Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Had a chemical in May, second month ntnp since then.

Right now I am 18 DPO (I think, but am now questioning this)

1-8 DPO - no real symptoms
9 DPO - headache, pinkish brown cm (implantation? I never get that)
10 DPO - Today - higher temp (has maintained), crampy, sore boobs, mild nausea (except today - that's gone), High, soft cervix (can't tell if it's open or closed), creamy cm
BFN on frer today (not fmu but it should be enough now to not need it??)

So since Friday (19-22 DPO) my symptoms have subsided a lot. I don't have 'pms' symptoms which is unusual, my cervix is still high and soft. Temperatures are still higher, and I have a little creamy cm. But crampiness and sore boobs are almost nonexistent. I have had some tingling in my hands. I'm waiting until Friday to test because my app has recalculated that I should get AF on Thursday (???).

AF yesterday afternoon, CD 40. Back to the drawing board.
Love this thread! Wish I kept better track of my symptoms, but here is what I can remember:

O day: lots of cramping on the left side
1 dpo: a little more mild cramping
2-7 dpo: nothing noticeable. changes in CM from dry to creamy to wet
8 dpo: diarrhea, cramping
9 dpo: stabby short cramps, felt like I had to have diarrhea or that AF was on the way but when I went to the bathroom there was no blood or sickness, just the stabby cramp. this lasted on and off for about 20 minutes
10 dpo (today): my favorite bagel this morning tasted DISGUSTING, almost like metal. other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. tested this AM, BFN
11 dpo: had TWO pregnancy dreams last night. one where I got my BFP and my husband was there, and the next where I got my bfp on our anniversary (which happens to be tomorrow in real life) and was able to give him the positive test for a present. Light cramping, woke up with small headache. BFN
Not really trying yet, but feeling different this cycle, so I thought I'd keep track just in case :)

1 dpo: slight nose bleed, better skin than usual
2 dpo: nothing
3 dpo: nothing
4 dpo: nothing (which is weird since I normally have all kinds of progesterone symptoms)
5 dpo: drooling on my pillow and lots of sneezing
6 dpo: exhausted, started crying over nothing
7 dpo: really angry at bf and cried all day, some watery blood on tp when I wiped, no appetite
8 dpo: cramps on right side, felt like crying in the evening, no appetite, stupidly took a test which was of course negative, feels like af should come any minute, but would be five days early

Symptoms continued pretty much the same, including spotting until I had my period on schedule. Period was extremely light and only two days, so I did test again, but it was negative.
I'm new here, just started lurking and posting and figured I would post my tww symptoms. :)
1-5dpo: we weren't actively trying so I wasn't looking for symptoms at first. I track my cycle religiously though so I'm pretty sure I know when I O'd.
6dpo: I woke up in a cold sweat and have af like cramps. They lasted for about 20 minutes and then nothing.
7dpo: no appetite all day. Felt like I might have a UTI. Needed to pee all the time but nothing came out (sorry if tmi)
8-9dpo: heartburn like I've never experienced before. Couldn't eat anything without taking a tums right after.
10dpo: No symptoms except insomnia and more bad heartburn. Woke up with it so bad I was extremely nauseous. Also have been very gassy all day.
11dpo: more bad heartburn . Nausea at random times during the day, usually if I don't eat. Can't drink milk without wanting to puke. More insomnia. Sleeping in really late. Lots of gas still. No one wants to sit around me. Haha
12dpo: more heartburn. More nausea. Mild cramps like af will arrive in a couple days. Still more gad but i Think I'm out for the month.
13dpo: Heartburn is mild but still present. No other symptoms. Usually I pms with bloating, sore bbs, and cramps for a week before af shows up. It's unusual for my bbs not to be sore. Extremely bad gas. I haven't been changing my diet so I have no idea where it's coming from. Gas pains are pretty bad, almost like af cramps.
14dpo: AF is due but she hasn't shown herself yet. Woke up with cramps and figured she'd be here any hour. Kept checking in the bathrooms because I felt wet down there but nothing. Put a tampon in just to be safe, 2 hours later there was nothing so I went to bed.
15dpo: I am currently now one day late. I'm not usually late so it could be something but I could just be making af late by worrying so much about it. Will update if she shows. Will not take any sort of test until she's 5 days late. It will be torture :p good luck ladies!
Also edit: I forgot to mention that these past couple mornings I have been waking up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. Could be the change of seasons but let's hope it's a sign. :) also I can't remember the exact nights but I had 2 separate very vivid dreams about being pregnant. In one dream I had the baby and we named her emma and in the other dream I was taking test after test after test and they were all positive. Never had pregnancy dreams before so lol
I feel like if I post in here then I am totally going to jinx myself and my period will arrive but at the same time I'm thinking if I don't post in here and I do get my BFP I will have forgotten everything that I felt and wouldn't be able to share it.

we're on cycle 14 TTC baby 2, my hubby has low sperm motility and this is month 1 of him being on meds to correct it.

CD16 - ovulation
CD17 1DPO - boobs become sore (norm for me!)
CD19 3DPO - woke in the night with cramping behind belly button, felt the urge to vomit so ran to the bathroom but couldn't be sick. Felt incredibly hot so stripped off and lay on the cold tiles for 10 minutes then felt fine... weird one.
CD21 5DPO - Woke with sore lower back & pain under ribs.. sore throat starts. Cervix high & feeling slightly open
CD22 to 24 6 & 8DPO - runny nose & feeling "bunged up" CM still creamy. Cervix high and closed
CD25 9DPO - nose still running like a tap, cervix low, intense cramping all day. Thought AF was coming for sure but she would be 3 days early?!?!?!
CD26 10DPO - cervix low in the morning, medium height by dinner. Cramps still there but nowhere near as intense as yesterday. CM creamy
CD27 11DPO - cervix high and closed, CM creamy. Boobies throbbing upon waking, cramping throughout morning
CD28 12DPO - AF DUE DATE DAY! woke up feeling nauseous with very sore side boobs, pretty sure I wasn't imagining the nausea. Cervix feels low but closed, CM creamy. Cramps from 2pm - 5pm. Nausea at bedtime
ok so Im new here so sorry if I get anything wrong.

ok so I feel I should explain last months af to help with why im confused with this months ttc.

last month what I thought was af started on day it was supposed to, but was just spotting, not even reached pad stayed like this for 4 days, then on 4th day it turned in to normal af but was longer than usual.

so im not sure if I count my next af date from the day of spotting or from when heavy af started. so I may be 4 days out here but im going to count from when af started properly

now I have an app that tells me when ovulation should occur and when af is due.

according to my app I should have ovulated on 24th august but I believe I ovulated on 30th when I had ovulation pains.

o days pain on right side mostly and slight pain on left side which is unusual usually just 1 side.

2 dpo lots of cervical mucus

6 dpo sharp intermittent pain in lower right side all day then 1 big sharp pain that made me stop and say ouch then this pain disappeared and was replaced with a ache when I moved. at same time I had like a pulling achey heavy feeling across centre of my lower abdomen felt like when you have stomach bug and get waves of pain but not in my stomach lower down.

7 dpo achey feeling still present ok when I sit but really noticeable when I stand walk or lie.

8 dpo pain disappeared but went to doctors mentioned it he said sounded like water infection gave me abtibiotics, but pain disappeared before I even had chance to take them so I never took them

9dpo fmu bfn bfn at night too starting to lose hope

so this is where im up to if I go by af from spotting then af was due sunday if I go from when af started properly then af due tomorrow, but with bfn today im kind of losing hope, been trying for 8 months doctors did blood test it showed I had low levels sbhg and im now awaiting referral to gyanu
sorry for rant just slightly losing hope
my breasts have ALWAYS been swollen about 3-4 days prior to AF, and only last one day. what i have now is VERY new and thought i'd share it here! they have been this way nonstop since after BDing on positive OPK day. its our third month TTC.

1 dpo - swollen breasts with pain about twice a day(mostly in the evening), extreme fatigue, extreme nausea around 2:30 - 3 AM but miraculously didn't vomit, random pain/cramping in vaginal hole, craving milk, lots of stretchy cm, increased appetite

2 dpo - swollen breasts with some pain, gassy, extreme fatigue, extreme nausea at 3:30 AM worse than before, didn't vomit (phew!), cramping/pain in vaginal hole, craving milk like CRAZY - went through a gallon in two days by myself, lots of stretchy cm, increased appetite, LOTS of bloating after just two or three bites of anything

3 dpo - swollen breasts with no pain, very gassy, some fatigue, very slight cramping, sneezing, some lower back pain, some watery cm, increased appetite but LOTS of bloating after just three bites of anything!

4 dpo - swollen breasts with some pain, sneezy and stuffy nose from afternoon throughout night

5 dpo - Nausea began after 30 minutes of being awake, quite a bit amount of cm, very temporary headache, sneezing, sudden and continued bloating in evening(after only eating a small plate of rice), swollen breasts, cramping/strange sensation in right side of ovary that was temporary and in the evening (at about 6:15), also my breasts are starting to show more veiny with no or very little pain. UPDATED: slightly runny/stuffy nose with random tickling and sneezing, scratchy throat but no coughing.. cold? before going to bed i suddenly got a metal-like flavor in my saliva and im not eating anything, just got out of the shower and have been resting for 6 minutes. BLEH

6 dpo - metallic taste still here and stronger all day today, tastes like blood or sour sometimes. nauseated. also had very strange(but not bad) VIVID dreams overnight, sneezing but no stuffy nose(why!), breasts seem to have gone back to almost normal as the day has gone on. at 9 am some pulling/dull pain in my left ovary area(feels like its lower than where my ovary is though) and lasted for just a few seconds. saw some stars/lights floating just above my forehead for just 4 seconds. at 10 am, feeling some more pulling but its higher now, much higher but below the belly button and on the left side. this didnt last but about two minutes but im sure it'll be back soon. had dizziness halfway through the shower.

7 dpo - crazy dreaming, some sneezing but no stuffy nose, the metallic taste has subsided, breasts seem to be back to normal size, feels like AF is coming

8 dpo - had cm, some cramping and moodiness, took a 3 HPTs (1 frer and 2 wondfos) and got a :bfp: on all three(faint but definitely there!)... took one more wondfo at third urine of the day and got another positive but much more faint than the others. having cramps on left side.

night of 8dpo to 9 dpo - cramping only on left side, feeling sick to foods i used to love... feeling very hungry but also no appetite at the same time.. breasts are still swollen since dpo 1. got two more faint positives this morning (im sorry i just want to see line progression). will do digital about three days before expected AF for a strong positive result. Also had alot of pain in my right breast when laying on my back and sometimes randomly.

10 dpo - TBD

11 dpo - TBD
ok so Im new here so sorry if I get anything wrong.

ok so I feel I should explain last months af to help with why im confused with this months ttc.

last month what I thought was af started on day it was supposed to, but was just spotting, not even reached pad stayed like this for 4 days, then on 4th day it turned in to normal af but was longer than usual.

so im not sure if I count my next af date from the day of spotting or from when heavy af started. so I may be 4 days out here but im going to count from when af started properly

now I have an app that tells me when ovulation should occur and when af is due.

according to my app I should have ovulated on 24th august but I believe I ovulated on 30th when I had ovulation pains.

o days pain on right side mostly and slight pain on left side which is unusual usually just 1 side.

2 dpo lots of cervical mucus

6 dpo sharp intermittent pain in lower right side all day then 1 big sharp pain that made me stop and say ouch then this pain disappeared and was replaced with a ache when I moved. at same time I had like a pulling achey heavy feeling across centre of my lower abdomen felt like when you have stomach bug and get waves of pain but not in my stomach lower down.

7 dpo achey feeling still present ok when I sit but really noticeable when I stand walk or lie.

8 dpo pain disappeared but went to doctors mentioned it he said sounded like water infection gave me abtibiotics, but pain disappeared before I even had chance to take them so I never took them

9dpo fmu bfn bfn at night too starting to lose hope

so this is where im up to if I go by af from spotting then af was due sunday if I go from when af started properly then af due tomorrow, but with bfn today im kind of losing hope, been trying for 8 months doctors did blood test it showed I had low levels sbhg and im now awaiting referral to gyanu
sorry for rant just slightly losing hope

My AF is due today and after 14 months of trying you do start to lose hope and believe that it will never happen, try to stay positive as hard as it may seem. I hope this is the month for you xx
well.. took a FRER test and got another negative. Really starting to worry, sypmtoms of nausea have all gone.
still feel a little bloating and acid reflux, I usually do have sore breasts before AF, but this is different, like right where my arms rest above my ribs, almost feels like my armpits are sore! Anyone ever have this happen? What was the outcome?

I've got a similar armpit thing going on only mine hurt near the top if that makes any sense. Definitely strange for me.
ok so Im new here so sorry if I get anything wrong.

ok so I feel I should explain last months af to help with why im confused with this months ttc.

last month what I thought was af started on day it was supposed to, but was just spotting, not even reached pad stayed like this for 4 days, then on 4th day it turned in to normal af but was longer than usual.

so im not sure if I count my next af date from the day of spotting or from when heavy af started. so I may be 4 days out here but im going to count from when af started properly

now I have an app that tells me when ovulation should occur and when af is due.

according to my app I should have ovulated on 24th august but I believe I ovulated on 30th when I had ovulation pains.

o days pain on right side mostly and slight pain on left side which is unusual usually just 1 side.

2 dpo lots of cervical mucus

6 dpo sharp intermittent pain in lower right side all day then 1 big sharp pain that made me stop and say ouch then this pain disappeared and was replaced with a ache when I moved. at same time I had like a pulling achey heavy feeling across centre of my lower abdomen felt like when you have stomach bug and get waves of pain but not in my stomach lower down.

7 dpo achey feeling still present ok when I sit but really noticeable when I stand walk or lie.

8 dpo pain disappeared but went to doctors mentioned it he said sounded like water infection gave me abtibiotics, but pain disappeared before I even had chance to take them so I never took them

9dpo fmu bfn bfn at night too starting to lose hope

so this is where im up to if I go by af from spotting then af was due sunday if I go from when af started properly then af due tomorrow, but with bfn today im kind of losing hope, been trying for 8 months doctors did blood test it showed I had low levels sbhg and im now awaiting referral to gyanu
sorry for rant just slightly losing hope

10 dpo one sore boob extremely tired but I think that's mostly down to my eldest being pain all day af due to day so far so good bfn fmu :(
This is my last chance to TTC for a long while. Sadly, events caused us to miss my most fertile days, but I am hoping that baby dancing before and after those days is enough to give me a baby!!!
Fyi, I suffer from PCOS, prior to the last two months I was highly irregular. I am basing my ovulation on my cm that I had.

1-4 dpo mild cramping, exhaustion and emotional (emotional caused from stress), headaches, slight nausea, my entire body is sore!

5 dpo cramping is a bit stronger today. Cervix is now high and hard uterus feels full and a little hard as well, cm is creamy but plentiful.
PM: VERY irrritable!

6 dpo slight cramping, cm sticky, cp high medium, slight nausea, bad dream at night which set me off for a weird mood today, tired all day so far with random spurts of energy.
HORNY!! (sorry for tmi :haha: )

7 dpo gassy (past few days) irritable again, cramping picked up again, boobs are larger but do not hurt, feels like af will start soon except it isn't due for another week or so. I am NOT a smoker but I have had a bad craving for a vanilla cigar! Cm is creamy, cp is high and medium.

8 dpo cm is creamy and plentiful again, cp medium-high and soft and closed, cramping same as yesterday, I feel weird- not sure how to feel, had a dream that my body was covered in dark veins. Horny again! Sorry if tmi but it was the BEST :sex: ever!! Smell of pizza prior to this smelt far too heavenly xD
Been moody off and on today. Still almost crying over silly things such as the smell of the pizza lol

9 dpo had stinging sensation in my boobs that HURT pretty bad! Only happened once. Boibs are a tiny bit tender. Cm sticky, cp high-medium. Craved sweets all day and then craved water. Watched Maleficent and cried lol

10 dpo cm sticky/creamy, cp high-medium. Had dream about raising a baby (obviously I have babies on my mind lol). Most symptoms have completely gone away.
I had a short episode of extreme nausea earlier but it last for less than a minute.
Noticed that the veins under my nipple are big and blue! (some blue veins on my boob are normal, not my nipple though.) Anyone else experience this??

BFN this morning BUT I had peed two hours before and didn't think to test when I peed at that time... vvvv
11 dpo forgot to check cm+cp. Started out with nausea today. Went away for a while. Bad mood ALL DAY! Nausea picked up and got worst. Back ached like crazy and I had se cramping. Couldn't eat and smell of sub sandwich made nausea worst. Got dizzy frequently. Exhausted. Yelled at my husband (NOT normal!).

12 dpo yet another bfn on dollar tree test :(
CM creamy, CP high-medium-closed. Nausea, bloating, constipation, cramping ,dizziness, tender breasts, headaches.

13 dpo SENSITIVEBto smells, threw up, nausea, bloating, tender breasts, dizziness, cramps, indigestion, salty cravings.
I notcied that my usual AF spotting which occurs about 4-5 days before AF arrives HASN'T happened yet! I am hoping this is a good sign!!
oh and CM sticky, CP high-firm-closed.

14 dpo no more tests to use lol need to by some more after my paycheck today. CM sticky, CP- Medium-soft-closed. Sore breasts, cramping, constipation. (so far)

I forgot to update this and have no clue how to turn the text red while using my phone, but with that said... After a 34 day cycle, AF finally came :/

she is gone now and I will be NTNP (but secretly trying teehee!) for a while. If I noticed ovulation then I will do another post.
Hooray, I get to turn my reply GREEN!

1dpo: cramps, backache, headache from hell, EWCM, sore nipples, low milk supply
2dpo: mega tired, heartburn, cramps, backache, sore tingly sticky out nipples, low milk supply, upset stomach, increased creamy cm
3dpo: upset stomach, cramps, tingly nipples, spots, increased creamy cm, nausea, heartburn, gassy
4dpo: cramps, backache, left sided pinching, slightly less cm, tingly nipples, spots
5dpo: cramps, backache, left sided pinching, tingly nipples, tiredness, low milk supply
6dpo: fatigue, creamy cm, backache, cramps, sore tummy, low milk supply
7dpo: severe fatigue, headache, cramps, backache, sore nipples, no cm, low milk supply
8dpo: sore and scratchy throat, snotty nose, nausea, bad cramps, upset stomach, no cm
9dpo: full blown cold :( cramps, bacache, fatigue, sensitive nips
10dpo: creamy globby cm, back crams, tummy cramps, sensitive nips, cold,hot flushes,hard closed cervix retreating upwards
11dpo: BFP!!!!! Unreachable high cervix, tummy and back cramps, sore boobs, hot flushes
12dpo: mega cramps, sore boobs, backache, nausea, creamy cm
13dpo: lots of nausea and stomachache, cramps, sore boobs, creamy cm
FACTS: 35 day cycle that comes on time. First cycle TTC #2. No medications, no conception complications that I know of, no temping, no charting.

PMS: primarily consists of sore boobs in general, to touch and definitely to suck (tmi); pimples, lots of CM, mood swings, diarrhea. I ALWAYS get PMS 2-3 weeks prior too menstrual start. This cycle I have a had gas and mild pimples since day 1 of cycle. Pimples less than previous months. Very very (foul) gassy, this has never happened the entire cycle!!! Why am I being punished, lol.

OVULATION:I used (OPK) Cycle day 20 it was VERY near positive, skipped Cycle day 22, Cycle day 23 was negative/ lighter than cycle day 20, so I just counted cycle day 22 as ovulation. Although on Cycle day 23 I did feel some movement in abdomen area. Most calculations said I ovulated Cycle day 19 thru 24. So who knows? Cycle day 22 is 14 days before menstrual anyway! Whatever.

DTD ROUTINE: Until Cycle day 23 we dtd almost everyday. At the beginning of the cycle it was like 3 days in a row that we did not because dh was out of town. Other than that it was practically everyday.

*I normally only nap on the weekends, but sudden I get tired around 3:00 pm.
*I often have vivid dreams, but now there really intense.

DPO 1: little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 2:- little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 3: little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 4: little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 5 : little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

-really started paying attention starting here

DPO 6: gassy, took a nap, intense dream, felt twinges in stomach at least 3x throughout day. During dtd felt "different". After dtd mild discomfort / soreness in lower right abdomen. tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping.

-negative pregnancy test day 7-9

DPO 7: gassy, took a nap, intense dream, tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping, woke up in the middle of the night with strong sense of smell. Tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping.

DPO 8: gassy, took a nap, nipples sensitive/semi painful when sucked only (tmi). Normally by now they are overall sensitive to touch, or intense movement..dtd felt

DPO 9: intense dream during nap, only to wake up to spotting. Its bright red and has turned to light flow at this point. I'm probably out! Very confused, pms never came and my period is never early. Not a happy camper. Started watery red and just spots. Quickly progresses to darker red, some thin stringy clots. I also have mild cramps, more than what I usually have during AF. Normally I maybe feel mild painless cramps the hour before and maybe 2 hours into AF beginning. Now cramps sporadically all day. I pray this will go away by tomorrow.......still hopeful. I woke up in the middle of the night with fairly painful cramps

DPO 10: moderate Bleeding continued. Small thin stringy clots sporadically. At night a few sharp stings in breast and vagina area.

- I decided to still chart just in case this is implantation bleeding

DPO 11: menstrual still present & moderate to light flow.

DPO 12: menstrual still present spotting flow. Felt 2 sharp stings in vagina area.

DPO 13: menstrual practically over. I went ahead and tested and got a BFP.
11 dpo no af bfn feel like af is on its way all day but touch wood still not here :))
FACTS: 35 day cycle that comes on time. First cycle TTC #2. No medications, no conception complications that I know of, no temping, no charting.

PMS: primarily consists of sore boobs in general, to touch and definitely to suck (tmi); pimples, lots of CM, mood swings, diarrhea.

*I ALWAYS get PMS 2-3 weeks prior too menstrual start. This cycle I have a had gas and mild pimples since day 1 of cycle. Pimples less than previous months. Very very (foul) gassy, this has never happened the entire cycle!!! Why am I being punished, lol.

OVULATION:I used (OPK) Cycle day 20 it was VERY near positive, skipped Cycle day 22, Cycle day 23 was negative/ lighter than cycle day 20, so I just counted cycle day 22 as ovulation. Although on Cycle day 23 I did feel some movement in abdomen area. Most calculations said I ovulated Cycle day 19 thru 24. So who knows? Cycle day 22 is 14 days before menstrual anyway! Whatever.

DTD ROUTINE: Until Cycle day 23 we dtd almost everyday. At the beginning of the cycle it was like 3 days in a row that we did not because dh was out of town. Other than that it was practically everyday.

*I normally only nap on the weekends, but sudden I get tired around 3:00 pm.
*I often have vivid dreams, but now there really intense.

DPO 1 - little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 2 - little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 3 - little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 4 - little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

DPO 5 - little gassy, took a nap, intense dream.

-really started paying attention starting here-

DPO 6 - gassy, took a nap, intense dream, felt twinges in stomach at least 3x throughout day. During dtd felt "different". After dtd mild discomfort / soreness in lower right abdomen. tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping.

-start of :bfn: 's

DPO 7 - gassy, took a nap, intense dream, tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping, woke up in the middle of the night with strong sense of smell. Tummy felt "funny" as I was sleeping.

DPO 8 - gassy, took a nap, nipples sensitive/semi painful when sucked only (tmi). Normally by now they are overall sensitive to touch, or intense movement..dtd felt

DPO 9 - intense dream during nap, only to wake up to spotting. Its bright red and has turned to light at this point. I'm probably out! Very confused, pms never came and my period is never early. Not a happy camper. Started watery red and just spots. Quickly progresses to darker red, some thin small clops. I also have mild cramps, more than what I usually have during AF. Normally I maybe feel mild painless cramps the hour before and maybe 2 hours into AF beginning. Now cramps sporadically all day. I pray this will go away by tomorrow.......still hopeful.
did your AF came at CD 9? this is what happened to me last cycle... i started having very light brown and pink spotting a week before AF was due and it was the exact day that implantation was supposed to be. ive never spotted before between cycles so i thought "yay" but the spotting continued for about 15 hours then it started to get more red and progressed into a light flow which then it became a lighter AF. how annoying!
I love this thread so thought I would join!
I can't pin point exact days things have happened so I'll list what I have experienced in the last 13 days (13DPO) in approximate order when they started:
Mild AF cramps, tiredness, slight nausea at times, not sleeping well, backache, unusual sensations in lower abdomen (pinching on lower right side, burning/warm feeling lower abdomen), increased CM (mostly clear and/or white and lotiony), seem to be peeing more (after almost every drink),BB's feeling and looking fuller, wee bit achy but not that noticeable, areolas look larger, veins on BB's and areolas, a couple white bumps on nipples. That's about it - as well as more "cramps" today, on and off. Will test sometime next week!
so af came today at a 30 day cycle my cyle is normally 24 days so im heartbroken I have never been this late this is our 13th cycle at trying im so down and depressed today I was convinced we had finally done it especially with the pains I got on 6 dpo.
think im gonna have to quit the trying for a while its just so gutting when it doesn't work, im waiting for referral to gynau so hopefully that wont be too long and will try again then, good luck ladies and I hope you get your bfps xxxx

Nothing really until 9 dpo with spotting some cramps on 11 dpo 12 dpo had increase in cm some more slight cramps, no sore boobs no bloat nothing else!! Bfp at 12 dpo very faint!!

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