What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!
Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...
DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.
DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there
DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.
DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.
waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that goes....lol
Baby dust to everyone!!Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!
DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.
1-5 DPO - Nothing noticeable
6 DPO - Sore BB's, Went to buy breakfast before work and as soon as I walked into the restaurant I couldn't even stomach the idea of eating, Emotional (who cries watching Criminal Minds?), Swollen fingers
7 DPO - More nausea, Sore BB's, So tired, Emotional , Swollen Fingers, Sharp pain low abdomen (uterus?)
8 DPO - Pink CM (sorry if TMI), Tired, Sore BB's, AF-like cramps, Sore back, Emotional, Swollen fingers
9 DPO - Emotional, Creamy CM when checking cervix (high and hard), Still so sleepy, Swollen fingers, Backache, Restless
10 DPO - Tired, Backache, Specks of red (the size of a pin head) when wiping, Frequent Urination, Sore BB's that feel like they're getting in my way more than usual, had one sharp pain this AM on left side
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Sounds so promising!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!
Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...
DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.
DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there
DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.
DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.
waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that goes....lol
Baby dust to everyone!!Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!
DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!
Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...
DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.
DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there
DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.
DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.
waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that goes....lol
Baby dust to everyone!!Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!
DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.
DPO 9 - Nausea continues, sore boobs and nipples. Boobs are visibly fuller to where I can now see veins. dehydrated. Headache was gone in the AM but is back again. Still can't sleep longer than 3 hours. soooooooooo tired. I wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. Called the doctor and he ordered me a blood test which I did today. Says we should have results tomorrow...holding my breath until he calls.
DPO 10 - Took a digital test which came back "pregnant" and got blood results from doctor...its official - I got by BFP!!!![]()
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!
Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...
DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.
DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there
DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.
DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.
waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that goes....lol
Baby dust to everyone!!Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!
DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.
DPO 9 - Nausea continues, sore boobs and nipples. Boobs are visibly fuller to where I can now see veins. dehydrated. Headache was gone in the AM but is back again. Still can't sleep longer than 3 hours. soooooooooo tired. I wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. Called the doctor and he ordered me a blood test which I did today. Says we should have results tomorrow...holding my breath until he calls.
DPO 10 - Took a digital test which came back "pregnant" and got blood results from doctor...its official - I got by BFP!!!![]()
My thread is green now!!! I had a stuffy nose too - now it's runny.
My thread is green now!!! I had a stuffy nose too - now it's runny.