Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello I'm new to this forum. About a month ago I stopped taking my birth control and started experiencing crazy symptoms lots of white thin discharge, achy lower back and arch, hip and thigh pain, sore, bigger, fuller boobs, redder aerioles, pinching sensation beside my belly button, no strange cravings but def. more of an appetite, heartburn ( last time I had heartburn I was getting ready to pop with my lovely now 16 month old son) soooo tired 😴, Crampy beyond belief, itchy ITCHY skin (broke out in hives on arms, legs, boobs, and feet 4 nights in a row), small headaches and one or two migraines, side muscles spasms, lightheaded now and then, and low grade temp. I thought we'll maybe i got lucky!!! Because I want another baby right now but my husband doesn't yet. 😞 I've been scanning and reading through all of your posts quietly and unnoticed because they gave me hope. But I'm so sad to say I was visited by AF last night and I'm pretty sure she's in for a long visit. Maybe I'll get lucky next month! Congrats to all the green posts. This thread is AMAZING!!!
Congratulations Moet!!

it's that time again. I've gone a bit crazy this cycle with symptom spotting as I've had so many symptoms already!

1dpo - 36.1 CP Medium medium medium. Very crampy and bloated and tender nipples Sore back too. Had an afternoon nap was so tired.
2dpo - 36.3 small amount of blood, and sore Cervix for some reason. Very bloated and sore down there. Sore nipples still. Felt like Af was coming. Another nap.
3dpo - 36.7 - was tossing and turning all night. Very creamy CM. sore nipples and still bloated. Another nap!
4dpo - 36.4 - woke up quite early so temp inconclusive . Had some creamy thick discharge today also had some that looked like it was mixed with eggwhite. It almost looks like thrush but I'm not itchy or anything. Increased urination. I slept again today. I'm not usually this tired.
5dpo - 36.4 - left ovary pain in the morning, sore nipples which led on to weird shock sensations later in the night that went from the side of my breasts to the nipples. Still have creamy CM. But feel really really dry down there at the same time. CP has changed a little lower and feels like my CP is slightly open. Increased urination, I feel like I need to pee every 2 hours sometimes.
6dpo - 36.6 - left ovary pain when walking again. Really dry still downstairs with a weird thick white discharge and CP is the same (slightly open but hard and it's easy to reach). My breast pain has changed slightly - I can feel it more in my left breast. Just close to my armpit and then to my nipples. Still have frequent urination.
7dpo - 36.4 temp has gone back down slightly. Still feel warm / slightly crampy downstairs almost the start of AF crampd. CP MOM and the creamy cm seems not as thick. Was very light headed and slightly nauseated in the eveming.
8dpo 36.3 - feeling alot less bloated today although I still am a bit. Nipples aren't as sore but hurts slightly if I'm lying on them a little. More of a stitch pain in left ovary area now. Cm creamy and CP MFC. In the evening i got a massive migraine type headache and slept for 2 hours. Felt very nauseous / almost like acid reflux
9dpo 36.6 - temp back up. Bloated and not hugely hungry. Feeling a little tender in my breasts on and off, and still have a feeling like there is just something in my throat. Felt very off again this afternoon but no headache. CP was hard and I couldn't reach the opening this morning but it has changed this afternoon.
10dpo - 36.7 - woke up in the morning and weirdly grabbed my boobs. They felt like balloons.
I've been running around like a crazy person all day today and haven't noticed a huge amount of symptoms. I am now starting to get AF cramps though. This morning CP high and closed, and this evening it is lower and closed still hard.

Lets see if my temp stays up tomorrow - I'm testing in the morning.
Just turned my post green!! :)

Congrats Moët!!
Come join us at August Apples or August 2017 group!
dpo 1 no symptoms
Dpo 2-6 back aches, craving sweets, headaches, major insomnia,dizzy spells, feel hot but no fever, fatigue, bloating, runny nose
Dpo 7-10 no symptoms except persistent insomnia
Dpo 11 BFN and right after test spotting pink and one streak of bright red blood. Thought AF early and I'm out.
Dpo 12 BFP x 2!!!
Dpo 13 insomnia
Dpo 14 insomnia and tested again BFP to be sure
Will get blood test on Monday
Congratulations Moet!!!!!! So so happy for you!
Hi ladies, I just got my BFP and thought this might help someone else...

29.11.2016 - 1DPO: Slight twinges in bb. Cervix remains high and soft.
30.11.2016 - 2DPO: Slight twinges in bb. Cervix high, soft and closed. Tired.
Feet swollen. Very thirsty.
01.12.2016 - 3DPO: Slight twinges in bb. Cervix high, soft and closed.
Extremely exhausted. Feet swollen. Bad taste in mouth.
02.12.2016 - 4DPO: Too busy to track.
03.12.2016 - 5DPO: Too busy to track.
04.12.2016 - 6DPO: nothing really. Cervix located, tip closed and hard.
05.12.2016 - 7DPO: Only sore bb’s.
06.12.2016 - 8DPO: Mild cramping on left side. Freezing cold in South
African summer. Slightly dizzy. Exhausted.
07.12.2016 - 9DPO: Dizzy, sore bb’s. Bb’s really hurt when taking off bra.
Cervix so high I can’t locate it. Lost my appetite.
08.12.2016 - 10DPO: Dizzy, sore bb’s. Lots of burping. Cervix nowhere to be
found, can’t locate it at all. Hot flushes. Not very hungry
at all. Exhausted. Still twinges in lower abdomen (left to
middle). Peeing more. Slightly nauseous. Heightened
sense of smell. Blob of creamy cm. Faint BFP. (not sure
about blue dye test)
09.12.2016 - 11DPO: Took 2 hours to drink a cup of coffee. Sore bb’s. Nausea.
Cervix high. Faint BFP. Feels a bit like AF is coming. No
real appetite. Salty chips do help for nausea. Gone off
peanut butter, I love peanut butter and have eaten
spoons of it my entire life!
Afternoon – head aches start. Really, really tired.
Evening – intense want for chicken breast. Ate it and
the nausea went away a bit. Still only want water and
milk. Bb’s feel heavy and sore when taking bra off.
10.12.2016 - 12DPO: Faint BFP, a bit darker that at 11DPO. Pink test also has
faint line. Slight nausea, just want water or milk. Don’t
feel like bread or anything sweet. Had my shake,
nauseous afterward, which went away after a while.
VERY thirsty. Slight AF cramping, no AF. Stick, Little
Bean, stick!

11.12.2016 - 13DPO: BFP x2, good, strong lines. Sore bb’s, slight nausea.
Mild headaches. Thirsty.
Loving fruit. Very tired. Overheating (Summer in South
Africa). Slightly irritable. Can’t drink tea, coffee or any
kind of cold drink. Only water or milk will do. Cervix
very high and soft.
12.12.2016 - 14DPO: AF due. Clear Blue shows “Pregnant 1-2” so I guess we
are having bean number 2, due 21 August 2017 – one
day before Miah’s 9th birthday. I am now 4 weeks
along. Not going to check cervix today, I think it will be
the same.
AF a “no-show”. 

I hope that this will help someone. Baby dust to all
I'm late at posting this, I apologize. This was cycle 7. I did everything wrong, because 1-5DPO was when we were on Thanksgiving vacation with my family, so I drank coffee in the morning, drank wine and mead at night, didn't eat pineapple or brazil nuts, and didn't check my cp or cm! But leading up to O, what I think really helped us this month is that DH was taking a daily maca supplement, and between AF and O I was using castor oil packs on my uterus and liver, alternating days.

1-6DPO: NOTHING, I didn't obsess, didn't pay attention really.
7-8DPO: Fatigue, I marked it down, although I figured it was because of returning from the trip.
9DPO: Slight nausea.BFN
10DPO: Tender breasts and fatigue. I usually get tender breasts at 6DPO so I have no clue what the holdup was. Figured I got O day wrong or something. Also, I decided to check my CM, and I came up with the smallest dot of blood. I figured it was over, as I always spot before AF, turns out it was implantation! BFN
11DPO: Tender Breasts and Headache. BFN
12DPO: Tender Breasts, Fatigue, Nausea, Headache, AF usually starts today, so I figured I got O day wrong and based on my tender breasts that it would actually come four days later. BFN
13DPO: Period is a day late if I got O day right, and HOLY S*!T, BFP!!!!!!

I was so worried that there was something wrong, but it was all in due time. And I'm pregnant! It will happen ladies. I think for me what really helped was just forgetting all about TTC for those 5 days after O, and just enjoying time with my family. Also, the maca helped so much with his desire, and he would orgasm harder, so maybe that helped? And of course, castor oil packs all the way, I really think those were my secret weapon this cycle. I've been using them for two cycles, and maybe something (hormonal or physical) was preventing me from conceiving, but the castor oil packs cleared it up!
Ok TTC month 6

1dpo cm a lot and white high soft cervix
2pdo cm a lot and white head ache high soft cervix
3dpo high soft cervix white/watery cm and a lot of it
4pdo watery cm high soft cervix cramping head ache. Spots outbreaks needing the loo a lot
5dpo same as d4 but now have back ache
6pdo same as day 5 apart from cervix mid and still soft plus loads of cm mix between watery and white
7dpo very emotional watery cm mid cervix still soft very tired

AF due 24th of Dec not going to test till 3rd of Jan if I can holdout that long

Also I'm very bolted and can't seem to stop going to loo plus having very vivid dreams

Baby dust to all and congratulations to all BFP hoping this is my month xx
Ok can't sleep and having an emotional moment this whole TTC thing is hard and it feels like it's never going to happen it's really nice to know I'm not alone have read 1000 of pages and beginning to notice there is just no way of telling until that BFP just getting me down this month, I've found the love of my life just got engaged and we are dying for a baby after miscarriage 6 months ago :(

Wish all you girlys the best of luck let's hope for BFPs this month xxx
Cycle #3 TTC #2

1-2dpo- milky white cm, mild headache
3dpo- white cm, tiny pink blood in evening
4-5dpo - creamy cm
6dpo - stabbing pains on right side, thick yellow stretchy cm, acne
7-8dpo - bfn. Slight crampy pains. Weird bubbling/ cramp on left side. Tired, nauseated. Some creamy, some wet cm. Anxious/ depressed today. Had a dream last night I got a bfp.
9-10dpo - bfn. creamy thick cm. Dull aches in pelvis.
11-13dpo - acne, gassy,emotional, creamy and wet cm
14dpo - AF :(
Ok, I'll play. Third IUI (unmedicated, no trigger this time) and about 18 months of TTC.

1-4dpo: Nothing
5dpo: Sore nipples
6dpo: Sore nipples, lower backache, crampy feeling
7dpo: Sore nipples, leg cramp
8po: Sore nipples, lower backache, some cramps; had some streaks of blood on tp this am, but that would have also been from a small cut I had near my nailbed - hard to say with 100% certainty), leg cramp
9dpo to 10dpo- sore nipples, creamy/watery cm
11dpo- sore nipples are gone, creamy/watery cm, sharp pain around belly button 2x when rising from laying down, short shooting pain side of one breast
12dpo- small bit of brown when checking cervix, creamy/watery cm
13dpo (AF due) - watery cm, same sharp pain 1x when getting up from lying down
14dpo - fall down in happy shock to get a bfp on a hpt. Blood beta later that day was 144
I guess I can jump in just for fun.

TTC #1, technically cycle 2 (we had suspended TTC until April 2017...)

1-5 DPO - nothing
6 DPO - very light spotting when I wiped in the evening. Period is not due for 7 days.
7 DPO - more spotting, but still very light. Sore breasts.
8 DPO - still more light spotting. Sore breasts. Exhausted throughout the day.
9 DPO - a little bit more light spotting. Mostly watery CM. Sore breasts. Very exhausted. Felt a bit warm and light-headed when standing in place for a few minutes. Waiting to test on Christmas.
Did this last cycle so figured I do it again. I have a positive feeling about this cycle but it is already acting kinda loopy. I generally ovulate between cd 16-22(charted total of 16cycles)(Over past 9 charted cycles have usually ovulated on cd 19).Starting off I started getting EWCM way early for me, on cd 10 and it hung around through cd 16. CD 14 I had loads of ewcm, an almost positive opk and minor(typical for left side) ovulation pain. Temp spiked on CD 15 like my normal 1 degree temp spike signaling ovulation. My Opk was negative that morning, ewcm less than night before but still there. Later in the evening I start getting distinctive stronger ovulation pain from left ovary area(like I normally only get on right side), my ewcm increased dramatically and I took another Opk blazing positive. Temp shot up more morn of cd 16. Ovulation pain is totally gone, opk is negative again. Woke super (3 hours earlier than norm) early on cd 17 freezing even though temp is normal in house and I felt hot under the blanket. So, so far very crazy cycle

Avg Ovulation: CD 19-21
Avg LP- 10-12 days
Avg Cycle length: 30-31 days

Ovulation day: Cd 14(earliest of my charting history)

1DPO :Temp usual area for 1dpo, Headache, producing EWCM, in evening had more, much stronger ovulation pain in evening and a positive OPK (possible second egg?)

2DPO: Temp shot up higher, even higher than norm for 2dpo (usually only changes .1 or so) either way, still producing EWCM, including gooey, slimy strings of it(like snot)

3DPO: Woke way early (3 hours early) for no reason. Temp is way down, but still would have been at marked CL, but I adjusted it for time. I feel cold. Shooting occasional pain on either side of temples. CM finally went to creamy as it should. Producing an awful lot of cm for this early in 2ww. Feel slight pressure in tubes area.... In the evening cm went back to ewcm, feel minor almost cramps.

4DPO: Didn't sleep well, up early again. Creamy CM, medium to heavy volume, Slight nausea after eating Cereal(very unusual, I have an iron stomach) certain smells are sticking with me, lungs feel heavy, sneezing and stuffy, shooting pain in head on occasion. Pressure on and off in uterus or tubes area(both sides) but nothing from ovaries.

5DPO: Again woke very early and slept light. Creamy cm, not much else to report other than small patch of ewcm found in evening. Sneezy, congested

6DPO: still slept light, woke early, small twinges around uterus area, more right side than left, though. Creamy cm, mild back ache in evening, got full from eating very easy sneezy congested more

7DPO: slept pretty well, only remember waking once or twice. Went to bed feeling warm, woke feeling much cooler, temp plummeted. Woke with backache, feeling starved -mostly just congested. Lots of twinges from both sides of uterus area, some back and shoulder pains- warmed in late afternoon. Creamy CM, less than has been but still there.

8DPO:Slept poorly, feeling on and off fatigue, mild twitches near uterus area, still stuffy/congested

9DPO: Slept well, temp was good, feeling on and off fatigue, back aches, headaches on and off,

10DP: Slept well, temp still good, still feeling on and off fatigue, back ache worse, headache on and off, cold almost gone but still congested, ear ache for no good reason, heavy feeling in uterus

11DPO: Sleep was sort of bad, went to bed at 11pm, woke at 1:30 thinking it was close to 6 and took temp, was still high, saw time went back to sleep, slept till after 8am, temp now much lower but still above coverline, tired, BFN on HPT, Still creamy cm, mild cramps, congestion. squeezy uterus sensations in evening.

12DPO: Temp went back up some, Slept pretty well, woke hungry, good amount of lotion-like cm, cp is medium, texture is medium, 2 BFN in AM, congestion is about gone by evening, no cramping today, feel warm- no sign of oncoming AF

13DPO: Temp went down some but still above cover line. Slept ok, woke pretty hungry, less cm so far today- still creamy though just not much, less congestion but still there, probe like jabs around left side of uterus. BFN HPT fmu. In early afternoon started getting odd, hollow shooting pain in vagina itself, kind of behind the clitoris. Took afternoon HPT and saw a shadow after about 15 mins

14DPO: Temp went down more but still above cover line. Slept well. Little CM, mix of creamy and watery, pretty much congestion gone, cramps on and off all round uterus area, cramps in calves, 3 neg HPTs, Cervix started low and firming but rose up through day ended up medium, medium, got really cold mid day and stayed cold several hours though temp was at 99f

Cd1 : Thermometer acted a bit weird so took temp twice, marked the lower of the two though. Woke to pink spotting.Spotting very unusual for me so I expect it to turn to full flow within a couple hours then I can call it. Flow started late morn

Hi everyone,

So a little background story, I suffer from Endometriosis, had an operation for this a year and a half ago, and a coil was put in. From the point of the coil insertion I have had no periods, however I had the coil removed as it was causing horrible side effects.

Partner and I have decided that we want to TTC.

I ovulated on the 20th December.

Here is my timeline:

1 - 4 DPO: don't remember, just been really irritable.
5 DPO: Vivid dreams, cramping and spotting (brown)
6 DPO: More cramping, really irritable, even though had 10 hours sleep, needed more.
7 DPO: creamy cm, hungry ALL the time, very flushed but cold and cramps

Will keep this updated until I receive AF.

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