Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I'm just copying and pasting what I posted in another group but I will be back ttc soon enough :/

It looks like it's going to be ectopic. My tests only got darker once and have since stayed the same shade.
I had a beta hcg draw on Thursday 15 dpo, and it came back as 23..
That would explain why my tests aren't getting any darker.

I've had some cramping but nothing bad yet though I do have a lot of discomfort if I have make a bm.

I'm really upset about this. It took so long to finally conceive naturally and I have done everything I can, at this time, to make my body healthier only to have it blow up in my face and prove that my body still isn't ready for a baby.

I still have an appointment with a new doctor on Wednesday so I guess I will talk to them about what I can do to correct my issues with my body. I'm positive that I know more about what to do than they do but I will still ask just in case..

So sorry to hear that girl!:cry: It has been a long tough journey for the both of us.... I just miscarried a month ago and it doesn't get any easier each time :nope: Just hang in there, try to stay positive, we will get our rainbows eventually...:hugs:
  • 1dpo- nothing
  • 2dpo- Kidney Pain, cramps, tender breasts
  • 3dpo- Kidney pain, cramps, skin break out
  • 4dpo- AF like cramps, increased creamy CM, left ovary twinges/pain, skin break out, tender breasts, itchy down south
  • 5dpo- itchy down south, tender breasts, nausea
  • 6dpo- itchy down south, tender breasts, lightning crotch, Af like cramps
  • 7dpo- cramps, tender breasts, tired, skin break out
  • 8dpo- Af like cramps, left ovary twinges, lightning crotch, left uterus twinges, tender breasts, Nausea, skin break out
  • 9dpo- Nausea, Tender Breasts, AF like cramps
  • 10dpo- left ovary twinges, tender breasts
  • 11dpo- NOTHING
  • 12dpo- NOTHING
  • 13dpo- slight tender breasts, increased CM.
  • 14dpo- NOTHING
  • 15dpo- NOTHING
  • 16dpo- NOTHING
1dpo - 8dpo: nothing noted. Literally - Nadda! Resting heart rate gone from 62bpm to 65bpm
9dpo - slight sickly taste in my mouth and cramping (like AF cramps). Resting heart rate 66bpm
10dpo - really tired! And bloated! Still have sicky taste and cramps are getting worse. AF due in 4 days, so could be that.
11dpo - bloated, cramps and sicky again. Bad backache, but sleeping in a different bed as at my mum and dads. In the evening I had indigestion and couldn't eat tea - might have been the massive fish and chips I had at lunch but not normally a problem!

Can i ask - before you took hpt, did you know you would get a :bfp:? Did you have different symptoms than a normal AF?
UPDATE: I've been spotting instead of a period for 7 days now along with veiny sore breasts and back aches, cramping, etc... (More info on my 2WW DPO below). Decided I'd go to the doctor and it was awful!! Soooo frustrated. I never even mentioned wondering if I was pregnant but was more concerned with the backaches, spotting and breast soreness. Peed in a cup and it was negative (not surprised). The Nurse practitioner did the visit and checked my cervix and goes "oh it's red it's your period." You'll be fine. If it doesn't stop call us. Essentially said since it's not heavy it's nothing to worry about. I was so shocked I couldn't even ask questions. She said no need for a blood test but said if things don't get back to normal next cycle they'll put me on medicine to start my period. SERIOUSLY?! I felt so stupid and frustrated. Also asked if I'd had a partner switch?!?!?! (hinting at STDs). I was shocked. She had no answers and essentially said its your period. You'll be fine. She also said stay on your prenatals and keep being healthy?! What....I feel so confused. At this point I just wish I'd had a normal period. I guess I'll just keep waiting.

Hi all! I've been stalking this thread for the past few days and wasn't going to join but feeling discouraged. My husband and I weren't actively planning on TTC this month but got caught up in the moment the day before I ovulated. Whoops!! We would be so happy if we did conceive but just were planning it for a few more months. Anyways after we BDed I OVed the next day (sharp pain in left ovary and EWCM). The next day I just kind of knew/thought we'd conceived (I know that sounds stupid) but now I don't feel anything so I'm getting nervous. However I did wake up with a bad headache and had to take some aleve so maybe that's masking the pain I've felt every day?! Anyways here's what I've written down so far:

Day before OV: Sore breast- light
OV Day : EWCM, back pain, cramps and tender breasts

1dpo: Back pain, breasts getting more sore and cramps

2dpo: Back pain, cramps and very sore breasts (not usuall this sore until day or two before period)

3dpo: This is where it gets weird-- Ovaries feeling tugging stretching sensation (never felt that pain before.) Lower back pain and very sore breasts

4dpo: Cramping, pulling feeling again. Worse when I lay down. Lower back pain very sore breasts.

5dpo: Period like cramps and
stretching/pulling sensation on both sides. Pain near hips. So uncomfortable. Worse when I lay down. (Never get period cramps this early). Sore throat. Woke up at 6:30am. Lower back pain and really sore breasts with lots of dark veins. I'm fair but there are ALOT of veins in armpits and down my sides)

6dpo: Pressure and period like cramps and ovaries are sore. Sharp stretching pains throughout the day. Headache when I woke up. Sore throat and thick mucous. Woke up at 6am but went back to sleep. Lower back pain. Very sore boobs

7dpo: Cramps. Woke up at 5:45am. Lower Back pain but higher than my usual "period or ovulation back pain." Lots of mucous and drooling a lot at night. Boobs are huge. Sharp cramping under belly button and by hip bone. Can't find cervix be used its so high. Sore scratchy throat. Nauseous in the evening (but might be prenatal?). Breasts not as sore in the evening. Lower back SO SORE. Sharp Pain in hips vline and down front of left thigh. Very little CM creamy white when check cervix. Other than that like a desert in there...

8dpo: Woke up with sore throat. Woke up early but forced myself to go back to sleep until 6:45. Had a bad headache when I woke up so had to take aleve and now no symptoms. Maybe it's the aleve?! UPDATED in the evening sharp cramps came back. On and off. Also noticed breasts aren't as sore in the evening? Super emotional. Cried a lot over really dumb things. Had a bad cramp below my bellow button that felt like bubbles popping for like 15 seconds. Very weird and it hurt. Went to bed at 9:30pm. Took HPT in the evening and got BFN.

9dpo: Woke up with a sore throat and some drainage. Very tired in the AM. Wanted to go back to bed. On and off period like cramps. Upper thighs and hips are achy. Nauseous and exhausted. Lower back pain is so bad. Going to the chiropractor tonight and cannot wait to hopefully get some relief. Diarrhea in the evening. Took internet cheapie in the evening BFN.

10dpo: Woke up at 3am to pee (which I never do) and couldn't go back to sleep until 4:30 because of cramping and feeling uncomfortable. Still cramping and exhausted this morning. BFN this AM. Veins on breasts and stomach are spreading up my chest and getting darker. On and off stuffy nose and lots of mucous in throat?! Afternoon update: A lot of period cramps on and off and bloated. BFN in the evening.

11dpo: Up at 4:30 with cold symptoms (sore throat, stuffy nose and sneezing). Cramps and aching/pinching near both inner hipbones. Seriously miserable. Light Cramps on and off throughout the day. Bad back pain and headache. BFN in the morning.

12dpo: cramping near inner hip bones in the morning. Still have a cold (sore throat, stuffy/runny nose and sneezing). Been sleeping horribly so hubby gave me the bed and slept in the guest room. Slept amazingly but still woke up at 6:20 am. Sharp pain in left ovaries when I sneeze. Sore pelvis. BFN in the AM. Cystic acne on my chin which I never get. Usually get 1 big pimple pefore period. Period like cramps and very sore back. PM update feel like period might be starting. Bad cramps. Starting to think its all in my head �� Feeling crazy and discouraged. Period due in 2 days.

13dpo: Woke up with a headache. Breasts aren't as sore as they have been but still very full. Breasts usually at their sorest point before AF. Back is sore and still stuffy nose. Hubby has a cold as well so don't think it's a symptom. BFN in the AM on Internet cheapie. Cramps near both hipbones. Period due tomorrow according to charts. Have a feeling AF will show up in the next few days. Headache above right eye which usually means AF is coming. Feeling out.

14dpo: Clear watery CM started last night and still here. Back pain. AF due today. Big snot like clump of CM after a BM (sorry tmi). Tried to check cervix and vaginal walls are very swollen and puffy? Cervix is wet medium/high and soft. DB with hubby and had odd cramping but nothing like AF. If he went too deep it was uncomfortable?! It's been happening since last week. No weird discharge or pain so it's not an infection. No sign of AF.

15dpo: (1 day late) Woke up with a headache. Cramps on and off but different than normal AF cramps. Back pain and sharp pains near groin and inner hip bones. Not much CM. Cramping is sharp and similar to pain I felt a week ago. OKAY now my mouth tastes like I shoved a handful of pennies it in! I think I'm either pregnant or crazy. Now I have blemishes on both cheeks which is similar to when I was on a progesteron only BC. Normally get 1 blemish before AF and now I have like 10! Afraid to test. I'm going to keep waiting for a few more day and if AF doesn't show I'll test. Very vivid dream

16dpo: (2 days late) Woke up with a sore throat. Having pulling/sharp cramps all throughout pelvis. No AF. Back pain is bad. Decided to test on Saturday morning if AF isn't here by then. Hubby and I have a very busy week and I'd rather enjoy the moment with him if we are pregnant. Very vivid dream last night. On and off AF type cramping and dizziness. Brushing teeth this AM made me want to gag (not sure if this ones in my head?!) but I've been nauseous since. Strong AF cramps this afternoon. AF might be on her way. Just had a BM and had some brown blood mixed in with stretchy cm. I might be out �� Still have metal taste in my mouth. Will update if it is AF.

17dpo: Had brown creamy discharge this AM after a BM. It has a weird metally smell to it? So far just spotting.

AF is here. What an intense cycle.

UPDATE Still spotting brown. This is weird. Also I've had awful cramps for 2 days straight. Normally only have them on day 1 and then they're gone. I'll leave it red but will update if anything changes.

18dpo: Period is pretty light on day three. Still have mild/medium cramps which is odd and breasts are still sore and veiny. Bleeding is a mix of brown, pink and red. (TMI warning but someone might want to know this) Yesterday was sure period was here so I put a tampon in and after a few hours took it out and it was brown discharge. Very odd for me on day 2...I'll keep updating.

19dpo: Breasts are still really sore (specifically my nipples). Cramps are mild and on and off. This is nothing like my normal period. I'll test when the bleeding stops. So far this is day 4 of light/medium pink, brown, maroon and bright red spotting. (TMI but this might be interesting to some) My bleeding is pink and light when I go pee and wipe but when I have a BM its a little darker and more. Still way lighter than my normal period. A panty liner is all that is needed. Still have stretching/pulling feeling in inner hipbone/pelvis area. I'll keep updating and hopefully I'll figure out what's going on soon?!

20dpo: Went to bed last night at 8:45 with a major migraine (which I haven't had in over a year and a half). Really horrible. Woke up with spotting and very minor period like cramps. Back is still sore and breasts are still really sore. Took an Internet cheapie test and got a BFN. This whole thing is so weird!! I would think this was my period but why are my breasts still so sore?! Along with mild cramps, very hungry and backache?! I shouldn't have tested today but hubby leaves tomorrow for a business trip and was hoping for an answer to what is going on. Anyways, I'll just test again when the bleeding has stopped and if my breasts are still sore. PM UPDATE: had a major dizzy spell out shopping today. Had to sit down. Getting nervous something might be wrong? Still spotting. Not really AF type cramps but more of a mild ache in my pelvis and pubic area. So confused...

21dpo: Spotting is less. Mainly light pink. Breasts still sore (mainly my nipples) and low back still aches kind of goes down into my butt now. Had some strong pulling and aching sensations in pelvis last night. Had some diarrhea this morning (TMI sorry). Have no idea what's going on with my body. Will keep updating until I get a final result.

Made a doctors appointment in 2 days. I'll keep updating and hopefully I finally get an answer then?!

22 dpo: Spotting has pretty much stopped. Breasts (specifically nipples) are still sore and swollen. Breasts still really veiny. So if this had been my period breast pain and veins should have gone away by day 3 of my "period." Lower back has a lot of pressure. My acid reflux tight chest feeling is bad this AM. Had diarrhea this morning as well. Ugh! Ready to get to the doctor and hopefully get an answer this week. I see my OBGYN tomorrow afternoon.

23 dpo: Sore veiny breasts, acid reflux, bloated, and back pain. Everything is the same. Took a FRER this AM and got a BFN. Ugh!! Going to the doctor today and hopefully I can get this figured out.

May I join your group? I'm currently 10 dpi and having a lot of weird feelings. Things that aren't normal for my cycle. I've had a couple :bfn: but think I'm testing too soon. Just trying to find a reason for my "symptoms"
ella I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It's hard, especially when the outcome isn't what you're hoping, and praying for.
1-5dpo nothing too significant. Light cramping and nausea along with a headache periodically
. 6dpo more intense cramping in late afternoon/evening.
7dpo fullness in abdomen and bubbling primarily left sided all morning.

Hoping these are good signs
Real quick background on me. I fell in love with my husband about 20 years ago while we were in high school. Found out later he felt the same, but both of us were too shy to say anything for fear the other didn't feel the same, and ruining a great friendship. After high school we went on to marry other people. He had a beautiful daughter with his 1st wife, I had 3 beautiful kids with my 1st husband, and we have a daughter together who is 5 and a half. The kids range in age from my son who is 15 years old, to 5.5 years old. My husband is the last male in his family, and wants a son. After talking about it we decided we'd try for one more in hopes he gets his boy!

This will be it regardless of a boy or girl because he'll be 38 a week from tomorrow, and I'll be 38 in late October. I've never actively tried to become pregnant. My 3 from my first marriage are spaced out in age. My son is 15, 16 on Halloween, my oldest daughter turns 12 mid August, middle daughter turned 7 at the beginning of this month, our daughter together will be 6 in late November. Due to actively trying to get pregnant due to our (mainly my) age we bought the Clear Blue digital ovulation kit. I learned something about my cycle though! I've always been curious as to why with my kids a test would come up positive a week and a half to 2 weeks before AF was due. Turns out unlike the average of ovulating about a week after AF ends, I ovulate 2-3 days after. I talked to my doctor about it. Yes it's not normal to release an egg that soon, but it's not entirely uncommon.

I'm approximately 11-12 DPO today. Husband, and I DTD 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, and 21st. According to the Clear Blue digital ovulation test my fertile window was the 14th to the 17th. The 16th or 17th being the day I should've ovulated. I can't be sure of exact DPO for everything, but I know approximately.

6-7 DPO I started feeling mild AF type cramps in my lower abdomen.

Aprox. 7-8 DPO I spotted for a day to a day and a half. Never had blood in underwear, or anywhere else. Just when I wiped.

From appro. 8-9 DPO until now just mild low abdominal cramps/pressure.

Right before, up until I had the spotting I had bad, and I mean BAD heartburn! For the first time in my life milk barely soothed it. About the last 3 mornings I've woken up in the morning with absolutely horrid headaches that subsided after I had a cup of coffee. I've had mild nausea as well. The only time I feel sick is when I'm actually eating or drinking something.

Like I said in my 1st post I know I probably tested too soon, but my doctor explained how my irregular cycle worked. The only abnormal part is when I actually release an egg which gives me a longer luteal period. My LP is about 21/22 days. I know my "symptoms could be something else, but AF isn't due until Aug. 7th. I do get cramping before AF, but it's usually just a few days before, and the only time I've felt like this this far before hand was when I was pg. my husbands birthday is August 5th, and what better birthday present could I give him then telling him I pg with his possible son?
Been following this thread for a while, but these last couple of days ive noticed I'm getting totally different symptoms to all previous cycles so I thought I'd join in with the hope that this is it!

1dpo: bloated + mild cramps
2dpo: bloated + mild cramps
3dpo: bloated + white sticky cm
4dpo: cramps + 'niggles' + white sticky cm
5dpo: cramps + extremely tired + headache + backache + white sticky cm
6dpo: possibly had a bug? Feverish sweats, stomach cramps, extremely tired (slept on and off all day), bad nausea but no actual sickness, zero appetite, white sticky cm
7dpo: very mild stomach cramps, few mild waves of nausea, few low 'niggles', not much appetite at all, slight metallic taste in mouth, white sticky cm has increased! Literally couldn't believe how much there was earlier I've never had that much before! :shock:
8dpo: Waves of pinching/niggling sensations.
- White, sticky cm. Not as much as yesterday but still a lot.
- Still have this slightly metal taste, my mouth feels really sensitive and strange. For lunch I had some of my favorite ever crisps but they barely tasted of anything? Was very annoying lol.
- Appetite definitely back
- Slightly nauseous this afternoon but that might be because I've eaten more than I have the last few days!
- Hot sweats - it has been a warm day but man I have been sweating like crazy! Ew! :haha: Definitely more than I should have been lol.
9dpo: Bit of nausea when I woke up this morning and again this evening.
- Few niggly/pinching sensations this afternoon.
- White, sticky cm.
- Bloated.
- Zero sex drive.
- My boobs are NOT hurting and I have NO cramps. Usually a few days before AF arrives my boobs are agony and I get bad cramps (a sure sign that it's on its way) but nothing so far :shrug:
10dpo: BFN :(
- White, sticky cm.
- Slightly nauseous this morning.
- STILL no sore boobs or cramps...
11dpo: BFN :(
- White, sticky cm
- Still no sore boobs or cramps... until late 11pm mild cramps on my right side.
12dpo: BFN :(
- Mild cramps, more on the right side. Feels like AF is coming.
- Headache. But I haven't drank a lot at all today.
- Very tired.
- TMI.. Just had a sudden feeling of wetness, so much so it felt like AF had arrived. But it was a big gloop of stretchy ewcm?! :wacko:
13dpo: AF due anytime from today!
BFN :(
- Ewcm :wacko:
- No cramps, no sore boobs.

AF showed late evening :cry::cry:
Green, Babynewbie, and stategirl all of our symptoms sound promising! I've been reading a lot, and a LOT since hubby and I decided to give it another try.

Green - All your BFN's may mean nothing! I've read that everyone produces the HCG hormone at a different rate. Don't get too discouraged yet.
Ive noticed today that the cramps/pressure is like a throbbing. Goes from barely noticeable to ok ok I know you're there! It's not bad enough to stop me from doing things. Yesterday, and today I've been so tired (fatigued) then normal. I'm ALWAYS tired with an almost 6yro and 7yro. However this isn't normal. I wake up in the mornings, but can't keep my eyes open! We are usually up by 8, and by 1ish I'm back to the point of fighting to keep my eyes n. I put a movie on for my 2 youngest in my room, have them lay on my bed next to me and I take a nap while they watch the movie. Now feeling so drained could be the heat, but I doubt it since I stay inside as much as possible during the day. Today my 15 year old son woke me up just after 8a, I went to bed around 10 last night, he told me his sisters were still asleep so I told him not to wake them, and I payed back down.

I've also noticed one of my dogs acting strange. I have 2 dogs. Cherokee will be 11 in November. She's been around for 2 of my pregnancies. Spike on the other hand will be 3 October 31st so we got him a few years after Stephanie our baby was born. Spike is the one acting strangely. He's been real clingy the last 4 days to a week. What I mean by clinging is he follows me around, he jumps in bed and snuggles up to me, he sniffs my tummy, and my lady parts! He's actually out of the blue been obsessed with my lady parts! Spike being like this with me isn't normal for him. He's always been a daddy's boy, but not as of late. I brought it up to my husband today after doing some research on dogs, and human pregnancy. From what I've read dogs can sense things before we even know! Have any of you ladies had experience with animals who changed behavioral patters right before you found out you were pg?
Autumn- your symptoms seem quite positive. I've no experince with the animals thing but I have heard the same information. As for the cramps and fatigue, I totally get where yo are coming from! I got my :bfp: at 11dpo and have been shattered for over a week, wondering why, and cramps that were quite heavy. I'm still having heavy cramps on and off throughout the day now.

How many dpo are you? When are you planning to test?
Autumn- your symptoms seem quite positive. I've no experince with the animals thing but I have heard the same information. As for the cramps and fatigue, I totally get where yo are coming from! I got my :bfp: at 11dpo and have been shattered for over a week, wondering why, and cramps that were quite heavy. I'm still having heavy cramps on and off throughout the day now.

How many dpo are you? When are you planning to test?

Im 12 or 13dpo depending on if I ovulated the 16th, or 17th. I tested on Tuesday the 26th at 9/10dpo. I tested that morning after seeing some got there BFP around that far DPO. We went to see In This Moment, Korn, and Rob Zombie that night so I wanted to know. I got mixed that morning of either a vvvv faint pos with a CB test, or negative with the First Response Early result. The CB is blue dye, and there was clearly a faint line making the +, but no 2nd line at all on the pink dye FRER. Without a definable yay, or nay I made sure to be extra cautious that night. Stayed out of the crowd.

I ovulate earlier than what's considered normal.
Ceri, I probably won't test again until Monday. AF is due Sunday August 7th, but this LP makes waiting excruciating! My LP is 21/22 days due to me O'ing earlier then what's "normal".

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