Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congrats babyhopes!

I'm excited because by some luck, I am able to go visit DH this week (he's working away for a year with a 6 week on, 2 weeks off rotation) and I should be ovulating just before I am supposed to leave so I might be in the running this month! Fx we get lucky and get our rainbow baby soon!! :)
12 DPO: Thirsty! Very thirsty. Tired, and wanting to eat as many vegetables as humanly possible.
13 DPO: Gentle cramp in morning, random nausea, still wanting vegetables, smell of burning incense was too strong.
14 DPO: Not wanting hot food, nauseated in morning (was having curry for breakfast lol, only got down a few bites, felt like being sick), light cramps.
15 DPO: (Today) Smell of curry made my stomach turn (was washing up curry pot).

Currently 4 days late for monthlys, usually 5 days.
I haven't been tracking this cycle with anything other than bbt. I had a miscarriage mid way through the month in January so TECHNICALLY I am supposed to be taking a break, which I sort of am lol Just ntnp until af comes or I get another bfp.
FF gave me crosshairs and a dpo date, hence how I know how many dpo I apparently am.

0-3 dpo MAJOR food cravings! They come and go and are for VERY specific things when they come. Irritable about pretty much everything; almost snapped at hubby for playfully picking on me. Emotional; had yesterday off and started crying when hubby didn't text back after only 10 minutes xD he was working but it still made me pretty sad. mild cramping on both sides of my uterus/ovaries, especially when stretching.
On 1dpo I had a pretty STRONG wave of nausea hit me when we were almost home. I guess it was sort of a car sickness thing because it hit when we were going around a sharp bend in the road. I was not pleased ×_×

3-5 dpo - increased appetite. Hot flashes so bad I have sweated. Irritable. Emotional. Fatigued. Sore back. Sore hips. Mild cramps. Boobs will get very random jolts but seem fine otherwise. Mild nausea off and on today.
I am getting impatient and want to test but I don't have any or money to buy some until pay day :S I should be far enough along to know if I am out or not by then anyways.

6 dpo - back ache. Sore hips. STRONG cramps. Significant temp dip (though temps have been crazy!) fatigue. gagged at hearing a discription of something gross xD. Still Irritable. Sweet cravings. Insomnia last night. Mild hot flash (not as bad as they've been.)
I think that's it for now!

6-9 dpo - Sore back. Insomnia. Fatigue. STRONG cramps at 6 dpo. Mild cramping up to 9 dpo. Not much else.

10 dpo - boobs are starting to get sore. Had some slight nausea. Fatigued. Insomnia. Havings LOTS of dreams despite lack of sleep! Had one dream that was terrifying :(
boobs slightly more painful. Still dull. Emotional and irritable.

11 dpo - VERY emotional and irritable! Lazy. Fatigued. Still having insomnia and crazy dreams. Had a STRONG wave of nausea in the evening and craved nothing but Tacobell!!
Back hurts pretty bad.

12 dpo - forgot to test in AM. Nauseas. Craving Burger king all day. Thirsty. Back really aches. STRONG cramps in AM. Dizzy. Fatigued.
Tested after 8 hour hold....
:bfp: !!! I got my birthday wish!!! Faint but it is very much there!!
Ninja- I have everything crossed that your visit with hubby will result in a sticky bean!! I am glad that at least you will be able to go see him :3
3dpo (9th feb) - hungry , ewcm, bit crampy, heart burn.
4dpo : bloated today and have some mild cramps. still v hungry.
5dpo: bit crampy, sticky cm
6dpo: Much more crampy in lower back and getting tweaks here and there (hard to describe). Vivid dream last night.
7dpo-8dpo: Horrible cold so not much else noticed. I did think I smelt horrible perfume in johnson's baby bath and tested on morning of 8dpo because of it, but it was a BFN
9dpo: few cramps in lower tummy but nothing unlike AF ones. Took test in Pm with Frer but still BFN
I felt bloated, but I didn't look like it. My stomach just felt heavy. I was also extremely thirsty all day. Though I am no longer tired!
I had the same bloated feeling as 4 DPO. I also felt a consistent pinching (and sometimes a dull ache) closer to the right side of my pelvic region. It would just come and go. And I've been incredibly hungry all day!
I had bad back pain early in the morning, mostly on the right side of my body. I also (think) I have a heightened sense of my smell, though it could just be in my head!
I haven't noticed any new symptoms except maybe a lot of gas, but that could be my diet.
I'm craving a lot of sweets and still have a bloated feeling. I've also been in a touchy mood! I had light yellow discharge later in the day. My back is pretty sore! I tested this afternoon (BFN).
My back is still hurting. I had a lot of cramping overnight, but got a BFN this morning.
10 DPO
I had A LOT of cramping overnight again! It was only on the right side of my uterus though. This morning I had aching in my upper abdominal, like the kind of pain you get after doing crunches. I actually experienced this during my first pregnancy, a couple of days before I found out. I still haven't taken a test (I ran out).
3dpo (9th feb) - hungry , ewcm, bit crampy, heart burn.
4dpo : bloated today and have some mild cramps. still v hungry.
5dpo: bit crampy, sticky cm
6dpo: Much more crampy in lower back and getting tweaks here and there (hard to describe). Vivid dream last night.
7dpo-8dpo: Horrible cold so not much else noticed. I did think I smelt horrible perfume in johnson's baby bath and tested on morning of 8dpo because of it, but it was a BFN
9dpo: few cramps in lower tummy but nothing unlike AF ones. Took test in Pm with Frer but still BFN

It's looking good for you! I'm crossing my fingers for you, sweetie.
Hello everyone. I've been reading this post for a while now as my husband and I have been TTC for almost 5 years. I am 30 and suffer from Hashimoto's, Stage 2 Endometriosis (removed June 2013 through L-scope and underwent 6 months of Lupron), as well as high prolactin levels. After coming off Lupron our intentions were to do IUI after 3 normal cycles. We ended up falling pregnant the very first cycle though it ended in mc. Now it has been exactly one year since our mc and we have had no luck. We have had to put all fertility treatments on hold due to a move to another country that does not have high quality health care.

I am on Armour Thryoid for my Hashi's, bromocriptine for high prolactin, and starting in December I began taking Fertilaid, though in December I was pretty sporadic with it since we had company in town. January I was more diligent with the vitamins and am using a fertility monitor which showed PEAK on CD15-CD16.

Since I have so many issues I can't tell you what is normal and what is not. So many months over the past 5 years I swore I was pg. The one month I WAS I called the doctor to tell her she messed up my cycle and my period was "stuck". :wacko:

I thought I would share on here so I wasn't just the crazy stalker girl reading everyone else's posts. I seriously doubt my post will turn green but you never know, right? So here it goes...

4DPO sharp pains over right ovary (don't know which ovulated as I have endo and have had cysts rupture in the past so I have pain randomly)

5DPO AF-like cramps (not typical), more right ovary pain, achy legs and hips (thinking oh great... this is what it feels like to turn 30 lol), cried over dumb FB videos about a cat dying (I'm a cat person but not typically weepy), sore throat, vivid dreams about having children and not being able to breast feed, frequent urination.

6DPO dull cramps centralized, pinching feelings on left side (assuming I ov'd on right...not sure why I'd feel anything on left), shooting pain through right breast at night, breasts feeling fuller but not huge, tingling sensation in nipples, super dizzy when standing up, headache again, sore throat again, more vivid dreams, yellow/white lotion like CM

7DPO Sharp pains in breasts and increased size and tenderness, strange heartburn that radiated on both sides under my breasts, headache, dry cm (feeling stupid for paying attention to these symptoms since I've done this for so many months with no luck)

8DPO Stabbing pain in breasts, increased size and tenderness, twinges and pinches in uterus, no cm except after bm yellow and creamy. Took a cheap walmart test BFN (go figure) :)

9DPO Sharp stabbing pains in lower central and left side, breasts still sore and heavy and tingling, light headed when standing up from sitting or laying, headache, vivid dreams

10DPO Feels like AF is on her way (cramps). Depressed, sad, crying over everything (pretty normal for me since we've been trying for so long it's hard), feels like ovary pain again on right side, more pinching pulling, bleeding gums when I brushed, same heavy and tender breasts, veins are blue (have never left after mc), went out and had a few beers had enough energy to stay up until 4am with my hubby watching Youtube videos. That is odd for me. I normally pass out anywhere (thanks to Hashi's).

11DPO (today) Up at 8:30am after going to bed at 4. Couldn't sleep. bm first thing in am and noticed blood in cm. :( AF shouldn't be here until next Thursday (26th) but I have endo and spot before. Super bummer but not shocked, gums bled again when I brushed, breasts still heavy and sore. I'll keep monitoring but I'm guessing AF will be here soon. :(

I am praying for BFP's and happy pregnancies for y'all and myself of course. :flower:
Congrats, BABTTC123!!! I am so flipping happy for you :happydance: you just made my day :flower: I love it when I see BFP for any of you lovely ladies on this page!!! H&H 9mos to you!!! :baby:
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ? Loads of pimples and skin feels greasy. While bathing my daughter I could smell something really awful suddenly realised it was our regular shampoo never normally effects me this way.
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ? Skin still greasy
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this still greasy.
Cd25 light brown/pinky watery cm on and off still .... few cramps mild.. very emotional crying at silly things.
Cd26 lots of white creamy cm in am and during the day.... its now 8pm and have had alot of browny pink discharge again never have I ever experienced anything like this .. took a test about 5mins ago bfn figured as much being late evening and only cd26 ....have been extremely tired today and having mild headaches.
Cd27 some pinky red spotting today so scared its af about to show early I had my hopes up this month with the weird never happened before pink/brown discharge. ... boobs feel fuller and a little sore.
Cd28 pinky brown cm again today feeling tired and a little quesy this morning with a few mild cramps im so scared to test as I have high hopes this month dont want to be let down by seeing a I tested around 4pm bfn on clearblue plus :( x
Cd29 few spots of darker pink cm but still not bright red and then turned to brown cm.
Cd30 brown spotting on and off feeling tired and some weird pinching in uterus. Boobs feel bigger I will test again cd34 if af dosnt show.
Cd31 brown/pinky cm on and off feeling tired and a little sick.
Cd32 still having brown/pinky cm but hardly any today so far boobs feel fuller.
Cd33 so the spotting has stopped now having quite a bit of yellow cm and sore boobs im going to test tomorrow on clearblue digital with first morning :) cramping in pm and lots of clear cm.
Cd34 bfn :( really gutted.loads of white creamy cm ebough to have to wear a liner Tingle Iin nipples and nipples darker in colour.
Cd35 ewcm is it possible I could be only just ovulating now ? Light cramping.
Cd36 lots of clear gooey cm not quite ewcm and mild cramps soooooo tired
Cd37 clear gooey cm not quite ewcm some stronger cramps today but still not overly painful sore nipples.
Cd38 lots of clear gooey cm sore sensitive nipples very tired Mild cramps
Cd39 lotiony white cm sore sensitive nipples when taking bra off and still very tired and achy.
Cd40 white lotiony cm sore nipples when taking bra off sooooo hungry and not feeling like im getting enough sleep no matter how long I sleep for dull ache in uterus.
Cd41 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd42 white lotiony cm tired and hungry.
Cd43 creamy cm very small amount pretty much dry maybe af tomorrow.
Cd44 creamy cm good amount still no af feeling tired tingerly nipples. Pulled muscle feeling in uterus.
Cd45 feeling like a pulled muscle in uterus all day maybe I did :/ creamy cm irritable tired and quite a bit of acne.
Cd46 irritable, headache for most of morning, boobs feel fuller and quite bad acne cm is creamy white.
Cd47 woke up feeling wet thought af was here but nope just clear cm.
Cd48 lotiony cm some light cramping heavy boobs.
Hi all back again :)
Still continuing to go by cd and not dpo as myself and hubby decided to not obsess anymore.

So here it goes another month of ttc hoping for a bfp

Cd13 dtd
Cd14 dtd
Cd16 dtd
Cd17-18 cramps
Cd22 light brown watery cm on and off ?
Cd23 light brown watery cm on and off ?
Cd24 light brown pinky cm ? Way to early for af not due till cd30-38 hoping tgis is a good sign never had this before.

Has anyone had light brown/pinky cm before and got bfp ? could this be implantation bleed ?

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