Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hey guys! Just some background info. My DH and I have been TTC for 2 cycles now, and I have become OBSESSED with symptom boards. This is my first post ever though!

I'm currently in my TWW in attempt #2. My cycles are also super long (37 days).

I should also note I've been having some constant weird cramping/pressure in my right side for the past couple months. I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see what the problem is. My doc thinks it's most likely fibroid pain. But nonetheless, it makes it difficult to feel for twinges, pulling and the like!

Anyway, here are my symptoms.

1 DPO: Nothing out of the ordinary!
2 DPO: Nipples hurt! I rarely get sore breasts or nipples so I noticed this immediately. Watery CM
3 DPO: Nipples still hurt, gassy
4 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
5 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
6 DPO: Sore nipples, weird cramps in lower tummy
7 DPO: Sore nipples, pain just below belly button that lasted a couple hours. Noticed creamy CM.
8 DPO: Nipples less sore, but sore boobs close to armpits. Woke up nauseous and with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Headache and tired! Lotion CM.

Going to wait until 10 DPO to do a HPT. Fx!
I know I'm a little late to this.. But here we go.

13 DPO- very nauseous (have been for a few days), back pain (similar to normal pms symptoms), gassy (sorry haha), funny feeling in my belly (hard to explain). I feel it's pms symptoms. But have been on the pill for so long (month 2 off) that I forgot what the natural symptoms felt like.

14dpo- some cramping, and back pain. No witch. It was due yesterday or today. Will test tomorrow if she doesn't show today.

That witch got me
Ovulated on feb. 22 2015

1-5dpo- light cramps

6dpo-ewcm but not ovulating

7dpo light cramps, cm ewcm but not ovulating

8dpo, medium cramps on left side, medium nausea, light tender breasts, hot flashes, constipation

9dpo-medium nausea, medium cramps, medium tender breasts, light sleepiness, loose stool, cm sticky and clear, tested with cheapie not with fmu bfn

10dpo- both my sides pinching and hard cramps like af cramps, pinch above belly button, tender breast medium, bloated, light nausea when i ate but still hungry, cm watery wet, felt like peeing myself. Tested frer bfn not with fmu though

11dpo - woke up at 5am i was nauseated...took a frer with fmu it was a stayed nauseated til about 1100am, but i did eat though, no cramping after that horrible day of cramping yesterday, thank God. tingling boobies, Cm is like elmers glue, CP is high

12 dpo- i am not testing again until af is due which is 2 MORE DAYS..... mg: mg: well me and my hubby stayed up until about 1 am talking (pillow talk) and we bd *TMI* when we were done he had ALOT of white creamy cm on him from me. Anyways I was up and down all night just restless, I peed at 2 am and 5 am. But when i woke up for the start of my new day at 700am i have no symptoms but acne (which i get before AF ), but i am hungry to the point of tummy growling so i go to get lunch at 1200pm and on the way there i get a wave of nausea and then while i am eating more nausea and a headache, i am tired too but that is more than likely due to the pillow talk. My CM is back to Creamy Stretchy white and my CP is very High up. hope this is helping some of yall. will update

13 DPO- crampy, nauseated.. more of the same

14 DPO- AF is due….no sign of her, BFN on test. Same symptoms as before

15 DPO BFN ….super dizzy had to leave work from that and nausea AND ACNE.

16DPO Still no AF and still a BFN, not testing for a long time, I am confused I have had a regular AF for years. And I feel crampy and ACNE that is all the symptoms now

17DPO – 3/11/2015 – still no AF, crampy and lots of ACNE I don’t know whats going on.

18DPO- 3/12/2015 - still no AF, bd last night and this morning to see if we could trigger af, and nothing, i have had waves of nausea this afternoon, i think i have indigestion my chest keeps feeling like i need to burp, crampy in different areas at different times, and boobies still hurt...and acne acne acne and itchy down below. (i think i might have a yeast infection)

19dpo - 3/13/2015 - still no af, weird sleep last night, slight nausea, very loose stool, elmers glue cm continues, and cp is high, still kinda itchy and a lil dizzy acne seems like it might be starting to go away. keep feeling lil cramps from time to time, mostly when i go to wash and i sit there and soak in the tub, but really thats about it, i will be testing tomorrow at 20 DPO i think that is long enough if it comes back BFN then i am going to doctor next week.

20DPO - 3/14/2015 - 23DPO 3/17/2015 AF STARTED AT 23DPO :witch:
i was super super tired and crampy, i think i might take a break this month and yet i might not i don't know we shall see. FX to all
0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy

Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive home, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

So.. still waiting. Usually before AF I am cramping for days and unbelievably miserable, also usually have a lot of soft stool/diarrhea.. none of that yay me. I actually except for my boobs hurting off and on have felt pretty good. :)

Question for everyone, what HPT's are you using? I bought like a CVS brand and First Response.. which I thought after reading the labels were the good ones, and then I found this pregnancy test comparison chart that has by DPO/brand statistics and they both suck, lol.
Hello Everyone,

I am new here and thought I would make this my first post!! Excited to be apart of a supportive and fun community. As the title states this is the first month TTC #1!!! Ahhh!!! :happydance: This whole process has been exciting!!! So I didn't really do any hard core charting at all, pretty basic. I think I ovulated on the 8th or 9th, but I dont know for sure. I should be getting AF on Tuesday-ish.

Pretty soon after I ovulated my nipples were sensitive which is strange and that has continued thru the TWW.

about 4 DPO dizzy, sensitive nipples, headache, tiered
about 5 DPO bloated, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 6 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, bloated, tiered
about 7 DPO sensitive nipples, bloated, tiered
about 8 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, really emotional, quick sharp pain in my abdomen, tiered
about 9 DPO moody, stuffy nose, really emotional, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 10 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, caved and got a :bfn:
about 11 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, couldn't resist and got a :bfn:

Before AF I will usually have no symptoms or will have very sore breasts and be very moody. So the symptoms above aren't really all that interesting, but who knows right? Maybe possibly perhaps there is a chance? :af:

I have 5 HPT waiting for me to use them, but I want to resist! It's so hard tho. :test:

Good luck to all those at there TWW, I never thought two weeks would be such torture!

trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please!

I'm in CST! I'll update tomorrow morning..My mom and I are taking an IKEA trip since I just relocated for work and need some stuff for the bigger house. Maybe I'll have good news to share with her.. she has been pushing the grandbaby thing pretty hard lately. I took this week off of work for spring break not knowing all this would be happening.. and it's like a blessing and a curse because I have an abundance of time to google everything..

I backspace out all the quotes.. and just keep the most recent one because it just gets confusing as crap. Then when I did my DPO post I just did a new post all together because I couldn't figure out how to quote myself, lol. It's really confusing.
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:

11dpo-weird feeling all day...nasty taste in my mouth...craving sours foods...slight lower back pain...just feeling like a bun may be in the oven :happydance:[/QUOTE]
12dpo-cramps lower back aches and threw up in the afternoon
13dpo-early morning cm when Iwent to the bathroom (very light brown) may be implantation bleeding...:happydance: will test tomorrow at 14dpo
0DPO - Tired, congestion (maybe due to Texas allergies)

1DPO - Tired, congestion, some breast tingles/pain

2DPO - Tired, congestion, nausea, breast tingles/pain, breasts feeling full/heavy

3DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full/heavy feeling

4DPO - Tired, took an extra nap, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, noticing white raised bumps on areolas, nausea

5DPO - Tired, vivid dreams, congestion, breast tingles/pain, full feeling, white raised bumps on areolas seem more prominent, nausea, cranky

6DPO - Tired, congestion, breast tingles and pain more prominent, white raised bumps still there, areola coloration looks more brown than normal, irritable

7DPO - Tired, just really exhausted I think I slept until 11 and took another 3 hour nap mid-day, breast and nipple pain, some shooting and aches but they aren't necessarily sore and sometimes it extends to the dies/underarm, I think i'm maybe going crazy because my aerolas look bigger and more brown, creamy CM

8DPO - Tired and exhausted, not interested in eating things that I love like tuna (it just tasted weird), same breast and nipple pain, i can see a blue vein on my left breast I've never seen before, creamy CM, frequent urination (might be because I drink a lot of water), emotional wreck and crying, creamy CM, CP lower

9DPO - Still pretty tired, but couldn't sleep well the night before kept waking up from weird dreams, tested this morning (negative) but that was expected, mild cramping (not sure if AF for implantation, definitely not as unpleasant as pre-AF cramps are usually), very stuffy/congested I almost didn't have a voice this morning, breasts are still aching and painful, creamy CM, CP higher, diminished appetite and I wouldn't eat cheesecake it tasted so sour but my BF ate it all up, lol

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy

Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive home, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

So.. still waiting. Usually before AF I am cramping for days and unbelievably miserable, also usually have a lot of soft stool/diarrhea.. none of that yay me. I actually except for my boobs hurting off and on have felt pretty good. :)

Question for everyone, what HPT's are you using? I bought like a CVS brand and First Response.. which I thought after reading the labels were the good ones, and then I found this pregnancy test comparison chart that has by DPO/brand statistics and they both suck, lol.
I have like 3 of the cheap dollar store brands 2 clearblue that came in my OPK box and 6 First response lol...
trust me my patience is bn tested lol....but I will for sure be testing on Sunday.....AF better not show her ugly face hehehehe...gotta stay positive....and what time zone are you on...Im on the east coast...I will be looking for ur update all morning tomorrow lol
I have another question....why when I update my dpo its not all in's not falling under the 1st ones like yours, they look like I just reply back to myself yea I really don't understand this site.....HELP someone please!

I'm in CST! I'll update tomorrow morning..My mom and I are taking an IKEA trip since I just relocated for work and need some stuff for the bigger house. Maybe I'll have good news to share with her.. she has been pushing the grandbaby thing pretty hard lately. I took this week off of work for spring break not knowing all this would be happening.. and it's like a blessing and a curse because I have an abundance of time to google everything..

I backspace out all the quotes.. and just keep the most recent one because it just gets confusing as crap. Then when I did my DPO post I just did a new post all together because I couldn't figure out how to quote myself, lol. It's really confusing.
Oh well I will just roll with it lol....hoping you get you BFP tomorrow :happydance:

11dpo-weird feeling all day...nasty taste in my mouth...craving sours foods...slight lower back pain...just feeling like a bun may be in the oven :happydance:
12dpo-cramps lower back aches and threw up in the afternoon
13dpo-early morning cm when Iwent to the bathroom (very light brown) may be implantation bleeding...:happydance: will test tomorrow at 14dpo[/QUOTE] oh forgot to mention that I had really bad cramps that woke me up in the middle of the night....I thought I was gonna throw up they were that bad :cry:
Hey guys! Just some background info. My DH and I have been TTC for 2 cycles now, and I have become OBSESSED with symptom boards. This is my first post ever though!

I'm currently in my TWW in attempt #2. My cycles are also super long (37 days).

I should also note I've been having some constant weird cramping/pressure in my right side for the past couple months. I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see what the problem is. My doc thinks it's most likely fibroid pain. But nonetheless, it makes it difficult to feel for twinges, pulling and the like!

Anyway, here are my symptoms.

1 DPO: Nothing out of the ordinary!
2 DPO: Nipples hurt! I rarely get sore breasts or nipples so I noticed this immediately. Watery CM
3 DPO: Nipples still hurt, gassy
4 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
5 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
6 DPO: Sore nipples, weird cramps in lower tummy
7 DPO: Sore nipples, pain just below belly button that lasted a couple hours. Noticed creamy CM.
8 DPO: Nipples less sore, but sore boobs close to armpits. Woke up nauseous and with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Headache and tired! Lotion CM.

Going to wait until 10 DPO to do a HPT. Fx!

Update guys!
9 DPO: I did a FRER HPT this morning and saw a BFN. :( But it's still early! My boobs hurt so much last night, I had to sleep on my back. Also feeling a little crampy and I don't know. I feel off. I'm going to test again at 11 DPO.
I am thinking i am sitting this month out, or really just not trying or watching it so closely. I am on CD 4, af will be gone by end of day tomorrow and im feeling optimistic and i hate that i always feel like its going to happen then it don't.
12dpo-cramps lower back aches and threw up in the afternoon
13dpo-early morning cm when Iwent to the bathroom (very light brown) may be implantation bleeding...:happydance: will test tomorrow at 14dpo

oh forgot to mention that I had really bad cramps that woke me up in the middle of the night....I thought I was gonna throw up they were that bad :cry:

That's exciting! Let us know how the test goes!?
12dpo-cramps lower back aches and threw up in the afternoon
13dpo-early morning cm when Iwent to the bathroom (very light brown) may be implantation bleeding...:happydance: will test tomorrow at 14dpo

oh forgot to mention that I had really bad cramps that woke me up in the middle of the night....I thought I was gonna throw up they were that bad :cry:

That's exciting! Let us know how the test goes!?
I surely will MinaMae and just went to the bathroom and had very light pink after I wiped....things are looking very good :winkwink:
--deleting all the old DPO text it's just too long, lol--

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy; Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive home, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

13 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, but also no sign of AF.. getting a little discouraged. My breasts still throbbing, and feel bigger. CM milky/creamy and has a pretty consistent heavy flow, CP still high and squishy. Nausea off and on, but was worse at night took, trouble falling asleep but felt so exhausted during the day.

---------- Going to have to go buy more tests, lol.. I exhausted my supply... :P I'm probably going to go back through and read all the messages to see if anyone got a BFP post 14 DPO .... I think if I don't see one over the weekend and AF doesn't show up I'll go to the dr
--deleting all the old DPO text it's just too long, lol--

10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy; Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive home, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

13 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, but also no sign of AF.. getting a little discouraged. My breasts still throbbing, and feel bigger. CM milky/creamy and has a pretty consistent heavy flow, CP still high and squishy. Nausea off and on, but was worse at night took, trouble falling asleep but felt so exhausted during the day.

---------- Going to have to go buy more tests, lol.. I exhausted my supply... :P I'm probably going to go back through and read all the messages to see if anyone got a BFP post 14 DPO .... I think if I don't see one over the weekend and AF doesn't show up I'll go to the dr
When is AF due...still stay positive....don't be discouraged you may be off on when you ovulated so it may be too early to test :winkwink:
When is AF due...still stay positive....don't be discouraged you may be off on when you ovulated so it may be too early to test :winkwink:

My phone app says it should be due today, but then I used a different calculator online to see when I should be testing and it has me on Sunday. I'm not always consistent so it's hard to pinpoint exactly. It's usually pretty easy to tell i'm about to start or ovulate because I cramp like crazy and have diarrhea lol. Those things aren't happening, so I'll still be optimistic until AF comes along...
Don't you just wish we had a beeper or something "warning AF is due to arrive in 1 day!" Or " warning.. Time for baby dance!!"
Don't you just wish we had a beeper or something "warning AF is due to arrive in 1 day!" Or " warning.. Time for baby dance!!"

Yes please! We should invent it and make millions. Except I am technologically challenged and have done everything in my life to avoid math and science. lol However, I can provide marketing and legal review for new product introductions. ;)
:wacko:Hi ladies, I'm confused lol. Don't know what I'm feeling? ?? Can you help.

I'm 6dpo, I think, af due in 8 days, I have prominent blue veins on my breasts, when feel my cervix, it is low, firm, closed and wet. I aldo hav3 lotiony like cm. I did have some cramping, but that has gone now, I just don't feel like myself. I know it's too early to test, but I really need some opinions. Aah wait there is sone cramping, this is just weird, don't know what to do. Went to the dr day before yesterday, had some kind of infection, he didn't give me any antibiotics as I told him I didn't kn9w if this could be my month. Please don't tell me thevonly way you'll know is to wait and takeva test... I know that. Only want opinions. Thanks ladies

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