Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

ohhh no, i have learned not to do that before 14dpo...i was a poas addict i had to stop and just was getting out of hand testing at 5dpo lol
0-5 DPO - creamy CM
6-7 DPO - constipation; surprisingly clear skin; creamy CM
8 DPO - constipation; surprisingly clear skin; creamy CM; frequent urination
9 DPO - constipation; surprisingly clear skin; prolonged dizziness/light headed while sitting; a little EWCM (which I almost never get)[6/28]
10 DPO - creamy CM. Light, short cramping
11 DPO - creamy CM. Ovulation-like pains on both sides. Twingy and throbby. I'm going to test tonight with a FRER.

Lots of fatigue, but I think that's because I gave up coffee this week due to dental work.
The only reason im doing this again this cycle is because someone poked me and, i have been not really trying for about 2 months now, no tracking no nothing, still no baby. soooo here it is

BD :sex: -6/12, 6/13, 6/15, 6/18

Ovulated on 6/15/2016

1-5dpo -nothing

6dpo-crampy and nauseated

7dpo-very nauseated

8dpo- stuffy nose where i think i am coming down with a cold, nauseated and slight cramps, breast were pinchy under arms.

9dpo- no stuffy nose it just went away yesterday :shrug: , nausaeated and pinch/pull cramps middle section of stomach, and sleepy :coffee: cried

10DPO - BLEEDING after sex :sex: , enough to get on sheets and when i wiped and on him, then it just went nausea, cramping, cried

11dpo- no bleeding at all after sex :sex: this time WTF?????......:wacko::wacko::wacko: feeling nauseated and grossed out by food, lower abodmen sore to touch, nipples are sensitive, cried again, cried

12dpo - only slightly nauseated, im guessing ill be out soon again...., :sex: and no bleeding so idk what that was. feeling alittle nauseated. cried

13dpo- breasts slightly tender, nauseated, got a quick headache that left quick too. cried

14dpo- as of yet, no af, still nauseated, upset stomach a touch. breasts are a little tender. nothing else yet. cried

15-dpo CD1
Cycle #2, used fertilitea (delayed my O, not using it ever again), Pineapple core for 5 days after O, Brazil nuts a few days before and through 5 days after O, and Preseed. Please note that I have awful BM, I go back and forth from being constipated to having loose stools, so many times my cramps are BM related.

Had a dream about brightly colored fish, it wouldn't leave my mind so I looked it up in a dream dictionary and it said that "A fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant". Tender Nipples. Cramps. Bloated. Irritability.

Uterine Twinges. Vivid Dreams. Cramps. Fatigue. Irritability.

Emotional. Cramps. Fatigue. Increased Appetite.

Uterine twinges, weird twitchy feeling that would stop me in my tracks. Cramps. Constipation.

Uterine Twinges (not as intense as yesterday). Cramps. Bloated. Gassy. Skin Breakout. Heartburn.

Cramps. Tender Breasts. Backache. Skin Breakout. Nausea. Dizziness. Frequent Urination.

Cramps. Tender Breasts. Skin Breakout.

Cramps. Fatigue. Tender Breasts. Gassy. Irritability. Loose Stool. Frequent Urination. Bottomless stomach omg I want to eat everything.

Brown spotting. Uterine Twinges. Vivid Dreams. Tender Nipples. Cramps. Headache. Very Stiff Neck. Fatigue. Tender Breasts. Irritability. Constipation. Backache.

BFN. Stiff neck better than yesterday, but still stiff. Emotional. Headache. Bloated. Fatigue. Tender Breasts. Irritability. Increased Sex Drive. Backache.

BFN with FMU and SMU. Emotional. Bloated. Tender Breasts, feel like they were used for punching bags, they feel bruised. Loose Stools. Dizziness. Backache. Heartburn, I can not stop burping up acid. Decreased Appetite.

AF due today. Spotting in undies around 9am, but nothing else afterwards. Metallic taste in mouth. Backache (could be from sitting in a car for 6 hours on a road trip). Constipation. Fatigue (Could be from waking up at 2am for said road trip). Frequent Urination (Once an hour although not drinking much fluid). Gassy. Headache. Heartburn (still burping up acid nonstop). Emotional (reading stories on BnB and crying. Heard lyrics that hit my heart, started crying). Irritability (sorry DH). Nausea (could be from all the acid burping). Skin breaking out. Tender Breasts, although not as bad as they have been.

AF officially late. Spotting once in morning. Cramps. Backache (again with the driving for the road trip). Irritability. Skin breaking out. AF started at sunset.

On to cycle 3.....
Haven't been on this site in a while but here goes nothing:

Last AF was 5/30-6/3. My cycles are anywhere from 30-36 days.

I DTD on 6/4, 6/5, 6/9, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/19, 6/25 and 6/27. The site puts my next AF as being due 7/2 or 7/3 but so far a no show.

EWCM- June 14

O DAY- June 18

1 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

2 DPO- Nothing

3 DPO- White creamy CM

4 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

5 DPO- Nothing noted

6 DPO- Nothing noted

7 DPO- Side of boobs were achy. DTD

8 DPO- Nothing noted


10 DPO- White creamy CM

11- DPO- Nothing noted

12 DPO- Nothing noted

13 DPO- Feeling nauseous and sore breasts

14 DPO- Feeling nauseous, sore breasts and slight cramping ; DTD

15 DPO- Painfully bloated late in the evening; DTD

16 DPO- AF was due yesterday no show so far; breasts still achy/tender, slight cramping, white creamy CM
I really haven't been keeping track of everything but I thought this was an awesome thread so I wanted to give it a go:)
My last period started on 6/13 and I got a positive OPK on 06/25 so BF and I BD the next morning (6/26...he works a crazy schedule so it's hard to actually catch when I O)

1dpo - a tiny bit of creamy lotion like CM then it dried up completely by the evening
2dpo - nothing except really dry, no cm at ALL
3dpo - minor cramping, feeling overheated. First morning temp 98.1 (which is high considering my normal temp during the day is 97.9 usually)
4dpo - still feeling overheated, morning temp still 98.1
5dpo - STARVING, frequently having to urinate, feeling faint (actually fell asleep at 8:30 that night in the same clothes I had been wearing all day and didn't wake up until 8:00am the next morning.
6dpo - minor cramping low in my abdomen, sore/sensitive nipples
Hubby and I are 'waiting to try' but accidentally went into 'not trying not preventing' territory this month. And it was around my O dates (I get very clear O symptoms every month) So even though I wasn't charting, I have a pretty good idea of where I am in my cycle.

4 DPO ovary pinching on and off
5 DPO fluttering really low. followed by right ovary pinching. Extreme PMS-like irritability.
6 DPO morning: toothache so bad I thought my head was gonna explode went away quickly. Very hungry first thing in the morning. Extreme PMS-like irritability all day. Twinges at night. Fell asleep in seconds even though I was home all day!
7 DPO Breast pain/slight tingle towards the nipple, like a reaction or dryness would feel only they are not dry. Ate a pizza, and my tummy gave me hell all day. Eveving: Sore throat, thought I wad getting sick. Fell asleep really quickly, usually I have trouble sleeping. Had strage BFP dream.
8 DPO sore throat is gone so not sick which is strange. No breast tingling, no twinges. So far nothing. Got terribly nauseous on the bus back from work. Could smell bad perfumes, and hand sanitizer! I sometimes get nauseous on rides if I don't eat, but this was mid-day and I had a meal so might be a symptom or just a coincidence or the pizza from yesterday.
9 DPO Twinges on the right, but no cool flutters. Despite all the circumstantial symptoms, I just don't feel like it's likely I am pregnant today.
10 DPO Nothing. starting to feel like all my symptoms might've been post-O and circumstantial.
11-13 DPO nothing
14 DPO - AF cramps at noon for several hours. Was sure AF was coming but it didn't.
15 DPO - AF is due tomorrow. Feel like it will start soon. Stuffy sinuses.
16 DPO - Still no AF
17 DPO - Tested. Thought I saw a line. It was very faint. Could've been an evap. Started spotting in the afternoon and it was light/gone all night.
18 DPO -AF

Not sure if it was an evap or actually something or maybe nothing. This month did promote me and my husband to decide we will start TTCing around December though so everything happens for a reason. Good luck to you all.

I am in TTC for last 4 months. I am experiencing dull cramps and lower back ache after 2 days of ovulation till amy AF due date for the past 3 months.
Initially i thought these are the symptoms of pregnancy,but it ended with AF:(.
I consulted my doctor ,vaginal scan ,abdominal scan and blood test are normal.
Married 6 months ago,never experienced this kinda pain except on my AF days.
Kindly tell me thus any other has these symptomd and got BFP after few months without any struggle?
here again for the third time :)

1 DPO- sore boobs,extra ewcm, gassy, cramping on both sides of lower abdomen
2 DPO- cramps are a lot worse today, feels like period pain, bloated, still gassy, increased ew/snotty pale yellow cm
3 DPO- watery cm, gassy, itchy palms,runny nose,joint pains,very hungry
4 DPO- dry, craving chili tuna and salty food, moody, dull cramps, lower back ache, still bloated
5 DPO- creamy cm, gas-like cramping, lower back aches,sharp pin-like pains in lower abdomen when sitting down, teeniest tiniest streak of blood when wiping
6 DPO- creamy cm, tender breasts, lower back pains,weepy, left lower abdomen twinges
7 DPO- stretchy/stringy cm, tender breasts, painfully erect nipples, cramps,bloated, lower back pain
8 DPO- dull cramps, tender breasts, bloated,gassy,reflux,exhausted- tested :bfn:
9 DPO- dull cramps, tender breasts now it hurts near arm pits, emotional,lower back ache, watery cm, bloat, gas, loose stool
10-11 DPO- still cramping, gas, very sore boobs, very hungry all the time, dry mouth, breaking out-
12 DPO- AF shows 2 days early

update, 3dpo today cycle 4

Cd 20/ O day - temps made a significant drop to 96.42°F.
Positive OPK but it was damn close the day before so this could be the remnants of the surge.
Ovulation twinges and cramps, irritable. Cervix H-S-O. Cm is ew.
Had dtd yesterday.

Cd 21/1 dpo - Opk's still dark but going negative for sure.
Temps spiked up to 97.43°F so ovulation had definitely occurred! Hot flashes.
Still twingy and crampy.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm ew.
Dtd :)

Cd 22/ 2 dpo - temps are even higher today 97.83°F.
Still crampy.
Hot flashes like crazy!
Boobs have had very tiny twinges at random times.
Cervix H-S-O. Cm creamy.

Cd 23/ 3 dpo - temps were 97.90°F.
Cramping a lot more now and still having hot flashes just not as bad.
Was pretty restless when sleeping but that's probably because my youngest Cat kept bugging me since he's getting use to the twice daily feedings vs free feed.
Too lazy to check cp and cm..

Cd 24/ 4 dpo - temps were 98.05°F.
Still cramping.
Hot flashes.
Restless, no kitty in the room this time AND I took melatonin.
Still haven't checked cp or cm. Might do it for tomorrow...

Cd 25/ 5 dpo - Temps were 98.17°F so still going up!
Cramping is very mild now.
Still irritable.
Still have hot flashes.
Still restless.
I did check my cp and it was h-s-m and cm was creamy.
Started progesterone just to be safe sonce I have a history of low progesterone issues.
I can't wait for this 2ww to be over!

Cd 26/ 6 dpo - temps 98.34°F. Wewt!
No cramps.
Still irritable.
Lost 5 lbs! :D
Still restless.
Hot flashes.
Otherwise no symptoms :/

Cd 27/ 7 dpo - temps 98.25°F.. going down :<
Mild cramps.
Very irritable.
Hot flashes.

Cd 28/ 8 dpo - temps 98.09°F :'(
Could this be a sign that af is imminent???
Went from irritable to bitch status.
Mild cramps.
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea while eating dinner.
Exhausted, probably from lack of sleep.

Cd 29/ 9 dpo - temps 97.33°F :'(
Hot flashes.
Wave of nausea.
Boobs feel heavier.

Cd 30/ 10 dpo - Temps 97.47°F..
Feeling off.
Hot flashes.
Heavy boobs.

CD 31/ 11 dpo - Temps 97.69°F.
Head ache.
Hot flashes.
Sensitive to smells.
Twinges in boobs.
Two very very faint bfp's, I hope!
Hubby seen them as well :)
Please keep your fx for me!

Cd 32/ 12 dpo - Temps (won't take until tonight when I wake up for work.)

:bfp: on FRER, WANDFO and Walmart $.88 tests!
Hi all! I've been stalking this thread for the past few days and wasn't going to join but feeling discouraged. My husband and I weren't actively planning on TTC this month but got caught up in the moment the day before I ovulated. Whoops!! We would be so happy if we did conceive but just were planning it for a few more months. Anyways after we BDed I OVed the next day (sharp pain in left ovary and EWCM). The next day I just kind of knew/thought we'd conceived (I know that sounds stupid) but now I don't feel anything so I'm getting nervous. However I did wake up with a bad headache and had to take some aleve so maybe that's masking the pain I've felt every day?! Anyways here's what I've written down so far:

Day before OV: Sore breast- light
OV Day : EWCM, back pain, cramps and tender breasts

1dpo: Back pain, breasts getting more sore and cramps

2dpo: Back pain, cramps and very sore breasts (not usuall this sore until day or two before period)

3dpo: This is where it gets weird-- Ovaries feeling tugging stretching sensation (never felt that pain before.) Lower back pain and very sore breasts

4dpo: Cramping, pulling feeling again. Worse when I lay down. Lower back pain very sore breasts.

5dpo: Period like cramps and stretching/pulling sensation on both sides. Pain near hips. So uncomfortable. Worse when I lay down. (Never get period cramps this early). Sore throat. Woke up at 6:30am. Lower back pain and really sore breasts with lots of dark veins. I'm fair but there are ALOT of veins in armpits and down my sides

6dpo: Pressure and period like cramps and ovaries are sore. Sharp stretching pains throughout the day. Headache when I woke up. Sore throat and thick mucous. Woke up at 6am but went back to sleep. Lower back pain. Very sore boobs

7dpo: Cramps. Woke up at 5:45am. Lower Back pain but higher than my usual "period or ovulation back pain." Lots of mucous and drooling a lot at night. Boobs are huge. Sharp cramping under belly button and by hip bone. Can't find cervix be used its so high. Sore scratchy throat. Nauseous in the evening (but might be prenatal?). Breasts not as sore in the evening. Lower back SO SORE. Sharp Pain in hips vline and down front of left thigh. Very little CM creamy white when check cervix. Other than that like a desert in there...

8dpo: Woke up with sore throat. Woke up early but forced myself to go back to sleep until 6:45. Had a bad headache when I woke up so had to take aleve and now no symptoms. Maybe it's the Aleve?!

Hi all! I've been stalking this thread for the past few days and wasn't going to join but feeling discouraged. My husband and I weren't actively planning on TTC this month but got caught up in the moment the day before I ovulated. Whoops!! We would be so happy if we did conceive but just were planning it for a few more months. Anyways after we BDed I OVed the next day (sharp pain in left ovary and EWCM). The next day I just kind of knew/thought we'd conceived (I know that sounds stupid) but now I don't feel anything so I'm getting nervous. However I did wake up with a bad headache and had to take some aleve so maybe that's masking the pain I've felt every day?! Anyways here's what I've written down so far:

Day before OV: Sore breast- light
OV Day : EWCM, back pain, cramps and tender breasts
1dpo: Back pain, breasts getting more sore and cramps
2dpo: Back pain, cramps and very sore breasts (not usuall this sore until day or two before period)
3dpo: This is where it gets weird-- Ovaries feeling tugging stretching sensation (never felt that pain before.) Lower back pain and very sore breasts
4dpo: Cramping, pulling feeling again. Worse when I lay down. Lower back pain very sore breasts.
5dpo: Period like cramps and stretching/pulling sensation on both sides. Pain near hips. So uncomfortable. Worse when I lay down. (Never get period cramps this early). Sore throat. Woke up at 6:30am. Lower back pain and really sore breasts with lots of dark veins. I'm fair but there are ALOT of veins in armpits and down my sides)
6dpo: Pressure and period like cramps and ovaries are sore. Sharp stretching pains throughout the day. Headache when I woke up. Sore throat and thick mucous. Woke up at 6am but went back to sleep. Lower back pain. Very sore boobs
7dpo: Cramps. Woke up at 5:45am. Lower Back pain but higher than my usual "period or ovulation back pain." Lots of mucous and drooling a lot at night. Boobs are huge. Sharp cramping under belly button and by hip bone. Can't find cervix be used its so high. Sore scratchy throat. Nauseous in the evening (but might be prenatal?). Breasts not as sore in the evening. Lower back SO SORE. Sharp Pain in hips vline and down front of left thigh. Very little CM creamy white when check cervix. Other than that like a desert in there...
8dpo: Woke up with sore throat. Woke up early but forced myself to go back to sleep until 6:45. Had a bad headache when I woke up so had to take aleve and now no symptoms. Maybe it's the aleve?!

Okay update: still 8dpo and sharp knife like pains still in "vlines" which I've felt on and off for the past week. It switches from side to side. So weird! But at least I'm still feeling something so it's giving me hope &#10084;&#65039;
Hi all! I've been stalking this thread for the past few days and wasn't going to join but feeling discouraged. My husband and I weren't actively planning on TTC this month but got caught up in the moment the day before I ovulated. Whoops!! We would be so happy if we did conceive but just were planning it for a few more months. Anyways after we BDed I OVed the next day (sharp pain in left ovary and EWCM). The next day I just kind of knew/thought we'd conceived (I know that sounds stupid) but now I don't feel anything so I'm getting nervous. However I did wake up with a bad headache and had to take some aleve so maybe that's masking the pain I've felt every day?! Anyways here's what I've written down so far:

Day before OV: Sore breast- light
OV Day : EWCM, back pain, cramps and tender breasts
1dpo: Back pain, breasts getting more sore and cramps
2dpo: Back pain, cramps and very sore breasts (not usuall this sore until day or two before period)
3dpo: This is where it gets weird-- Ovaries feeling tugging stretching sensation (never felt that pain before.) Lower back pain and very sore breasts
4dpo: Cramping, pulling feeling again. Worse when I lay down. Lower back pain very sore breasts.
5dpo: Period like cramps and stretching/pulling sensation on both sides. Pain near hips. So uncomfortable. Worse when I lay down. (Never get period cramps this early). Sore throat. Woke up at 6:30am. Lower back pain and really sore breasts with lots of dark veins. I'm fair but there are ALOT of veins in armpits and down my sides)
6dpo: Pressure and period like cramps and ovaries are sore. Sharp stretching pains throughout the day. Headache when I woke up. Sore throat and thick mucous. Woke up at 6am but went back to sleep. Lower back pain. Very sore boobs
7dpo: Cramps. Woke up at 5:45am. Lower Back pain but higher than my usual "period or ovulation back pain." Lots of mucous and drooling a lot at night. Boobs are huge. Sharp cramping under belly button and by hip bone. Can't find cervix be used its so high. Sore scratchy throat. Nauseous in the evening (but might be prenatal?). Breasts not as sore in the evening. Lower back SO SORE. Sharp Pain in hips vline and down front of left thigh. Very little CM creamy white when check cervix. Other than that like a desert in there...
8dpo: Woke up with sore throat. Woke up early but forced myself to go back to sleep until 6:45. Had a bad headache when I woke up so had to take aleve and now no symptoms. Maybe it's the aleve?!

Okay update: still 8dpo and sharp knife like pains still in "vlines" which I've felt on and off for the past week. It switches from side to side. So weird! But at least I'm still feeling something so it's giving me hope &#10084;&#65039;[/QUOTE]

Can't edit my orginal post. Assuming because I'm new?? Anyways, Aleve wore off and sharp pains are back. Feels like someone's cutting or stabbing my pelvis and ovaries with a knife. Alternates between both sides.
My fw was 11th-17th on Fertility Friend and 13th-18th on another site. My O day on FF was 16th and on the other it was 18th. I have PCOS but my cycles have been stable for months.

I am now 10 days late for AF with 2 BFN's on $1 store cheapies .

I'm wondering if I should buy a digital test or wait it out a little longer?

Haven't been on this site in a while but here goes nothing:

Last AF was 5/30-6/3. My cycles are anywhere from 30-36 days.

I DTD on 6/4, 6/5, 6/9, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/19, 6/25 and 6/27. The site puts my next AF as being due 7/2 or 7/3 but so far a no show.

EWCM- June 14

O DAY- June 18

1 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

2 DPO- Nothing

3 DPO- White creamy CM

4 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

5 DPO- Nothing noted

6 DPO- Nothing noted

7 DPO- Side of boobs were achy. DTD

8 DPO- Nothing noted


10 DPO- White creamy CM

11- DPO- Nothing noted

12 DPO- Nothing noted

13 DPO- Feeling nauseous and sore breasts

14 DPO- Feeling nauseous, sore breasts and slight cramping ; DTD

15 DPO- Painfully bloated late in the evening; DTD

16 DPO- AF was due yesterday no show so far; breasts still achy/tender, slight cramping, white creamy CM
Been reading through all these and thought it might be a good idea to give it a go myself.

As a side note, I was already a week late BEFORE I even ovulated so I have absolutely no idea when AF is due this cycle. Based on ovulation according to OPKS I estimate that AF is due 21st July.

DPO1 Bloated, constipated, cramps on right side and middle, sensation of having an exceptionally full bladder, some bouts of nausea, thick creamy discharge, feeling emotional and depressed

DPO2 bloating, constipation, cramping in left and right side, tender nipples (which were sore in the evening), heightened taste buds, very hungry but appetite quickly lost after a few bites of food, start of a runny nose, creamy sticky CM

DPO3 bloating, constipation, some cramping, strong nausea, tender nipples, sore throat, runny nose

DPO 4 Slightly tender nipples but temp is down. Previous symptoms inc cramping and nausea seem to be caused by constipation and gas. Peeing slightly more than usual, easpecially as I have barely drank anything this morning. This afternoon I had strange pulling-pinching feeling in my lower left side. Lasted about 5-10 minutes and then stopped. Sore throat this evening and runny/stuffy nose.

DPO5 I think I have a full on cold. Very sore throat and can't breathe through my nose. Woke up at 3am with an exceptionally full bladder. Full again at 6am. Temp back up to 36.88

DPO6 After sleeping for 12 hours, woke up with full on flu symptoms and a 37.52 temperature. Docs confirmed upper respiratory infection. Been exhausted all day with very little appetite. Very light pink spotting this evening.

DPO7 BFN this morning but not surprised. Slight cramping/pulling in left side. Nose still streaming. Still very tired. Coughing a lot. No spotting so far. Top of boobs really ache.

DPO8 Cold/flu symptoms have currently reduced to just a cough. Exhausted. Whole body aches. No more spotting. Slight sharp cramps in lower left side (Below and to left of belly button). General mild cramping. Dull headache. Aching boobs. Thick creamy CM and lots of it. Areola are very noticeably larger. Boobs feel fuller.

DPO9 BFN This morning, levels may still be too low. I won't test again now until Sunday. Generally feeling better. Boobs feel heavy. Very tired. Boobs have been tender and a little sore all day. Blue veins have appeared across them. Heatwave and hot poolside made me dizzy and drop to the floor. I've had AF style cramping since then... really worried it's not a good sign. Praying for a sticky noodle that likes heat!

DPO10 woke up in the night with very sore boobs/nipples. Vivid dreams to the point I was convinced it was real despite being about teach swimming to both children and Pokemon. Lots of Stretchy CM similar to EWCM. Temp still up at 36.87. Mild acid reflux in the evening. Hay fever like symptoms except I don't have hay fever.

DPO11 vivid dream I had a little girl, she started to cry and shout mummy! I said I was her mummy and she stopped crying and hugged me tight. Temp at 36.82. Tiny red streaks when wiping.

DPO12 temp down to 36.62. Feel like AF is iminent. :( Which it is. AF arrived late afternoon. I am out :(

Hi all! I've been stalking this thread for the past few days and wasn't going to join but feeling discouraged. My husband and I weren't actively planning on TTC this month but got caught up in the moment the day before I ovulated. Whoops!! We would be so happy if we did conceive but just were planning it for a few more months. Anyways after we BDed I OVed the next day (sharp pain in left ovary and EWCM). The next day I just kind of knew/thought we'd conceived (I know that sounds stupid) but now I don't feel anything so I'm getting nervous. However I did wake up with a bad headache and had to take some aleve so maybe that's masking the pain I've felt every day?! Anyways here's what I've written down so far:

Day before OV: Sore breast- light
OV Day : EWCM, back pain, cramps and tender breasts

1dpo: Back pain, breasts getting more sore and cramps

2dpo: Back pain, cramps and very sore breasts (not usuall this sore until day or two before period)

3dpo: This is where it gets weird-- Ovaries feeling tugging stretching sensation (never felt that pain before.) Lower back pain and very sore breasts

4dpo: Cramping, pulling feeling again. Worse when I lay down. Lower back pain very sore breasts.

5dpo: Period like cramps and
stretching/pulling sensation on both sides. Pain near hips. So uncomfortable. Worse when I lay down. (Never get period cramps this early). Sore throat. Woke up at 6:30am. Lower back pain and really sore breasts with lots of dark veins. I'm fair but there are ALOT of veins in armpits and down my sides)

6dpo: Pressure and period like cramps and ovaries are sore. Sharp stretching pains throughout the day. Headache when I woke up. Sore throat and thick mucous. Woke up at 6am but went back to sleep. Lower back pain. Very sore boobs

7dpo: Cramps. Woke up at 5:45am. Lower Back pain but higher than my usual "period or ovulation back pain." Lots of mucous and drooling a lot at night. Boobs are huge. Sharp cramping under belly button and by hip bone. Can't find cervix be used its so high. Sore scratchy throat. Nauseous in the evening (but might be prenatal?). Breasts not as sore in the evening. Lower back SO SORE. Sharp Pain in hips vline and down front of left thigh. Very little CM creamy white when check cervix. Other than that like a desert in there...

8dpo: Woke up with sore throat. Woke up early but forced myself to go back to sleep until 6:45. Had a bad headache when I woke up so had to take aleve and now no symptoms. Maybe it's the aleve?! UPDATED in the evening sharp cramps came back. On and off. Also noticed breasts aren't as sore in the evening? Super emotional. Cried a lot over really dumb things. Had a bad cramp below my bellow button that felt like bubbles popping for like 15 seconds. Very weird and it hurt. Went to bed at 9:30pm. Took HPT in the evening and got BFN.

9dpo: Woke up with a sore throat and some drainage. Very tired in the AM. Wanted to go back to bed. On and off period like cramps. Upper thighs and hips are achy. Nauseous and exhausted. Lower back pain is so bad. Going to the chiropractor tonight and cannot wait to hopefully get some relief. Diarrhea in the evening. Took internet cheapie in the evening BFN.

10dpo: Woke up at 3am to pee (which I never do) and couldn't go back to sleep until 4:30 because of cramping and feeling uncomfortable. Still cramping and exhausted this morning. BFN this AM. Veins on breasts and stomach are spreading up my chest and getting darker. On and off stuffy nose and lots of mucous in throat?! Afternoon update: A lot of period cramps on and off and bloated. BFN in the evening.

11dpo: Up at 4:30 with cold symptoms (sore throat, stuffy nose and sneezing). Cramps and aching/pinching near both inner hipbones. Seriously miserable. Light Cramps on and off throughout the day. Bad back pain and headache. BFN in the morning.

12dpo: cramping near inner hip bones in the morning. Still have a cold (sore throat, stuffy/runny nose and sneezing). Been sleeping horribly so hubby gave me the bed and slept in the guest room. Slept amazingly but still woke up at 6:20 am. Sharp pain in left ovaries when I sneeze. Sore pelvis. BFN in the AM. Cystic acne on my chin which I never get. Usually get 1 big pimple pefore period. Period like cramps and very sore back. PM update feel like period might be starting. Bad cramps. Starting to think its all in my head &#65533;&#65533; Feeling crazy and discouraged. Period due in 2 days.

13dpo: Woke up with a headache. Breasts aren't as sore as they have been but still very full. Breasts usually at their sorest point before AF. Back is sore and still stuffy nose. Hubby has a cold as well so don't think it's a symptom. BFN in the AM on Internet cheapie. Cramps near both hipbones. Period due tomorrow according to charts. Have a feeling AF will show up in the next few days. Headache above right eye which usually means AF is coming. Feeling out.

14dpo: Clear watery CM started last night and still here. Back pain. AF due today. Big snot like clump of CM after a BM (sorry tmi). Tried to check cervix and vaginal walls are very swollen and puffy? Cervix is wet medium/high and soft. DB with hubby and had odd cramping but nothing like AF. If he went too deep it was uncomfortable?! It's been happening since last week. No weird discharge or pain so it's not an infection. No sign of AF.

15dpo: (1 day late) Woke up with a headache. Cramps on and off but different than normal AF cramps. Back pain and sharp pains near groin and inner hip bones. Not much CM. Cramping is sharp and similar to pain I felt a week ago. OKAY now my mouth tastes like I shoved a handful of pennies it in! I think I'm either pregnant or crazy. Now I have blemishes on both cheeks which is similar to when I was on a progesteron only BC. Normally get 1 blemish before AF and now I have like 10! Afraid to test. I'm going to keep waiting for a few more day and if AF doesn't show I'll test. Very vivid dream

16dpo: (2 days late) Woke up with a sore throat. Having pulling/sharp cramps all throughout pelvis. No AF. Back pain is bad. Decided to test on Saturday morning if AF isn't here by then. Hubby and I have a very busy week and I'd rather enjoy the moment with him if we are pregnant. Very vivid dream last night. On and off AF type cramping and dizziness. Brushing teeth this AM made me want to gag (not sure if this ones in my head?!) but I've been nauseous since. Strong AF cramps this afternoon. AF might be on her way. Just had a BM and had some brown blood mixed in with stretchy cm. I might be out &#65533;&#65533; Still have metal taste in my mouth. Will update if it is AF.

17dpo: Had brown creamy discharge this AM after a BM. It has a weird metally smell to it? So far just spotting.

AF is here. What an intense cycle.

UPDATE Still spotting brown. This is weird. Also I've had awful cramps for 2 days straight. Normally only have them on day 1 and then they're gone. I'll leave it red but will update if anything changes.

18dpo: Period is pretty light on day three. Still have mild/medium cramps which is odd and breasts are still sore and veiny. Bleeding is a mix of brown, pink and red. (TMI warning but someone might want to know this) Yesterday was sure period was here so I put a tampon in and after a few hours took it out and it was brown discharge. Very odd for me on day 2...I'll keep updating.

19dpo: Breasts are still really sore (specifically my nipples). Cramps are mild and on and off. This is nothing like my normal period. I'll test when the bleeding stops. So far this is day 4 of light/medium pink, brown, maroon and bright red spotting. (TMI but this might be interesting to some) My bleeding is pink and light when I go pee and wipe but when I have a BM its a little darker and more. Still way lighter than my normal period. A panty liner is all that is needed. Still have stretching/pulling feeling in inner hipbone/pelvis area. I'll keep updating and hopefully I'll figure out what's going on soon?!

20dpo: Went to bed last night at 8:45 with a major migraine (which I haven't had in over a year and a half). Really horrible. Woke up with spotting and very minor period like cramps. Back is still sore and breasts are still really sore. Took an Internet cheapie test and got a BFN. This whole thing is so weird!! I would think this was my period but why are my breasts still so sore?! Along with mild cramps, very hungry and backache?! I shouldn't have tested today but hubby leaves tomorrow for a business trip and was hoping for an answer to what is going on. Anyways, I'll just test again when the bleeding has stopped and if my breasts are still sore. PM UPDATE: had a major dizzy spell out shopping today. Had to sit down. Getting nervous something might be wrong? Still spotting. Not really AF type cramps but more of a mild ache in my pelvis and pubic area. So confused...

21dpo: Spotting is less. Mainly light pink. Breasts still sore (mainly my nipples) and low back still aches kind of goes down into my butt now. Had some strong pulling and aching sensations in pelvis last night. Had some diarrhea this morning (TMI sorry). Have no idea what's going on with my body. Will keep updating until I get a final result.

Made a doctors appointment in 2 days. I'll keep updating and hopefully I finally get an answer then?!

22 dpo: Spotting has pretty much stopped. Breasts (specifically nipples) are still sore and swollen. Breasts still really veiny. So if this had been my period breast pain and veins should have gone away by day 3 of my "period." Lower back has a lot of pressure. My acid reflux tight chest feeling is bad this AM. Had diarrhea this morning as well. Ugh! Ready to get to the doctor and hopefully get an answer this week. I see my OBGYN tomorrow afternoon.

23 dpo: Sore veiny breasts, acid reflux, bloated, and back pain. Everything is the same. Took a FRER this AM and got a BFN. Ugh!! Going to the doctor today and hopefully I can get this figured out.

22dpo: Doctor just said it was my "period." Wouldn't do any further testing. Posted about it on the most recent page 541. Spotting has stopped but breasts still very sore. Not really much cramping. Back pain is better. Not sure how much I'll keep updating. But I will update if breasts stop hurting or if I FINALLY figure out what's going on.

My fw was 11th-17th on Fertility Friend and 13th-18th on another site. My O day on FF was 16th and on the other it was 18th. I have PCOS but my cycles have been stable for months.

I am now 10 days late for AF with 2 BFN's on $1 store cheapies .

I'm wondering if I should buy a digital test or wait it out a little longer?

Haven't been on this site in a while but here goes nothing:

Last AF was 5/30-6/3. My cycles are anywhere from 30-36 days.

I DTD on 6/4, 6/5, 6/9, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/19, 6/25 and 6/27. The site puts my next AF as being due 7/2 or 7/3 but so far a no show.

EWCM- June 14

O DAY- June 18

1 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

2 DPO- Nothing

3 DPO- White creamy CM

4 DPO- Nothing other than DTD

5 DPO- Nothing noted

6 DPO- Nothing noted

7 DPO- Side of boobs were achy. DTD

8 DPO- Nothing noted


10 DPO- White creamy CM

11- DPO- Nothing noted

12 DPO- Nothing noted

13 DPO- Feeling nauseous and sore breasts

14 DPO- Feeling nauseous, sore breasts and slight cramping ; DTD

15 DPO- Painfully bloated late in the evening; DTD

16 DPO- AF was due yesterday no show so far; breasts still achy/tender, slight cramping, white creamy CM

I'd buy some digital tests. Couldn't hurt right? Good luck!!!
Deleted my chart because it was too big.
But I may have a very faint bfp so I will keep you posted when I test tomorrow :)
Hubby can see the pink line as well but we are hesitant to call it a pregnancy until it gets darker. And maybe even until af has been missed.
She is due this Friday :S

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