Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!

1 dpo- Tests are still strong!! Watery cm, cp high soft open. Boobs still getting random twinges. I already have blue veins in them which normally only shows up a few days before af.. Weird..
Ovulation pains. Increased sex drive. BIG temp rise! And my back hurts if I walk too much. Obviously it wants me to stay in bed ;)

2 dpo - Hot flashes. Had trouble sleeping. Mild head ache, mild aversion to chocolate smell, some cramping on right, slight heart burn. Otherwise feel good. Cm creamy, cp high soft open.
Making sure to bd every night and will keep this up until New years!

3 dpo - some nausea in morning, but I forgot my metformin last night so that could why. Temp is still goong up. Cm creamy, cp high soft open still. Was VERY sensitive today to stress. I had to fight off a few break downs at work and THANK GOD I was by myself most of the day. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Certain people are on my shit list.
Cramping in uterus. Increases appetite.
That's about it.

4 dpo - Definitely emotional! Broke down and cried at work over stupid stuff :( I'm not sure if Clomid is causinf this or possible pregnancy.. Only time will tell.
Cm creamy, cp high firm closed. Temp dropped a bit but is still above cover line. I'm thinking my insomnia might be giving me in accurate readings. Some nausea. Still having issues sleeping. Having lots of issues with concentrating- Very scattered. Feeling done with the world. Blah.
EDIT: Hips started hurting pretty bad tonight. Laid back and relaxed. Felt like what I can only describe as a humming bird fluttering around on the left side of my uterus... Never had that feeling before!
Also got some acid reflux type stuff going on.. But that could be from eating chinese food today lol

5 dpo - (FF messed O date, I had to manually fix it.. Hopefully it adjusts soon)
Boobs have been a little itchy and started getting random flashes of pain. Not too bad really. Having some stronger cramps in uterus now. Felt hungry all day but when I ate I felt full xD
Insomnia once again! Going to try some sleepy time tea tonight since melatonin isn't doing the job. Sex drive increased and was very sensitive (in a good way!) down there!
Hips and back hurt off and on. Hips mainly hurt when laying down, back when walking for too long.
Got nauseas today when working outside but it passed quickly.
Find out my progesterone results tomorrow!!

6 dpo - FF is fixed! lol
Well Dr. wasn't in so I couldn't get my results :( should find out Monday. Ugh...
Nausea in the morning, pretty intense wave that passed. Also got nausea right before I took lunch! I kept coming in strong waves and weaker ones but was definitely noticeable.
Hot flashes all throughout the day. Temp is still high but is the same as yesterday.
Bloated all day. Back aches bad! Hips have been hurting as well.
Go dizzy a few times today.
sharp cramping off and on.
Really hoping these aren't caused from Clomid and are the beginning of a sticky bean!

7 dpo - Significant temp dip, implantation perhaps??
Had some cramping today. Honestly no other symptoms.. Slight nausea but that seems to be a normal thing now.
Anxiously waiting for my progesterone results on Monday! They said that they would call me, but I will probably bug then so they don't forget ;)

8 dpo - Not much to note, slight rise in temp. Slight cough. Nipples a little sore, boobs are getting random twinges of sharp pain. Seem to be more sensitive to smells.

9 dpo - BIG temp rise. Nipples are a little more sore. The twinges of boob pain are increasing in frequency and strength. Itchy sensation on sides of boobs. Definitely cannot deal with even mildly stinking smells. Didn't like the taste of a chocolate muffin so skipped out on breakfast and felt sick all morning lol
Still feeling unsettled despite eating.
Bfn in the morning. Will wait a few more days before testing again.
EDIT: Shooting pain in boobs tonight. IT HURTS!!!!! I am still hesitant to believe that this could be a symptom but if it is caused by clomid then that is hust rude! lmao

10 dpo - shooting pain in boobs not as bad but they are more sore and feel pretty full.
Temp dip :'(
mild nausea if I don't eat.
Sick again!! Coughing up a storm!!
VERY VERY emotional! Literally was crying randomely throughout the day, especially evening, for no reason at all. And I mean full out bawling like my heart was broke!

11 dpo - So far just mild nausea and smell aversion. Took an FRER and I am pretty darn sure there is a faint line! It dried to be pink (after less than 10 minutes) but I want to see it get darker before I let myself get excited, which is REALLY hard to do because I have NEVER had that illusive second line before!
Here's to strongly hoping and praying and crossing everything that I can!!!

12 dpo - Still faint bfps. Really no other symptoms othwr than mild cramping.

13 dpo - took FRER slightly darker but still faint bfp.
Still no other symptoms other than cramping a tad bit. Maybe fatigue but that could be from my cold keeping me up at night #_#
Oh and....
Results are in!
I am pg! They said that progesterone looked good and hcg was still low but it was because I'm, in their words, "a minute pregnant" lol
They are going to have me come in either Monday or Tuesday to check for progression!

14 dpo - Ran out of FRER's and Wandfos yesterday. Dollar tree tests only show a shadow of a line :/ bums me out because my doctor had to go out of her way to call me at 5:00pm yesterday on her day off to tell me that she was concerned about my hcg numbers from my draw on 11 dpo cd 28.
My hcg was 15 (not too bad in my opinion for how early it is) and progesterone was 33.35 (amazing numbers!)
Today I am very exhausted/fatigued. Having hot flashes and waves of fairly strong nausea. Soo hopefully this baby is here to stay!!
Hang in there BAB, I don't think 15 is bad if you just implanted. When do you more blood work?
I have to wait until Monday.. it is torture!! lol I would love to get in there early so that I could get the results sooner, but I doubt my boss will let me with me having to take two sick days this past week.
Congrats BAB! Don't worry too much about the numbers... I had a friend who was 18 at 11dpo and now has a 6 1/2 week old little girl :-).
Thank you all!

I have been reading up that the hg doesn't always make it to your urine which is why it can take some people a LONG time to get a strong line on hpts. Betas are the only way to get a good progression. Soo I am now both super excited and nervous for tomorrow!!
I get my first scan at 6 weeks (pretty early) and I am already beyond impatient xD
This is my first ever BFP! We are both 30. Been off bcp since August, this was cycle 5 of ttc. I was very lucky that my cycles went straight into a regular 27-29 day pattern. I used opks in cycles 2, 3 and 4 and they put my ovulation between day 17-19, giving me a bit of a short luteal phase which did worry me a bit. I started pregnacare conception as soon as stopping bcp, and added evening primrose oil in the first half of my cycle only for cycles 3, 4 and 5 (I don't really get ewcm, and if I do it's only for a day, a few days before ov). I also used a fertility lube in cycle 3. I never temped.

This cycle I didn't use opks or fertility lube. We bd on cd10, then every day from cd12-18, then again on cd20. I tried to stay lying down for 15 mins after, but a couple of times I didn't.

My symptoms were all completely normal for me, exactly as in all my other cycles:

cd13-15: increased sex drive, watery cm
cd17: suspected ovulation
1-5dpo: no symptoms, no cm
6dpo: bit of yellow creamy cm
7-8dpo: no symptoms, no cm
9dpo: some sharp twinges/light cramping followed by a (sorry tmi!) large bowel movement. Very bloated and gassy (NB i have ibs-this always happens at this point in my cycle)
10dpo: More bowel movement but cobstipated with dull cramping afterwards like period pain. Slight cramping and twinges very low down in afternoon. Gas. Shooting pains in the evening (felt like they were inside my vagina). Intermittent cramps and very irritable at night.
11dpo: AF due today (or possibly tomorrow). Twinges and cramps-could be constipation or af. Sore boobs feel bruised. Cramps on and off all day, very low twinges. Emotional and irritable. Feel exactly like af is coming. Even feel a bit 'wet' like I'm starting to spot.
12dpo: Cramps like af pains on waking. Boobs still sore-THIS WAS MY INLY UNUSUAL SYMPTOM, usually the soreness goes before af comes so it was off they still hurt. Still completely convinced af was coming so I did a HPT at 11am just so I could see the negative and accept it - but straight away it was a bfp!!! Cramps all day which made me nervous but Dr Google says it's normal. Did a clear blue digital later and BFP 1-2 weeks!

I wanted to post this because I read these all the time before! All my symptoms were EXACTLY normal until af was due/late, and even then pretty much normal. I'm still very crampy and hoping for a sticky bean. Seeing my gp on Wednesday who I'm sure will reassure me that it's fine :)

Baby dust and big hugs to you all!!!
This is my first ever BFP! We are both 30. Been off bcp since August, this was cycle 5 of ttc. I was very lucky that my cycles went straight into a regular 27-29 day pattern. I used opks in cycles 2, 3 and 4 and they put my ovulation between day 17-19, giving me a bit of a short luteal phase which did worry me a bit. I started pregnacare conception as soon as stopping bcp, and added evening primrose oil in the first half of my cycle only for cycles 3, 4 and 5 (I don't really get ewcm, and if I do it's only for a day, a few days before ov). I also used a fertility lube in cycle 3. I never temped.

This cycle I didn't use opks or fertility lube. We bd on cd10, then every day from cd12-18, then again on cd20. I tried to stay lying down for 15 mins after, but a couple of times I didn't.

My symptoms were all completely normal for me, exactly as in all my other cycles:

cd13-15: increased sex drive, watery cm
cd17: suspected ovulation
1-5dpo: no symptoms, no cm
6dpo: bit of yellow creamy cm
7-8dpo: no symptoms, no cm
9dpo: some sharp twinges/light cramping followed by a (sorry tmi!) large bowel movement. Very bloated and gassy (NB i have ibs-this always happens at this point in my cycle)
10dpo: More bowel movement but cobstipated with dull cramping afterwards like period pain. Slight cramping and twinges very low down in afternoon. Gas. Shooting pains in the evening (felt like they were inside my vagina). Intermittent cramps and very irritable at night.
11dpo: AF due today (or possibly tomorrow). Twinges and cramps-could be constipation or af. Sore boobs feel bruised. Cramps on and off all day, very low twinges. Emotional and irritable. Feel exactly like af is coming. Even feel a bit 'wet' like I'm starting to spot.
12dpo: Cramps like af pains on waking. Boobs still sore-THIS WAS MY INLY UNUSUAL SYMPTOM, usually the soreness goes before af comes so it was off they still hurt. Still completely convinced af was coming so I did a HPT at 11am just so I could see the negative and accept it - but straight away it was a bfp!!! Cramps all day which made me nervous but Dr Google says it's normal. Did a clear blue digital later and BFP 1-2 weeks!

I wanted to post this because I read these all the time before! All my symptoms were EXACTLY normal until af was due/late, and even then pretty much normal. I'm still very crampy and hoping for a sticky bean. Seeing my gp on Wednesday who I'm sure will reassure me that it's fine :)

Baby dust and big hugs to you all!!!

Back after two miscarriages. Idk my dpo.. my cycles range from 35-55 days. Today is cycle day 57 so I'm feeling lucky. (: Last pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage I got bfp at cycle day 103, I had read up on it & found that if you ovulate late, the egg may be "overcooked" so I'm hoping for an earlier bfp this time around... if only I could find the tests that dh hid from me!!
1-4 dpo: nothing really. Lots of white, lotion like cm
5-6 dpo: headache all day, cm the same but less
7 dpo: increased cm, restlessness, feeling warm
8 dpo: even more cm than yesterday, my nipples are also way darker than usually. Never happened before
9 dpo: increased cm, headache, slight nausea
10 dpo: headache, increased cm, nausea, sight cramping/twinges
11 dpo: headache, itchy boobs, still having TONS of white, creamy cm , smell slightly increased
12 dpo: same as the last few days, still having itchy bbs so weird
13 dpo: so tired all day! Itchy bbs (so strange this is the first cycle in my life that this has happened) slight cramping, shooting pains in my upper leg, wet feeling

No af type symptoms at all and she is due in tomorrow:-)
I've only had a few symptoms. I've had a week and a half cold which I thought was the flu but no fever.. thinking maybe that could delay af. A few headaches here and there. I had white cm once or twice and indigestion. Sorry for tmi

CD55: af due.. nothing out of the ordinary. Stomach not agreeing with what I eat.
CD56: headache
CD57: major headache and exhausted from work, afternoon test BFN. Slept forever. Had a dream af came so I woke up upset but realized it was just a dream.
CD58: slight headache. Tired. All the above and today still have cold, cough, stuffy and runny nose. Cloudy urine
CD59: tested with fmu and got a bfn white as snow. :( thinking I should stop testing until cd90, as I didn't get my bfp until cd103 Last time, still have sinus pressure and headaches. Vivid dreams. Chapped lips today and yesterday & the day before that. Started taking prenatals, just in case. Still hopeful. Ordered more test strips so I can test every day until bfp or af. I'm so impatient.
CD60: Vivid dreams Last night. My left boob was throbbing Last night & usually I get shooting pains (but not throbbing) in my left boob before af comes, but still no spotting or sign of af. White/tan cm, small tinge of blood when blowing my nose. Both boobs had the throbbing pain but only for a minute, went away pretty fast. Chapped lips..again.. and cramp like pain in left ovary. Not too bad, just a little.
CD61: dreamt of my best friend/cousin dying last night. Breaking out with pimples. white cm, still slight throbs in bbs. Trying not to symptom spot.
CD62: BFN with FMU. Vivid dreams, bbs still sore on and off. Used my Last test, so won't be testing for another week until my test strips come in which is probably a good thing.
CD63: Vivid dreams, headaches, slight waves of nausea.
CD64: dreamt of a baby, dreamt of water, woke up to a text from my mom saying she dreamt I had a baby.. she doesn't know I'm in the tww.
CD65: more dreams, tingly nipples, peeing alot, but then again I've been drinking alot of water.. waking up in the middle of the night to pee, I've only done that once (in my Last pregnancy)
CD66: dreamt of babies, dreamt of BFPs.. guess I REALLY want this. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. took test..BFN, No surprise there. Went back to sleep..woke up because I had bad cramps, thought Oh great.. but they were just potty cramps. Lol.
CD67: boobs hurts on & off. Feel like they're bruised, constipation, white cm, waves of nausea, evening test read bfn.. keep staring at it trying to see a line, need to stop testing every day and doing this to myself.
CD68&69&70: Vivid dreams.. not really much to notice. Starting to give up.
-DPO 1-5: nothing
-DPO 4: very sensitive nipples (esp in the morning), severe constipation, very light lotion like CM
-DPO 5: emotional, very cranky, pissed off for no reason (it was christmas eve)
-DPO 6: stabbing pain in uterus area (very focal, lasted for an hour). Very emotional, watched news on tv, they just said something about indonesian being grateful the world helped them and started crying.
-DPO 7: slightly sensitive nipples, increased cm (white lotion like), slightly decreased appetite. Slight abdominal discomfort. Dream about being pregnant. Night sweats. Gassy
-DPO 8: nipples still sensitive, temp went up by 0.1°C. Lotion like CM. Slight disconfort in uterus area. HPT very slight line, but didn't know what to think since it was very early. Had a bad day thinking first I could be pregnant and then that my HPT was just an evap...
During the evening: cramps in uterus area with one focal point of pain (the same I had sharp pain at 6 DPO). Emotional: almost cried in Mcdonald because the cashier told my mum she would count coins for her (felt like a crazy person) Heart rate increased (95BPM usually I have 80BPM). Took 2 more HPTs before going to bed: BFNs :(
-DPO 9: Tested again with FMU: BFN. Felt very depressed by the result. CM is still lotion like more yellow (thought it was a bad sign: I'm sure af is on her way). Nipples still sensitive. Other than that: NOTHING. No symptoms.
-DPO 10: nausea during the night. AF style cramps (very mild) not optimistic for this cycle. Tested with FMU: BFN. Only hope: temp is still high.
Yellowish-pale brown CM. Af cramps more pronounced during the evening. Felt wet and like cervix was open (VERY bad sign: had the same feeling last month 1-3 days before AF) At this point, I was sure AF would show up within the next 72 hours.
-DPO 11: still cramping with sharp pain. Took 2 more tests; both slightly positive (didn't know what to think). Left boob hurt a little. Yellow-beige CM. Appetite very low. Felt very tired but I only slept 3 hours (could not stop thinking about the faint positive I had before)
-DPO 12: Clearblue +: the line appeared rapidly!! Showed it to DH as a surprise but he didn't understand (men!!) The same day I took a clearblue digi= "Pregnant 1-2 weeks"!! It was the 31st december so I didn't party but still had a wonderful night with DH!
Went to the lab for a blood test.
-DPO 13: very tired. Had my lab results: beta HCG 46ui!! Yeyyy!
-DPO 14: very bad diarrhea during the night. I felt ok during the day, but very tired. No cramps but gassy. Second betas: 141ui!

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