Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello ladies!! I'm currently 8dpo (I think), CD 41, and feeling VERY pregnant. I'll be testing on the 9th (when AF is due; hopefully I can wait that long, but I’m already wavering). I'm not going to lie and say that I haven't POAS yet, and they were all bfn (DUH! Way too early, but I couldn’t help myself).

1dpo – nothing

2dpo – increased appetite, increased sex drive, watery CM, weepy, moody, bloating

3dpo – increased appetite, increased sex drive, watery CM, weepy, nausea, tender breasts, muscle cramps in my legs, frequent urination, moody, bloating

4dpo – increased appetite, increased sex drive, watery CM, nausea, tender breasts, erect/sensitive nipples, bloating

5dpo – increased appetite, no CM/very dry, nausea, pulling, frequent urination, tender breasts, erect/sensitive nipples

6dpo – increased sex drive, no CM/very dry, nausea, pulling, backache, frequent urination, tender breasts, weepy, cervix medium/high, closed, soft, fatigue, erect/sensitive nipples

7dpo – increased sex drive, lotiony CM, nausea, pulling, backache, frequent urination, tender breasts, weepy, cervix medium/high, closed, soft, erect/sensitive nipples, nausea, stomach ache, diarrhea, hot flashes, stuffy nose

8dpo – I've lost 3lbs, fatigued, gassy, nipples sensitive/erect, tender breasts that are “quad boobing”, gurgling tummy, backaches, vomiting, diarrhea, some very light spotting (tmi, but only a spot of pink on the toilet paper after pressing it to vaginal opening, nothing in panties), the cramping and backache has intensified, but still nothing like AF. Could my bean be digging a hole?

9dpo - more vivid dreams (I breast fed all night in my dreams), fatigue with a 3 hour nap, bbs still sore and full but don't feel as swollen, nausea, diarrhea, headache, sore armpits, feeling feverish, slight spotting

10dpo - more vivid dreams, fatigue, bbs still doing hte "quad boob" thing and are feeling feverish, feeling bruised or sunburned (achy), diarrhea, headache, sore armpits, feeling feverish, started wearing my fitbit again and saw that my resting heart rate has decreased (usually it is like 115 and now it is within the normal range), I also keep feeling like AF started, like my panties are wet, but there is nothing there not even CM.

11dpo - vivid dreams, fatigue, headache, nausea, sunburned feeling bbs

12dpo - the :witch: got me.. but a much lighter bleed than I've had before. I went 3 days and used less than 10 tampons when normally I'm 4-6 days and use almost an entire 20 count box.

I'm usually not one to get AF symptoms, just usually moodiness, gaining weight, extreme hunger, and a craving for spicy foods (Chester's hot fries!!), but the constantly erect nipples have only happened once before and that was with my first pregnancy that ended in MC at 5 weeks. I feel a lot of the same symptoms as my previous pregnancy, but more intense and sooner. I also usually gain about 5-10 lbs before AF comes, and I’m down 3lbs.

I'm out again. Hubby is convinced we had a chemical due to my short LP (11 days) but I never got even a faint positive, so we can't know for sure.
Morning ladies. Early post from me. Im out :(

Af hit this morning. Thankfully not heavy but the cramps wont me up so im gonna be mega tired at work today.

Im gonna be popping in and out keep a look out for you all gettong your bfps..

Im gonna make a app once af has finished..with the dr but we ony get call backs inside unless they need to see us. In due a smear aswell.
Cd was 45 days long wth. And i ovulated cd 31. Been trying for over a year aswell so defo time for a check up
I'm doing this again for 2nd tww. more or less trying not to symptom spot again, last time I felt everything and was not pregnant. I am interested in my tummy area between 6 and 12 dpo re implantation, that's about it but I'll record it all anyway. trying not to stress or count to hard, miss a day here and there to make it go faster.

Bd cd 10 and 13

O cd 14 I believe from my body signals
af due 6th or 7th april

dpo 1 tired sore boobs gas
dpo 2 normal but lots of twinges in abdomen, gas, (Lovely!)
dpo 3 not much of anything today, did lots of housework no pains/fatigue, cramping tonight on right side when I slowed down
dpo4 a little more tired/stressed than usual
dpo 5 not really any symptoms, I've been busy. sore gland on neck is all, and hungry
dpo6 flemmy/mucus in throat. A little nauseous this morning! That's a good sign I think. I feel like crying tonight. Overtired toddler transitioning to big bed and driving me up the wall. Just feel weak and helpless. Partly hormonal partly tired.
dpo7 Had a coffee this morning and made me feel queasy, another good sign I think. Though I never get nauseous, and didn't have morning sickness til 2nd trimester last time. Still I'm taking it as a positive. Tonight had feeling like a baby kicking in my abdomen, painless, very odd, readit could be utuerus expanding but could be nothing.
dpo8 no symptoms, no nausea this morning, nothing, hgry and tired t that seems normal for me.
dpo9 mild pain in abdomen left, nothing else
dpo 10 no symptoms. Tested on Frer bfn.
dpo11 very slight nausea, cp high and soft, no other symptoms. Feeling impatient. Tested on another Frer bfn. Night strong af cramps but no af cp high.
dpo12 still cramping and no af. Feels like af. Sore and enlarged boobs. Sooo tired. sounds like pms, I suppose it is. But usually have blood showing in first 10 minutes of signs/cramps. Can only think I may need more rest for it to come as I've been pushing myself a bit....Or that as some ladies have it is an implantation thing and will test if no blood in a couple of days. I cannot remember if this happened with my son or not. I think I will buy another test today...

Did any of you have implantation cramps that felt exactly like af coming?
Hi ladies! Not currently ttc but only using pullout method. I want another baby but DH does not at the moment. A few weird things have happened the past week that really makes me wonder though. Based on CM I think I ovulated on March 27th. We dtd on that day as well as other days before that. If I did ovulate that day, that would put me at 9pdo today. So here's what I have so far.

1-3dpo: nothing besides maybe decreased cm.
4dpo: cramps at bed time
5dpo: lots of thick, clear cm with very little brown mixed in it but only happened twice when wiping.
6dpo: sorry if tmi.. had thick white cm w/almost gritty texture... not really sure how else to explain it. My DD started nursing then stopped, said "that's disgusting" and walked away from me.
7dpo: woke up with sore boobs and feeling sick. Nausea, head ache, really tired and body aches. DD said milk was disgusting again. My mom kept pointing out that taste of breastmilk changes when pregnant (I didn't say anything to her about there being a possibility). Went to the dr and started treatment for sinus infection. Could barely eat dinner
8dpo: still tired, body aches and all day nausea. Migraine and DD still says milk is disgusting.
9dpo: nausea, mild cramping and migraine all day. Thought AF arrived but it was just a lot of watery cm. Eyes feel dry and itchy. Almost puked from the smell of sausage cooking. Nipples feel sensitive. DD still doesn't like the taste of milk.
10dpo: woke up with cramping and nausea. Nipples still tender. Feeling tired and cold. Cramps settled down around noon, now it's more of a dull ache. Gums are sore and weird taste in my mouth (possibly from sinus infection). Lower back ache w/popping feeling. At times I get globs of creamy cm but rather dry when that's not happening.... �� cramps started coming back around 3pm followed by glob of cm, close to EWCM but not as stretchy. Beginning to wonder if I'm really not ovulating and my body just keeps trying to
11dpo: took test this morning, thought I saw a line forming but by the time the dye dried it was bfn. Woke up with pain in my umbilical hernia. Still nauseas, breasts feel fuller and a little tender, sore nipples and mild cramps.
12dpo: no more cramps, decreased cm. Woke up a little nauseas then got hit with a migraine mid day that was so bad I was throwing up. (I do get frequent migraines though).
13dpo: mild nausea on and off throughout the day. Leg cramps at night.
14dpo: nausea on and off. Quick sharp pains in groin a couple times throughout the day. Leg cramps at bedtime.
Okay because I'm obsessive I updated my post

CD24: still got that wicked backache, some cramps. Breasts getting bigger again. Tired.... so tired..... good night! I mean, good morning?

:bfn: on wondfo

I swear my cervix seems smaller?

CD25: no :witch: cm is thoroughly dried up, cp is high/small and sore.

CD26: still no af, wondering if I actually O'd CD17, 18....? cm dry am wet pm, cp high, still having bouts of nausea. Fatigued. Trying not to symptom spot to be honest because it makes me cry when I remember the bfn. Wait, frequent crying, that's a symptom. Nipples tender, boobs starting to swell

Went looking for your symptoms to check and found this wrapunzel. Yes sounds like your cd 24 is very similar to what I'm feeling. Here's hoping.
I'm doing this again for 2nd tww. more or less trying not to symptom spot again, last time I felt everything and was not pregnant. I am interested in my tummy area between 6 and 12 dpo re implantation, that's about it but I'll record it all anyway. trying not to stress or count to hard, miss a day here and there to make it go faster.

Bd cd 10 and 13

O cd 14 I believe from my body signals
af due 6th or 7th april

dpo 1 tired sore boobs gas

dpo 2 normal but lots of twinges in abdomen, gas, (Lovely!)

dpo 3 not much of anything today, did lots of housework no pains/fatigue, cramping tonight on right side when I slowed down

dpo4 a little more tired/stressed than usual

dpo 5 not really any symptoms, I've been busy. sore gland on neck is all, and hungry

dpo6 flemmy/mucus in throat. A little nauseous this morning! That's a good sign I think. I feel like crying tonight. Overtired toddler transitioning to big bed and driving me up the wall. Just feel weak and helpless. Partly hormonal partly tired.

dpo7 Had a coffee this morning and made me feel queasy, another good sign I think. Though I never get nauseous, and didn't have morning sickness til 2nd trimester last time. Still I'm taking it as a positive. Tonight had feeling like a baby kicking in my abdomen, painless, very odd, readit could be utuerus expanding but could be nothing.

dpo8 no symptoms, no nausea this morning, nothing, hgry and tired t that seems normal for me.

dpo9 mild pain in abdomen left, nothing else

dpo 10 no symptoms. Tested on Frer bfn.

dpo11 very slight nausea, cp high and soft, no other symptoms. Feeling impatient. Tested on another Frer bfn. Night strong af cramps but no af cp high.

dpo12 still cramping and no af. Feels like af. Sore and enlarged boobs. Sooo tired. sounds like pms, I suppose it is. But usually have blood showing in first 10 minutes of signs/cramps. Can only think I may need more rest for it to come as I've been pushing myself a bit....Or that as some ladies have it is an implantation thing and will test if no blood in a couple of days. I cannot remember if this happened with my son or not. I think I will buy another test today.
PM tested again, bfn, tired, mild nausea, gassy, anxious, cramps very mild now. Feel totally back to what I was pre cramps, not tired, mild twinges, hungry.

dpo 13 mild back pain, hungry, very mild cramps coming and going, high cp. BFN this morning. But I'm starting to think I'm pregnant. I don't feel like af is coming, feel full but closed off not like somethings is open and going to come out. Due today for af. Mild crampming is all the way around my stomach especially up near my rib cage diaphragm like it may be something to do with expansion of uterus, not sure. Also mild pain between pelvis and hips like muscle/ligament changes. Boobs slightly bigger, not sore. No other symptoms.

another bfn today but feel like i'm in with a chance now.

Good luck attuck and mamaworld, following.
Ooooh that all sounds very promising Guillaine! :dust: I hope you get your BFP soon
Thankyou wrapunzel, trying to keep a lid on my emotions, it's hard getting the bfns but I do have a bit of hope now.
It was very hard not to keep testing after my BFN. Every time I felt pregnant, I would recall the BFN and feel so sad and full of doubt. I kept telling myself "a positive test won't make me any more pregnant" and managed to wait
New in here!

I have 38-41 day cycles, and O cd 26. 14-16 LP.

O day: spotting (normal).

1dpo: spotting

2dpo: mild cramps

3dpo: creamy CM?

4-6dpo: nothing significant

7dpo: creamy CM, nausea, cramps

8dpo: creamy CM, nausea, fatigue, :sleep: headache, cramps, lots of pulling and fullness above pubic bone

9dpo: spotting, tender breasts, nausea, cramps

10dpo: tender breasts, nausea, dizziness, cramps, weird fluttering in chest

11dpo: nausea, headache, tender breasts. BFN with FMU on dollar store HPt. :(

It is really hard not to test, but with my son (he's 8) and my ectopic pregnancy (July 2015) I didn't get a positive until I was a day late!

This thread is super helpful. I'm very glad I found it!
Those cramps didn't stop and turned into af for me, so I'll be back to try next month. I feel ok, disappointed but ok, glad to at least have an answer. I think I was just too tired and needed more rest.
:hugs: I am sorry Guillaine. I was so hopeful for you! Get your rest, plenty of fluids, and you'll be back in the game in no time. <3

Hi Tak, that all sounds awfully promising. Have you picked a day to test if :witch: doesn't show her face?
:hugs: I am sorry Guillaine. I was so hopeful for you! Get your rest, plenty of fluids, and you'll be back in the game in no time. <3

Hi Tak, that all sounds awfully promising. Have you picked a day to test if :witch: doesn't show her face?

Hi Wrapunzal,

Just notice your footer says you are 5 weeks pregnant. Guessing last month was your month.

Congratulations :) xxxxx
Thank you dear. It was a confusing cycle, but I am pleased by the outcome haha. Are you still waiting to O or in the 2WW again already?
Thank you dear. It was a confusing cycle, but I am pleased by the outcome haha. Are you still waiting to O or in the 2WW again already?

I am very pleased for you, i remember seeing your BFN's and thought you were out too. I am currently 1DPO, hoping this is my month i have BD'd more than enough. I think im done bd;ing for rest of the month lol :) Slightly aprehensive as baby will be born around christmas day if conceieved this cycle, weve also holiday 01/05/2017 so will be flying a few weeks pregnant. not sure if it is recommended.
I hear you on the bd. I think I might be all right with just skin on skin cuddles until it's time to TTC #3, but I doubt my man would approve lol. I'm counting myself veeeery lucky we kept BDing after what I thought was O, because based on BFP/lines my O was a full week after I thought it was.

Oh and it's fine to fly in early pregnancy provided you've got no complications, flying late in pregnancy is safe too it's just that airlines reaaaaally don't want women going into labor mid-flight. Enjoy your holiday! :)

My man wants me to go overdue and pop on 12/21 (Winter Solstice)
I hear you on the bd. I think I might be all right with just skin on skin cuddles until it's time to TTC #3, but I doubt my man would approve lol. I'm counting myself veeeery lucky we kept BDing after what I thought was O, because based on BFP/lines my O was a full week after I thought it was.

Oh and it's fine to fly in early pregnancy provided you've got no complications, flying late in pregnancy is safe too it's just that airlines reaaaaally don't want women going into labor mid-flight. Enjoy your holiday! :)

My man wants me to go overdue and pop on 12/21 (Winter Solstice)

Glad i am not alone on the BD :), youve got me thinking i should carry on BD'ING incase i missed OVULATION.

What were your cycles like? were they regular? i have been monitoring with Ovia and Ovulation calculator getting to know my body a bit beter and using OPKS.
My cycles were very regular before I started using various supplements. It was my first month using OPKs and I was trying to be frugal with them, didn't use enough to get an accurate picture but didn't realize that until it was way too late and I was thoroughly confused haha.

It was also my first month on myo-inositol. Apparently a woman's body goes through 3 or more little LH surges a month as it develops eggs. 10% of women actually ovulate (release an egg) twice in a cycle!!!!! Either I O'd twice due to the myo or I mistook the first stronger than usual surge as O, and O'd during the next surge.
My cycles were very regular before I started using various supplements. It was my first month using OPKs and I was trying to be frugal with them, didn't use enough to get an accurate picture but didn't realize that until it was way too late and I was thoroughly confused haha.

It was also my first month on myo-inositol. Apparently a woman's body goes through 3 or more little LH surges a month as it develops eggs. 10% of women actually ovulate (release an egg) twice in a cycle!!!!! Either I O'd twice due to the myo or I mistook the first stronger than usual surge as O, and O'd during the next surge.

Wow very confusing month but amazing that it ended with an amazing BFP, i guess you did ovulate late but time will tell when you go for your first scan :) all the best and hopefully i will not be far behind you xxx

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