should test as first cycle off pill, not sure of ovulation but did feel like it on 7th, guess I'll just have to wait and see if af turns up lol
Love this site, I'm obsessed with symptom spotting, tho most of mine are probably due to coming off the pill.
Fingers crossed to all that are trying and congrats to those with bfp :)
Forgot to add I've had itchy skin.last couple of days, like a heat rash, and today my cervix isn't just high, it's literally vanished lol cm is scarce too, hope it's not just all head or coz of coming off pill?!!
hi ladies! i love this post. its so cool to see the symptoms everyone has experience. anywho, i am CD14. negative OPK test today, but this is my first time ever testing and did it out of curiosity so i dont know. im guess i will ovulate on the 17th or so. i will continue to test for O and will update then. baby dust to you all! :dust:
My day of ovulation was between April 10-12
1DPO-Thick mucus. Which I never notice before.
3DPO-Starving all day and tired.
5DPO-Painful cramping like I'm on my period, which I haven't had in a long time because I've been nursing for a year.
6DPO-Light brownish spot on panties. Then yellow spot. Never had that before.
Glad I came across this thread. Its a great thread especially for people like me ttc#1 its so much easier to look for real symptoms of others to compare with.

DPO 1: Frequent urination (irrespective of amount of water intake), hungry every 2 hrs
DPO 2: frequent urination, hungry every 2 hrs & bloated, light cramping, back ache, moody
DPO 3: Back ache, frequent urination, mild cramps, hungry and bloated feeling, lightly dizzy, uneasy in abdomin like may be af due, extremely tired and feel really hot from within but no fever.
DPO 4: Back ache, joints ache (legs/hands), hungry but bloated too, sleepy, urge for frequent urination
DPO 5: Tired, back ache, hungry but bloated feeling, sleepy and mild cramps.
Most of the symptoms seemed to decrease by DPO6.
DPO 6: Tired (can relate it to the preggo symptoms, as friends visited home and we were busy with cooking and cleaning almost all day) and hungry.
DPO 7: Sleepy and hungry.

DPO 8: Had felt intense heart burn in the early hours and had been sleeping a lot more than I usually do, but other than that most of the symptoms were gone..
DPO 9: No symptoms at all.
DPO 10: Tested with fmu and it was BFN. By late evening started to experience mild dizziness & nausea occasionally and also had a metallic taste in mouth.
Okay, this is my third month trying but the first time I'm really confident we've given it a good try, so I want to track my symptoms! Although reading through the last 10 pages or so, everyone gets the same symptoms. :lol:

1-5DPO: No symptoms - well lots of bloating and cramping and constipation and diarrhea, but certainly caused by over-indulging at a gourmet food and wine festival around ovulation. :blush: Cervix low and firm the whole time.
6DPO: (Boot camp in the morning) Irritable and mild nausea at breakfast. One medium stabbing pain lower left, which was preceded by twingy cramps and followed by dull cramps. Come on, implantation!
7DPO: Dull cramps in the morning. Then nothing.
8DPO: Really bad, quite uncomfortable indigestion pain at the top of my abdomen for no reason. Strange! And tiredness, but I hadn't had my cup of tea first thing in the morning so that could be explained. Then a short cramp on the lower right at some point in the afternoon which caught my attention but disappeared quickly. I don't know what's happening in there!
9DPO: Twingy cramps.
10DPO: Twingy cramps. Thought my period might be on its way in the middle of the day - dull cramps and feeling of heaviness and dampness. Nothing though.
11DPO: (Boot camp in the morning) Irritable and tired, but could be from the early start.
12DPO = CD1 :(
So, we have just started TTC #2 and am obsessing over every little symptom and trying to compare to first pregnancy (2 years ago). I was using the forums then and felt it helped so much especially during the TWW. So, I am DPO 10 and yesterday had some :blush: CM that was brownish and not my usual for pre-AF, however, I took a EFM and it was BFN. I had a BFP at 9dpo with my DD. Going a little crazy here :wacko: Really hoping that my body remembers how to do this!! :baby::dohh: So, let the obsessing continue...:coffee:

9dpo: brownish CM, cramps, tender breasts, irritable, moody

10dpo: creamy CM, cramps, tender BB, moody (so far...)
Here i am again, new cycle, new symptoms.

1-3DPO - nothing noticeable but not holding out alot of hope for this cycle as the only day we BD was OV day.

4DPO - Yellow/Green cm

5DPO - Gassy, increased cervical fluid, more yellow/green cm. random sharp pain in stomach

6DPO- Gassy, Headache, increased sence of smell (sure i could smell sick in mackdonalds), tiredness and increased cm.

7DPO - Gassy, dry mouth, diarrhea, tiredness, even when carrying daughter I'm getting out of breath from it. Very unusual.

8DPO - uterus/abdomen area feels full, keep tasting sick,gassy a lot of watery clear cm. Tingly feeling in abdomen and feels like I keep gettin a tightening feeling down there. I can't help but get my hopes up now.

9DPO - getting tired easy when walking and carrying DD, light headed and tingly with pulling feelin in abdomen area.
1-8 dpo so far nothing really few cramps here and there but thats it :/
1dpo - Aching/cramping in middle, kind of like AF cramps and kind of like if i'd been doing lots of ab crunches!

2dpo - Further cramping, dull lower back ache.

3dpo - Bloated, tired (had nap), very emotional, more lower back ache and cramping. Sharp pains in back, legs.

4dpo -Bloated, tired (tho could be down to late night!) back ache and shooting pains.

5dpo - Increased creamy cm, AF type cramps, lightheaded and mildly nauseous at times.

6-7dpo - not much to report. Other than occasional AF style cramps.

8dpo - woke early hours of morning with lower back ache and cramps like AF arrived, but nothing. POAS and BFN but early. Have been having shooting and stabbing type pains in my boobs most of the day.

9dpo - more shooting pains mainly in right breast. Felt a bit light headed and nauseous in the morning.

10dpo - some sharp pains, completely unlike AF, in the stomach region, and more pains in boobs. Noticed some veins on boobs. Had migraine and nausea before trying to go to sleep, but couldnt get comfy.

11dpo - 12am! Decided to take FRER not expecting anything but second line appeared immediately! Got some cm tinged with brown.

TMI but another sign is that all week I have had TERRIBLE, REALLY SMELLY gas!

Was able to turn my post green today, woohoo!
1dpo - Aching/cramping in middle, kind of like AF cramps and kind of like if i'd been doing lots of ab crunches!

2dpo - Further cramping, dull lower back ache.

3dpo - Bloated, tired (had nap), very emotional, more lower back ache and cramping. Sharp pains in back, legs.

4dpo -Bloated, tired (tho could be down to late night!) back ache and shooting pains.

5dpo - Increased creamy cm, AF type cramps, lightheaded and mildly nauseous at times.

6-7dpo - not much to report. Other than occasional AF style cramps.

8dpo - woke early hours of morning with lower back ache and cramps like AF arrived, but nothing. POAS and BFN but early. Have been having shooting and stabbing type pains in my boobs most of the day.

9dpo - more shooting pains mainly in right breast. Felt a bit light headed and nauseous in the morning.

10dpo - some sharp pains, completely unlike AF, in the stomach region, and more pains in boobs. Noticed some veins on boobs. Had migraine and nausea before trying to go to sleep, but couldnt get comfy.

11dpo - 12am! Decided to take FRER not expecting anything but second line appeared immediately! Got some cm tinged with brown.

TMI but another sign is that all week I have had TERRIBLE, REALLY SMELLY gas!

Was able to turn my post green today, woohoo!

Congrats. That shooting pain u had in stomach region how long did that last? Just as a day or two ago I got random pain in my stomach thought nothing of it. It lasted roughly 30 secs lol I'm so tempted to test 2mo but il only b 9dpo so it's still early. Af due 28th
1-5 DPO: cramping, acne, fatigue, twinges in boobs and near my hips, back pain, and yesterday i was checking to see if my areoles had darkened and accidently squeezed my nipple and drops of colostrum came out. i squeezed the other one and the same thing happened.

any ladies ever seen colostrum around 3 weeks pregnant? (which if i am pregnant tomorrow i would be 3 weeks)

thanks ladies.

update: 6DPO- nothing

7DPO- nauseous, consistent lower and upper back pain, cramping
1dpo - Aching/cramping in middle, kind of like AF cramps and kind of like if i'd been doing lots of ab crunches!

2dpo - Further cramping, dull lower back ache.

3dpo - Bloated, tired (had nap), very emotional, more lower back ache and cramping. Sharp pains in back, legs.

4dpo -Bloated, tired (tho could be down to late night!) back ache and shooting pains.

5dpo - Increased creamy cm, AF type cramps, lightheaded and mildly nauseous at times.

6-7dpo - not much to report. Other than occasional AF style cramps.

8dpo - woke early hours of morning with lower back ache and cramps like AF arrived, but nothing. POAS and BFN but early. Have been having shooting and stabbing type pains in my boobs most of the day.

9dpo - more shooting pains mainly in right breast. Felt a bit light headed and nauseous in the morning.

10dpo - some sharp pains, completely unlike AF, in the stomach region, and more pains in boobs. Noticed some veins on boobs. Had migraine and nausea before trying to go to sleep, but couldnt get comfy.

11dpo - 12am! Decided to take FRER not expecting anything but second line appeared immediately! Got some cm tinged with brown.

TMI but another sign is that all week I have had TERRIBLE, REALLY SMELLY gas!

Was able to turn my post green today, woohoo!

Congratulations Lauraloo24! Wish you a happy & healthy 9 months! :flower:

Hopefully I will be able to turn mine into green too in the next couple days.
1-5 DPO: cramping, acne, fatigue, twinges in boobs and near my hips, back pain, and yesterday i was checking to see if my areoles had darkened and accidently squeezed my nipple and drops of colostrum came out. i squeezed the other one and the same thing happened.

any ladies ever seen colostrum around 3 weeks pregnant? (which if i am pregnant tomorrow i would be 3 weeks)

thanks ladies.

I had colostrum in Nov 2013 and still have it today, if squeezed, from both nipples. You should have your prolactin levels checked to make sure you don't have a benign brain tumor, otherwise it could just be a hormone imbalance...
I did, however, notice an increase in colostrum in my mmc
1dpo - Aching/cramping in middle, kind of like AF cramps and kind of like if i'd been doing lots of ab crunches!

2dpo - Further cramping, dull lower back ache.

3dpo - Bloated, tired (had nap), very emotional, more lower back ache and cramping. Sharp pains in back, legs.

4dpo -Bloated, tired (tho could be down to late night!) back ache and shooting pains.

5dpo - Increased creamy cm, AF type cramps, lightheaded and mildly nauseous at times.

6-7dpo - not much to report. Other than occasional AF style cramps.

8dpo - woke early hours of morning with lower back ache and cramps like AF arrived, but nothing. POAS and BFN but early. Have been having shooting and stabbing type pains in my boobs most of the day.

9dpo - more shooting pains mainly in right breast. Felt a bit light headed and nauseous in the morning.

10dpo - some sharp pains, completely unlike AF, in the stomach region, and more pains in boobs. Noticed some veins on boobs. Had migraine and nausea before trying to go to sleep, but couldnt get comfy.

11dpo - 12am! Decided to take FRER not expecting anything but second line appeared immediately! Got some cm tinged with brown.

TMI but another sign is that all week I have had TERRIBLE, REALLY SMELLY gas!

Was able to turn my post green today, woohoo!

Congrats. That shooting pain u had in stomach region how long did that last? Just as a day or two ago I got random pain in my stomach thought nothing of it. It lasted roughly 30 secs lol I'm so tempted to test 2mo but il only b 9dpo so it's still early. Af due 28th

Yeah it only lasted a few secs, just enough to make me wonder what it was! Fx for you :flower:
Hey guys. Just wanting to get opinions on this test from this mornings fmu. The line I see came up within 2 minutes but seems to have faded to a thin line, it was much thicker before. I'm 12dpo and last night when checking cp which was high med and closed I had ewcm tinged with redish pink on my fingers(sorry tmi). I have been getting yellowish tinged ewcm since 1dpo, accompanied with back/neck aches, achy bbs even across into my left armpit, very emotional, up and down moods and as of this morning im starving. I've also had a cold and when I blew my nose on 9/10dpo I had a fair bit of blood even though I was by no means blowing my nose hard.

We have been trying for our 2nd for around a year now with no luck. Have ome little terror at the age of 3 in june and one mc at 12 weeks 2 years ago.


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