Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I love this thread!!!

ok, here's mine so far -

3dpo - metallic taste in mouth all day

4 dpo - severe cramps in right lower abdomen, so bad that I thought I had appendicitis and almost went to the er

5 dpo - slightly sore bbs in the pm

6 dpo - headache all day, sore bbs
I love this thread!!!

ok, here's mine so far -

3dpo - metallic taste in mouth all day

4 dpo - severe cramps in right lower abdomen, so bad that I thought I had appendicitis and almost went to the er, lots of lotiony cm

5 dpo - slightly sore bbs in the pm, lots of lotiony cm

6 dpo - headache all day, sore bbs lots of lotiony cm

7 dpo - just generally don't feel good. bbs more sore, all over pain. Not just on the sides. And that usually starts around 2 dpo if af shows up.

8 dpo - woke up hungry. That never happens. I never eat in the mornings. I was shaky, dizzy, back ache, head ache, bbs hurting really bad. They don't really seem any bigger, but extremely sore.

9 dpo - woke up hungry and dizzy again. Bbs still sore. Cp so high I can't reach it. It's been medium the last few days. Clear cm. Nausea in the pm. I didn't actually get sick, just felt really queasy. I was at an open house for my 9 year old and felt a sudden gush of fluid. I thought for sure that af had shown up early. I ran to the bathroom expecting to see blood and it was clear fluid. No smell, just a ton of it. No idea what that was. Of course I obsessed over it and found something online saying that when the mucus plug begins to form, there is a lot of excess fluid and it has to go somewhere. Idk. I'm half convinced I'm out for the month, but SO is out of town and I'm not testing until he gets back. This tww is SO HARD!!!!

10 dpo - Woke up at 4:30 a.m. for no reason and was wide awake. BBs still sore but I don't think they're as bad, and definitely not bigger. This makes me think af is coming. My first sign with all three kids was that my bras didn't fit. But since I wasn't actively trying, I have no idea when that happened in my cycle, or even if I missed a period. Diarrhea this morning. TMI (side-note - I think it's funny how we all add a "TMI" in when we talk about certain things and this whole website is based on TMi, haha) I am obsessing over every "symptom" and going crazy because for each one, there is a logical explanation for what it could be other than pregnancy. *sigh* I guess I just have to wait and see.

11 DPO - BBs not really sore today. A little, but not like they were before. I really think I'm out. I was extremely hungry all day. Ate everything in site. But that could be because I didn't eat a lot yesterday.
Went to the bathroom tonight and noticed a little bit of brown spotting in my underwear. I put a tampon in, but took it out for bed about 3 hours later and there was barely anything on it. I'm pretty sure it's af. Will turn my post red if she shows up all the way tomorrow

I should have added that I have 3 daughters that just kinda happened. This time around, we've been trying for a couple months and this is WAY harder than I expected! I had an IUD removed in April after having it for 2 1/2 years, so I don't know if my body is ready to conceive yet...
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!

Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...

DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.

DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there

DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.

DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.

waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust::dust:Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!

DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.

DPO 9 - Nausea continues, sore boobs and nipples. Boobs are visibly fuller to where I can now see veins. dehydrated. Headache was gone in the AM but is back again. Still can't sleep longer than 3 hours. soooooooooo tired. I wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. Called the doctor and he ordered me a blood test which I did today. Says we should have results tomorrow...holding my breath until he calls.

DPO 10 - Took a digital test which came back "pregnant" and got blood results from doctor...its official - I got by BFP!!!:bfp:
Fun thread!

2 DPO - slight cramping

4 DPO - dizzy

5 DPO - dizzy, metallic taste in mouth, hightened sense of smell, slight nausea

6 DPO - dizzy, mild cramping, lower back/hips/legs sore

7 DPO - dizzy, mild cramping, hightened sense of smell, heartburn

8 DPO - dizzy, heartburn
Here's hoping it turns green soon!

1-2 DPO: Nothing
3 DPO: Tired. Lower backache, like around my tailbone and back of pelvis. I did spent the day prior in heels for several hours so...maybe that caused the pain? Some heartburn in the morning.

4 DPO: Lower backache in the evening, very uncomfortable. Massage doesn't help. Heartburn in the morning. Some burping, regardless of eating or drinking. Slightly scratchy throat in the morning. BD'd and felt kinda crampy afterwards. Some CM.

5 DPO: Lower backache all day from morning through to night. Dull aching/cramping in lower abdomen above pubis bone. Still burping. Slightly moody. Little to no CM.

6 DPO: Backache still present, still in lower portion of pelvis and tailbone. Cramping more persistent. Night sweats. Headache comes and goes today. Still burping regardless of food/drink. Heartburn. Slightly emotional/moody. Tired. Boobs aren't really sore, but nips are slightly tender to touch. No CM. Feeling like there is something stuck in my throat; when I burp it's almost like I want to puke (slight nausea comes in waves).

7 DPO: Green/Yellow CM (sorry!), backache comes and goes, slight headache, slight indigestion, really tired when I came home (I passed out on the couch around 8pm). Some nausea and slightly tingley boobs.

8 DPO: Clear CM, bad backache. Minimal cramping and body aches. Really bad heartburn. Tums wouldn't do it for me!

9 DPO: Symptoms kinda disappear; devestated in thinking that I had a chemical or that I wasn't really pregnant to begin with. Just plain tired.

10 DPO: Symptoms disappear; emotional at family BBQ surrounded by pregnant women and babies. BFN in early morning test. Tired. Some insomnia.

11 DPO: Backache has returned. That's it.

12 DPO: Wicked heartburn. Moody as hell - I blew up at my boss. Emotional. Slight backache.

13 DPO: Light pink when wiping! Had a dream the night before that I took a test that said I had implanted! Tugging in abdomen. Backache.

14 DPO: Watery light brown when wiping (only happened 2x in the day) and minimal tugging/cramping. Backache (seriously, it hasn't gone away!).

15 DPO: Period is expected in one day. Took a test at 5am - BFP!! Extremely emotional today (duh!) wicked heartburn, cramping, clear cm, tiredness, bloating and of course, backache! But I'll gladly take it all with a smile because I'm PREGNANT!

This was our first round of Femara - for those struggling with fertility treatments, please don't give up hope!
1-5 DPO - Nothing noticeable
6 DPO - Sore BB's, Went to buy breakfast before work and as soon as I walked into the restaurant I couldn't even stomach the idea of eating, Emotional (who cries watching Criminal Minds?), Swollen fingers
7 DPO - More nausea, Sore BB's, So tired, Emotional , Swollen Fingers, Sharp pain low abdomen (uterus?)
8 DPO - Pink CM (sorry if TMI), Tired, Sore BB's, AF-like cramps, Sore back, Emotional, Swollen fingers
9 DPO - Emotional, Creamy CM when checking cervix (high and hard), Still so sleepy, Swollen fingers, Backache, Restless
10 DPO - Tired, Backache, Specks of red (the size of a pin head) when wiping, Frequent Urination, Sore BB's that feel like they're getting in my way more than usual, had one sharp pain this AM on left side
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Sounds so promising!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!

Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...

DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.

DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there

DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.

DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.

waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust::dust:Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!

DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.
1-5 DPO - Nothing noticeable
6 DPO - Sore BB's, Went to buy breakfast before work and as soon as I walked into the restaurant I couldn't even stomach the idea of eating, Emotional (who cries watching Criminal Minds?), Swollen fingers
7 DPO - More nausea, Sore BB's, So tired, Emotional , Swollen Fingers, Sharp pain low abdomen (uterus?)
8 DPO - Pink CM (sorry if TMI), Tired, Sore BB's, AF-like cramps, Sore back, Emotional, Swollen fingers
9 DPO - Emotional, Creamy CM when checking cervix (high and hard), Still so sleepy, Swollen fingers, Backache, Restless
10 DPO - Tired, Backache, Specks of red (the size of a pin head) when wiping, Frequent Urination, Sore BB's that feel like they're getting in my way more than usual, had one sharp pain this AM on left side

Hopefully the bleeding is due to implantation!!! When do you think you're going to test? Fingers crossed and :dust:
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! Sounds so promising!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!

Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...

DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.

DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there

DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.

DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.

waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust::dust:Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!

DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.

Thanks squishmich!! Trying to not get excited yet. took a blood test today and if that comes back positive then I will consider my self pregnant! Fingers crossed and baby dust to you! I can believe you have the will power to wait until the 26th to test! I envy you!
Hello Ladies, I would love to join you! I am currently 7dpo :)

1 - 3 dpo sensitive nipples

4dpo - achy legs, super sensitive and ITCHY nipple.

5dpo - slight temp drop, sore throat, sensitive nipples.

6dpo- slight temp drop, sore throat, nausea but not like actually going to throw up, just uncomfortable, cramping - feels like cross between AF cramps and "bathroom" cramps but is neither. Pelvic area aches. Backache. Gassy in pm. Sharp shooting pains in vagina. Period type cramping around 8:30 Pm for a few minutes. Frequent urination in evening. Sensitive nipples and slightly tender right breast.

7dpo- woke up feeling like I was punched in the uterus. Went away after an hour or two, really weird...peeing a lot in the afternoon. Sharp stabbing pains in vagina and pelvic area. Right breast still tender but less sensitive nipples. Constipated and very gassy. Cried 3x today, which is not normal, even when I'm really down. Overall didn't feel great today and just feeling like "there's no way it happened."
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!

Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...

DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.

DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there

DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.

DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.

waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust::dust:Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!

DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.

DPO 9 - Nausea continues, sore boobs and nipples. Boobs are visibly fuller to where I can now see veins. dehydrated. Headache was gone in the AM but is back again. Still can't sleep longer than 3 hours. soooooooooo tired. I wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. Called the doctor and he ordered me a blood test which I did today. Says we should have results tomorrow...holding my breath until he calls.

DPO 10 - Took a digital test which came back "pregnant" and got blood results from doctor...its official - I got by BFP!!!:bfp:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Congratulations!!!
Ovulated Cd12 according to FF I'm thinking it was after my first + opk which was 2 days prior.

1dpo - pink spotting, nausea, dizziness (didn't think anything of it cause it was supperrr early)
2dpo- nausea, cramping
3dpo- sharp/painful cramps, nausea, tired, sensitive nipples.
4dpo- back pain, sensitive bbs, some heart burn, negative hpt.
5dpo- back pain, fatigue. Pain/twisting/cramping left side of my uterus.
6dpo- cramping, stuffy/runny nose,tired, hot flashes, temp 99.9, BFN
7dpo- back pain, belly button pulls, increased ewcm, acne, BFN (feeling doubtful)
8dpo- AF cramps, nausea, BFN
9dpo - No real symtoms, BFN
10dpo- Small cramping, dry bd (couldn't get "in it"), BFN
11dpo - Spotting (peachy/pink CM), low back pain,BFN
12dpo - Nausea, congested & runny nose, red spotting - increased from yesterday.
What a great thread! I love reading all post...can't wait to see them start to turn green!!

Here's mine...not 100% accurate since im already on DPO 7 but here goes...

DPO 3 (or around) had lower back pains and CWCM... but figured the back pains were in my mind because it was way too soon to feel symptoms.

DPO 4 back pains gone but CWCM still there

DPO -5 & 6 stopped paying attention slept pretty much the whole day on Saturday (DPO 5) and Sunday. (I also had a crazy busy week and on a couple occasions got only 4 hours of sleep so that's not suspicious.) Also noticed that I could not shake a headache this weekend.

DPO 7 - Felt nauseous for the last 3 hours and hungry but nothing sounds good (normally EVERYTHING sounds good). Headache was gone in the AM but came back. Boobs are sore, especially around the nipple, and feel heavy but I can't say that they look bigger. Took a cheapy Wondfo pregnancy test but came back negative. Just want to curl up and sleep... but again it was a long exhausting day soo..couldn't sleep at all this night and was very paranoid about hearing sounds and having almost awake like dreams. Also felt hot the whole night. Also noticed bad breakout on face.

waiting out on testing until Friday (DPO 11)as it is still fairly early. We'll see how that

Baby dust to everyone!! :dust::dust:Will be keeping an eye out for BFP!!

DPO 8 - Couldn't wait...hehehe... tested. Very slight line on FRER but "not pregnant" on CB digital. Will still give it a few days and test again on DPO11. not getting my hopes up. Nauseous all day until the afternoon and headache still persists. So tired, but is probably because of no sleep last night.

DPO 9 - Nausea continues, sore boobs and nipples. Boobs are visibly fuller to where I can now see veins. dehydrated. Headache was gone in the AM but is back again. Still can't sleep longer than 3 hours. soooooooooo tired. I wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. Called the doctor and he ordered me a blood test which I did today. Says we should have results tomorrow...holding my breath until he calls.

DPO 10 - Took a digital test which came back "pregnant" and got blood results from doctor...its official - I got by BFP!!!:bfp:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Congratulations!!!

Thanks so much, Mandolin. We are still being very cautious about celebrating since its still so early. But we are over the moon after so many BFN.

How are you progressing? Still in TWW?
Hi ladies I registered just to post here
I have followed this site and others since my last pregnancy (baby almost 1 year) but never registered.

I'm currently breastfeeding and just started introducing solids.

I check my cervix and cm through my cycle.
Around ovulation this month it was hard to tell because last month I ovulated from my left ovary ( I get the pain from the side I ovulate) and this month that same ovary hurt all month.
I do get cysts on my ovary and was told I may have pcos I have not done further tests as I will not take pcos med since I do get ewcm I'm breastfeeding and get my period fairly regularly.

So here goes

Ovulation occured on cd 15 or 16 I did not get my usual ovulation pain and my left side is normally the side I see best symptoms with but I had stronger pain on the left side during ovulation time with ewcm so I may have tried to ovulated and didn't maybe I did.
1- 5 dpo very wet and moist during bding and not so much on the panties although during ovulation a lot came out.

6-7 dpo felt tired a bit over it all been travelling for 3 months so you can imagine. Not much symptoms had a few migraines but not full force ones
the morning of the 8th dpo I woke up at about 5 am to hot stinging sharp pains In my lower abdomen toward left centre and was curled up and couldn't get comfy almost cried ( mind you I have 3 kids . After 5 minutes pain left .

8-11 dpo high cervix soft wet and slightly open. ewcm again only really up at my cervix
whitish clear and a creamy cm too very odd I have never noticed this before.
I have sore nappies when feeding but my bubba sometimes glides her teeth when attaching or tired if it almost falls out. Sooooo idk. Tested and got bfn on a strip test that detects 10th
had a dream I was pregnant
Also I felt like my period was coming 10-11 dpo that achy slightly in the tummy and back plus heavy belly.
I don't look too bloated but I felt it slightly feel but better now

12-13 dpo current soft cervix can't tell if it's open or close high and hard to reach behind. I feel like nothing not like I'm pregnant or that af is on its way I just have sore nappies can't sleep last 2 nights keep waking up and being woke up by 3 kids
I kind of feel like I can't be bothered much at the moment I have low iron and just before af by a few days I get more tired and less bothered but now I'm feeling a bit more normal and less tired. Which is odd either way if I'm pregnant I should be exhausted and if af coming I should be less active.been fairly gassy for a week also

I take macca root capsuals daily 2-4 per day.
I take vitex most months until ovulation or 14 days after af ends.
I have decided to take it the whole month and see if it helps with the cyst pain I have been feeling. Because last month I had cyst pain only 5 days before af and thought I was pregnant. And it was not too bad. Now I can feel swelling slightly on my left. Only when I press.

Pain has subsided now and only tender to press left and off centre to the left.
Tested today fmu 13dpo bfn cervix high slightly long just over an inch feels less open from my whole cycle and soft slightly.

Tmi alert Tmi alert Tmi alert

I had a prolapse cervix after my 3rd child it was about 2 inches from coming out and couldn't use tampons properly. Now the past couple months it's a index finger up. So I'm happy about that but my cervix always feels about half my fingertip open so it's hard to tell when open or close because I don't want to push my finger in. But now it feels more narrow as in the cervix not the hole.
If that makes sense
I'm starting to introduce dinner feeds to my daughter so I can try to have less feeds at night.
See if that helps
sorry for long post

My thread is green now!!! I had a stuffy nose too - now it's runny.
My thread is green now!!! I had a stuffy nose too - now it's runny.

Where is the page with your symptoms?
I have been suffering severe diarrhea since 6pm yesterday and vomiting and a fever.Here i was thinking wow i feel kind of like i have morning sickness wwhich I never get... turns out i was actually sick.
I really thought i was in it this month but i don't think so now.
My vervic was still high and soft at 3am
I'm sick of checking it .
:cry: my whole body hurts
Hello! I am new to the forum but have been reading these posts very closely. Congrats to everyone who has had their BFP! I am currently on what I think is 2 DPO but I had 4 days of positive OPKs so I'm not completely sure. I do not ovulate on my own so I took Clomid this cycle days 5-9. I don't know if my symptoms are from Clomid, ovulation, or what!!! I will keep posting my symptoms as I get them.
My cycle day 1 was September 4. I started Clomid at 1:00 am Monday the 8th because myself and DH were staying up late and I couldn't wait. On Clomid I had headaches and slight cramping.
I had my first positive OPK on the 17th (Cycle day 14) and continued to have positives until the 20th (day 17). I do not know which day I ovulated but had severe cramping at night on the 18th and 19th. We had BD every night for over a week, and still are. I will count the 19th as O day and the 20th as 1 DPO.
I have a weird feeling I released two eggs this month because I had pain in both ovaries within 24 hours of each other. Since I am on Clomid, it is a possibility. My right ovary still feels enlarged. On cycle day 18 we BD'd and (sorry if TMI) when we switched position to 'doggy' I had very sharp pain in both my ovaries and it felt like my ovaries and fallopian tube were swollen and sensitive. I have had dull cramping on the right side since.
Tonight, 2 DPO I am really hungry and having a hard time falling asleep. I am very thirsty and have the accompanying frequent bathroom trips.
We are trying for our first so this is very new to me. I would be happy to have someone to talk to! :)

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