Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Cd 20/ O day - temps made a significant drop to 96.42°F.
Positive OPK but it was damn close the day before so this could be the remnants of the surge.
Ovulation twinges and cramps, irritable. Cervix H-S-O. Cm is ew.
Had dtd yesterday.

Cd 21/1 dpo - Opk's still dark but going negative for sure.
Temps spiked up to 97.43°F so ovulation had definitely occurred! Hot flashes.
Still twingy and crampy.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm ew.
Dtd :)

Cd 22/ 2 dpo - temps are even higher today 97.83°F.
Still crampy.
Hot flashes like crazy!
Boobs have had very tiny twinges at random times.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm creamy.

Cd 23/ 3 dpo - temps were 97.90°F.
Cramping a lot more now and still having hot flashes just not as bad.
Was pretty restless when sleeping but that's probably because my youngest Cat kept bugging me since he's getting use to the twice daily feedings vs free feed.
Too lazy to check cp and cm..

Cd 24/ 4 dpo - temps were 98.05°F.
Still cramping.
Hot flashes.
Restless, no kitty in the room this time AND I took melatonin.
Still haven't checked cp or cm. Might do it for tomorrow...

Cd 25/ 5 dpo - Temps were 98.17°F so still going up!
Cramping is very mild now.
Still irritable.
Still have hot flashes.
Still restless.
I did check my cp and it was h-s-m and cm was creamy.
Started progesterone just to be safe sonce I have a history of low progesterone issues.
I can't wait for this 2ww to be over!

Cd 26/ 6 dpo - temps 98.34°F. Wewt!
No cramps.
Still irritable.
Lost 5 lbs! :D
Still restless.
Hot flashes.
Otherwise no symptoms :/

Cd 27/ 7 dpo - temps 98.25°F.. going down :<
Mild cramps.
Very irritable.
Hot flashes.

Cd 28/ 8 dpo - temps 98.09°F :'(
Could this be a sign that af is imminent???
Went from irritable to bitch status.
Mild cramps.
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea while eating dinner.
Exhausted, probably from lack of sleep.

Cd 29/ 9 dpo - temps 97.33°F :'(
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea.
Boobs feel heavier.

Cd 30/ 10 dpo - Temps 97.47°F..
Feeling off.
Hot flashes.
Heavy boobs.

CD 31/ 11 dpo - Temps 97.69°F.
Head ache.
Hot flashes.
Sensitive to smells.
Twinges in boobs.
Two very very faint bfp's, I hope!
Hubby seen them as well :)
Please keep your fx for me!

Cd 32/ 12 dpo - Temps (won't take until tonight when I wake up for work.)

:bfp: on FRER, WANDFO and Walmart $.88 tests!

FINALLY over a year sinCe my last miscarriage I conceive with pcos and self all natural treatments!
I was once anovulatory and now I'm seeing pink <3

Please pray that this baby sticks and grows! :3
BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! CYCLE 1002457767........ First cycle Temping :happydance:

O'd on CD16

1DPO - CD17- temp is 97.72, EWCM, still loads of cramps mainly right side

2DPO- CD18 - temp is 97.79, EWCM but going away, still slight cramps

3DPO- CD19 - temp is 97.77, Sticky CM, stretching cramps on abdomen, and diarrhea

Cd 20/ O day - temps made a significant drop to 96.42°F.
Positive OPK but it was damn close the day before so this could be the remnants of the surge.
Ovulation twinges and cramps, irritable. Cervix H-S-O. Cm is ew.
Had dtd yesterday.

Cd 21/1 dpo - Opk's still dark but going negative for sure.
Temps spiked up to 97.43°F so ovulation had definitely occurred! Hot flashes.
Still twingy and crampy.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm ew.
Dtd :)

Cd 22/ 2 dpo - temps are even higher today 97.83°F.
Still crampy.
Hot flashes like crazy!
Boobs have had very tiny twinges at random times.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm creamy.

Cd 23/ 3 dpo - temps were 97.90°F.
Cramping a lot more now and still having hot flashes just not as bad.
Was pretty restless when sleeping but that's probably because my youngest Cat kept bugging me since he's getting use to the twice daily feedings vs free feed.
Too lazy to check cp and cm..

Cd 24/ 4 dpo - temps were 98.05°F.
Still cramping.
Hot flashes.
Restless, no kitty in the room this time AND I took melatonin.
Still haven't checked cp or cm. Might do it for tomorrow...

Cd 25/ 5 dpo - Temps were 98.17°F so still going up!
Cramping is very mild now.
Still irritable.
Still have hot flashes.
Still restless.
I did check my cp and it was h-s-m and cm was creamy.
Started progesterone just to be safe sonce I have a history of low progesterone issues.
I can't wait for this 2ww to be over!

Cd 26/ 6 dpo - temps 98.34°F. Wewt!
No cramps.
Still irritable.
Lost 5 lbs! :D
Still restless.
Hot flashes.
Otherwise no symptoms :/

Cd 27/ 7 dpo - temps 98.25°F.. going down :<
Mild cramps.
Very irritable.
Hot flashes.

Cd 28/ 8 dpo - temps 98.09°F :'(
Could this be a sign that af is imminent???
Went from irritable to bitch status.
Mild cramps.
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea while eating dinner.
Exhausted, probably from lack of sleep.

Cd 29/ 9 dpo - temps 97.33°F :'(
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea.
Boobs feel heavier.

Cd 30/ 10 dpo - Temps 97.47°F..
Feeling off.
Hot flashes.
Heavy boobs.

CD 31/ 11 dpo - Temps 97.69°F.
Head ache.
Hot flashes.
Sensitive to smells.
Twinges in boobs.
Two very very faint bfp's, I hope!
Hubby seen them as well :)
Please keep your fx for me!

Cd 32/ 12 dpo - Temps (won't take until tonight when I wake up for work.)

:bfp: on FRER, WANDFO and Walmart $.88 tests!

FINALLY over a year sinCe my last miscarriage I conceive with pcos and self all natural treatments!
I was once anovulatory and now I'm seeing pink <3

Please pray that this baby sticks and grows! :3

Congratulations!!!!! So happy for you!
BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! CYCLE 1002457767........ First cycle Temping :happydance:

O'd on CD16

1DPO - CD17- temp is 97.72, EWCM, still loads of cramps mainly right side

2DPO- CD18 - temp is 97.79, EWCM but going away, still slight cramps

3DPO- CD19 - temp is 97.77, Sticky CM, stretching cramps on abdomen, and diarrhea

4DPO - CD20- temp is 97.86, Sticky Creamy Cm, slight right cramps nothing else.
Cramping all over
Dry mouth
Pinkish brown when wipe

cramping continued
Dry mouth
Couple moments of lightheadedness

Same as above
BB pain but not to the touch
Hot flashes

Same as above

Dry mouth all morning till about noon
Pain in BB still not when I touch them
(tmi) vomitted once weird
Dry mouth returned
very light cramps

Head ache
Dry mouth
Right BB sensitive
Dizzy spells
Fatigued and Irritated

Finally slept through the night kinda, but now super fatigued
Dry mouth
Hot Flashes
Huge nap. So Happy
Trouble sleeping at night
Tender on the right side of right BB
Blood test by doctor :bfn:
Feel like I may be out


Same as above
Keep thinking AF is coming early but so far nada

Tested this morning with FMU thought I saw a squinter, but wasn't a hundred percent sure so I call it a :bfn:. Not testing again until day after AF is due if the :witch: doesn't show up.

Been thinking AF was coming went pee and was some pink of tissue, but nothing ever since
Dry mouth
Hot flashes

mild backaches


:bfn: fmu waiting for the :witch:

Congrats BAB!!! I am over the moon for you :happydance: Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!! :baby:
BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! CYCLE 1002457767........ First cycle Temping :happydance:

O'd on CD16

1DPO - CD17- temp is 97.72, EWCM, still loads of cramps mainly right side

2DPO- CD18 - temp is 97.79, EWCM but going away, still slight cramps

3DPO- CD19 - temp is 97.77, Sticky CM, stretching cramps on abdomen, and diarrhea

4DPO - CD20- temp is 97.86, Sticky Creamy Cm, slight right cramps nothing else.

5DPO - CD21 - temp is 98.03, Watery Cm, more right cramps, metallic taste in mouth, tired and slightly nauseated.

6DPO - CD22 - temp is 98.03 again, Watery cm, pressure in vagina area and pressure cramps on right side.
I'm just copying and pasting what I posted in another group but I will be back ttc soon enough :/

It looks like it's going to be ectopic. My tests only got darker once and have since stayed the same shade.
I had a beta hcg draw on Thursday 15 dpo, and it came back as 23..
That would explain why my tests aren't getting any darker.

I've had some cramping but nothing bad yet though I do have a lot of discomfort if I have make a bm.

I'm really upset about this. It took so long to finally conceive naturally and I have done everything I can, at this time, to make my body healthier only to have it blow up in my face and prove that my body still isn't ready for a baby.

I still have an appointment with a new doctor on Wednesday so I guess I will talk to them about what I can do to correct my issues with my body. I'm positive that I know more about what to do than they do but I will still ask just in case..
wow ... i got to page 20 and was like there is no way i can read every single one lol.
this thread is ace!! im not going to list my symptoms becos i simply cant remember them all but this thread as given me hope ... im 13dpo ish bfn on internet cheapies and frer. so i do think im out but its great to read that people was in my shoes and got their bfp. gl to all xx
I'm such a sucker for this thread during the tww. I just pick up where I left off with each cycle. Sadly I'm nearly caught up. :lol:
Commenting so I can come back to read more.

I believe I'm 1dpo. 2nd cycle ttc after coming off bcp.
Hi ladies :wave: I've been following this thread for over a month and now subscribing!

1dpo - 8dpo: nothing noted. Literally - Nadda! Resting heart rate gone from 62bpm to 65bpm
9dpo - slight sickly taste in my mouth and cramping (like AF cramps). Resting heart rate 66bpm
10dpo - really tired! And bloated! Still have sicky taste and cramps are getting worse. AF due in 4 days, so could be that.
Hi ladies :wave: I've been following this thread for over a month and now subscribing!

1dpo - 8dpo: nothing noted. Literally - Nadda! Resting heart rate gone from 62bpm to 65bpm
9dpo - slight sickly taste in my mouth and cramping (like AF cramps). Resting heart rate 66bpm
10dpo - really tired! And bloated! Still have sicky taste and cramps are getting worse. AF due in 4 days, so could be that.

When are you testing CeriB
I'll test Friday if no AF. I tested far too early last month and the :bfn: were not doing good things to me! I was horrible for about a week! &#128563;
I'll test Friday if no AF. I tested far too early last month and the :bfn: were not doing good things to me! I was horrible for about a week! &#128563;

I'm testing friday or saturday to. fx and :dust: to you
1-4 DPO creamy cm
5 DPO - light, but focused cramping very low near pubis bone, probably uterus.
6 DPO - creamy cm
7 DPO - creamy cm, bad wave of nausea in the PM
8 DPO - creamy cm, heartburn, gassy, a cough due to a tickly throat for no reason. BFN on wondfo and FRER
9 DPO - creamy cm, heartburn, nausea, shaky, and sneezing. Feels like I'm coming down with something. Peeing every 2 hours. Broke down due to work stress, not sure if PMS/pregnancy related, or I'm just really stressed out. BFN
10 DPO - no cm, thirsty, a little lightheaded, coffee gave me bad shakes (just one cup too!), lunch turned my stomach even though I was hungry. BFN on wondfo pm urine
11 DPO - BFN wondfo w FMU, no cm, AF type cramps started, achy, teeny bit of nausea, teeny bit of heartburn, lightheaded at points, coffee gave me the shakes again, thirsty. And one really weird thing I can only describe as having ants in my pants! I kept feeling like I was getting bitten on my stomach and thighs, like the sharp bite and itch, it made me jump a few times! I've seen one hive, but I can't really strip at work to check. It's making me feel crazy! Another negative at night.
Me right now:
Felt hugely bloated almost the whole time.
12 DPO - finally don't feel like a bloated blimp! My red bull smells like coconut, that's never happened. Still super dry. CP is high, soft, and closed; it was firm yesterday. Backache for a while in the afternoon, also never happened. Strangely happy when I got home. BFN on FRER w/concentrated PM urine. Veins on my boobs seemed just a little more obvious.
13 DPO - a little dizzy in the morning, and tired. Feeling very out after last night's FRER. Throbbing headache came on around lunch.
CD1/14 DPO - Light flow
CD2 - only spotting
CD3 - regular flow
BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! CYCLE 1002457767........ First cycle Temping :happydance:

O'd on CD16

1DPO - CD17- temp is 97.72, EWCM, still loads of cramps mainly right side

2DPO- CD18 - temp is 97.79, EWCM but going away, still slight cramps

3DPO- CD19 - temp is 97.77, Sticky CM, stretching cramps on abdomen, and diarrhea

4DPO - CD20- temp is 97.86, Sticky Creamy Cm, slight right cramps nothing else.

5DPO - CD21 - temp is 98.03, Watery Cm, more right cramps, metallic taste in mouth, tired and slightly nauseated.

6DPO - CD22 - temp is 98.03 again, Watery cm, pressure in vagina area and pressure cramps on right side.

7DPO - CD23 - temp is 98.03 again, sticky cm, cramps, peeing alot, slight nausea and a little sore breasts.

8DPO - CD24 - temp is 97.98, sticky cm, cramps, drinking alot, a lil tender breasts.

9DPO - CD25 - temp is 97.92, sticky cm ALOT, bloated, cramps, fatigue, peeing alot. NIGHT SWEATS to where i have to change my clothes, i thought i peed the bed.

10DPO - CD26 - temp is 97.99, sticky cm. took a walmart cheapie BFN.
I'll test Friday if no AF. I tested far too early last month and the :bfn: were not doing good things to me! I was horrible for about a week! &#128563;

I'm testing friday or saturday to. fx and :dust: to you

Thank Hun - good luck to you too! Hopefully we'll get into first tri together soon!!

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