Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get him cups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?

Still in with a chance girls af still hadnt shown her ugly face if af still not here by friday I will test im to scared to do one just yet lol x

Mineral im in similar situation, af is just late for me, I had symptoms like af was on her way, but then nothing, plus my temp has shot back up today, and im getting cm (i dont usually get it at this point either). I tested at 12 dpo and got a bfn. Maybe if no af in the morning I might retest. Good luck, maybe we are still in with a chance or maybe we are both just having dodgy cycles :wacko: xx

I hope so I tested today bfn boooooo hope either af shows or get bfp soon im going crazy haha have you retested yet ? X
Ok I promised myself I wasn't going to symptom stalk this month but I simply cannot help myself!! early chemical last month so I'm really hoping this is the month! Had a really ok so here is my symptoms by DPO

1DPO-Spotting, cramps (probably from ovulation), EWCM


3DPO-Spotting (like a fair amount....really unusual bright red) cramps

4DPO-Creamy CM, gas and indigestion, left pelvic pain

5DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, left and right pelvic pain on and off actually woke me up in the middle of the night in hurt so much!

6DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, cramps, tender breast on the left side mainly

7DPO-Creamy CM, left pelvic pain again (just never seems to go away for more than a couple hours at a time) sore hips, tender breasts

Here is hoping the witch stays away!! AF is due the 21st if she doesn't make an appearance I will test on the 23rd (13DPO). Good luck to you all!:dust:

Omg the cramping today has been crazy!! No sign of af but feels like af cramps but they are very uncomfortable and my left side is worse than my right. I also feel achy in my hips and thighs...anyone else experienced this?? It's not very comfortable!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again
friday if still no af

Anyone else testing friday ? X
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPKs
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3-5dpo nothing really
6dpo nothing really, tierd but don't think it's a symptom as I was woken up at 5 am!, have had erect nipples for a few days ??
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.
7dpo and finally something to spot!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get him cups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?

Still in with a chance girls af still hadnt shown her ugly face if af still not here by friday I will test im to scared to do one just yet lol x

Mineral im in similar situation, af is just late for me, I had symptoms like af was on her way, but then nothing, plus my temp has shot back up today, and im getting cm (i dont usually get it at this point either). I tested at 12 dpo and got a bfn. Maybe if no af in the morning I might retest. Good luck, maybe we are still in with a chance or maybe we are both just having dodgy cycles :wacko: xx

I hope so I tested today bfn boooooo hope either af shows or get bfp soon im going crazy haha have you retested yet ? X

I think ff got my ovulation date wrong. I manipulated it so that it gave me a letter ovulation date, which would make AF due today, and sure enough she's almost here! Baby dust for our next cycles xx
Okay girls im so excited I finally get to turn this post to GREEN!!!

Let me just start by saying my husband and I got off the pill in August this year we have been trying since then. I have been paying attention to my cycles and when im ovulating. This month (per my calender) I ovulated on 12/6 we DTD the 1st - 2nd - 4th - 5th - and 7th. Every month before AF I usually always get very tender breasts starting about 9DPO. This month the DAY after ovulation my nipples got tender and the day after that my breasts hurt SO BAD. This is very out of the normal for me and I knew in my heart from that day I was pregnant. Here are my symptoms by DPO-

1DPO - sensitive nipples

2DPO - Woke up with very tender breasts mostly on the side, a mild headache, and very minor cramps.

3 DPO - Tender breasts, mild headache, minor cramps, little nauseous at night, and funny taste in my mouth, and urinating more than usual.

4DPO - Woke up my breasts arent as tender but I feel like I have pretty bad cramps (feels like im going to start my period any time and its hard to suck my tummy in) Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day

5DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was sore putting deodorant on this morning (have any of you ever experienced this?) , and just a tiny bit of heartburn. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

6DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

7DPO - got way too impatient tested and got BFN (I know way too early but I was convinced) Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. - SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

8DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. Nausea in the evening not enough to make me throw up just uncomfortable. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

9DPO - Tested again BFN again way too early but all this was so out of the norm for me. Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

10DPO - Tested AGAIN this morning BFN - starting to feel crazy but I know in my heart again this is our month! Tender Breasts on the sides mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

11DPO - Woke up again had one last test and got a BFP!!! Clear as day digital that read "pregant!" I cried of course because im SO thrilled and I dont feel crazy anymore! hahaha so far this morning cramping minor like AF is coming anytime now, breast tender on the sides, a minor headache, and of course THIRSTY!

I was stalking every single website and thread I could find with symptoms by DPO. I was getting bummed out when I would read that there is no way you can feel symptoms like this that early and be pregant - well let me tell you ladies it IS! You know your bodies and what is different. I KNEW from basically the moment it happened something was different!

All of you will have your time too! Baby dust to all!! All your posts kept me postive and my hopes up so thank you for making this TTW a little easier!
Sorry - I guess I have no idea how to work this website! I thought I had changed it to green!
I am going to post this in green...keeping my fingers crossed.
I got my Mirena taken out Aug 4, this year. And I have been following my BBT to follow my cycles. My dh and I decided to start after my October cycle to TTC#2. Our DD will be 2yrs in Jan.
Here are my symptoms:

Cycle #2
Dec 6/Cycle day 13: Ovulation day! (+) OPK. DTD x 2 (late morning and before bed). Laying with butt and legs up(my hubby just laughs). Mild cramping and bloating.
1DPO: Mild cramping. Weird ache pulling feeling over each ovary. I'm so thirsty!
2DPO: Mild cramping. I feel like I can feel my uterus contracting
3 DPO: more cramps..ouch. White creamy cm.
4DPO: No symptoms
5DPO: Feel like af cramps. CM dried up.
6DPO: Mild cramping. Creamy cm.
7DPO: my only symptom was just being so tired.
8DPO: I'm exhaused, more tired than the day before.
9DPO: Nausea in the morning before I left for work. I felt like crap at work. I checked my blood pressure at work and I was very high, after I sat for awhile it returned to normal. My hubby and I agreed that I would test with when I got home i took a test. I swear I say something very faint, but my hubby said he couldn't see anything. So I thought I had line eye.
10DPO: I decided to test again and if it was negative I was going to wait for af to show her stupid face. So I took the test and set it aside and took a shower figuring I was going to be out this cycle(even though I know it is still early)...when I got out of the shower I looked and there it BFP!!!(faint, but still there)..AND my hubby still sleeping..ugh! When he woke up I showed him the test and said "Now do you see it?!?" YES!.... I took another test later that day and it was lighter...grrr.....and then took another one that night and it was a little darker.
11DPO: Tested this AM. BFP, but looked the same as yesterday I held for about 5hrs and tested again...and it is getting darker!!

So excited!! Still in shock! We didn't expect this news so soon. AF is about 5 days away. I know it is still early so keeping my fingers crossed!

Baby dust to all!!
I am going to post this in green...keeping my fingers crossed.
I got my Mirena taken out Aug 4, this year. And I have been following my BBT to follow my cycles. My dh and I decided to start after my October cycle to TTC#2. Our DD will be 2yrs in Jan.
Here are my symptoms:

Cycle #2
Dec 6/Cycle day 13: Ovulation day! (+) OPK. DTD x 2 (late morning and before bed). Laying with butt and legs up(my hubby just laughs). Mild cramping and bloating.
1DPO: Mild cramping. Weird ache pulling feeling over each ovary. I'm so thirsty!
2DPO: Mild cramping. I feel like I can feel my uterus contracting
3 DPO: more cramps..ouch. White creamy cm.
4DPO: No symptoms
5DPO: Feel like af cramps. CM dried up.
6DPO: Mild cramping. Creamy cm.
7DPO: my only symptom was just being so tired.
8DPO: I'm exhaused, more tired than the day before.
9DPO: Nausea in the morning before I left for work. I felt like crap at work. I checked my blood pressure at work and I was very high, after I sat for awhile it returned to normal. My hubby and I agreed that I would test with when I got home i took a test. I swear I say something very faint, but my hubby said he couldn't see anything. So I thought I had line eye.
10DPO: I decided to test again and if it was negative I was going to wait for af to show her stupid face. So I took the test and set it aside and took a shower figuring I was going to be out this cycle(even though I know it is still early)...when I got out of the shower I looked and there it BFP!!!(faint, but still there)..AND my hubby still sleeping..ugh! When he woke up I showed him the test and said "Now do you see it?!?" YES!.... I took another test later that day and it was lighter...grrr.....and then took another one that night and it was a little darker.
11DPO: Tested this AM. BFP, but looked the same as yesterday I held for about 5hrs and tested again...and it is getting darker!!

So excited!! Still in shock! We didn't expect this news so soon. AF is about 5 days away. I know it is still early so keeping my fingers crossed!

Baby dust to all!!

Congratulations :)
Okay girls im so excited I finally get to turn this post to GREEN!!!

Let me just start by saying my husband and I got off the pill in August this year we have been trying since then. I have been paying attention to my cycles and when im ovulating. This month (per my calender) I ovulated on 12/6 we DTD the 1st - 2nd - 4th - 5th - and 7th. Every month before AF I usually always get very tender breasts starting about 9DPO. This month the DAY after ovulation my nipples got tender and the day after that my breasts hurt SO BAD. This is very out of the normal for me and I knew in my heart from that day I was pregnant. Here are my symptoms by DPO-

1DPO - sensitive nipples

2DPO - Woke up with very tender breasts mostly on the side, a mild headache, and very minor cramps.

3 DPO - Tender breasts, mild headache, minor cramps, little nauseous at night, and funny taste in my mouth, and urinating more than usual.

4DPO - Woke up my breasts arent as tender but I feel like I have pretty bad cramps (feels like im going to start my period any time and its hard to suck my tummy in) Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day

5DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was sore putting deodorant on this morning (have any of you ever experienced this?) , and just a tiny bit of heartburn. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

6DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

7DPO - got way too impatient tested and got BFN (I know way too early but I was convinced) Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. - SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

8DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. Nausea in the evening not enough to make me throw up just uncomfortable. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

9DPO - Tested again BFN again way too early but all this was so out of the norm for me. Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

10DPO - Tested AGAIN this morning BFN - starting to feel crazy but I know in my heart again this is our month! Tender Breasts on the sides mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

11DPO - Woke up again had one last test and got a BFP!!! Clear as day digital that read "pregant!" I cried of course because im SO thrilled and I dont feel crazy anymore! hahaha so far this morning cramping minor like AF is coming anytime now, breast tender on the sides, a minor headache, and of course THIRSTY!

I was stalking every single website and thread I could find with symptoms by DPO. I was getting bummed out when I would read that there is no way you can feel symptoms like this that early and be pregant - well let me tell you ladies it IS! You know your bodies and what is different. I KNEW from basically the moment it happened something was different!

All of you will have your time too! Baby dust to all!! All your posts kept me postive and my hopes up so thank you for making this TTW a little easier!

Congratulations :)
I am going to post this in green...keeping my fingers crossed.
I got my Mirena taken out Aug 4, this year. And I have been following my BBT to follow my cycles. My dh and I decided to start after my October cycle to TTC#2. Our DD will be 2yrs in Jan.
Here are my symptoms:

Cycle #2
Dec 6/Cycle day 13: Ovulation day! (+) OPK. DTD x 2 (late morning and before bed). Laying with butt and legs up(my hubby just laughs). Mild cramping and bloating.
1DPO: Mild cramping. Weird ache pulling feeling over each ovary. I'm so thirsty!
2DPO: Mild cramping. I feel like I can feel my uterus contracting
3 DPO: more cramps..ouch. White creamy cm.
4DPO: No symptoms
5DPO: Feel like af cramps. CM dried up.
6DPO: Mild cramping. Creamy cm.
7DPO: my only symptom was just being so tired.
8DPO: I'm exhaused, more tired than the day before.
9DPO: Nausea in the morning before I left for work. I felt like crap at work. I checked my blood pressure at work and I was very high, after I sat for awhile it returned to normal. My hubby and I agreed that I would test with when I got home i took a test. I swear I say something very faint, but my hubby said he couldn't see anything. So I thought I had line eye.
10DPO: I decided to test again and if it was negative I was going to wait for af to show her stupid face. So I took the test and set it aside and took a shower figuring I was going to be out this cycle(even though I know it is still early)...when I got out of the shower I looked and there it BFP!!!(faint, but still there)..AND my hubby still sleeping..ugh! When he woke up I showed him the test and said "Now do you see it?!?" YES!.... I took another test later that day and it was lighter...grrr.....and then took another one that night and it was a little darker.
11DPO: Tested this AM. BFP, but looked the same as yesterday I held for about 5hrs and tested again...and it is getting darker!!

So excited!! Still in shock! We didn't expect this news so soon. AF is about 5 days away. I know it is still early so keeping my fingers crossed!

Baby dust to all!!

Congratulations :)
Okay girls im so excited I finally get to turn this post to GREEN!!!


11DPO - Woke up again had one last test and got a BFP!!! Clear as day digital that read "pregant!" I cried of course because im SO thrilled and I dont feel crazy anymore! hahaha so far this morning cramping minor like AF is coming anytime now, breast tender on the sides, a minor headache, and of course THIRSTY!

I was stalking every single website and thread I could find with symptoms by DPO. I was getting bummed out when I would read that there is no way you can feel symptoms like this that early and be pregant - well let me tell you ladies it IS! You know your bodies and what is different. I KNEW from basically the moment it happened something was different!

All of you will have your time too! Baby dust to all!! All your posts kept me postive and my hopes up so thank you for making this TTW a little easier!

Congrats! So happy for you!
:happydance: :dance:

Also, looking at the color codes that show up for your post when I clicked the Quote feature -- it looks like all your code is at the end of the text.

It needs to look something like this: [.COLOR="LIME"]Your DPO info in here[./COLOR]

Of course the . would be removed from the tags, this is just so everyone can see it. The portion that says /COLOR is indicating the end of whatever it is that you wanted to be green.

Easiest thing to do is highlight your whole block of text with the mouse cursor, or ctrl+A on a PC, and then choose your color from the toolbar. :)
I am going to post this in green...keeping my fingers crossed.
I got my Mirena taken out Aug 4, this year. And I have been following my BBT to follow my cycles. My dh and I decided to start after my October cycle to TTC#2. Our DD will be 2yrs in Jan.
Here are my symptoms:

Cycle #2
Dec 6/Cycle day 13: Ovulation day! (+) OPK. DTD x 2 (late morning and before bed). Laying with butt and legs up(my hubby just laughs). Mild cramping and bloating.
1DPO: Mild cramping. Weird ache pulling feeling over each ovary. I'm so thirsty!
2DPO: Mild cramping. I feel like I can feel my uterus contracting
3 DPO: more cramps..ouch. White creamy cm.
4DPO: No symptoms
5DPO: Feel like af cramps. CM dried up.
6DPO: Mild cramping. Creamy cm.
7DPO: my only symptom was just being so tired.
8DPO: I'm exhaused, more tired than the day before.
9DPO: Nausea in the morning before I left for work. I felt like crap at work. I checked my blood pressure at work and I was very high, after I sat for awhile it returned to normal. My hubby and I agreed that I would test with when I got home i took a test. I swear I say something very faint, but my hubby said he couldn't see anything. So I thought I had line eye.
10DPO: I decided to test again and if it was negative I was going to wait for af to show her stupid face. So I took the test and set it aside and took a shower figuring I was going to be out this cycle(even though I know it is still early)...when I got out of the shower I looked and there it BFP!!!(faint, but still there)..AND my hubby still sleeping..ugh! When he woke up I showed him the test and said "Now do you see it?!?" YES!.... I took another test later that day and it was lighter...grrr.....and then took another one that night and it was a little darker.
11DPO: Tested this AM. BFP, but looked the same as yesterday I held for about 5hrs and tested again...and it is getting darker!!

So excited!! Still in shock! We didn't expect this news so soon. AF is about 5 days away. I know it is still early so keeping my fingers crossed!

Baby dust to all!!

Congrats! You were so positive from the start, it's like you knew way in advance! ^^

Okay girls im so excited I finally get to turn this post to GREEN!!!

Let me just start by saying my husband and I got off the pill in August this year we have been trying since then. I have been paying attention to my cycles and when im ovulating. This month (per my calender) I ovulated on 12/6 we DTD the 1st - 2nd - 4th - 5th - and 7th. Every month before AF I usually always get very tender breasts starting about 9DPO. This month the DAY after ovulation my nipples got tender and the day after that my breasts hurt SO BAD. This is very out of the normal for me and I knew in my heart from that day I was pregnant. Here are my symptoms by DPO-

1DPO - sensitive nipples

2DPO - Woke up with very tender breasts mostly on the side, a mild headache, and very minor cramps.

3 DPO - Tender breasts, mild headache, minor cramps, little nauseous at night, and funny taste in my mouth, and urinating more than usual.

4DPO - Woke up my breasts arent as tender but I feel like I have pretty bad cramps (feels like im going to start my period any time and its hard to suck my tummy in) Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day

5DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was sore putting deodorant on this morning (have any of you ever experienced this?) , and just a tiny bit of heartburn. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

6DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

7DPO - got way too impatient tested and got BFN (I know way too early but I was convinced) Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit was still sore putting deodorant on this morning, also noticed CM is just a little yellow? (only when put on toliet paper) Hunger pains worse that usual this morning - im usually not a breakfast person but my tummy was screaming for food this morning. Nausea is kicking in - not enough to throw up by mostly in the evening. - SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

8DPO - Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. Nausea in the evening not enough to make me throw up just uncomfortable. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

9DPO - Tested again BFN again way too early but all this was so out of the norm for me. Tender Breasts on the side mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

10DPO - Tested AGAIN this morning BFN - starting to feel crazy but I know in my heart again this is our month! Tender Breasts on the sides mostly, urinating much more than usual, Watery metallic taste periodically throughout the day, pressure/period like cramps in lower tummy, left armpit is still sore and a little vein is sticking out now? CM is just a little creamy borderline dry. SO THIRSTY! Im usally not a huge water drinker but im craving it.

11DPO - Woke up again had one last test and got a BFP!!! Clear as day digital that read "pregant!" I cried of course because im SO thrilled and I dont feel crazy anymore! hahaha so far this morning cramping minor like AF is coming anytime now, breast tender on the sides, a minor headache, and of course THIRSTY!

I was stalking every single website and thread I could find with symptoms by DPO. I was getting bummed out when I would read that there is no way you can feel symptoms like this that early and be pregant - well let me tell you ladies it IS! You know your bodies and what is different. I KNEW from basically the moment it happened something was different!

All of you will have your time too! Baby dust to all!! All your posts kept me postive and my hopes up so thank you for making this TTW a little easier!

Congratulations!! :)
I am going to post this in green...keeping my fingers crossed.
I got my Mirena taken out Aug 4, this year. And I have been following my BBT to follow my cycles. My dh and I decided to start after my October cycle to TTC#2. Our DD will be 2yrs in Jan.
Here are my symptoms:

Cycle #2
Dec 6/Cycle day 13: Ovulation day! (+) OPK. DTD x 2 (late morning and before bed). Laying with butt and legs up(my hubby just laughs). Mild cramping and bloating.
1DPO: Mild cramping. Weird ache pulling feeling over each ovary. I'm so thirsty!
2DPO: Mild cramping. I feel like I can feel my uterus contracting
3 DPO: more cramps..ouch. White creamy cm.
4DPO: No symptoms
5DPO: Feel like af cramps. CM dried up.
6DPO: Mild cramping. Creamy cm.
7DPO: my only symptom was just being so tired.
8DPO: I'm exhaused, more tired than the day before.
9DPO: Nausea in the morning before I left for work. I felt like crap at work. I checked my blood pressure at work and I was very high, after I sat for awhile it returned to normal. My hubby and I agreed that I would test with when I got home i took a test. I swear I say something very faint, but my hubby said he couldn't see anything. So I thought I had line eye.
10DPO: I decided to test again and if it was negative I was going to wait for af to show her stupid face. So I took the test and set it aside and took a shower figuring I was going to be out this cycle(even though I know it is still early)...when I got out of the shower I looked and there it BFP!!!(faint, but still there)..AND my hubby still sleeping..ugh! When he woke up I showed him the test and said "Now do you see it?!?" YES!.... I took another test later that day and it was lighter...grrr.....and then took another one that night and it was a little darker.
11DPO: Tested this AM. BFP, but looked the same as yesterday I held for about 5hrs and tested again...and it is getting darker!!

So excited!! Still in shock! We didn't expect this news so soon. AF is about 5 days away. I know it is still early so keeping my fingers crossed!

Baby dust to all!!

Congratulations!!! :) here's hoping we see more green... It is a Christmas colour, after all ;)
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional

7dpo - achy breasts, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
CD 14 - O day - slight cramping
1-6dpo - nothing, cervix low
7dpo - sore breasts
8dpo - felt sharp pain in lower left abdomen, came suddenly and lasted about 2 seconds, gone as fast as it came
9dpo - nausea in the morning around 10 am (didn't eat breakfast, nausea went away after I ate), sore boobs, higher blood pressure than usual, checked cervix, was higher (I think...), lots of creamy CM, tested at night, BFN
10dpo - 3 hour migraine headache starting when I got up in the morning, slightly sensitive breasts (not much though), had one but of gums bleed while brushing teeth (but may have been just a messed up bristle cuz it was a sharp pain while I was brushing), moderate nausea for about an hour (9:45 to 10:45), just barely not enough to throw up, took a tums and it went away (I had breakfast this morning), very little CM today (?), a minute of very mild cramping (before af I usually get spurts of severe/intense cramps, so not sure here...)
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most definitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(

Oh no think I might be out girl's definitely think af will be here either tonight or in morning :( x
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPks
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3doo nothing
4dpi nothing
5dpo nothing
6dpo nothing
(have had erect nipples for a few days ??)
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.on and off all day.
8dpo nothing

Back to nothing today :(
I am 14dpo and due for AF today and no where in site yet...i did start a week early last month so not sure if that has something to do with boobs are sore though and getting BFN so i dont know what to think

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