Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

really useful thread ladies. still alot....feel pretty normal
2dpo- gassy- cm dries up- and OPKS light
3dpo- gassy still....cramping in night... cm little bit wet
4dpo- gassy still....:blush: AF like cramps but shes not due for 11 days ...lower back ache.. uterus twinges- OPK close to postive- hot flashes this evening!!

will keep updating
New cycle hope I get my bfp this time........ so last month was hell I ended up with a ridiculously long confusing cycle hoping this month is not the same ...
As a result me and hubby decided to not track ov this month and just to relax si I will be going by cd and not dpo

Cd15-lotion thick white cm with mild cramps
Cd16-sore boobs nipples tingle clearer cm
Cd17-tired clear cm not much of it though
Cd19-boobs feel slightly fuller small amound of cm nothing unusual really feeling out already.
Cd20-few cramps very mild could just be trapped wind small amount of creamy cm.
Scared I havnt bedded enough this time x
1DPO: nothing
2DPO: thick creamy CM
3DPO: thick creamy CM
4DPO: thick creamy CM, cramping during BM, very stressed (DH listened to me rant for almost two hours about my day), felt really out of it all day (perhaps because I started back up with school and internship)
5DPO: creamy CM, lower back cramps in the afternoon, irritable!, tender breasts, felt really out of it all day again
6DPO: creamy CM, tender breasts
7DPO: woke up at 6AM because I thought I heard the doorbell, but I think I was dreaming; woke up again later and felt really hungry and felt really hungry again before lunchtime, creamy/watery CM, tender breasts, really dull cramping in uterus throughout the afternoon, lower backache, REALLY tired between classes, a few hot flashes (normal), terrible panic attack out of nowhere and ended up bawling on and off throughout the evening
8DPO: BFN, didn't sleep well last night (woke up several times), lower abdominal cramps (mild), veiny boobs that still hurt (tender on outer edges and full), uterine twinges on right side
9DPO: BFN, really tired all day and had to work a 14 hour shift, tender breasts, extremely bloated in PM, veiny (breasts, near underarms, thighs, and on the right side of my tummy/lower abdominal area), very full BBs
10DPO: BFN, huge temp spike, breasts still tender and full, mild AF-like cramps, still veiny, vivid dreams
11DPO:BFN on one test but another test had a faint line (maybe evap?), frequent bowel movements, woke up with cold-like symptoms (sore throat and congested), spit-up like a baby when trying to swallow a pill :blush:, breasts still tender and full, dull headache, fatigue
12DPO:boobs tender in morning, but less tender throughout the day; temp dip
13DPO:spotting, AF cramps, temp still low
Joining in, this is month two of TTC for baby #2
(Took almost a year to get pregnant with DS)
I always think I'm pregnant every month :wacko:

1-4 DPO - EWCM
5 DPO - still having EWCM??? This morning I felt my uterus 'seize' up for a minute that reminded me of the cramp I used to get after an orgasm when pregnant :blush:, very tired and emotional but son hasn't been sleeping well. Felt the need to just sit and stare at the wall I was so tired and out of it (had this with my son too).
6 DPO - Still lots of EWCM. So strange.
7 DPO - I had IBS as a child and had a stomach ache like that this morning. Big blog of EWCM. TMI- had a cramp feeling in my vagina as I took a BM.
8 DPO - pinching and stretching feeling on bit and right sides. No more EWCM.
9 DPO - skin very clear and smooth all of a sudden. Cramping feeling up in my vagina.
10 DPO - some light period cramping. Boob pain. Tired.
11 DPO - boob pain
12 DPO - boob pain, feel an aversion to nursing my son at night which I've never had.
13 DPO - emotional, feels like AF is around the corner, haven't even tested once.
14 DPO - had a cramping feeling like my period is around the corner :( can't believe I haven't tested.
15 DPO - period is due today. Cramps this morning, feeling depressed, random boob pains.
I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!

1 dpo- Tests are still strong!! Watery cm, cp high soft open. Boobs still getting random twinges. I already have blue veins in them which normally only shows up a few days before af.. Weird..
Ovulation pains. Increased sex drive. BIG temp rise! And my back hurts if I walk too much. Obviously it wants me to stay in bed ;)

2 dpo - Hot flashes. Had trouble sleeping. Mild head ache, mild aversion to chocolate smell, some cramping on right, slight heart burn. Otherwise feel good. Cm creamy, cp high soft open.
Making sure to bd every night and will keep this up until New years!

3 dpo - some nausea in morning, but I forgot my metformin last night so that could why. Temp is still goong up. Cm creamy, cp high soft open still. Was VERY sensitive today to stress. I had to fight off a few break downs at work and THANK GOD I was by myself most of the day. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Certain people are on my shit list.
Cramping in uterus. Increases appetite.
That's about it.

4 dpo - Definitely emotional! Broke down and cried at work over stupid stuff :( I'm not sure if Clomid is causinf this or possible pregnancy.. Only time will tell.
Cm creamy, cp high firm closed. Temp dropped a bit but is still above cover line. I'm thinking my insomnia might be giving me in accurate readings. Some nausea. Still having issues sleeping. Having lots of issues with concentrating- Very scattered. Feeling done with the world. Blah.
EDIT: Hips started hurting pretty bad tonight. Laid back and relaxed. Felt like what I can only describe as a humming bird fluttering around on the left side of my uterus... Never had that feeling before!
Also got some acid reflux type stuff going on.. But that could be from eating chinese food today lol

5 dpo - (FF messed O date, I had to manually fix it.. Hopefully it adjusts soon)
Boobs have been a little itchy and started getting random flashes of pain. Not too bad really. Having some stronger cramps in uterus now. Felt hungry all day but when I ate I felt full xD
Insomnia once again! Going to try some sleepy time tea tonight since melatonin isn't doing the job. Sex drive increased and was very sensitive (in a good way!) down there!
Hips and back hurt off and on. Hips mainly hurt when laying down, back when walking for too long.
Got nauseas today when working outside but it passed quickly.
Find out my progesterone results tomorrow!!

6 dpo - FF is fixed! lol
Well Dr. wasn't in so I couldn't get my results :( should find out Monday. Ugh...
Nausea in the morning, pretty intense wave that passed. Also got nausea right before I took lunch! I kept coming in strong waves and weaker ones but was definitely noticeable.
Hot flashes all throughout the day. Temp is still high but is the same as yesterday.
Bloated all day. Back aches bad! Hips have been hurting as well.
Go dizzy a few times today.
sharp cramping off and on.
Really hoping these aren't caused from Clomid and are the beginning of a sticky bean!

7 dpo - Significant temp dip, implantation perhaps??
Had some cramping today. Honestly no other symptoms.. Slight nausea but that seems to be a normal thing now.
Anxiously waiting for my progesterone results on Monday! They said that they would call me, but I will probably bug then so they don't forget ;)

8 dpo - Not much to note, slight rise in temp. Slight cough. Nipples a little sore, boobs are getting random twinges of sharp pain. Seem to be more sensitive to smells.

9 dpo - BIG temp rise. Nipples are a little more sore. The twinges of boob pain are increasing in frequency and strength. Itchy sensation on sides of boobs. Definitely cannot deal with even mildly stinking smells. Didn't like the taste of a chocolate muffin so skipped out on breakfast and felt sick all morning lol
Still feeling unsettled despite eating.
Bfn in the morning. Will wait a few more days before testing again.
EDIT: Shooting pain in boobs tonight. IT HURTS!!!!! I am still hesitant to believe that this could be a symptom but if it is caused by clomid then that is hust rude! lmao

10 dpo - shooting pain in boobs not as bad but they are more sore and feel pretty full.
Temp dip :'(
mild nausea if I don't eat.
Sick again!! Coughing up a storm!!
VERY VERY emotional! Literally was crying randomely throughout the day, especially evening, for no reason at all. And I mean full out bawling like my heart was broke!

11 dpo - So far just mild nausea and smell aversion. Took an FRER and I am pretty darn sure there is a faint line! It dried to be pink (after less than 10 minutes) but I want to see it get darker before I let myself get excited, which is REALLY hard to do because I have NEVER had that illusive second line before!
Here's to strongly hoping and praying and crossing everything that I can!!!

12 dpo - Still faint bfps. Really no other symptoms othwr than mild cramping.

13 dpo - took FRER slightly darker but still faint bfp.
Still no other symptoms other than cramping a tad bit. Maybe fatigue but that could be from my cold keeping me up at night #_#
Oh and....
Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression!

14 dpo - Ran out of FRER's and Wandfos yesterday. Dollar tree tests only show a shadow of a line :/ bums me out because my doctor had to go out of her way to call me at 5:00pm yesterday on her day off to tell me that she was concerned about my hcg numbers from my draw on 11 dpo cd 28.
My hcg was 15 (not too bad in my opinion for how early it is) and progesterone was 33.35 (amazing numbers!)
Today I am very exhausted/fatigued. Having hot flashes and waves of fairly strong nausea. Soo hopefully this baby is here to stay!!

5 weeks 1 day, ended in miscarriage. hcg was last drawn on Monday came back as 7, very low.
I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!

1 dpo- Tests are still strong!! Watery cm, cp high soft open. Boobs still getting random twinges. I already have blue veins in them which normally only shows up a few days before af.. Weird..
Ovulation pains. Increased sex drive. BIG temp rise! And my back hurts if I walk too much. Obviously it wants me to stay in bed ;)

2 dpo - Hot flashes. Had trouble sleeping. Mild head ache, mild aversion to chocolate smell, some cramping on right, slight heart burn. Otherwise feel good. Cm creamy, cp high soft open.
Making sure to bd every night and will keep this up until New years!

3 dpo - some nausea in morning, but I forgot my metformin last night so that could why. Temp is still goong up. Cm creamy, cp high soft open still. Was VERY sensitive today to stress. I had to fight off a few break downs at work and THANK GOD I was by myself most of the day. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Certain people are on my shit list.
Cramping in uterus. Increases appetite.
That's about it.

4 dpo - Definitely emotional! Broke down and cried at work over stupid stuff :( I'm not sure if Clomid is causinf this or possible pregnancy.. Only time will tell.
Cm creamy, cp high firm closed. Temp dropped a bit but is still above cover line. I'm thinking my insomnia might be giving me in accurate readings. Some nausea. Still having issues sleeping. Having lots of issues with concentrating- Very scattered. Feeling done with the world. Blah.
EDIT: Hips started hurting pretty bad tonight. Laid back and relaxed. Felt like what I can only describe as a humming bird fluttering around on the left side of my uterus... Never had that feeling before!
Also got some acid reflux type stuff going on.. But that could be from eating chinese food today lol

5 dpo - (FF messed O date, I had to manually fix it.. Hopefully it adjusts soon)
Boobs have been a little itchy and started getting random flashes of pain. Not too bad really. Having some stronger cramps in uterus now. Felt hungry all day but when I ate I felt full xD
Insomnia once again! Going to try some sleepy time tea tonight since melatonin isn't doing the job. Sex drive increased and was very sensitive (in a good way!) down there!
Hips and back hurt off and on. Hips mainly hurt when laying down, back when walking for too long.
Got nauseas today when working outside but it passed quickly.
Find out my progesterone results tomorrow!!

6 dpo - FF is fixed! lol
Well Dr. wasn't in so I couldn't get my results :( should find out Monday. Ugh...
Nausea in the morning, pretty intense wave that passed. Also got nausea right before I took lunch! I kept coming in strong waves and weaker ones but was definitely noticeable.
Hot flashes all throughout the day. Temp is still high but is the same as yesterday.
Bloated all day. Back aches bad! Hips have been hurting as well.
Go dizzy a few times today.
sharp cramping off and on.
Really hoping these aren't caused from Clomid and are the beginning of a sticky bean!

7 dpo - Significant temp dip, implantation perhaps??
Had some cramping today. Honestly no other symptoms.. Slight nausea but that seems to be a normal thing now.
Anxiously waiting for my progesterone results on Monday! They said that they would call me, but I will probably bug then so they don't forget ;)

8 dpo - Not much to note, slight rise in temp. Slight cough. Nipples a little sore, boobs are getting random twinges of sharp pain. Seem to be more sensitive to smells.

9 dpo - BIG temp rise. Nipples are a little more sore. The twinges of boob pain are increasing in frequency and strength. Itchy sensation on sides of boobs. Definitely cannot deal with even mildly stinking smells. Didn't like the taste of a chocolate muffin so skipped out on breakfast and felt sick all morning lol
Still feeling unsettled despite eating.
Bfn in the morning. Will wait a few more days before testing again.
EDIT: Shooting pain in boobs tonight. IT HURTS!!!!! I am still hesitant to believe that this could be a symptom but if it is caused by clomid then that is hust rude! lmao

10 dpo - shooting pain in boobs not as bad but they are more sore and feel pretty full.
Temp dip :'(
mild nausea if I don't eat.
Sick again!! Coughing up a storm!!
VERY VERY emotional! Literally was crying randomely throughout the day, especially evening, for no reason at all. And I mean full out bawling like my heart was broke!

11 dpo - So far just mild nausea and smell aversion. Took an FRER and I am pretty darn sure there is a faint line! It dried to be pink (after less than 10 minutes) but I want to see it get darker before I let myself get excited, which is REALLY hard to do because I have NEVER had that illusive second line before!
Here's to strongly hoping and praying and crossing everything that I can!!!

12 dpo - Still faint bfps. Really no other symptoms othwr than mild cramping.

13 dpo - took FRER slightly darker but still faint bfp.
Still no other symptoms other than cramping a tad bit. Maybe fatigue but that could be from my cold keeping me up at night #_#
Oh and....
Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression!

14 dpo - Ran out of FRER's and Wandfos yesterday. Dollar tree tests only show a shadow of a line :/ bums me out because my doctor had to go out of her way to call me at 5:00pm yesterday on her day off to tell me that she was concerned about my hcg numbers from my draw on 11 dpo cd 28.
My hcg was 15 (not too bad in my opinion for how early it is) and progesterone was 33.35 (amazing numbers!)
Today I am very exhausted/fatigued. Having hot flashes and waves of fairly strong nausea. Soo hopefully this baby is here to stay!!

5 weeks 1 day, ended in miscarriage. hcg was last drawn on Monday came back as 7, very low.

I'm devastated for you! I'm so sorry. Please feel free to join my journal and the girls. You'd get some great support. :hugs:
I guess I'll be jumping back in this boat once AF comes again.... Just found out today I had a miscarriage. :cry: congratulations and happy and healthy pregnancies to those of you that got bfp's!
I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!

1 dpo- Tests are still strong!! Watery cm, cp high soft open. Boobs still getting random twinges. I already have blue veins in them which normally only shows up a few days before af.. Weird..
Ovulation pains. Increased sex drive. BIG temp rise! And my back hurts if I walk too much. Obviously it wants me to stay in bed ;)

2 dpo - Hot flashes. Had trouble sleeping. Mild head ache, mild aversion to chocolate smell, some cramping on right, slight heart burn. Otherwise feel good. Cm creamy, cp high soft open.
Making sure to bd every night and will keep this up until New years!

3 dpo - some nausea in morning, but I forgot my metformin last night so that could why. Temp is still goong up. Cm creamy, cp high soft open still. Was VERY sensitive today to stress. I had to fight off a few break downs at work and THANK GOD I was by myself most of the day. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Certain people are on my shit list.
Cramping in uterus. Increases appetite.
That's about it.

4 dpo - Definitely emotional! Broke down and cried at work over stupid stuff :( I'm not sure if Clomid is causinf this or possible pregnancy.. Only time will tell.
Cm creamy, cp high firm closed. Temp dropped a bit but is still above cover line. I'm thinking my insomnia might be giving me in accurate readings. Some nausea. Still having issues sleeping. Having lots of issues with concentrating- Very scattered. Feeling done with the world. Blah.
EDIT: Hips started hurting pretty bad tonight. Laid back and relaxed. Felt like what I can only describe as a humming bird fluttering around on the left side of my uterus... Never had that feeling before!
Also got some acid reflux type stuff going on.. But that could be from eating chinese food today lol

5 dpo - (FF messed O date, I had to manually fix it.. Hopefully it adjusts soon)
Boobs have been a little itchy and started getting random flashes of pain. Not too bad really. Having some stronger cramps in uterus now. Felt hungry all day but when I ate I felt full xD
Insomnia once again! Going to try some sleepy time tea tonight since melatonin isn't doing the job. Sex drive increased and was very sensitive (in a good way!) down there!
Hips and back hurt off and on. Hips mainly hurt when laying down, back when walking for too long.
Got nauseas today when working outside but it passed quickly.
Find out my progesterone results tomorrow!!

6 dpo - FF is fixed! lol
Well Dr. wasn't in so I couldn't get my results :( should find out Monday. Ugh...
Nausea in the morning, pretty intense wave that passed. Also got nausea right before I took lunch! I kept coming in strong waves and weaker ones but was definitely noticeable.
Hot flashes all throughout the day. Temp is still high but is the same as yesterday.
Bloated all day. Back aches bad! Hips have been hurting as well.
Go dizzy a few times today.
sharp cramping off and on.
Really hoping these aren't caused from Clomid and are the beginning of a sticky bean!

7 dpo - Significant temp dip, implantation perhaps??
Had some cramping today. Honestly no other symptoms.. Slight nausea but that seems to be a normal thing now.
Anxiously waiting for my progesterone results on Monday! They said that they would call me, but I will probably bug then so they don't forget ;)

8 dpo - Not much to note, slight rise in temp. Slight cough. Nipples a little sore, boobs are getting random twinges of sharp pain. Seem to be more sensitive to smells.

9 dpo - BIG temp rise. Nipples are a little more sore. The twinges of boob pain are increasing in frequency and strength. Itchy sensation on sides of boobs. Definitely cannot deal with even mildly stinking smells. Didn't like the taste of a chocolate muffin so skipped out on breakfast and felt sick all morning lol
Still feeling unsettled despite eating.
Bfn in the morning. Will wait a few more days before testing again.
EDIT: Shooting pain in boobs tonight. IT HURTS!!!!! I am still hesitant to believe that this could be a symptom but if it is caused by clomid then that is hust rude! lmao

10 dpo - shooting pain in boobs not as bad but they are more sore and feel pretty full.
Temp dip :'(
mild nausea if I don't eat.
Sick again!! Coughing up a storm!!
VERY VERY emotional! Literally was crying randomely throughout the day, especially evening, for no reason at all. And I mean full out bawling like my heart was broke!

11 dpo - So far just mild nausea and smell aversion. Took an FRER and I am pretty darn sure there is a faint line! It dried to be pink (after less than 10 minutes) but I want to see it get darker before I let myself get excited, which is REALLY hard to do because I have NEVER had that illusive second line before!
Here's to strongly hoping and praying and crossing everything that I can!!!

12 dpo - Still faint bfps. Really no other symptoms othwr than mild cramping.

13 dpo - took FRER slightly darker but still faint bfp.
Still no other symptoms other than cramping a tad bit. Maybe fatigue but that could be from my cold keeping me up at night #_#
Oh and....
Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression!

14 dpo - Ran out of FRER's and Wandfos yesterday. Dollar tree tests only show a shadow of a line :/ bums me out because my doctor had to go out of her way to call me at 5:00pm yesterday on her day off to tell me that she was concerned about my hcg numbers from my draw on 11 dpo cd 28.
My hcg was 15 (not too bad in my opinion for how early it is) and progesterone was 33.35 (amazing numbers!)
Today I am very exhausted/fatigued. Having hot flashes and waves of fairly strong nausea. Soo hopefully this baby is here to stay!!

5 weeks 1 day, ended in miscarriage. hcg was last drawn on Monday came back as 7, very low.

I'm so sorry, BAB..... I just got the same news. Miscarried at 6 weeks to the day. Hcg came back at 7 on Sunday apparently. :hugs:
Ninja and BAB, so sorry for you ladies! My heart goes out to you :cry: You will get your take home babies soon :hugs:
I just wanted to give everyone my dpo symptoms, I've never posted my story before, im not tempting just track my cm and symptoms. I think I O'd on cd16. Trying for a babygirl, I have two boys but would be more than happy if I had a third baby boy. Hoping for a BFP!

CD 9, 13, 16 BD legs up 15-30 minutes

Cd 9 through 15 - Tons of watery cm (unusual for me)

CD13/O day- right ovary pain sharp, very watery cm TMI so much I had to keep checking, sore thighs, bloating, very fatigue slept in more than usual, itchy skin, started baby aspirin 81mg along with prenatals (hopefully this works...I've had 5 recurrent chemicals)

1dpo - BD, irritability, itchy skin, very fatigue, watery cm, small backache, bad acne breakout on face, congested

2dpo - woke up to a very bad hot flash...I never get them, sore nipples mainly left, noticably bigger areolas with fluid, terrible acne, lightheaded, sticky watery creamy cm, kept wanting to go pee during the day, weird vivid dreams the night before, earache, ewcm at night after bm

3dpo - slightly painful twinge / pulling feel under or near my bellybutton lasted about 20 secs, sticky cm but barely anything almost dry unless I touch to check, pain near left ovary almost towards the middle, pain in lower left abdomem/ovary and shooting pains in vaginal area constantly, sensitive left nipple. At night the I got sharp stabbing pains on left side that radiated to vagina OUCH I couldn't stand it, feels heavy in lower part of tummy

4dpo - little cm, ear ache, lower part of stomach feels full/heavy, back pain, gassy! constant dull left ovary pain hurt really bad just to stand up or lay down all day, it radiates to rectum and back, left nipple pain is gone now its the right, loss of appetite, pinchy feeling by bellybutton, prominent veins in breasts, heightened smell, glob of oily lotiony cm at night before bed

5dpo - thirsty, headache when I woke up, vivid dream the night before, glob of oily lotiony white cm, BLOATED before even eating... I look 3 mos preg! skin breakout again, twinges by right ovary, vagina pain, pinching by bellybutton

6dpo - felt a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen last night couldn't sleep. Tons of pressure and pain in the middle lower part radiating to vagina today, I woke up at 6am in pain!!! I hope something good is happening in my uterus lol, gobs of very oily creamy cm unlike ever before, thirsty, backpain, terrible joint pain at night on my whole left arm and hand (I never got that before), fatigue

.....Starting to think I might have a stomach feels swollen and I always get pains. I'm very nervous now since were in the middle of nowhere till may because my husband is working out here! :/ Pray its not a cyst

7dpo - bloated/swollen stomachs its hard, backache on upper right, dry nose and mouth, very faint BFP I'll try to wait a few more days to take another
Ninja- I am so sorry to hear of your loss as well :(
It really sucks. I wonder if that may be why our symptoms were so similar?
Idk if i will be trying again for a little while. I know it is a bit silly to be so upset about only 5 weeks along, but I really am not prepared for that to happen again so soon. So I'd prefer to ntnp until I get baby fever again. Who knows... It could be sooner than I expect. But as of now, I am done for a little while.
Ninja- I am so sorry to hear of your loss as well :(
It really sucks. I wonder if that may be why our symptoms were so similar?
Idk if i will be trying again for a little while. I know it is a bit silly to be so upset about only 5 weeks along, but I really am not prepared for that to happen again so soon. So I'd prefer to ntnp until I get baby fever again. Who knows... It could be sooner than I expect. But as of now, I am done for a little while.

I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. I totally understand your feelings, they are not silly at all. I have been a total wreck all day today and kind of just want to curl up into a ball for the rest of the week but I have to work tomorrow. :(

I am terrified of trying again and possibly going through the same thing but DH and I are 27 and both really want to start our family as soon as we can so we're going to keep trying. Nobody can fault you for wanting to take a break though, it is a really horrible experience. If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me. :hugs:
Ninja- I am so sorry to hear of your loss as well :(
It really sucks. I wonder if that may be why our symptoms were so similar?
Idk if i will be trying again for a little while. I know it is a bit silly to be so upset about only 5 weeks along, but I really am not prepared for that to happen again so soon. So I'd prefer to ntnp until I get baby fever again. Who knows... It could be sooner than I expect. But as of now, I am done for a little while.

I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. I totally understand your feelings, they are not silly at all. I have been a total wreck all day today and kind of just want to curl up into a ball for the rest of the week but I have to work tomorrow. :(

I am terrified of trying again and possibly going through the same thing but DH and I are 27 and both really want to start our family as soon as we can so we're going to keep trying. Nobody can fault you for wanting to take a break though, it is a really horrible experience. If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me. :hugs:

If you can take the day off then do so! I had to work today and wound up passing most of the tissue and sac this morning at work. I had to be quiet about it all but wanted to cry all morning. Feeling better now though. And I will! Feel free to add me as a friend so we can stay in contact
I wish I could but it ends up being more work for me to plan for a sub than it is to actually go in myself. I passed everything last week, I guess but got the official news today and cried my eyes raw. I only bled one day but the doctor said that it can be light like that sometimes. Now I have had light spotting here and there but not much. DH has been a peach to me all day while dealing with my crazies.
Aww <3 Glad to hear that DH is being sweet!
Mine hardly knows how to react... He isn't as upset about it as I am and keeps trying to distract me with stupid stuff and act like it is normal.
I hope that this only lasts a day. I took an aleve earlier which helped with the pain a bit but it is wearing off now and I still can't go home yet... Waiting to get picked up by hubby.
Aww <3 Glad to hear that DH is being sweet!
Mine hardly knows how to react... He isn't as upset about it as I am and keeps trying to distract me with stupid stuff and act like it is normal.
I hope that this only lasts a day. I took an aleve earlier which helped with the pain a bit but it is wearing off now and I still can't go home yet... Waiting to get picked up by hubby.

Awww. :hugs: I caught mine crying behind the scenes (and he's not a crier) so I know he's just trying to be strong for me. I was ready to smack him so hard earlier though because he tried hitting on me. I flipped. That does not help! Lol, so ever since he's been making me food and doing housework so that I can just be lazy and every time I start crying he'll drop everything and take me for a walk or give me hugs until I stop.

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