Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi Ladies!

I have been stalking this thread for a few weeks now, and it has been a couple of years since I've posted, so I hope I remember how to do this! I found this thread in particular so helpful & I want to do my part and contribute in hopes that it helps someone else out. I would have listed my symptoms earlier, but figured it was all in my head and would turn out to be nothing.

DPO 7 - noticed while working out that my bladder felt weak
DPO 9 - sore gums and teeth
DPO 10 - food aversion to eggs
DPO 12 - massive headache, vivid sex dreams :blush: , extremely exhausted, cramping and slight nausea in morning, bloated, contipated, gassy, suspected that my smell was slightly heightened
DPO 13 - extremely fatigued, came down with a cold, brain fog, dreams continued
DPO 14 - cramping, dreams continued, thought af was coming but i took my first test anyway, and it was a bfp!!

:dust: for all!
Hi Ladies!

I have been stalking this thread for a few weeks now, and it has been a couple of years since I've posted, so I hope I remember how to do this! I found this thread in particular so helpful & I want to do my part and contribute in hopes that it helps someone else out. I would have listed my symptoms earlier, but figured it was all in my head and would turn out to be nothing.

DPO 7 - noticed while working out that my bladder felt weak
DPO 9 - sore gums and teeth
DPO 10 - food aversion to eggs
DPO 12 - massive headache, vivid sex dreams :blush: , extremely exhausted, cramping and slight nausea in morning, bloated, contipated, gassy, suspected that my smell was slightly heightened
DPO 13 - extremely fatigued, came down with a cold, brain fog, dreams continued
DPO 14 - cramping, dreams continued, thought af was coming but i took my first test anyway, and it was a bfp!!

:dust: for all!

Aww, congrats!
Hi Ladies!

I have been stalking this thread for a few weeks now, and it has been a couple of years since I've posted, so I hope I remember how to do this! I found this thread in particular so helpful & I want to do my part and contribute in hopes that it helps someone else out. I would have listed my symptoms earlier, but figured it was all in my head and would turn out to be nothing.

DPO 7 - noticed while working out that my bladder felt weak
DPO 9 - sore gums and teeth
DPO 10 - food aversion to eggs
DPO 12 - massive headache, vivid sex dreams :blush: , extremely exhausted, cramping and slight nausea in morning, bloated, contipated, gassy, suspected that my smell was slightly heightened
DPO 13 - extremely fatigued, came down with a cold, brain fog, dreams continued
DPO 14 - cramping, dreams continued, thought af was coming but i took my first test anyway, and it was a bfp!!

:dust: for all!

Awesome! Congrats!!! :) I love seeing all the great news and positivity here!
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- Super tired... Asleep by 7pm... Super emotional again

7dpo - not much new... noticed some weird white spots on my nipples (not sure if that is a symptom or not but was definitely unusual to me), cp is high, more clearish lotiony cm
Ok I promised myself I wasn't going to symptom stalk this month but I simply cannot help myself!! early chemical last month so I'm really hoping this is the month! Had a really ok so here is my symptoms by DPO

1DPO-Spotting, cramps (probably from ovulation), EWCM


3DPO-Spotting (like a fair amount....really unusual bright red) cramps

4DPO-Creamy CM, gas and indigestion, left pelvic pain

5DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, left and right pelvic pain on and off actually woke me up in the middle of the night in hurt so much!

6DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, cramps, tender breast on the left side mainly

7DPO-Creamy CM, left pelvic pain again (just never seems to go away for more than a couple hours at a time) sore hips, tender breasts

Here is hoping the witch stays away!! AF is due the 21st if she doesn't make an appearance I will test on the 23rd (13DPO). Good luck to you all!:dust:

8DPO-Tender breast, again more on the left side. Creamy CM. Went for dinner with a friend and felt nauseous afterwards. It came and went throughout the night. my husband was eating crackers next to me at one point and I had to get up and leave as I was going to simultaneously puke and punch him at the same time! Super cranky!

9DPO-feely pukey again this morning on and off-didn't start feeling gross till I got out of bed. Creamy CM slight darker colored than before. Breast continue to be tender.

I am DYING to test...I might cave and test tomorrow morning as this nausea is getting me paranoid (in a good way obviously haha).
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.

Still holding out girls wow this is a weird cycle now on cd37 by the way starting to think I o'd later even though o waa confirmed by ov test x
Ok, this was giving me a hard time posting yeterday so now I think I have like a million of the same post on here. Sorry. lol (OK, not a million, but a lot)
Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!

Can't believe I got to turn this green!!! Another blood test on Tuesday to make sure my levels are going up :)
Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!

Can't believe I got to turn this green!!! Another blood test on Tuesday to make sure my levels are going up :)

Yay!! Congrats SweetPea :)

ireadyurmind - sorry to hear... Good luck next month! Who knows.... I may be there with you.... Hopefully not, but you never know!
Is "feeling weird" a symptom?lol. I feel odd today but can't out my finder on what it is! Also have a weird sense of smell
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol

8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins
My normal cycle is 30 days with a 10-11 day luteal phase. Me and my husband have been ttc for 3 months, and this cycle is just so different than the others! I ovulated on Dec 2nd which was 3 days earlier than usual, then I didn't have any symptoms until 9dpo when I started spotting. The spotting increased and I thought I just started my period a day or so early. The next day it was heavier like a light to medium flow period day, the next day it was much lighter and the day after that just a small amount of spotting. My periods are always 4 solid days with spotting the day before and the day after. So did I have a really short light 2 day period or heavy implantation bleeding? Also the day I started spotting I got the flu and my temps have stayed above the cover line ever since, even though I don't feel sick anymore. And ever since I stopped spotting I have had creamy ewcm everyday, which I usually only get right around ovulation. I took a test today and BFN, surely by now it would be positive if I was pregnant right? Today I am either cd7 or 17dpo... Any thoughts? :shrug:
My normal cycle is 30 days with a 10-11 day luteal phase. Me and my husband have been ttc for 3 months, and this cycle is just so different than the others! I ovulated on Dec 2nd which was 3 days earlier than usual, then I didn't have any symptoms until 9dpo when I started spotting. The spotting increased and I thought I just started my period a day or so early. The next day it was heavier like a light to medium flow period day, the next day it was much lighter and the day after that just a small amount of spotting. My periods are always 4 solid days with spotting the day before and the day after. So did I have a really short light 2 day period or heavy implantation bleeding? Also the day I started spotting I got the flu and my temps have stayed above the cover line ever since, even though I don't feel sick anymore. And ever since I stopped spotting I have had creamy ewcm everyday, which I usually only get right around ovulation. I took a test today and BFN, surely by now it would be positive if I was pregnant right? Today I am either cd7 or 17dpo... Any thoughts? :shrug:

From the sounds of it you just had a short period (could have also been affected by you being sick). :( I have been in a similar situation before (and I usually bleed hard for 4-5 days with cramps that render me unable to walk for a day). It was during a time of high stress and I was coming down with a flu. From what I have read and understand, implantation bleeding is almost never like a period. It is supposed to be just light spotting.
Thanks for responding! I have been searching the internet for days trying to find some info and I am reading mixed reviews. Do you think the ewcm could be from the cold meds I was taking all week?
Did the cold medicine have guaifensen in it? Then probably a factor in the discharge.

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