Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

My hubby needs to take lessons from yours! lol
He doesn't show his emotions too often.. Well, same here actually. We are able to talk about anything but bite our lip when it comes to crying in front of one another. There has only been two occassions that he cried infront of me and they were pretty devestating times in our/his life.
I love him entirely regardless of his lack of showing emotions lol I would like it if we worked on that more though. I always feel like crying in his arms would make me feel better lol
Yeah, I'm not an overly emotional person and I hate crying in front of people but with the big things I am more open with crying in front of DH because some days hugs while I'm crying are the best things in the world!
1-5 dpo nothing really bit of sore bbs but most likely from clomid
6 dpo (ticker is wrong) major af like cramps and loads of creamy cm!
7 dpo intense af like cramps, sensitive nipples, thick creamy cm
ok so ive had 2 months off from trying due to family reasons been ttc for 2 years now all but given up hope

ovulated 1.1.15 very clear ovulation test, most positive i have had
dpo 2- 8 no real symptoms
so as im a testing freak started testing on 9 dpo i bought 100 super early tests from ebay and been going through them
9 dpo negative test, slght dullache in my lower abdomen
10 dpo negative test pain has moved to my back very moody
11 dpo negative test very tired had to have a nap headache all day
12 dpo 1 days till af due very very very faint positive on ebay cheapies so i ran to boots bought fr early and store home brand early rushed home strong positive on fr and weak positive on store home brand
13 dpo af due negative didital test positve fr test
14 dpo af 1 day late positive digital i think its safe to say that i am finally pregnant :))))
ok so ive had 2 months off from trying due to family reasons been ttc for 2 years now all but given up hope

ovulated 1.1.15 very clear ovulation test, most positive i have had
dpo 2- 8 no real symptoms
so as im a testing freak started testing on 9 dpo i bought 100 super early tests from ebay and been going through them
9 dpo negative test, slght dullache in my lower abdomen
10 dpo negative test pain has moved to my back very moody
11 dpo negative test very tired had to have a nap headache all day
12 dpo 1 days till af due very very very faint positive on ebay cheapies so i ran to boots bought fr early and store home brand early rushed home strong positive on fr and weak positive on store home brand
13 dpo af due negative didital test positve fr test
14 dpo af 1 day late positive digital i think its safe to say that i am finally pregnant :))))

Congratulations Wishful!
ok so ive had 2 months off from trying due to family reasons been ttc for 2 years now all but given up hope

ovulated 1.1.15 very clear ovulation test, most positive i have had
dpo 2- 8 no real symptoms
so as im a testing freak started testing on 9 dpo i bought 100 super early tests from ebay and been going through them
9 dpo negative test, slght dullache in my lower abdomen
10 dpo negative test pain has moved to my back very moody
11 dpo negative test very tired had to have a nap headache all day
12 dpo 1 days till af due very very very faint positive on ebay cheapies so i ran to boots bought fr early and store home brand early rushed home strong positive on fr and weak positive on store home brand
13 dpo af due negative didital test positve fr test
14 dpo af 1 day late positive digital i think its safe to say that i am finally pregnant :))))
Congrats wishful x
New cycle hope I get my bfp this time........ so last month was hell I ended up with a ridiculously long confusing cycle hoping this month is not the same ...
As a result me and hubby decided to not track ov this month and just to relax si I will be going by cd and not dpo

Cd15-lotion thick white cm with mild cramps
Cd16-sore boobs nipples tingle clearer cm
Cd17-tired clear cm not much of it though
Cd19-boobs feel slightly fuller small amound of cm nothing unusual really feeling out already.
Cd20-few cramps very mild could just be trapped wind small amount of creamy cm.
Cd21-few cramps very mild cm is clear slippery slimey (yuck) sorry for tmi haha and cervix is high and soft.dtd.
Cd22-clear cm cervix still high and soft can barely reach it.
Cd23-watery clear cm am turned into ewcm pm cervix med/high soft open ... on and off mild cramps very irritated and short fused very tired breasts feel fuller all normal signs of o for me but cant be sure without doing a o test.dtd.
Cd24- cervix med/high very soft cm is white but in between thick and thin, some bad cramps this evening and low back aches feeling like im getting a cold with runny nose etc.
Cd25-lots of white thick cm today cervix med soft.
Cd26-feeling nauseous, cervix med soft cm thick white not as much as yesturday.breasts feeling fuller dtd.

Do any of you lovely ladies have irregular periods ? If so when do you know when to test my periods can go anywhere from cd29-cd45 struggling to know when to test esp as dont really no for sure when o happened. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
New cycle hope I get my bfp this time........ so last month was hell I ended up with a ridiculously long confusing cycle hoping this month is not the same ...
As a result me and hubby decided to not track ov this month and just to relax si I will be going by cd and not dpo

Cd15-lotion thick white cm with mild cramps
Cd16-sore boobs nipples tingle clearer cm
Cd17-tired clear cm not much of it though
Cd19-boobs feel slightly fuller small amound of cm nothing unusual really feeling out already.
Cd20-few cramps very mild could just be trapped wind small amount of creamy cm.
Cd21-few cramps very mild cm is clear slippery slimey (yuck) sorry for tmi haha and cervix is high and soft.dtd.
Cd22-clear cm cervix still high and soft can barely reach it.
Cd23-watery clear cm am turned into ewcm pm cervix med/high soft open ... on and off mild cramps very irritated and short fused very tired breasts feel fuller all normal signs of o for me but cant be sure without doing a o test.dtd.
Cd24- cervix med/high very soft cm is white but in between thick and thin, some bad cramps this evening and low back aches feeling like im getting a cold with runny nose etc.
Cd25-lots of white thick cm today cervix med soft.
Cd26-feeling nauseous, cervix med soft cm thick white not as much as yesturday.breasts feeling fuller.

Do any of you lovely ladies have irregular periods ? If so when do you know when to test my periods can go anywhere from cd29-cd45 struggling to know when to test esp as dont really no for sure when o happened. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Ive irregular cycles I just get the cheapy tests online and test from cd 28 onwards unless I know definitely when i ovulated
1-5 dpo nothing really bit of sore bbs but most likely from clomid
6 dpo (ticker is wrong) major af like cramps and loads of creamy cm!
7 dpo intense af like cramps, sensitive nipples, thick creamy cm
8dpo nothing really bit tired but nothing major
9dpo creamy cm but again nothing major
10 dpo bfn feeling emotional upset about the bfn. No symptoms not even af ones
11dpo woke up with extreme af cramps!
Do any of you lovely ladies have irregular periods ? If so when do you know when to test my periods can go anywhere from cd29-cd45 struggling to know when to test esp as dont really no for sure when o happened. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Best way to know when to test is to chart your BBT, IMO! Second best would be to start using OPKs, but with a variance in cycle length like that you best buy like 5,000 of them lol.

Charting your BBT will tell you which day you ovulate, and then you just have to count out 14 days to know when AF should be there! Watching your cervical mucus will tell you when you are fertile, so you know when to start BDing.
Anyone recording symptoms coming up to test time? My period is forecast 'due' on Friday.
Hello! I've been posting in the TWW for awhile now and have been stalking this thread since I began my TWW. I figured since I'm a bit farther along in my TWW that I would post my symptoms.

I'm hoping even if AF shows up, this will help me learn my cycle a bit more.

Here is a bit of info about me, I'm 25 and DH is also 25. We turn 26 in March, our birthdays are only 2 days apart. We have been married 6 years and this was our first month of NTNP.

I don't know specifically when I ovulated, I am going off of my cycle and CM symptoms. I'll post my cycle days as well, since I'm pretty regular with a 28-31 day cycle.

Dec. 26, 2014 was cd1 for me

Cd 7- had :sex:
Cd 11 & 12- had :sex:
Cd 14- had :sex: EWCM
Cd 15- had :sex: also have had cramping on my left side
Cd 16- had :sex: not much CM going on

(I'm basing my O day on FF which informed me O day was Cd 16, but I alsocould have O'd on CD 14.)

Cd 17/1dpo-no symptoms
Cd 18/2dpo-CM is now creamy, breasts more sensitive(probably due to ovulation)
Cd19/3dpo-CM is still creamy/sticky, breasts are tender and it seemed like there were little twinges in them. Still cramping on the left side.
Cd20/4dpo-Same as the first few days, headaches seem to be happening more, CM increased a bit, cramping still happening, breasts sore, and feeling fairly tired.
Cd21/5dpo-just heartburn (could be due to diet) some nausea, sore breasts and what feels like twinges in my uterus. (Could just be gas)
Cd22/6dpo-Nothing noticed
Cd23/7dpo-Not much, CM is the same as before, creamy (TMI I seem to be producing more than I've noticed before.) A bit emotional, cried for no reason at all today.
Cd24/8dpo-Nothing noticeable today, CM seems to have dried up.
Cd25/9po-Vivid dreams, a feeling that AF is just going to show any day now and feeling like I'm out. Certain smells are bothering me, like the smell of a banana just grossed me out. A bit irritable today, DH was eating an orange and it was annoying to listen to. :haha: I also had a bit of constipation (TMI) and my CM has still been dry.
Cd26/10dpo-POAS with a FRER as soon as I woke up and had a :bfn: It was hard to see that but I'm glad I saw that so if AF shows up I'm a bit more prepared. That being said, I've had a few hot flashes today which seem odd since it's been cold out lately. I've been really gassy today, plus some lower back pain and the cramping only on the left side. Very tired, actually took a nap today. CM is now back to creamy.
Cd27/11dpo-Really no symptoms so far today, I've had a runny nose for the past few days that's continued today. I had a small nose bleed, (could be due to how dry/cold it is) and light cramping, certainly less than it has been which has been wonderful but it's still there. I have a feeling AF is just going to show up soon. Only thing I can say, is I normally don't cramp this long in my cycle. It's typically just a day or two before AF and then during AF until about the 3rd day. Also my CM has been a bit more watery/creamy, it feels like I have AF but when I go check it is just a cloudy/watery/and sometimes creamy fluid. (TMI)

I feel like I'm out this month but I could have tested too early. AF is expected to arrive between Thursday and Sunday. So I'm not out until the :witch: shows up.

Congrats to all the ladies who have gotten a :bfp: I hope they all remain a sticky bean! :hugs: to all the women who have lost their bean this month, hopefully next month will be yours, and good luck to all those still in the TWW, lots of :dust: to you!
Hi all, thought I would join in this TWW. This month was my second cycle on 50 mcg Clomid. It was rough! Started having awful ovulation pain 4-5 days before I was to O! We've BD at least every other night if not every night since AF stopped on Cycle Day 5.

0 DPO-Horrible ovulation pain. Pretty sure it's the worst day yet.

1 DPO-Still awful pain, acne.

2DPO-Still feels like an ovary is gonna pop.Acne acting up.

3DPO-Still in pain but getting better, gonna call OB if it doesn't go away after weekend. Cried watching Dolphin Tale 2.

4DPO-AF cramps, raging acne. Husband swears I'm like a heat lamp when he cuddles be at 4am before he leaves for work.

5DPO-Acne getting a little better. AF cramps, been kinda itchy down there with pasty CM. Heat lamp feeling again.

6DPO-AF cramps, lower back pain. Slight twinges around left ovary. Breasts seem fuller but that happened last month too. Came home and had to change underwear (thong) and yoga pants. Gobs of watery and white CM.

7DPO-Cramps, gas, pinching, extreme thirst

8DPO-Exhausted, thirsty, pinching, cramps, backache, emotional, less CM but kind of like lotion.

9DPO-Weird taste in my mouth, cramps, feeling fuller in abdomen/uterus, sore throat, backache, just want to sleep, VERY thirsty.

AF due Wednesday 1/28
New cycle hope I get my bfp this time........ so last month was hell I ended up with a ridiculously long confusing cycle hoping this month is not the same ...
As a result me and hubby decided to not track ov this month and just to relax si I will be going by cd and not dpo

Cd15-lotion thick white cm with mild cramps
Cd16-sore boobs nipples tingle clearer cm
Cd17-tired clear cm not much of it though
Cd19-boobs feel slightly fuller small amound of cm nothing unusual really feeling out already.
Cd20-few cramps very mild could just be trapped wind small amount of creamy cm.
Cd21-few cramps very mild cm is clear slippery slimey (yuck) sorry for tmi haha and cervix is high and soft.dtd.
Cd22-clear cm cervix still high and soft can barely reach it.
Cd23-watery clear cm am turned into ewcm pm cervix med/high soft open ... on and off mild cramps very irritated and short fused very tired breasts feel fuller all normal signs of o for me but cant be sure without doing a o test.dtd.
Cd24- cervix med/high very soft cm is white but in between thick and thin, some bad cramps this evening and low back aches feeling like im getting a cold with runny nose etc.
Cd25-lots of white thick cm today cervix med soft.
Cd26-feeling nauseous, cervix med soft cm thick white not as much as yesturday.breasts feeling fuller.
Cd27-headache, white lotiony cm sore nipples in eve when took bra off feeling like im getting a cold.
Cd28- keep thinking do I have a cold or not woke up feeling like it but felt ok during day occasional stuffy nose cm white lotion/creamy very bad tempered in the morning .. tempted to test tomorrow morning but may be to early........... little bit worried as cervix has dropped really low and gone hard :(.
Has anyone ever got a bfp with low firm cerix ?

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