Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Thanks Mommy,yes,got my bfp! If you look at my chart you will see my temps didn't do anything it's supposed to do so a person can't always trust it. I'm just hoping it's a sticky bean as my paranoia has taken full hold 😂

How is everyone doing this cycle?
Thanks Mommy,yes,got my bfp! If you look at my chart you will see my temps didn't do anything it's supposed to do so a person can't always trust it. I'm just hoping it's a sticky bean as my paranoia has taken full hold 😂

How is everyone doing this cycle?

Yeah, I don't temp. I only keep track of my symptoms bc my horomones are whacked out and I refuse to use drugs to fix it when I can just be natural and aware of where I'm at in my cycle. This month though my boobs have been killing me pretty much since ovulation (which I think happened CD12) and that's what's making me question what's going on....

Do you normally have sore boobs that early on in your cycle or do you think that could be a good sign? FX!
Some cycles I would get sore bbs just before AF started but this cycle it started at 3dpo already which was abnormal so yours really could be a sign. Fx for you!
CD 46. Still no AF and BFN as of cd44 . Most symptoms have gone away except being gassy,bloating and slightly sore boobs. Just side and bottom really. Been very tired and trying to get a little nap if the kids take one ( but that could be because they have been sick so I'm not getting alot of sleep at night). Just wish I could get AF so I can get started trying again. Really thinking maybe I had an anovulatory cycle, maybe?[
Cd48. AF shows her ugly face.. at least I can start trying again
Well might as well do this again ... don't like my chances as we only got to bd once around o due to LO's bday party madness then getting a UTI :(

1-2dpo - UTI :( blood in urine + ewcm
3-4dpo - nothing
5dpo - big blob of ewcm ...or maybe sperm lol :blush::haha: , acne, shooting spd pain (had last preg and seems to come and go throughout cycle)
6dpo - spd pain
7dpo - excruciating pain in nipples when nursing, think I have thrush from being on antibiotics for UTI. FML :(
8dpo - nipples still hurting a lot. Big blob jelly like cm. Tested - bfn
9dpo - Slight stitch pain from left ovary. SPD. Tested - bfn. Urine extremely cloudy. Pretty sure I have thrush from AB. Nipples very painful when BF. Stretchy white cm.
Next month I am going to take maca and B6 and also chart temps.
10dpo - nipples still soooooo painful, putting cream on them but doesn't seem to be helping. Urine clear now. BFN :( lotiony cm, intense abdo cramping this afternoon and evening, felt like a contraction, very painful. Followed by creamy yellow cm.
11dpo - bfn. Feel sick in tummy all morning, very loose bm. Yellow creamy cm.
12dpo - bfn. Very loose bm. Yellow cm.
13dpo - AF :(
Avg Cycle length 30 days, avg LP 10-11 days. Started trying to Conceive June of 2015, currently NTNP

Here is this one so far so far

Ovulated cd 19, as usual, bd cd19 eve(Know ovulation from opks, cp, cm, ovulation pains)
1-2dpo nothing unusual
3-4dpo back ache
5dpo touches of ewcm, slight pinchy feelings right side of uterus area
6dpo mix of all cm including some ewcm, more cramps, tired
7dpo more mixed cm, increasing in amount, less cramps but more back ache, high like waist high, pain near ovary area, exhausted
8dpo, not as tired but still producing loads of cm, including jelly like globs of ewcm like cm, back ache, sneezing more and more stuffy
9dpo, still tired(Slept over 8 hours wanted more) pokey, pinchy feelings in right uterus and ovary area, started stuffy and got clearer, hiccups, cm is mostly creamy today with a touch of ew earlier, all clear or milky, still minor back ache when sitting.
10dpo: Had AF like cramps earlier but they went away, then had some more mild proddy feeling cramps right side uterus, Mostly creamy or tacky cm, more energy, cervix felt lower and firmer
11dpo : More cramps right side uterus area, some left side as well on and off, right hip bothering me, sneezing a bunch again, vagina feels tighter, cervix is a little softer and higher as well, neg fr HPT, mostly creamy or tacky cm but a bit of jello like blobs. back ache on and off
12dpo (1 day late) BFN on wondo test, still producing mostly creamy cm, still sneezing more than norm, No cramps today, back bothering me a little, cervix has risen some and feels softer than it should if AF were on the way. had some cervix shifting mild cramps like I do just before ovulation sometimes, Fairly tired as well.
13dpo (2 days late) Putting out more lotion like cm, having a lot of gas, very stuffy, little bouts of nauseau after eating, BFN on FR, slight cramps, Cervix feels slightly more firm, but puffy. noticed sensitive nipples(My nipples are rarely ever sensitive at any point of the month.) very easy to cry, cried during a kerry dairy commercial(I am not high emotion normally)
14dpo (3 days late) No pregnancy test this morn, Slight nausea after eating, Cervix is medium height and texture, CM is a mix of creamy and watery - I generally get watery before AF so it may be on it's way, Still mild back ache and occassional pinchy pain on right side of uterus area, Sleepy,Will test again tomorrow is no AF tonight. Still crying easy, got back to straight creamy cm later in the day, slight pain in right hip, shoulder and mid back, still gassy, late evening noticed what seems to be like a lot of saliva production. Swalling more often than normal I believe- could be from the slight nausea.
15DPO (4 days late)Felt rotten today.... Got around 6 hours of sleep but felt like got none, exhausted, terrible back ache from waist high to lower back- so bad missed most of work, right hip aching as well, heaviness in uterus area, no real cramps, few pulsy feelings, Very very tired, head ache in right temple on and off, still high emo, still gassy, sneezy, Still feel slightly nausea and producing slightly more Saliva, Neg Wondfo test in AM and pm, No signof AF,Lotion like CM, a good amount of it, Temp still at above Ovulation temps. Seem to be going to bathroom every two hours whether I have drank anything or not.
16dpo (5 days late) Back ache is all but gone, still producing a lot of lotion like cm, having some mild af like cramps so may be on it's way finally, cervix feels softer and higher though, FR test had minor shadow but prolly just an indent.
17dpo (6 days late) very very bloated, craving hotdogs(Think I've eaten hotdogs maybe once in 3years) high temp continues, cervix fairly high, lotion like cm, was pretty nauseaus last night but prolly was from gas in stomach. Guy purchased a digital instead of plus minus and it was negative of course. Limbo continues
18dpo(7days late) mildly bloated, still pretty gassy, mild back ache on off, disovered that excessive sweating can be a early pregnancy symptom today and I have been doing that for around a week now, Still producing a lot of lotion like cm, cervix feels softer about the same height is has been, def not low or firm, temp still high, still seem to be producing a little more than norm saliva, no sneezes today(first time in like a week) feel cold even under blanket and yet still sweating... BFN on CB +- test Bah Limbo continues.
19dpo still slight bloat/gassiness, temp was still high, cm still lotiony, mild back ache,
20dpo temp plummeted, cm mix of creamy and watery AF should be on way. CM still cream, a little watery, Bit of back ache from lower to waist high.
21dpo Temp still low, suspecting annovulatory or late ovulation at this point. Cm still creamy, CP is low and firming up, feeling knotting like feelings in whole uterus area, back ache worse today, pressure in hips. Hopefully AF is on the way.

Cd 1 af started during the night, finally.

Will update as much as can, baby dust all
This is my first time tracking my TWW, so I'm kind of excited... Let's see how it goes. Since I just had a miscarriage in September, my cycle has been a little odd, so we'll see.
DTD on cd 10, 12, 13, 15.

1dpo - Woke up to brown watery discharge... after bd'ing with the hubby, the discharge turned pink and has continued like that all day.

2dpo: Still a bit of brown stuff today, tapering off in the evening. Just a bit of light cramping in my abdomen and some gas this morning.
This night, extremely vivid dreams.

3dpo: Brown watery discharge continues. Gassy this morning. Slight lower abdomen cramping, likely because of gas. I feel some slight pressure in my temples and tired, like I've been crying, but I haven't been. Tonight, food is hitting my tummy in a weird way. Feeling a little sick, having some diahharea.

4dpo: No crazy dreams last night, but I definitely had dreams. Slight tinge of pain (throbbing) in right side abdomen, I guess near my ovary(?). Hiccups this evening. Cat followed me to my room and slept under my blanket for the first time in a while. But the house was also the coldest it's been so far this fall.

5dpo: Didn't sleep till 2am. I may have accidentally overdid it on the caffeine, yesterday. Hiccups this morning. I think I just peed 3 times in the last hour. At least twice. Hiccups again at noon. Brown spotting has ended, finally. I think maybe it was due to some rougher bd-ing, plus ovulation combined.

6dpo: Hiccups in the morning. Lots of peeing, today. I'm not sure if that's much of a symptom because I pee all the time, anyway. Found several pimples on my scalp...

7dpo: Feeling some light cramps. The assumption is gas.

8dpo: Woke up with dry throat, super hungry. I'm bit usually hungry when I wake up. Tired with a little bit of pressure in my head. I haven't had much time to think about any of the tiny things the last couple of days.

11-21-16 (9dpo): Woke up hungry, again. I just feel like this isn't my month. But I'm not giving up. I'll continue to update until my cycle starts again or until bfp... I feel like my period is coming, like my uterus wants to get all crampy, but no actual cramps - in fact, I haven't had period cramps since my miscarriage. Very unusual for me.
I dreamt that my cat flushed herself down the toilet because she was trying to find something...
And, also that my sister broke into the post office because she was trying to find a letter she knew was there.
I have been ultra exhausted since Friday (6dpo) when I got up at 4:30am, went to work, and then took a round trip for dinner 150 miles away, and didn't get home until 12:45am. I've had two 9 hour night since then and I feel like I'd be more awake, so I'm hoping this is a good sign.
Cramping in the lower right side of my abdomen.
Went to bed feeling exhausted and headachee.

10dpo: Still headachee this morning. Broke down and took Tylenol. Tonight, I'm feeling about the same as last night. Exhausted with some pressure in my head, not quite a headache.

11dpo: My head still feels exhausted. I told my husband I'd take a pregnancy test tomorrow, but I'd kind of like to just wait till I'm late. So, maybe I won't.

12dpo: Still an underlying feeling of exhaustion. I honestly feel like I must be pregnant, for as long as this has lasted. I got away with not taking a test today. I don't want to get ahead of myself. I still feel as though AF is on her way...
Lots of peeing today.
Tiny pains in my abdomen.
No boob pain or cm to speak of, really.
Getting some af-like cramps off and on, all happening toward the right side.
Also, my nose has been a bit runny today and stuffy the last couple of days.

13dpo: 11-25) Pretty steady af-like cramps today, makes me think this is not my month, but there's a suspicious lack of pre-af light bleeding, which is usually something that happens.

14dpo: I've been realizing over the course of this last week that I haven't had any heartburn. I know that seems like the opposite of a pregnancy symptom, but if you're like me and you've had heartburn for months, practically every day, it might be a pregnancy symptom. Still exhausted. Random on and off cramps the last couple of days.

15dpo (AF due): No sign of af, it's now evening. I've noticed minor milky cm, some af-like cramps. Noticed in the middle of the night a moment of pretty dang sharp cramps, but no blood in the morning. I'll be testing tomorrow. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but at the moment I'm fully convinced it's going to be positive.

16dpo: Had to pee at 7 this morning, so I took the test then. So far, bfn.
I only have 4 tests left and no cash to buy anymore, atm, so I'll test every other day, or until AF. Still no soreness in my boobs. My uterus just feels like my period is coming. Just a little crampy, a little sore.
Today I feel distinctly nauseated. I haven't had heartburn in a while, but today after I ate a burrito for breakfast, it started even though I've had a good 3 glasses of water so far this morning.
Still peeing like crazy.

So, this is where I've gotten to. Today is 16 dpo, just got that BFN this morning... I was so sure it was going to be positive that I dismantled the test after 50 minutes or so and convinced myself there was something wrong with the test. So, I may take another test tomorrow morning instead of Tuesday, if AF doesn't come.

I thought that my cycles were finally back to normal since the miscarriage (usually 28-30 days - today is cd31). I am terrible at having faith, but I hope that this is a pregnancy and not just more miscarriage confusion.
Mommysbabys,so have you tested yet?

Ebauerhaus and Cppeace, sorry your cycles are messing you around. Hope it's a sneaky bfp hiding away for you both!
Mommysbabys,so have you tested yet?

Ebauerhaus and Cppeace, sorry your cycles are messing you around. Hope it's a sneaky bfp hiding away for you both!

I hope so, too, for both of us. Thanks, Aphy!
I'm only one day late - it's not that crazy, I suppose to be a day late... I've been reading up on all the forums I can find containing info about other people who didn't get there positive until they were, like, 6-9 weeks along!! Just to give myself peace of mind. :blush:
I personally hope for a pos or af in next day or 2... I already went through one long limbo that stole half my sanity and led to a very very late bfp followed by a miscarriage... I can't handle that again....
I personally hope for a pos or af in next day or 2... I already went through one long limbo that stole half my sanity and led to a very very late bfp followed by a miscarriage... I can't handle that again....

I'm sorry for what you've been through.
I definitely agree that I'd like to have my positive sooner rather than later, for sure.
I personally hope for a pos or af in next day or 2... I already went through one long limbo that stole half my sanity and led to a very very late bfp followed by a miscarriage... I can't handle that again....

I'm sorry for what you've been through.
I definitely agree that I'd like to have my positive sooner rather than later, for sure.

Thanks. I appreciate the support I get here. It is a great community here.
Alright time to play again!

Third cycle ttc #2. Not tracking O precisely so days post O are based on my app predicting my cycle.

DPO1-5: nothing noticeable
DPO6: pink spotting needed 2 liners over course of day.
DPO7: pink spotting, 2 liners
DPO8-9: brown spotting, very occasional super light pink when wiping. Only need one liner
DPO10-11: spotting stopped for 24 hours, then tiny bit of brown on a liner and then one wipe of pink with a bowel movement. Pimple starting on nose and couple spots on forehead. Never have acne...did when I was pregnant tho ��.
DPO12: same as yesterday.
DPO13: spotting has increased in amount and turned darker pink. Think af is on the way.
DPO14: spotting light brown, tested in afternoon BFP with dollar store test! Rechecked in evening with FRER, BFP!!

No other noticeable symptoms besides feeling extra cold since DPO10...wearing pants and sweater and still needing a blanket in the house.

Wasn't feeling super hopeful as spotted last 4 cycles before af for over a week...
Jumping in for the first time. :thumbup:

1 dpo no symptoms other than still stretchy CM
2 dpo medium backache, medium bloating, medium cramps, bad headache, medium insomnia, medium exhaustion, vivid dreams (not completely unusual for me), CM thicker
3 dpo lotion like CM, medium backache, medium bloat, HEAVY cramping, craving sweets, heavy insomnia, very runny nose, light nausea, heavy exhaustion
4 dpo lotion like CM, feel hot but no fever, back lower backache, light bloating, HEAVY cramps, medium exhaustion, medium insomnia, light nausea, very runny nose, medium dizziness, HEAVY sweet craving, feeling like I can't eat enough, BIG increase in appetite (unusual for me), cervix low, BD pain, Hubby asked if I was pregnant
5 dpo Hubby said I was so agitated in my sleep that I kept him up, cramping in far right lower pelvic region, cramps more of a burning quality than squeezing as AF usually does, fast heart rate, woke up exhausted, very uncomfortable lower back aches, cervix low

That's where I'm at for now. Waiting is so very difficult. I turn 31 tomorrow and it would be cool to be able to test on my birthday but way too early since that's the common early implantation day at 6 dpo. AF not due for another 9 days... :roll::roll::roll::roll:
I had some spotting yesterday and today I have a bit of a flow, so I'm calling it day 1.
I'm only a little disappointed, but hey - I'm happy something finally happened.
glad you're no longer in limbo Ebaurhaus better luck next cycle
3rd month ttc

Currently 5dpo

1dpo noticed while being intimate with my husband that by nipples felt sore
2dpo nipples and now the entire breast is sore
3dpo breast soreness is increasing (usually don't get sore breasts until two days before AF)
4dpo boobs are swollen, warm to the touch and I can't lay on my stomach because it hurt so bad. Moody. Increased CM. Felt like gushes of it coming out throughout the day.
5dpo boobs are still killing. Feeling weepy
Not quite sure which DPO I am as don't temp. However used CBFM and BD'd on second peak day. FF put O day as day after second peak.

3 DPO - red spotting (ovulation?)
4 DPO - nothing of note
5 DPO - twinges
6 DPO - strong twinges on left
7 DPO - emotional, slight brown spotting. Spot on chin (never get spots)
8 DPO - indigestion / acid making it feel like I had a lump in my chest - straight after eating both lunch and tea. Boobs feel quite swollen. Neg on FRER, couldn't wait any longer. (both previous pregnancies showed positive at 9dpo)
9 DPO - Very hungry then indigestion again. Some brown spotting, maybe bit of red too (common for me) strong twinges on left. Neg on FRER
10 DPO - more cramps and slight red spotting. loss of appetite.

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