Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello Everyone,

I am new here and thought I would make this my first post!! Excited to be apart of a supportive and fun community. As the title states this is the first month TTC #1!!! Ahhh!!! :happydance: This whole process has been exciting!!! So I didn't really do any hard core charting at all, pretty basic. I think I ovulated on the 8th or 9th, but I dont know for sure. I should be getting AF on Tuesday-ish.

Pretty soon after I ovulated my nipples were sensitive which is strange and that has continued thru the TWW.

about 4 DPO dizzy, sensitive nipples, headache, tiered
about 5 DPO bloated, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 6 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, bloated, tiered
about 7 DPO sensitive nipples, bloated, tiered
about 8 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, really emotional, quick sharp pain in my abdomen, tiered
about 9 DPO moody, stuffy nose, really emotional, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 10 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, caved and got a :bfn:
about 11 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, couldn't resist and got a :bfn:

Before AF I will usually have no symptoms or will have very sore breasts and be very moody. So the symptoms above aren't really all that interesting, but who knows right? Maybe possibly perhaps there is a chance? :af:

I have 5 HPT waiting for me to use them, but I want to resist! It's so hard tho. :test:

Good luck to all those at there TWW, I never thought two weeks would be such torture!


Update: 12 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, weird feelings in my tummy, tiered, breasts are getting tender (a usual sing of AF...ughhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo)

Not sure when I should test again....thinking this month is not the month.
Hello Im new here and I guess I just need some support from ladies that know what im going through. So I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I guess you can say this is cycle #2 for us.

Ovulated 3/7... we BD on 3/2 3/5-3/8 please tell me if this cycle looks promising :thumbup:

1dpo-mild dizziness
2dpo-wet cm....sinus pressure....cramps
3dpo-ovulation like cramps on right side...had a dream about implantation :shrug:
4dpo-feeling a surge of energy...mild dull cramps on left side...had a dream about someone making me a baby girl blanket :baby lol
5dpo-mild cramping feeling positive and strange leg pain...a littlt stuffy when I got up this morning
6dpo-checked cervix and had some white checking all week but today seems a little more wet...mild cramping but nothing major...could this be another great sign :thumbup:
7dpo-Mild cramp...some white cm if I check my cervix...very moody
8dpo-mild cramping while sleeping....more white cm today...headache and sore throat....funny feeling pain in pelvic area...praying implantation is about to take place :happydance:
9dpo-slight tingling in both nipples....slight cm if I check cervix....weird pulling in my belly button....according to my calendar today is implantation day (plus minus 3 days) feeling hopeful :happydance:
*not sure if im updating correctly, can someone help please if im not lol*
The :witch: got me yesterday evening and I took a HPT got a :bfn: at 13 hurt and confused because I thought I had great signs but I guess it was all in my head b/c I really want another baby....oh well such as life....may or may not try next month...until then :dust: to you all that are stiil waiting for your :bfp:

mina... any updates? testing???

stars sorry the witch got you :( on to next cycle with me!! fx for new years baby!!
The :witch: got me yesterday evening and I took a HPT got a :bfn: at 13 hurt and confused because I thought I had great signs but I guess it was all in my head b/c I really want another baby....oh well such as life....may or may not try next month...until then :dust: to you all that are stiil waiting for your :bfp:

OH nooo! :( I'm so sorry. Maybe next month, or the next. It's hard because the PG symptoms are often usually similar to PMS... so it can be hard to tell them apart. Hormones do funny things to us.
10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy; Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive home, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

13 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, but also no sign of AF.. getting a little discouraged. My breasts still throbbing, and feel bigger. CM milky/creamy and has a pretty consistent heavy flow, CP still high and squishy. Nausea off and on, but was worse at night took, trouble falling asleep but felt so exhausted during the day.

14 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, and no sign of AF. Breast pains till off and on.. CP high and squishy but doesn't feel "closed" so go figure idk if that means anything. Nausea still off and on... CM still creamy/milky and consistent throughout the day. Tried to drink Dr. Pepper my favorite drink ever and it tasted terrible, and I haven't had meat for almost 15 years and this morning ate a sausage and cheese kolache it was literally the most delicious thing I've ever had.. and usually the smell/thought of meat makes me want to vomit.


So idk... I think this is all in my head. I know AF hasn't come yet, but I haven't found too many other women who get their first BFP post 14 DPO. Maybe if implantation was later not the typical 8-9 dpo.. then it might explain why I haven't seen a BFP going off the guidance it can take 5-7 days for you to have enough HCG for a positive test.. but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I definitely feel really weird, and not like myself... :wacko:
10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy; Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive hom
e, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

13 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, but also no sign of AF.. getting a little discouraged. My breasts still throbbing, and feel bigger. CM milky/creamy and has a pretty consistent heavy flow, CP still high and squishy. Nausea off and on, but was worse at night took, trouble falling asleep but felt so exhausted during the day.

14 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, and no sign of AF. Breast pains till off and on.. CP high and squishy but doesn't feel "closed" so go figure idk if that means anything. Nausea still off and on... CM still creamy/milky and consistent throughout the day. Tried to drink Dr. Pepper my favorite drink ever and it tasted terrible, and I haven't had meat for almost 15 years and this morning ate a sausage and cheese kolache it was literally the most delicious thing I've ever had.. and usually the smell/thought of meat makes me want to vomit.


So idk... I think this is all in my head. I know AF hasn't come yet, but I haven't found too many other women who get their first BFP post 14 DPO. Maybe if implantation was later not the typical 8-9 dpo.. then it might explain why I haven't seen a BFP going off the guidance it can take 5-7 days for you to have enough HCG for a positive test.. but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I definitely feel really weird, and not like myself... :wacko:

I got my BFP on 16dpo with my pregnancy in December. Keep positive. It really isn't over till the witch comes.
Basically here it goes ...
I have been stalking this post for over a week ... Popping in and out and seeing who got their BFPs and BFNs and to all of you I want to say congratulations and if that's not in order then STICK ON IN THERE !! All you ladies gave me hope so here's my story an I hope it can keep some of you hanging in there like you kept me going !! :hugs:

I have very irregular periods - can come three months , four and my longest was eleven months with NADA ... Needless to say falling pregnant has been hard even out of the 3 years of unprotected sex ... Not to mention the hundreds of pounds I've spent on tests of all kinds 🙊

I joined this site to let you know my symptoms even for someone who has no idea if my boobs are hurting because I'm gonna maybe come on in the next six months or if my bra is too tight ... So here you go !!

Last period ended FEB 1st and i honestly thought I was coming on on the 6th of March ... But again NADA and then my symptoms were as follows ...

9th March - sore belly , cramps and tender boobs - no period yet -_- get on with it body !!

10 - 12 - nothing !!

13th March - took pregnancy test because I had gas (burping so much) negative - what was I expecting -_-

14th March - Nipples hurt but feel bruised not like I've seen a lot of people say like super sensitive but as if someone has pinched then and punched them for hours !! Then came the sore throat - like swallowing razor blades - negative test now thinking I'm coming down with a bug instead ...

15th March - nipples only sore when I woke up and throat still sore ... No more preg test so I peed on opk instead ... Negative ...

16th March - Sore throat gone still stuffy nose and boobs tenderness wearing off spotting after sex ... Could have been implantation ??

17th March - Nipples errect when I woke up an darker and sore sides of boobs really tender too hungry !!! Just want period to come !! Faint lines in opk ?! Wtf shooting pains in right nipple !!

18th March - Still have sore boobs ... Like they are bruised nipples still sore and sensative ... Bubbles in belly ish ??

19th March - Still sore boobs and they're bigger now too burping still and cervix is high medium firm and barely open ... Still very wet down there too x got a lot of wind - burping and farting ( sorry tmi )

20th March - Boobs still feel bruised and nipples still also feel bruised ... They are heavy and really warm to really out I breath walking to work :/ took clear blue pregnancy test at work and instant positive before the bottomed half of the cross had even come up - HAD BREAK DOWN IN LOCKER ROOM FROM SHOCK !!

21st March - took clear blue digital and it came up PREGNANT 3+ weeks ... I'm so happy that I'm pregnant but have no idea when it happened !! Haha

Don't give up ladies and if it wasn't for such an inspirational post like this and site where people can freely come and go - I can honestly say I would have given up months ago !!
Basically here it goes ...
I have been stalking this post for over a week ... Popping in and out and seeing who got their BFPs and BFNs and to all of you I want to say congratulations and if that's not in order then STICK ON IN THERE !! All you ladies gave me hope so here's my story an I hope it can keep some of you hanging in there like you kept me going !! :hugs:

I have very irregular periods - can come three months , four and my longest was eleven months with NADA ... Needless to say falling pregnant has been hard even out of the 3 years of unprotected sex ... Not to mention the hundreds of pounds I've spent on tests of all kinds 🙊

I joined this site to let you know my symptoms even for someone who has no idea if my boobs are hurting because I'm gonna maybe come on in the next six months or if my bra is too tight ... So here you go !!

Last period ended FEB 1st and i honestly thought I was coming on on the 6th of March ... But again NADA and then my symptoms were as follows ...

9th March - sore belly , cramps and tender boobs - no period yet -_- get on with it body !!

10 - 12 - nothing !!

13th March - took pregnancy test because I had gas (burping so much) negative - what was I expecting -_-

14th March - Nipples hurt but feel bruised not like I've seen a lot of people say like super sensitive but as if someone has pinched then and punched them for hours !! Then came the sore throat - like swallowing razor blades - negative test now thinking I'm coming down with a bug instead ...

15th March - nipples only sore when I woke up and throat still sore ... No more preg test so I peed on opk instead ... Negative ...

16th March - Sore throat gone still stuffy nose and boobs tenderness wearing off spotting after sex ... Could have been implantation ??

17th March - Nipples errect when I woke up an darker and sore sides of boobs really tender too hungry !!! Just want period to come !! Faint lines in opk ?! Wtf shooting pains in right nipple !!

18th March - Still have sore boobs ... Like they are bruised nipples still sore and sensative ... Bubbles in belly ish ??

19th March - Still sore boobs and they're bigger now too burping still and cervix is high medium firm and barely open ... Still very wet down there too x got a lot of wind - burping and farting ( sorry tmi )

20th March - Boobs still feel bruised and nipples still also feel bruised ... They are heavy and really warm to really out I breath walking to work :/ took clear blue pregnancy test at work and instant positive before the bottomed half of the cross had even come up - HAD BREAK DOWN IN LOCKER ROOM FROM SHOCK !!

21st March - took clear blue digital and it came up PREGNANT 3+ weeks ... I'm so happy that I'm pregnant but have no idea when it happened !! Haha

Don't give up ladies and if it wasn't for such an inspirational post like this and site where people can freely come and go - I can honestly say I would have given up months ago !!

Congratulations!!! :)
Okie dokie.... Back for another round of symptom tracking. This is technically cycle #6 for me but in my 3rd cycle we did conceive and I miscarried so I am calling this one cycle #5 for that reason. Since DH works in the next province over and is only home every 6 weeks, I will be out next month so we are really hoping this could be our month! It seems my pre-af symptoms have totally changed since the miscarriage though so I don't even know what to expect anymore. According to opk OV day was yesterday but the day before I had some seriously major stretchy ewcm (like a big glob came out when I went to the bathroom... Sorry for tmi). We dtd both days anyways so i'll go with yesterday being my ov day.

1 dpo - just some cramping
mina... any updates? testing???

stars sorry the witch got you :( on to next cycle with me!! fx for new years baby!!
Thanks amyamyamy.....I think we may try next month but im not going to do any OPK tracking....we are not gonna go all in we are just gonna distress and maybe nature will take its course....Im in my emotions right now but I know it will happen when the time is right....good luck to you on ur :bfp: next month...maybe we will both be able to turn our post green :winkwink:
Basically here it goes ...
I have been stalking this post for over a week ... Popping in and out and seeing who got their BFPs and BFNs and to all of you I want to say congratulations and if that's not in order then STICK ON IN THERE !! All you ladies gave me hope so here's my story an I hope it can keep some of you hanging in there like you kept me going !! :hugs:

I have very irregular periods - can come three months , four and my longest was eleven months with NADA ... Needless to say falling pregnant has been hard even out of the 3 years of unprotected sex ... Not to mention the hundreds of pounds I've spent on tests of all kinds 🙊

I joined this site to let you know my symptoms even for someone who has no idea if my boobs are hurting because I'm gonna maybe come on in the next six months or if my bra is too tight ... So here you go !!

Last period ended FEB 1st and i honestly thought I was coming on on the 6th of March ... But again NADA and then my symptoms were as follows ...

9th March - sore belly , cramps and tender boobs - no period yet -_- get on with it body !!

10 - 12 - nothing !!

13th March - took pregnancy test because I had gas (burping so much) negative - what was I expecting -_-

14th March - Nipples hurt but feel bruised not like I've seen a lot of people say like super sensitive but as if someone has pinched then and punched them for hours !! Then came the sore throat - like swallowing razor blades - negative test now thinking I'm coming down with a bug instead ...

15th March - nipples only sore when I woke up and throat still sore ... No more preg test so I peed on opk instead ... Negative ...

16th March - Sore throat gone still stuffy nose and boobs tenderness wearing off spotting after sex ... Could have been implantation ??

17th March - Nipples errect when I woke up an darker and sore sides of boobs really tender too hungry !!! Just want period to come !! Faint lines in opk ?! Wtf shooting pains in right nipple !!

18th March - Still have sore boobs ... Like they are bruised nipples still sore and sensative ... Bubbles in belly ish ??

19th March - Still sore boobs and they're bigger now too burping still and cervix is high medium firm and barely open ... Still very wet down there too x got a lot of wind - burping and farting ( sorry tmi )

20th March - Boobs still feel bruised and nipples still also feel bruised ... They are heavy and really warm to really out I breath walking to work :/ took clear blue pregnancy test at work and instant positive before the bottomed half of the cross had even come up - HAD BREAK DOWN IN LOCKER ROOM FROM SHOCK !!

21st March - took clear blue digital and it came up PREGNANT 3+ weeks ... I'm so happy that I'm pregnant but have no idea when it happened !! Haha

Don't give up ladies and if it wasn't for such an inspirational post like this and site where people can freely come and go - I can honestly say I would have given up months ago !!
congrats :happydance:
The :witch: got me yesterday evening and I took a HPT got a :bfn: at 13 hurt and confused because I thought I had great signs but I guess it was all in my head b/c I really want another baby....oh well such as life....may or may not try next month...until then :dust: to you all that are stiil waiting for your :bfp:

OH nooo! :( I'm so sorry. Maybe next month, or the next. It's hard because the PG symptoms are often usually similar to PMS... so it can be hard to tell them apart. Hormones do funny things to us.
Thank you MinaMae
Hello Everyone,

I am new here and thought I would make this my first post!! Excited to be apart of a supportive and fun community. As the title states this is the first month TTC #1!!! Ahhh!!! :happydance: This whole process has been exciting!!! So I didn't really do any hard core charting at all, pretty basic. I think I ovulated on the 8th or 9th, but I dont know for sure. I should be getting AF on Tuesday-ish.

Pretty soon after I ovulated my nipples were sensitive which is strange and that has continued thru the TWW.

about 4 DPO dizzy, sensitive nipples, headache, tiered
about 5 DPO bloated, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 6 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, bloated, tiered
about 7 DPO sensitive nipples, bloated, tiered
about 8 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, really emotional, quick sharp pain in my abdomen, tiered
about 9 DPO moody, stuffy nose, really emotional, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 10 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, caved and got a :bfn:
about 11 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, couldn't resist and got a :bfn:

Before AF I will usually have no symptoms or will have very sore breasts and be very moody. So the symptoms above aren't really all that interesting, but who knows right? Maybe possibly perhaps there is a chance? :af:

I have 5 HPT waiting for me to use them, but I want to resist! It's so hard tho. :test:

Good luck to all those at there TWW, I never thought two weeks would be such torture!


Update: 12 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, weird feelings in my tummy, tiered, breasts are getting tender (a usual sing of AF...ughhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo)

Not sure when I should test again....thinking this month is not the month.
stay positive RainingLove :thumbup:
Hello Everyone,

I am new here and thought I would make this my first post!! Excited to be apart of a supportive and fun community. As the title states this is the first month TTC #1!!! Ahhh!!! :happydance: This whole process has been exciting!!! So I didn't really do any hard core charting at all, pretty basic. I think I ovulated on the 8th or 9th, but I dont know for sure. I should be getting AF on Tuesday-ish.

Pretty soon after I ovulated my nipples were sensitive which is strange and that has continued thru the TWW.

about 4 DPO dizzy, sensitive nipples, headache, tiered
about 5 DPO bloated, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 6 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, bloated, tiered
about 7 DPO sensitive nipples, bloated, tiered
about 8 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, really emotional, quick sharp pain in my abdomen, tiered
about 9 DPO moody, stuffy nose, really emotional, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 10 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, caved and got a :bfn:
about 11 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, couldn't resist and got a :bfn:

Before AF I will usually have no symptoms or will have very sore breasts and be very moody. So the symptoms above aren't really all that interesting, but who knows right? Maybe possibly perhaps there is a chance? :af:

I have 5 HPT waiting for me to use them, but I want to resist! It's so hard tho. :test:

Good luck to all those at there TWW, I never thought two weeks would be such torture!


Update: 12 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, weird feelings in my tummy, tiered, breasts are getting tender (a usual sing of AF...ughhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo)

Not sure when I should test again....thinking this month is not the month.

Update: 13 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tender breasts, emotional, tested and it was a :bfn:

Pretty sure all my DPOs are off...I have about usually around a 28-32 day cycle. So the DPOS are estimates.

Also every day after ov I have have vivid dreams, I normally dont remember many of my dreams, so that was something cool.

Thank you for the support!!!! xoxoxox

Update: 14 DPO AF got me today. I'm out. :(
Hello Everyone,

I am new here and thought I would make this my first post!! Excited to be apart of a supportive and fun community. As the title states this is the first month TTC #1!!! Ahhh!!! :happydance: This whole process has been exciting!!! So I didn't really do any hard core charting at all, pretty basic. I think I ovulated on the 8th or 9th, but I dont know for sure. I should be getting AF on Tuesday-ish.

Pretty soon after I ovulated my nipples were sensitive which is strange and that has continued thru the TWW.

about 4 DPO dizzy, sensitive nipples, headache, tiered
about 5 DPO bloated, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 6 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, bloated, tiered
about 7 DPO sensitive nipples, bloated, tiered
about 8 DPO sensitive nipples, stuffy nose, really emotional, quick sharp pain in my abdomen, tiered
about 9 DPO moody, stuffy nose, really emotional, sensitive nipples, tiered
about 10 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, caved and got a :bfn:
about 11 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tiered, couldn't resist and got a :bfn:

Before AF I will usually have no symptoms or will have very sore breasts and be very moody. So the symptoms above aren't really all that interesting, but who knows right? Maybe possibly perhaps there is a chance? :af:

I have 5 HPT waiting for me to use them, but I want to resist! It's so hard tho. :test:

Good luck to all those at there TWW, I never thought two weeks would be such torture!


Update: 12 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, weird feelings in my tummy, tiered, breasts are getting tender (a usual sing of AF...ughhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo)

Not sure when I should test again....thinking this month is not the month.

Update: 13 DPO moody, sensitive nipples, tender breasts, emotional, tested and it was a :bfn:

Pretty sure all my DPOs are off...I have about usually around a 28-32 day cycle. So the DPOS are estimates.

Also every day after ov I have have vivid dreams, I normally dont remember many of my dreams, so that was something cool.

Thank you for the support!!!! xoxoxox

Update: 14 DPO AF got me today. I'm out. :(

I'm so sorry! That really stinks. :( best of luck on the next cycle <3
10DPO - Same old exhaustion and being very tired, mild cramping in the afternoon, still congested and stuffy (believing probably allergies), breasts are painful all throughout the day (it is really, really uncomfortable), nipples/areolas look darker and are getting bigger, diminished appetite, and CM looking milky/creamy

11 DPO - still tired and took a long nap, no cramping, still congested and stuffy, breasts incredibly painful and sore, some pain under my underarms and nipple throbbing, CP is high and very squishy (I think a good sign and not one for AF), and CM has increased and is milky and creamy; Tested 11DPO morning and negative

12 DPO - tested this morning and BFN, same breast pain as above and blue veins more prominent, some nausea at lunch and on the drive hom
e, headache (might just be from work, lol), CP still high and squishy, down there seems pretty swollen, CM increased even more so gross and is milky/creamy not clear, constipation

13 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, but also no sign of AF.. getting a little discouraged. My breasts still throbbing, and feel bigger. CM milky/creamy and has a pretty consistent heavy flow, CP still high and squishy. Nausea off and on, but was worse at night took, trouble falling asleep but felt so exhausted during the day.

14 DPO - Tested this morning again BFN, and no sign of AF. Breast pains till off and on.. CP high and squishy but doesn't feel "closed" so go figure idk if that means anything. Nausea still off and on... CM still creamy/milky and consistent throughout the day. Tried to drink Dr. Pepper my favorite drink ever and it tasted terrible, and I haven't had meat for almost 15 years and this morning ate a sausage and cheese kolache it was literally the most delicious thing I've ever had.. and usually the smell/thought of meat makes me want to vomit.

15 DPO - Tested again BFN... still no sign of AF. Breasts still hurt, I noticed I now have bright blue veins from my shoulders to my chest.. CP still high and squishy, CM still milky/white a lot of it, some nausea off and on but no vomiting, pelvic pain/soreness, lower backache, and exhaustion. enhanced sense of smell (popcorn at target made me want to die) and more sensitive to spicy flavors in salsa which I love. Also could not eat purple lettuce aftertaste was terrible.


Not sure what's up with this month.. but I'm going to remain optimistic. My boyfriend is convinced I am pregnant. He says I now have a 6th sense. I think he's full of it. I did do some reading and found out a very small percentage of women have problems getting + HPT's.. some not until late and even some not ever especially if they have had UTI's in the past and kidney infections. I have chronic kidney infections, so that could be a reason if I'm still experiencing all these symptoms and AF is nowhere to be found. I think I'll just have to get get a blood test if it keeps up. Last possibility, it's all in my head. :P Otherwise, patience isn't my thing and I'm realllly having to work on it. lol
Okie dokie.... Back for another round of symptom tracking. This is technically cycle #6 for me but in my 3rd cycle we did conceive and I miscarried so I am calling this one cycle #5 for that reason. Since DH works in the next province over and is only home every 6 weeks, I will be out next month so we are really hoping this could be our month! It seems my pre-af symptoms have totally changed since the miscarriage though so I don't even know what to expect anymore. According to opk OV day was yesterday but the day before I had some seriously major stretchy ewcm (like a big glob came out when I went to the bathroom... Sorry for tmi). We dtd both days anyways so i'll go with yesterday being my ov day.

1 dpo - just some cramping

2 dpo - a little bit of cramping in the morning and some hot flashes throughout the day, nausea (probably just too much ribs and jello cake, though)
Hey guys! Just some background info. My DH and I have been TTC for 2 cycles now, and I have become OBSESSED with symptom boards. This is my first post ever though!

I'm currently in my TWW in attempt #2. My cycles are also super long (37 days).

I should also note I've been having some constant weird cramping/pressure in my right side for the past couple months. I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see what the problem is. My doc thinks it's most likely fibroid pain. But nonetheless, it makes it difficult to feel for twinges, pulling and the like!

Anyway, here are my symptoms.

1 DPO: Nothing out of the ordinary!
2 DPO: Nipples hurt! I rarely get sore breasts or nipples so I noticed this immediately. Watery CM
3 DPO: Nipples still hurt, gassy
4 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
5 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
6 DPO: Sore nipples, weird cramps in lower tummy
7 DPO: Sore nipples, pain just below belly button that lasted a couple hours. Noticed creamy CM.
8 DPO: Nipples less sore, but sore boobs close to armpits. Woke up nauseous and with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Headache and tired! Lotion CM.

Going to wait until 10 DPO to do a HPT. Fx!

Update guys!
9 DPO: I did a FRER HPT this morning and saw a BFN. :( But it's still early! My boobs hurt so much last night, I had to sleep on my back. Also feeling a little crampy and I don't know. I feel off. I'm going to test again at 11 DPO.

Update #2!
Ahhh, I'm freaking out guys and I don't know what to do!!

10 DPO: Cracked again and used my second FRER HPT. BFN again. Got mad at myself for testing early. Had some cramping and pinching, but very similar to AF cramps.

11 DPO (today): Decided to test again because I just feel weird. Used an Exact generic brand test (not early detection) not expecting to see anything, but saw a SUPER RIDICULOUSLY faint line. Had to squint and hold it up to window light to see it. Now I'm questioning I saw anything. I kept the test and checked it a few hours later, and now there is a darker blue line, but I think that's an evap. Going to be strong and try another test tomorrow morning.

Any recommendations on which brand I should try???

Hey guys! Just some background info. My DH and I have been TTC for 2 cycles now, and I have become OBSESSED with symptom boards. This is my first post ever though!

I'm currently in my TWW in attempt #2. My cycles are also super long (37 days).

I should also note I've been having some constant weird cramping/pressure in my right side for the past couple months. I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see what the problem is. My doc thinks it's most likely fibroid pain. But nonetheless, it makes it difficult to feel for twinges, pulling and the like!

Anyway, here are my symptoms.

1 DPO: Nothing out of the ordinary!
2 DPO: Nipples hurt! I rarely get sore breasts or nipples so I noticed this immediately. Watery CM
3 DPO: Nipples still hurt, gassy
4 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
5 DPO: Sore nipples, gassy
6 DPO: Sore nipples, weird cramps in lower tummy
7 DPO: Sore nipples, pain just below belly button that lasted a couple hours. Noticed creamy CM.
8 DPO: Nipples less sore, but sore boobs close to armpits. Woke up nauseous and with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. Headache and tired! Lotion CM.

Going to wait until 10 DPO to do a HPT. Fx!

Update guys!
9 DPO: I did a FRER HPT this morning and saw a BFN. :( But it's still early! My boobs hurt so much last night, I had to sleep on my back. Also feeling a little crampy and I don't know. I feel off. I'm going to test again at 11 DPO.

Update #2!
Ahhh, I'm freaking out guys and I don't know what to do!!

10 DPO: Cracked again and used my second FRER HPT. BFN again. Got mad at myself for testing early. Had some cramping and pinching, but very similar to AF cramps.

11 DPO (today): Decided to test again because I just feel weird. Used an Exact generic brand test (not early detection) not expecting to see anything, but saw a SUPER RIDICULOUSLY faint line. Had to squint and hold it up to window light to see it. Now I'm questioning I saw anything. I kept the test and checked it a few hours later, and now there is a darker blue line, but I think that's an evap. Going to be strong and try another test tomorrow morning.

Any recommendations on which brand I should try???


I'd try a FRER or a pink dye test as I've heard quite a few ladies get false results with the blue dye preg tests. Good luck x
Kukonut - a line is a line, no matter how faint. Try again with a frer. It's a pink dye test, early/temporary congrats to you!

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