Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

808 - fx you get you positive o reading soon!!
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry
1-2dpo (9th feb) - hungry , lots ewcm, bit crampy, heart burn. (may have ovulated 2dpo)
3-4dpo : bloated today and have some mild cramps. still v hungry.
5dpo: bit crampy, sticky cm
6dpo: Much more crampy in lower back and getting tweaks here and there (hard to describe). Vivid dream last night.
7dpo-8dpo: Horrible cold so not much else noticed. I did think I smelt horrible perfume in johnson's baby bath and tested on morning of 8dpo because of it, but it was a BFN
9dpo: few cramps in lower tummy but nothing unlike AF ones. Took test in Pm with Frer but still BFN
10dpo-13dpo (or 8-10dpo) took test on 13dpo with 10 ml test and bfn (although not sure I waited long enough to check as convinced not pregnant). just tired but had sleepless nights with sick child)
14dpo -still no AF even though I have gone to loo with a tampax convinced i had come on, just cm. felt a bit queasy in the afternoon but though it was bug kids have.
15dpo (or13dpo) morning, still no AF so took a FRER and :bfp:

forgot to mention I have noted heartburn all week and i never get heartburn. pretty mild though.

Congratulations!!! Happy and healthy 9 months!
Been stalking and found it helpful so here's mine :)

1dpo - slightly sore bbs in eve (normal for ov time)
2dpo - nothing to report
3dpo - slightly sore bbs, slightly bloated (feeling tired)
4dpo - had mild af cramps in eve, slightly windy, slightly sore bbs and lots of slimy cm (sorry!)
5dpo - Quite emotional today (cried which I rarely do) and a bit dipy (put random things in fridge!) bloated, slightly sore bbs
6dpo - Feel just a bit 'off' (not v.helpful I know!), slightly nauseated, fairly sore bbs and windy
7dpo - bfn (of course!), ight cramps and slightly sore bbs.
8dpo - slight shadow on ic but counting bfn as had that last cycle. light cramps, fairly sore bbs (odd feeling tingly, a bit like let down if you have bf before), slightly dizzy at one point, acne starting (which got me down as I get that with pmt!)
9dpo - bfn again (a bit annoyed and feel like im going crazy!), same symptoms as 8dpo - lots of yellowy cm and feeling queasy on and off.
10dpo :bfp: on superdrug with fmu! Feeling pretty queasy if im hungry/in the car today (I'm never car sick!), slightly sore bbs, v.windy (lots of burping)
11dpo - (today) stronger bfp :)

:dust: to you all!
Been stalking and found it helpful so here's mine :)

1dpo - slightly sore bbs in eve (normal for ov time)
2dpo - nothing to report
3dpo - slightly sore bbs, slightly bloated (feeling tired)
4dpo - had mild af cramps in eve, slightly windy, slightly sore bbs and lots of slimy cm (sorry!)
5dpo - Quite emotional today (cried which I rarely do) and a bit dipy (put random things in fridge!) bloated, slightly sore bbs
6dpo - Feel just a bit 'off' (not v.helpful I know!), slightly nauseated, fairly sore bbs and windy
7dpo - bfn (of course!), ight cramps and slightly sore bbs.
8dpo - slight shadow on ic but counting bfn as had that last cycle. light cramps, fairly sore bbs (odd feeling tingly, a bit like let down if you have bf before), slightly dizzy at one point, acne starting (which got me down as I get that with pmt!)
9dpo - bfn again (a bit annoyed and feel like im going crazy!), same symptoms as 8dpo - lots of yellowy cm and feeling queasy on and off.
10dpo :bfp: on superdrug with fmu! Feeling pretty queasy if im hungry/in the car today (I'm never car sick!), slightly sore bbs, v.windy (lots of burping)
11dpo - (today) stronger bfp :)

:dust: to you all!

Congratulations :) healthy and happy 9 months x
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a bfn.

Hi girls any advise on when I should test my cycle ranges from cd30-cd38 but have bern known ti go to cd42 in the past any ideas girls worried about testing early.
Been stalking and found it helpful so here's mine :)

1dpo - slightly sore bbs in eve (normal for ov time)
2dpo - nothing to report
3dpo - slightly sore bbs, slightly bloated (feeling tired)
4dpo - had mild af cramps in eve, slightly windy, slightly sore bbs and lots of slimy cm (sorry!)
5dpo - Quite emotional today (cried which I rarely do) and a bit dipy (put random things in fridge!) bloated, slightly sore bbs
6dpo - Feel just a bit 'off' (not v.helpful I know!), slightly nauseated, fairly sore bbs and windy
7dpo - bfn (of course!), ight cramps and slightly sore bbs.
8dpo - slight shadow on ic but counting bfn as had that last cycle. light cramps, fairly sore bbs (odd feeling tingly, a bit like let down if you have bf before), slightly dizzy at one point, acne starting (which got me down as I get that with pmt!)
9dpo - bfn again (a bit annoyed and feel like im going crazy!), same symptoms as 8dpo - lots of yellowy cm and feeling queasy on and off.
10dpo :bfp: on superdrug with fmu! Feeling pretty queasy if im hungry/in the car today (I'm never car sick!), slightly sore bbs, v.windy (lots of burping)
11dpo - (today) stronger bfp :)

:dust: to you all!

Congratulations. Happy and healthy 9 months.:thumbup:
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.
Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.
New to forum

Newly TTC we had our son almost 3 years ago, now we are trying for a girl, if not that is perfectly fine too.

LMP 01/27/15 Cycle 26 days O'd 02/08/15

O day I started feeling cramping on the right side of my abdomen.
DPO 1-5 I felt a lot of cramping leading from the right side to the middle of my abdomen.
DPO 6-8 Super sore breast, constantly hungry, frequent urination, lower back pain, cramping, fatigue.
DPO 9-11 breast are tender, heavy and swollen, super hungry, but also a bit nauseous, cramping, lower back pain, headaches, fatigue, bloating like crazy, heartburn. I have issues with sleep, but lately I've been falling asleep without a problem and waking up early. All tests are BFN :(
Today is CD 25 DPO 12 AF is due in 2 days and still tests are BFN. I'm feeling a little discouraged, like AF is playing games with me. My cycles are very regular and I only even get PMS symptoms a few days before PMS, not weeks before.

Hoping for a BFP soon, but if AF must rear her ugly head, I'm hoping next cycle will be a success.

DPO 12 minimal cramping, tender heavy swollen breasts, bloating, a little nausea, light headed, heartburn fatigue.

Tomorrow is DPO 13, the day before AF arrives. I'm hoping I get a BPF tomorrow.

I'm now 15 DPO, AF was suppose to arrive yesterday, but hasn't. Took a couple of pregnancy test, some had super faint positives and other had negatives. Went to the doctors they took a urine test, it was negative, but I don't think it could be accurate because I had little pee since it wasn't fmu. They told me they won't do a blood test until I am 2 weeks late from AF.

I feel pregnant, I really want to be, but still unsure. I'm trying to stay positive, I never miss AF, she is always right on time.

Please send baby dust and good vibes my way. Sending baby dust to all of you.

And happy and healthy 9 months to everyone who got their BFP!!
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping before thinking I could be and I can't bes. Stupid tww
Alright, I'm back in for round 6 of ttc! Me and hubby only got one good bd in my fertile window, but it only takes one time right? So hopefully we get lucky this time around :shrug:

Oday: Mild cramps, ewcm, temp dip, very light pink spotting

1dpo: Terrible nightmares last night/restless sleep, creamy cm, feeling kinda meh...:gun: I also feel like I'm out already, I know I should be positive but I feel like my odds are not great this month...

2dpo: Slept like a baby!:sleep: Creamy cm with pink spotting
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.
Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP's. H&H 9 months to you xx

So 6th month of ttc after sterilisation reversal. Got my crosshairs today so hoping I ovulated.

1-2 dpo: spot breakout particularly on cheek area and customary post ov sore nips.

3 dpo: creamy but watery cm today, quite a lot and very slight pink tinge to it.

4 dpo: creamy cm, hungrier than usual today. Tender nips. Slightly achey in lower abdomen.

5 dpo: creamy cm, occassional slight aches in lower abdomen again. Spot eruption.

6 dpo: creamy cm, bit stretchier than before, mild cramps again. Bowels bit loose, feeling quite tired today. Sore nips.

Hi ladies,

been following this thread and think it's great so here are my symptoms so far :)

1-5 dpo no real noticeable signs

6dpo - couple of red spots of blood on tp, af type cramps

7dpo- strong feeling of nausea and a lot of saliva, af cramps still, no more spotting, woke up with strong cold like symptoms that disappeared later.

8-10dpo- extremely bloated, gassy, bbs look and feel heavy and sore, still af type cramps. Real bad headaches and over emotional

11dpo- my stomach looks huge it's that bloated lol af cramps still there but no brown discharge i usually get before af.....yet. bbs still heavy but not as sore, feeling starving all day but nauseous in evening. Af due in 2 days, still BfN :(

this is our 8th month ttc but had a chemical pregnancy last month. Fingers crossed we all get positives soon!
Well, let the TWW commence! Got my peak reading this am but we didn't BD because DH was sleepy and I had to catch the plane.... We did BD at midnight last night though and pretty much everyday this past week except for Wed so I'm feeling pretty good about our chances! Fx!

O day - all of a sudden had super painful twinges in bbs... Gotta be too early though, right? Lol, flutters in uterus

1 dpo - so far, just slightly tender nipples, morning coffee made me queasy, super hungry

2 dpo - tired, still super sore nipples. Last night it was so bad that it hurt when water touched them in the shower. That has never happened before. Not even when I got bfp in December.

3 dpo - some twinges in lower ab and left breast, a bit of queasiness.... I keep jumping between thinking I could be and I can't be. Stupid tww

4 dpo - some twinges again in lower ab, peeing a lot, boobs hurts for a bit in afternoon, headache, really tired. Though, the headache and tiredness could be from the fact that I haven't been able to fall asleep till 1 am every night. I will get drowsy around 7ish but won't actually fall asleep till 1 am.

5 dpo - some more twinges in bbs (soreness will come and go. They've been itchy too) and lower abdomen. Had macaroni and cheese today that tasted way off.... Kind of like metal or chlorine. Could have maybe just been the water used, though. Just noticed weird flaking and bumps on left nipple too... I'm sooo totally reading too much into it. Lol, but I hope I'm not just overthinking.

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