This is my last chance to TTC for a long while. Sadly, events caused us to miss my most fertile days, but I am hoping that baby dancing before and after those days is enough to give me a baby!!!
Fyi, I suffer from PCOS, prior to the last two months I was highly irregular. I am basing my ovulation on my cm that I had.
1-4 dpo mild cramping, exhaustion and emotional (emotional caused from stress), headaches, slight nausea, my entire body is sore!
5 dpo cramping is a bit stronger today. Cervix is now high and hard uterus feels full and a little hard as well, cm is creamy but plentiful.
PM: VERY irrritable!
6 dpo slight cramping, cm sticky, cp high medium, slight nausea, bad dream at night which set me off for a weird mood today, tired all day so far with random spurts of energy.
HORNY!! (sorry for tmi

7 dpo gassy (past few days) irritable again, cramping picked up again, boobs are larger but do not hurt, feels like af will start soon except it isn't due for another week or so. I am NOT a smoker but I have had a bad craving for a vanilla cigar! Cm is creamy, cp is high and medium.
8 dpo cm is creamy and plentiful again, cp medium-high and soft and closed, cramping same as yesterday, I feel weird- not sure how to feel, had a dream that my body was covered in dark veins. Horny again! Sorry if tmi but it was the BEST

ever!! Smell of pizza prior to this smelt far too heavenly xD
Been moody off and on today. Still almost crying over silly things such as the smell of the pizza lol
9 dpo had stinging sensation in my boobs that HURT pretty bad! Only happened once. Boibs are a tiny bit tender. Cm sticky, cp high-medium. Craved sweets all day and then craved water. Watched Maleficent and cried lol
10 dpo cm sticky/creamy, cp high-medium. Had dream about raising a baby (obviously I have babies on my mind lol). Most symptoms have completely gone away.
I had a short episode of extreme nausea earlier but it last for less than a minute.
Noticed that the veins under my nipple are big and blue! (some blue veins on my boob are normal, not my nipple though.) Anyone else experience this??
BFN this morning BUT I had peed two hours before and didn't think to test when I peed at that time... vvvv
11 dpo forgot to check cm+cp. Started out with nausea today. Went away for a while. Bad mood ALL DAY! Nausea picked up and got worst. Back ached like crazy and I had se cramping. Couldn't eat and smell of sub sandwich made nausea worst. Got dizzy frequently. Exhausted. Yelled at my husband (NOT normal!).
12 dpo yet another bfn on dollar tree test

CM creamy, CP high-medium-closed. Nausea, bloating, constipation, cramping ,dizziness, tender breasts, headaches.
13 dpo SENSITIVEBto smells, threw up, nausea, bloating, tender breasts, dizziness, cramps, indigestion, salty cravings.
I notcied that my usual AF spotting which occurs about 4-5 days before AF arrives HASN'T happened yet! I am hoping this is a good sign!!
oh and CM sticky, CP high-firm-closed.
14 dpo no more tests to use lol need to by some more after my paycheck today. CM sticky, CP- Medium-soft-closed. Sore breasts, cramping, constipation. (so far)