Here's my update through today. Not looking so good...

Stupid AF
4DPO sharp pains over right ovary (don't know which ovulated as I have endo and have had cysts rupture in the past so I have pain randomly)
5DPO AF-like cramps (not typical), more right ovary pain, achy legs and hips (thinking oh great... this is what it feels like to turn 30 lol), cried over dumb FB videos about a cat dying (I'm a cat person but not typically weepy), sore throat, vivid dreams about having children and not being able to breast feed, frequent urination.
6DPO dull cramps centralized, pinching feelings on left side (assuming I ov'd on right...not sure why I'd feel anything on left), shooting pain through right breast at night, breasts feeling fuller but not huge, tingling sensation in nipples, super dizzy when standing up, headache again, sore throat again, more vivid dreams, yellow/white lotion like CM
7DPO Sharp pains in breasts and increased size and tenderness, strange heartburn that radiated on both sides under my breasts, headache, dry cm (feeling stupid for paying attention to these symptoms since I've done this for so many months with no luck)
8DPO Stabbing pain in breasts, increased size and tenderness, twinges and pinches in uterus, no cm except after bm yellow and creamy. Took a cheap walmart test BFN (go figure)
9DPO Sharp stabbing pains in lower central and left side, breasts still sore and heavy and tingling, light headed when standing up from sitting or laying, headache, vivid dreams
10DPO Feels like AF is on her way (cramps). Depressed, sad, crying over everything (pretty normal for me since we've been trying for so long it's hard), feels like ovary pain again on right side, more pinching pulling, bleeding gums when I brushed, same heavy and tender breasts, veins are blue (have never left after mc), went out and had a few beers had enough energy to stay up until 4am with my hubby watching Youtube videos. That is odd for me. I normally pass out anywhere (thanks to Hashi's).
11DPO (today) Up at 8:30am after going to bed at 4. Couldn't sleep. bm first thing in am and noticed blood in cm. AF shouldn't be here until next Thursday (26th) but I have endo and spot before. Super bummer but not shocked, gums bled again when I brushed, breasts still heavy and sore. I'll keep monitoring but I'm guessing AF will be here soon.