Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Ok, I'll play along again. I have no particular leaning one way or the other this month, whereas last month I was utterly convinced :shrug::haha:

Bd cd 8, 10, 13, 14

O cd 15

1dpo - feeling lousy, incredibly nauseous. Either the progesterone of LP is hitting hard or the Littles have infected me with some sort of lurgy. Cx high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Insomnia.

2dpo - still nauseated but less so. Crazy ass dreams. Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy. Slept well.

3dpo - still mildly nauseous, dang stomach bug. Vivid dreams. Sleeping well, and unusually for me, falling asleep within minutes of being in bed (I'm usually an hour of book in bed kinda gal) Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy.

4dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy and increased. Fell asleep super fast again but awake at 4:30am to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Sides of bbs/up to armpits feel tender, almost bruised like. Headache. Mild cramping. Mild low backache.

5dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy. Again waking in the early hours to start the day (4:30am!) Tender breasts. Mild uterine cramping/ occasional more intense left side cramping. Headache. Stuffy nose. poured away a full bottle of milk convinced it was off.. it was not apparently. Oh well. Nothing yet making me lean either way ��

6dpo - cx super high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Went to bed super early (9:30!) fell asleep instantly and slept like a log until 7am. Absolutely unheard of for me but enjoying it nonetheless. Mild uterine cramping interspersed with more intense cramps. Tender/heavy bbs. Stuffy nose. Awful gas (ew!) Convinced cherries tasted fishy this morning. I swear if this is pms I'm losing my mind. Or the cherries really were fishy ��

7dpo - cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery/creamy. Slept like a log again. Vivid dreams. Mild cramping. Still very tender breasts, more so today. Stuffy nose. Still gassy. Still entirely unsure, aside from the weird cherry thing everything else is stuff I've experienced before.

8dpo - Cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery and lots of it (tmi) Had to go to bed at 9pm, woke at 5am to pee. Some nausea this morning. Empty stomach perhaps? Sore, heavy bbs. They feel really bruised. (if this is pms i'm in for a doozy of an af i think) Still gassy. Still stuffy nose. Had some fairly intense cramping last night. Trying to keep an open mind but my body keeps poking me in the face with symptom sticks to taunt me. :dohh: I would say I don't 'feel' pregnant, but I'm very aware that I don't feel 'normal' if that makes sense?

9dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm watery. Awake at 4am this morning, slept well beforehand though. Some nausea already which if it follows yesterday's path will get more intense as the morning goes on and tail off around 3pm. Still gassy. Nose seems to be less stuffy. Bbs are still very tender, my chest muscles feel bruised and sore, like my bbs are too heavy. Beginning to wonder if I have intense pms combined with a stomach upset. Forgot to mention both today and yesterday checking cx is becoming increasingly difficult because it's so high and now angled back today's 'closed' is more of a presumptive guess than a definite because I could only just feel a little bit.
Late am - nosebleed out of nowhere. I never have nosebleeds so no idea if it's a symptom or not. Also possibly (probably?) related but there's an awful smell in the house like mildew, and no one else can smell it but it's driving me demented. Nausea definitely increased from earlier. Hell of a bug if it's all related. super faint bfp in afternoon.

10dpo - cx high/soft/closed. Cm watery and abundant (ick) Chest muscles still hurting. Intermittent cramps ranging from fairly mild to more moderate. Nausea. Darker :bfp::happydance:

Well.. I suppose my sanity is mostly intact. Those cherries are definitely fishy though :haha::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi ladies.

I'm on CD26 at about 11/12dpo (I'm going with 12). I missed a few BBT's this month so decided to discard the rest as no crosshairs show.

1-6dpo: No real symptoms (although I don't really symptom spot so early after Ovulation)
7dpo: Irritable and moody
8dpo: Nothing really, my doggy started coughing (he has never done that before in the four years we've had him but after some research, I diagnosed him with kennel cough - he seems to be getting over it and has infected our other dog now, so I think I was right)
9dpo: Detected some ewcm but not 100% certain as it was a bit cloudy
10dpo: Nothing much, a bit of sensitivity around my breasts but that is normal for me.
11dpo: ewcm again, clearer this time, with a bit of red blood on one end, hope it's not af showing early.
12dpo: nausea and headache this morning, cervix is dry/sticky

I won't test until the 30th but I'll keep updating my dpo symptoms.

13dpo: fatigue, nausea, restlessness
14dpo: ewcm is back but also feels more 'wet' - usually have creamy or nothing after O

15dpo: left breast feels full, right one normal, LOTS of watery/ewcm both when I wipe and when I checked with finger, flatulence
16dpo (28 March): nausea, fatigue, back ache - one thing that stands out but that is really not a pregnancy symptom, my ears itch, like crazy itching on the inside!

AF due today or tomorrow so I'll test Thursday if the :witch: hasn't arrived...


DPO is unsure at this point. If I was correct about O date then AF should have shown and test was :bfn:

Today is CD32 for me. CM is plentiful but a mix between watery and creamy. Backache and tender breasts. The latest I have ever O'ed while temp checking was CD20 so I'll give it another 2 days but if AF doesn't show then I really can't help but get my hopes up.

I'll buy another test (only had the one) but I'll keep it until the first of April and then decide if I really want to test on April fool's or wait another day :haha:

Congrats pinkmonki! H&H 9 months for you! :happydance:
Hi ladies.

I'm on CD26 at about 11/12dpo (I'm going with 12). I missed a few BBT's this month so decided to discard the rest as no crosshairs show.

1-6dpo: No real symptoms (although I don't really symptom spot so early after Ovulation)
7dpo: Irritable and moody
8dpo: Nothing really, my doggy started coughing (he has never done that before in the four years we've had him but after some research, I diagnosed him with kennel cough - he seems to be getting over it and has infected our other dog now, so I think I was right)
9dpo: Detected some ewcm but not 100% certain as it was a bit cloudy
10dpo: Nothing much, a bit of sensitivity around my breasts but that is normal for me.
11dpo: ewcm again, clearer this time, with a bit of red blood on one end, hope it's not af showing early.
12dpo: nausea and headache this morning, cervix is dry/sticky

I won't test until the 30th but I'll keep updating my dpo symptoms.

13dpo: fatigue, nausea, restlessness
14dpo: ewcm is back but also feels more 'wet' - usually have creamy or nothing after O

15dpo: left breast feels full, right one normal, LOTS of watery/ewcm both when I wipe and when I checked with finger, flatulence
16dpo (28 March): nausea, fatigue, back ache - one thing that stands out but that is really not a pregnancy symptom, my ears itch, like crazy itching on the inside!

AF due today or tomorrow so I'll test Thursday if the :witch: hasn't arrived...


DPO is unsure at this point. If I was correct about O date then AF should have shown and test was :bfn:

Today is CD32 for me. CM is plentiful but a mix between watery and creamy. Backache and tender breasts. The latest I have ever O'ed while temp checking was CD20 so I'll give it another 2 days but if AF doesn't show then I really can't help but get my hopes up.

I'll buy another test (only had the one) but I'll keep it until the first of April and then decide if I really want to test on April fool's or wait another day :haha:

Congrats pinkmonki! H&H 9 months for you! :happydance:

Fingers crossed for you :hugs:
Congrats on your BFP pinkmonki

Today i'm dpo 1o was feeling lucky with my steady temp rise ran out for frer and got BFN :( hate seeing it :( due on monday is she shows up longest cycles ive ever recorded cd 41 today
Congrats again Pinkmonki. You chose a pleasing shade of green too haha
Thank you. I'm trying really hard to keep a lid on my excitement in case I end up disappointed again but I am over the moon for now :cloud9:
I'm doing this again for 2nd tww. more or less trying not to symptom spot again, last time I felt everything and was not pregnant. I am interested in my tummy area between 6 and 12 dpo re implantation, that's about it but I'll record it all anyway. trying not to stress or count to hard, miss a day here and there to make it go faster.

Bd cd 10 and 13

O cd 14 I believe from my body signals
af due 6th or 7th april

dpo 1 tired sore boobs gas
dpo 2 normal but lots of twinges in abdomen, gas, (Lovely!)
dpo 3 not much of anything today, did lots of housework no pains/fatigue, cramping tonight on right side when I slowed down
dpo4 a little more tired/stressed than usual
dpo 5 not really any symptoms, I've been busy. sore gland on neck is all, and hungry
dpo6 flemmy/mucus in throat. A little nauseous this morning! That's a good sign I think. I feel like crying tonight. Overtired toddler transitioning to big bed and driving me up the wall. Just feel weak and helpless. Partly hormonal partly tired.

Going to vegetate on the lounge tonight with some chocolate!
Hey ladies. 11 dpo today. Boobs taking their turns in being sore :s. felt wee bit dizzy ealier but was only split second. Cramps still here :| lol BFN again. i give up testing until monday when im meant to be due. I just feel like i might be out. using frer 6 days early detection. but nope nothing need to get off google aswell
For the last 30 or so minutes i feel tired. could just go for a nap :( But my lo will be home shortly :( now on easter holidays as of today lol. she will keep me busy enough not to test so much i hope.
Ok, I'll play along again. I have no particular leaning one way or the other this month, whereas last month I was utterly convinced :shrug::haha:

Bd cd 8, 10, 13, 14

O cd 15

1dpo - feeling lousy, incredibly nauseous. Either the progesterone of LP is hitting hard or the Littles have infected me with some sort of lurgy. Cx high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Insomnia.

2dpo - still nauseated but less so. Crazy ass dreams. Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy. Slept well.

3dpo - still mildly nauseous, dang stomach bug. Vivid dreams. Sleeping well, and unusually for me, falling asleep within minutes of being in bed (I'm usually an hour of book in bed kinda gal) Cx high/firm/closed. Cm creamy.

4dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy and increased. Fell asleep super fast again but awake at 4:30am to pee and couldn't get back to sleep. Sides of bbs/up to armpits feel tender, almost bruised like. Headache. Mild cramping. Mild low backache.

5dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm creamy. Again waking in the early hours to start the day (4:30am!) Tender breasts. Mild uterine cramping/ occasional more intense left side cramping. Headache. Stuffy nose. poured away a full bottle of milk convinced it was off.. it was not apparently. Oh well. Nothing yet making me lean either way ��

6dpo - cx super high/soft/closed. Cm creamy. Went to bed super early (9:30!) fell asleep instantly and slept like a log until 7am. Absolutely unheard of for me but enjoying it nonetheless. Mild uterine cramping interspersed with more intense cramps. Tender/heavy bbs. Stuffy nose. Awful gas (ew!) Convinced cherries tasted fishy this morning. I swear if this is pms I'm losing my mind. Or the cherries really were fishy ��

7dpo - cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery/creamy. Slept like a log again. Vivid dreams. Mild cramping. Still very tender breasts, more so today. Stuffy nose. Still gassy. Still entirely unsure, aside from the weird cherry thing everything else is stuff I've experienced before.

8dpo - Cx super high/very soft/closed. Cm watery and lots of it (tmi) Had to go to bed at 9pm, woke at 5am to pee. Some nausea this morning. Empty stomach perhaps? Sore, heavy bbs. They feel really bruised. (if this is pms i'm in for a doozy of an af i think) Still gassy. Still stuffy nose. Had some fairly intense cramping last night. Trying to keep an open mind but my body keeps poking me in the face with symptom sticks to taunt me. :dohh: I would say I don't 'feel' pregnant, but I'm very aware that I don't feel 'normal' if that makes sense?

9dpo - cx high/medium/closed. Cm watery. Awake at 4am this morning, slept well beforehand though. Some nausea already which if it follows yesterday's path will get more intense as the morning goes on and tail off around 3pm. Still gassy. Nose seems to be less stuffy. Bbs are still very tender, my chest muscles feel bruised and sore, like my bbs are too heavy. Beginning to wonder if I have intense pms combined with a stomach upset. Forgot to mention both today and yesterday checking cx is becoming increasingly difficult because it's so high and now angled back today's 'closed' is more of a presumptive guess than a definite because I could only just feel a little bit.
Late am - nosebleed out of nowhere. I never have nosebleeds so no idea if it's a symptom or not. Also possibly (probably?) related but there's an awful smell in the house like mildew, and no one else can smell it but it's driving me demented. Nausea definitely increased from earlier. Hell of a bug if it's all related. super faint bfp in afternoon.

10dpo - cx high/soft/closed. Cm watery and abundant (ick) Chest muscles still hurting. Intermittent cramps ranging from fairly mild to more moderate. Nausea. Darker :bfp::happydance:

11dpo - cx high/soft/closed. Cm watery. Awful nausea. Bfp.

12dpo - bfn. Starting to bleed.

changing it to red doesn't seem to be working, but the positives must have been a chemical. :cry:
Oh no Pinkmonki. I'm so sad for you, I'm so sorry. Wishing you all the best <3 be gentle with yourself
Good morning ladies! It's been a while since if stalked you all haha. Congrats on the bfp's and sticky dust to all still trying. Sorry to hear of your Chem pinkmonki

O day - had a pap test, fertile cm present. Horrible cramps all afternoon after that. Bd as per docs orders haha.
1 - 8 dpo - not much. Random spuratic cramping. 6 dpo had metallic taste in mouth. 2 to 6 dpo sore breasts. 1 to 7 dpo constant tension headache all day

8 dpo - slight spotting after bd.

9 dpo - tested in the am. Checked after 2 mins and wasn't ready, but close enough to bfn i usually get to call it. Got busy unpacking and completely forgot to check again! Cf was off color today as well. Exhausted but can't nap or sleep when the option is available.

10 dpo - stumble across the test I forgot about... and for the first time I think I've received an evap line on a frer. Never had one before and I have a POAS addiction lol. So I call hubby in and he can see it! It was clearly past time line so already void. So I cracked her open for inspection haha. Weird cramping on left side in afternoon. 5 hour hold and tested on $store, bfn. Tired and not feeling too good.

11 dpo - not much happening here today haha. But the day is still young. I have another $store test for tomorrow morning.

The frer was the flat, not curved. I'll try and attach a photo so you lovely ladies can talk some sense into me haha

I had to upload screen shots from a different post due to the files being too large


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So sorry pinkmonki hope your ok.

14 dpo af due but hasnt started. Had a sharp pain cramps today heavy boobs. Sore head. Cp high soft closed

Bfn. Just feel like its not gonna happen. Oh temp drop little again today :(

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