Good morning ladies! I've been obsessing about this thread and finally decided to share my story! I just feel like I'm pregnant but I don't want to get my hopes up too much so I don't get too disappointed if I'm not.
Here are my symptoms up to this day (think I am 5dpo)
1dpo: cramping, super tired. No cm at all
2dpo: no cramping at all. Was feeling great overall! Still
no cm.
3dpo: slight cramping all day. No cm. Felt great overall.
4dpo: not extremely tired but just low energy. Couldn't do my daily workout, felt way too exhausted for that. Still some little cramping non-stop all day. Noticed that breasts feel fuller. But at the same time they don't seem bigger, although they look like they fill up my bra a bit more. Is it all in my head?? Urgh so hard to tell! Also, very weird for me, noticed blue veins over my breasts that circle up each nipple. Don't recall having that before. Also VERY WEIRD for me (TMI alert!) I was at work and felt a huge discharge from down there (almost like AF started in full force). Went to the bathroom and saw nothing in my undies (no visible cm so I guess it was just very watery cm) but my undies were complety wet and I even got 2 big spot on my pants, almost like I peeded myself!

Thank god it was the end of my shift and I was going home shortly after. Super tired at night.
5dpo: cramps in lower abdomen are still there but it feels more like my tummy is "working". Sorry it's a hard to explain feeling! Nipples are very sensitive and they feel like they are burning.
Anyone else experienced that huge watery discharge at 4-5 dpo? Or did anyone have blue veins on breasts as an early pregnancy sign? I'm confused since it seems so early on to have pg symptoms!
Good luck to all of you ladies and crossing my fingers for lots of BFP soon