Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Its my third cycle ttc, but we've been trying since April. With my first and only pregnancy I tested around the end of Oct of '10 and kept getting negatives.. I was way younger so I didn't really know anything about ovulating or dpo or anything really so by the beginning of Nov I knew I was pregnant and that the tests were wrong so I went to a free clinic in my town and they said, congratulations your 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. after I left, I went and bought three more tests and they were all positive. Haha. And with that one, I had no symptoms just a feeling.
Its my third cycle ttc, but we've been trying since April. With my first and only pregnancy I tested around the end of Oct of '10 and kept getting negatives.. I was way younger so I didn't really know anything about ovulating or dpo or anything really so by the beginning of Nov I knew I was pregnant and that the tests were wrong so I went to a free clinic in my town and they said, congratulations your 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. after I left, I went and bought three more tests and they were all positive. Haha. And with that one, I had no symptoms just a feeling.


AFM: 15dpo or 12dpo (I'm not entirely sure.) I had extreme pain in my abdomen. Much worse than the cramps I had on the 26th. I thought maybe, just maybe, this was implantation and not the 26th. So I've got my fingers crossed I tested too early. I'll test monday if my AF is late.
Its my third cycle ttc, but we've been trying since April. With my first and only pregnancy I tested around the end of Oct of '10 and kept getting negatives.. I was way younger so I didn't really know anything about ovulating or dpo or anything really so by the beginning of Nov I knew I was pregnant and that the tests were wrong so I went to a free clinic in my town and they said, congratulations your 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. after I left, I went and bought three more tests and they were all positive. Haha. And with that one, I had no symptoms just a feeling.

Maybe its same then u not gonna get ur positive til later on. I got my first squinter day before af was due then more or less same day of af n I had a horrible headache day it was due so tested with a clearblue instead and got a clear :bfp:
Its my third cycle ttc, but we've been trying since April. With my first and only pregnancy I tested around the end of Oct of '10 and kept getting negatives.. I was way younger so I didn't really know anything about ovulating or dpo or anything really so by the beginning of Nov I knew I was pregnant and that the tests were wrong so I went to a free clinic in my town and they said, congratulations your 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. after I left, I went and bought three more tests and they were all positive. Haha. And with that one, I had no symptoms just a feeling.


AFM: 15dpo or 12dpo (I'm not entirely sure.) I had extreme pain in my abdomen. Much worse than the cramps I had on the 26th. I thought maybe, just maybe, this was implantation and not the 26th. So I've got my fingers crossed I tested too early. I'll test monday if my AF is late.

GL keep us updated :D
Hi..stalking. ..can I join you all.... I am 5dpo...started ttc#2 from this cycle... I feel sharp sensations and heaviness in my lower thick cum...I can sense my cervic tight....lower backpain from 1dpo... feeling tired and irritated. ... increased appetite...sometimes feel nausea. ... my charts are funny....not rising everyday. .stable...
Hi Ladies,

A little bit of back ground (a lot of information coming your way)... I am 33 and DH 39. We are mid way through our 11th cycle TTC. I grew up never really bothered if I never had any children and now I am OBSESSED about it. :shy:
It took my mum nearly 14 years to conceive me (adpoted my brother 12 years earlier as a consequence) so i always knew there was a possibility i would struggle too (hence never been bothered).
My Gynae said in February that it appeared I have PCOS but all the blood tests came back fine. Last month I decided I did not want to wait another 12 months to find out something was actually wrong. If something is wrong i want to get my head around potentially never having children and having an amazing life just with my DH and our nieces and nephews. So we went to see a fertility specialist that actually specialises in PCOS. He said although no PCOS I have the profile of someone that does so i needed to be be very careful with my lifestyle not to head in that direction. He then recommended we do a series of base line tests to ensure nothing is obviously wrong.
I have new found respect for friends who have been doing this for years!

I have been poked and proded from CD1 (yes with AF in full Flow) to CD17. Every day monday to friday. I have had the HSG xrays, had to force (i.e not a natural event - with actually specific timing) BD with DH for 6 days (HSG kicked my cycle out by 3 days and O'd on CD17) and had to get DH husband to give me an injection into my stomach - and then ensure BD ensued a few hours later... not exactly the most romantic. As a result we know exactly when O was going be and were told for a succesful cycle we HAD to BD CD16 and CD17. Well since I had DH performing CD11,12,13 and 14 (normal cycle) we almost ended in divorce when i told him. Seriously not worth it!!! Did not even try CD16 and recovered on CD17 with BD in the AM. 3 hours later had terrible O cramps on left side. So i hope we made it in time! (Oh the base line tests for both of us ended by showing no signs of anything obviously wrong! YAY!!!).
As i was leaving last test on CD15 doc said if no AF in 14 days POAS and if not pregnant call him. So blase. This has meant I have obviously been totally obsessed about everything and read non-stop about symptons and have thought of little else. I now have my hoped up and honestly will be gutted if it not the month (which i have a feeling it is not)...

So now the real reason we are here....

DPO0/CD17: Terrible cramps of my lefts side (told would O here) for about 4 hours. Considered taking a painkilled
DPO2: Oh my word the stomach cramps! Worse then any AF cramp. Lasted about 2 hours. Way to early to be anything.
DPO3: Could scream when i took off sports bra after morning run. My nipples were so sore. Nothing since. In the afternoon Heartburn. Me? never before!
DPO4: Acid reflux? odd.
DPO3-5: CM discharge. Funny smell?
DPO5-7: Not tired at all!!! Weird as i have been working till 2am and back up at 7 am. Eating carbs again - so bloat could be carb related.
DPO6: Right side cramps. Lasted most of the afternoon. Only eased off when walked. felt like start of AF. More annoying then painful and nothing like DPO2. Could this be implantation? No spotting noticed though.
DPO7-9: Twinges continue in lower abdominal area.
DPO8: Sore BBs. Typical AF symptoms though and right timing. 7 days before AF due. Sore under breast and near arms. Nothing on nipples Could cry. Think I am out. :cry: cervix also low and hardish and very "hostile" CM. Actually I did have a breakdown with DH in the am. He was not impressed as i think he is also disappointed and does not want to get his hopes up.
DPO10/CD27 (today): Seriously are we still not there yet?!?! on a normal cycle AF would only be due tomorrow! How long has this cycle been!!! BBs "tender" but not sore. Irritable with DH. Still getting annoying twinges - focused on the left. Why does it keep moving?

So that is where we are. It is the first month i have even thought it would be a possibility as we were given the all clear. So it is the first month i may be absolutely heart broken. Dont want to POAS until officially late which looks like may be wed / thurs.
Will update if AF appears!

Good luck to all of you!
audriesmommy & cravemyheart when are you ladies testing?! I'm excited!!
/.\ went to a water park today and on the way home I was all moody and irritated with my hunny for no reason at all... Huge head ache... Get home and realize AF showed her ugly face. Just a little bit of light spotting, usually starts off strong but not this time... :( on to the next round. GL to the rest of you still waiting. I'll still be posting though(:
So sorry to know that af showed her ugly face.......hope you had a great time at he park.....

Pecks- you definitely took a lot of time to tell us about your journey..... here in fb I too got a lot of motivation..the ladies here are wonderful. .... we are with you.... and keeping fingers crossed for you... hope this cycle is yours and get a :bfp: soon....losds of :dust: all the best? Do you take bbt?
/.\ went to a water park today and on the way home I was all moody and irritated with my hunny for no reason at all... Huge head ache... Get home and realize AF showed her ugly face. Just a little bit of light spotting, usually starts off strong but not this time... :( on to the next round. GL to the rest of you still waiting. I'll still be posting though(:

Sorry she showed her face :(
first/last time I did this I got a bfp...officially back again.

1dpo: lower back and stomach cramps, cold-like symptoms, nausea (I think caused by the cramps as I've had light nausea around ovulation before), vivid dreams, tired/sleepy

2dpo: less lower back pains but they're there, vivid dreams, a bit moody, acne, more cold-like symptoms but it could actually just be a cold, pain on the side of my back, slight pelvic pain and it makes me feel like I'll have af, craving shrimp tempura and spicy mayo, stomach very bloated, gassy, and tmi: lots of white cm

3dpo: vivid dream (kinder egg dream), odd cravings, slight gas, lower back pain, white cm

4dpo: stuffy right ear with ringing, vivid career/education dream, white cm, my shower gel &
perfume made me sick at night (too early to take this seriously for sure), acne

5dpo: acne, lower back pain

6dpo: rash on my chest and chin, itchy legs, headache, cold symptoms, acid reflux/nausea.

7dpo: absolutely nothing :( (edited) had pains on my right side, only pinching and for a very short time, night-time nausea, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

8dpo: lower pelvic cramps early in the morning, vivid dreams, unbelievable thirst, gassy, nauseous at night, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

10dpo: light af like cramps, slight nausea caused by my regular perfume, stuffy nose, tired, thirsty, frequent peeing (probably due to drinking more water, bloated, weepy.

it seems i made a mistake & missed a day. i knew I missed a day! 10dpo today so testing in 4 days if af doesn't show up. I couldn't help but poas today but it was bfn. im not really feeling pregers though I feel my symptoms before were really different, especially tender bbs! now that I go back and read it feels like it should have been a direct giveaway!

sorry audriesmommy that af showed up :(
So sorry to know that af showed her ugly face.......hope you had a great time at he park.....

Pecks- you definitely took a lot of time to tell us about your journey..... here in fb I too got a lot of motivation..the ladies here are wonderful. .... we are with you.... and keeping fingers crossed for you... hope this cycle is yours and get a :bfp: soon....losds of :dust: all the best? Do you take bbt?

I do BBT but not this month as fertility specialist said it was the waste of time. Started after OD but temps seemed quite low. All it did was depress me so I stopped. I will start again next cycle.
first/last time I did this I got a bfp...officially back again.

1dpo: lower back and stomach cramps, cold-like symptoms, nausea (I think caused by the cramps as I've had light nausea around ovulation before), vivid dreams, tired/sleepy

2dpo: less lower back pains but they're there, vivid dreams, a bit moody, acne, more cold-like symptoms but it could actually just be a cold, pain on the side of my back, slight pelvic pain and it makes me feel like I'll have af, craving shrimp tempura and spicy mayo, stomach very bloated, gassy, and tmi: lots of white cm

3dpo: vivid dream (kinder egg dream), odd cravings, slight gas, lower back pain, white cm

4dpo: stuffy right ear with ringing, vivid career/education dream, white cm, my shower gel &
perfume made me sick at night (too early to take this seriously for sure), acne

5dpo: acne, lower back pain

6dpo: rash on my chest and chin, itchy legs, headache, cold symptoms, acid reflux/nausea.

7dpo: absolutely nothing :( (edited) had pains on my right side, only pinching and for a very short time, night-time nausea, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

8dpo: lower pelvic cramps early in the morning, vivid dreams, unbelievable thirst, gassy, nauseous at night, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

10dpo: light af like cramps, slight nausea caused by my regular perfume, stuffy nose, tired, thirsty, frequent peeing (probably due to drinking more water, bloated, weepy.

it seems i made a mistake & missed a day. i knew I missed a day! 10dpo today so testing in 4 days if af doesn't show up. I couldn't help but poas today but it was bfn. im not really feeling pregers though I feel my symptoms before were really different, especially tender bbs! now that I go back and read it feels like it should have been a direct giveaway!

sorry audriesmommy that af showed up :(

last night (still 10dpo) I was swept with a case of SEVERE nausea. I seriously felt like I was going to through up any minute and was running to the bathroom constantly because it seemed like it was going to happen. I was convinced it was a bug as apparently my bro had one recently even though I haven't seen him while he had the bug.

11dpo: woke up nauseated and very thirsty. I wasn't going to test but I had 2 tests and they said I could test by 4 days prior to missed period (today for me), and got a super faint bfp...but an immediate bfp that I don't have to squint or anything to see. I showed it to my mom and she could also see it.

Isn't it too early to have nausea like this?! I am basically not even 4 wks yet. I had waves of nausea at 5 wks + but they were infrequent until 6-7 wks!
first/last time I did this I got a bfp...officially back again.

1dpo: lower back and stomach cramps, cold-like symptoms, nausea (I think caused by the cramps as I've had light nausea around ovulation before), vivid dreams, tired/sleepy

2dpo: less lower back pains but they're there, vivid dreams, a bit moody, acne, more cold-like symptoms but it could actually just be a cold, pain on the side of my back, slight pelvic pain and it makes me feel like I'll have af, craving shrimp tempura and spicy mayo, stomach very bloated, gassy, and tmi: lots of white cm

3dpo: vivid dream (kinder egg dream), odd cravings, slight gas, lower back pain, white cm

4dpo: stuffy right ear with ringing, vivid career/education dream, white cm, my shower gel &
perfume made me sick at night (too early to take this seriously for sure), acne

5dpo: acne, lower back pain

6dpo: rash on my chest and chin, itchy legs, headache, cold symptoms, acid reflux/nausea.

7dpo: absolutely nothing :( (edited) had pains on my right side, only pinching and for a very short time, night-time nausea, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

8dpo: lower pelvic cramps early in the morning, vivid dreams, unbelievable thirst, gassy, nauseous at night, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

10dpo: light af like cramps, slight nausea caused by my regular perfume, stuffy nose, tired, thirsty, frequent peeing (probably due to drinking more water, bloated, weepy.

it seems i made a mistake & missed a day. i knew I missed a day! 10dpo today so testing in 4 days if af doesn't show up. I couldn't help but poas today but it was bfn. im not really feeling pregers though I feel my symptoms before were really different, especially tender bbs! now that I go back and read it feels like it should have been a direct giveaway!

sorry audriesmommy that af showed up :(

last night (still 10dpo) I was swept with a case of SEVERE nausea. I seriously felt like I was going to through up any minute and was running to the bathroom constantly because it seemed like it was going to happen. I was convinced it was a bug as apparently my bro had one recently even though I haven't seen him while he had the bug.

11dpo: woke up nauseated and very thirsty. I wasn't going to test but I had 2 tests and they said I could test by 4 days prior to missed period (today for me), and got a super faint bfp...but an immediate bfp that I don't have to squint or anything to see. I showed it to my mom and she could also see it.

Isn't it too early to have nausea like this?! I am basically not even 4 wks yet. I had waves of nausea at 5 wks + but they were infrequent until 6-7 wks!

Ok, I haven't posted on here before so here goes. I'm on my 3rd month of TTC, 5dpo, have had a few symptoms over the last few days but the main one has been too much saliva - starting last night and again all morning. I also feel a bit nauseous today. With my first pregnancy I had an idea that I was pregnant before I got a positive but I don't know if I'm just making symptoms up now. I conceived 1st time with my daughter so all this tracking is new to me. My cycle is very regular, 28 days and I got + OPKs on last Monday eve and tues morn. BD'd mon/tues/wed, BBT increased a little bit on thurs, but big jump fri morn, FF has dashed crosshairs on wed, which is when I thought I ovulated too. I also had a slight dip in temp this morning to just above cover line. Any thoughts?
first/last time I did this I got a bfp...officially back again.

1dpo: lower back and stomach cramps, cold-like symptoms, nausea (I think caused by the cramps as I've had light nausea around ovulation before), vivid dreams, tired/sleepy

2dpo: less lower back pains but they're there, vivid dreams, a bit moody, acne, more cold-like symptoms but it could actually just be a cold, pain on the side of my back, slight pelvic pain and it makes me feel like I'll have af, craving shrimp tempura and spicy mayo, stomach very bloated, gassy, and tmi: lots of white cm

3dpo: vivid dream (kinder egg dream), odd cravings, slight gas, lower back pain, white cm

4dpo: stuffy right ear with ringing, vivid career/education dream, white cm, my shower gel &
perfume made me sick at night (too early to take this seriously for sure), acne

5dpo: acne, lower back pain

6dpo: rash on my chest and chin, itchy legs, headache, cold symptoms, acid reflux/nausea.

7dpo: absolutely nothing :( (edited) had pains on my right side, only pinching and for a very short time, night-time nausea, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

8dpo: lower pelvic cramps early in the morning, vivid dreams, unbelievable thirst, gassy, nauseous at night, itchy under bbs, stuffy nose/cold symptoms

10dpo: light af like cramps, slight nausea caused by my regular perfume, stuffy nose, tired, thirsty, frequent peeing (probably due to drinking more water, bloated, weepy.

it seems i made a mistake & missed a day. i knew I missed a day! 10dpo today so testing in 4 days if af doesn't show up. I couldn't help but poas today but it was bfn. im not really feeling pregers though I feel my symptoms before were really different, especially tender bbs! now that I go back and read it feels like it should have been a direct giveaway!

sorry audriesmommy that af showed up :(

last night (still 10dpo) I was swept with a case of SEVERE nausea. I seriously felt like I was going to through up any minute and was running to the bathroom constantly because it seemed like it was going to happen. I was convinced it was a bug as apparently my bro had one recently even though I haven't seen him while he had the bug.

11dpo: woke up nauseated and very thirsty. I wasn't going to test but I had 2 tests and they said I could test by 4 days prior to missed period (today for me), and got a super faint bfp...but an immediate bfp that I don't have to squint or anything to see. I showed it to my mom and she could also see it.

Isn't it too early to have nausea like this?! I am basically not even 4 wks yet. I had waves of nausea at 5 wks + but they were infrequent until 6-7 wks!

Congrats on your :bfp: !!! :)

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