Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I really thought it was going to end with a diagnosis of ovarian cysts lol. I'll be praying for you, I hope this will be the cycle you get lucky! :flower:
Good morning ladies! I've been obsessing about this thread and finally decided to share my story! I just feel like I'm pregnant but I don't want to get my hopes up too much so I don't get too disappointed if I'm not.

Here are my symptoms up to this day (think I am 5dpo)

1dpo: cramping, super tired. No cm at all

2dpo: no cramping at all. Was feeling great overall! Still
no cm.

3dpo: slight cramping all day. No cm. Felt great overall.

4dpo: not extremely tired but just low energy. Couldn't do my daily workout, felt way too exhausted for that. Still some little cramping non-stop all day. Noticed that breasts feel fuller. But at the same time they don't seem bigger, although they look like they fill up my bra a bit more. Is it all in my head?? Urgh so hard to tell! Also, very weird for me, noticed blue veins over my breasts that circle up each nipple. Don't recall having that before. Also VERY WEIRD for me (TMI alert!) I was at work and felt a huge discharge from down there (almost like AF started in full force). Went to the bathroom and saw nothing in my undies (no visible cm so I guess it was just very watery cm) but my undies were complety wet and I even got 2 big spot on my pants, almost like I peeded myself! :blush: Thank god it was the end of my shift and I was going home shortly after. Super tired at night.

5dpo: cramps in lower abdomen are still there but it feels more like my tummy is "working". Sorry it's a hard to explain feeling! Nipples are very sensitive and they feel like they are burning.

Anyone else experienced that huge watery discharge at 4-5 dpo? Or did anyone have blue veins on breasts as an early pregnancy sign? I'm confused since it seems so early on to have pg symptoms!

Good luck to all of you ladies and crossing my fingers for lots of BFP soon :thumbup:
Hi Tak, that all sounds awfully promising. Have you picked a day to test if :witch: doesn't show her face?

Well, I let excitement get the better of me and tested with a dollar store cheapie this AM -- BFN. Not a surprise, but still disappointing.

My official "late" day is Monday, so I'm saving a FRER if AF doesn't show up this weekend.

Yesterday I got home from work and napped for two hours! At least if I'm not PG I'm now caught up on my sleep deficit!
Awwww oh no. BFN can be so frustrating at this stage in the cycle. Got my fingers crossed that af stays away and the FRER shows a blazing second line!
Anyone else experienced that huge watery discharge at 4-5 dpo? Or did anyone have blue veins on breasts as an early pregnancy sign? I'm confused since it seems so early on to have pg symptoms!

Good luck to all of you ladies and crossing my fingers for lots of BFP soon :thumbup:

I had a fair amount of watery discharge around then too, but I didn't know what to make of it. I thought it was pee but nope, not pee!
First time posting so im sorry if i dont use the lingo right!

I am using an APP called ovia that helps me determine my fertile days. We are currently tta (needed a break). The app stated that I was in the clear when we bd.
So after we dtd I had a strange urge to check if I was ovulating. After testing the opk told me that i was currently having an lh surge... which brings me here.

1dpo- 3dpo: not much but i was very dizzy and creamy cm (sorry)
4po-6po: my core feels hot but no fever, extremely tired, and headaches
headaches, cramping, creamy cm, and really tired.
7po: extreme heavy boobs, headaches, cramping, still tired, still creamy cm.
8-9dpo: tons of gas :( going number one quite often lol, mid back pains, needle like pains down my inner thighs, creamy white cm (no itchiness or smell) heavy boobies, pimples, have a sore throat but not full blown.
10dpo: same as above but at night i swear i was coming down with a sinus infection.

the ovia app says to test today but i will wait till tomorrow :)

tested last night 13dpo negative and the witch came this morning

thatsssss it for now thanks for reading!
Blah. Had dark brown spotting and period-is-a-coming cramps this afternoon. Pretty sure AF will arrive in the next couple days. I'll update for sure when she does.
I have nothing to share before 7DPO

- morning constipation/cramp/indigestion. Only for a half hour

10 DPO
- mild cramps about 20 mins after checking my cervix. Lasted only a minute or two and were mild
- cervix firm, medium height
- occasional pinching feeling on right side
- super moody/distracted
-Tiny bit of creamy/sticky cm. Had a short, thin vein of blood in it.

11 DPO
- slightly nauseous in the morning
- cervix really high
- having to pee more than normal
- very little cm, what there is was slightly orange-ish

12 DPO
- still peeing more than normal

13 DPO
- peeing more than normal
- slight, brief nausea in the evening
- sensitive lower abdomen in am. Lower abdomen just kind of not quite sore, just didn't want pressure on it (I did eat a massive meal the night before).
- hips/lower back sore after a walk (not a strenuous one)
Maya!!! That is textbook. :dust:

:hugs: Tak, sorry to hear about the spotting and cramps.

Lilybudz, hello! It's so odd how our bodies make these baby accidents happen eh? Almost like we were programmed to do it haha
This is my first cycle TTC and first TWW, so I'm excited to be posting for the first time.
My O was conveniently on March 31st, making tracking easy. Here's my symptom spotting:

1 - 4 dpo: nothing out of the ordinary. Just after O, I did have a big increase in sex drive. CM changed from sticky to lotiony. Also to be noted, I had a sharp increased of stress due to external causes, affecting the quality of sleep for a few days.

5 dpo:
- More tired than usual, a bit lethargic (perhaps related to my poor sleep earlier in the week)
- Had dizzy spells throughout the day.

6 dpo:
- Sex drive, nil. BD with DH early in the morning, but wasn't very excited about it
- Ridiculous fatigue after lunch. Initially thought it was food coma, but it lasted for hours. Had to fight to stay awake at work.
- More dizzy spells in the afternoon
- Pissy mood all day, sleepy, cranky, tired.

7 dpo:
- Woke up 45 min late for work
- Moodiness continues to increased - so irrationally angry at the world like an emo teen. Recognize it's irrational, can't control it. But literally getting annoyed by every human interaction I have thoughout the day.
- Generally tired, assumed it was from being so angry
- headache that comes and goes

8 dpo:
- BBs feel tender and heavy, but nips haven't changed
- Still moody and tired in the AM, even with 9 hours of sleep. Generally in an okay mood, but argumentative with DH every chance I get. DH is confused.

9 dpo:
- Slept more than 12 hours, so woke up with a headache.
- BBs looked bigger and felt more sore than yesterday.
- Dizzy spells
- Did not step out of the house all day

10 dpo:
- Raging mad again. Can't even bear someone asking how my day is going. Hate people.
- Have ever so slight cramps. Feels very similar to cramps I get when I hold my pee for too long.
- Have annual OBGYN visit. Have an HCG test done with a :bfn:.
- Anxiety hits and I'm a raging angry panicky mess at work. I assume that the event that had given me a lot of stress the prior week affected me more than I thought it did.
- Sudden increase in sex drive
- BB's are a bit more swollen and tender than during usual PMS
- Feeling of acid reflux and something stuck in throat (near the collar bone area). Had really spicy food yesterday though so.. yea.

- Beginning to believe I was just an innately evil human being that hates the world.
- More pee-holding cramps, a tiny bit stronger than yesterday.
- Craving sushi
- Super bloated
- Random headaches
- Dizzy spells
- Bubbly feeling in lower abdomen

Came home to my package of OVK/pregnancy strips. Although I got my BFN yesterday, I knew something was up with my body so tried a test. A very faint line! Tried another one immediately after, as I thought the first was a mistake. Another very faint line! :bfp:!

As this is my first time ever of anything, I know there is a possibility that it may be a CP, but TBH, just happy I'm not an angry crazy person.

Most symptoms were similar to my normal PMS. The only things that made me feel like I may actually be preggo was:

- My rage. A few years ago I was diagnosed with PMDD. I overcame it through CBT. So me being :growlmad: all the time was very strange. I was very worried my PMDD had come back with a vengeance.

- Dizzy spells. I never get dizzy. This was strange.

- Pee-holding cramps. These were different from my usual cramps.

Maya!!! That is textbook. :dust:

:hugs: Tak, sorry to hear about the spotting and cramps.

Lilybudz, hello! It's so odd how our bodies make these baby accidents happen eh? Almost like we were programmed to do it haha

lol! it really is ... I told my hubby "if im pregnant its cause you smelled me ovulating" haha good luck to all and baby dust to all!!
First time posting so im sorry if i dont use the lingo right!

I am using an APP called ovia that helps me determine my fertile days. We are currently tta (needed a break). The app stated that I was in the clear when we bd.
So after we dtd I had a strange urge to check if I was ovulating. After testing the opk told me that i was currently having an lh surge... which brings me here.

1dpo- 3dpo: not much but i was very dizzy and creamy cm (sorry)
4po-6po: my core feels hot but no fever, extremely tired, headaches, cramping, creamy cm, and really tired.
7po: extreme heavy boobs, headaches, cramping, still tired, still creamy cm.

thatsssss it for now thanks for reading!

8po: extreme nausea, felt reallllllllly hot this morning (nausea could be to the fact that i am stressed over my sick cat :sad2: still really tired (slept 8.5 hours) cramping and mid back aches.

EDIT: i forgot to mention ive been having really detailed dreams. Usually i dont remember jack sh* // soft stool // i felt a needle like pull on my right side of pelvic yesterday

*i also tested yesterday and it was a :bfn: so the waiting game continues!*
Hi Tak, that all sounds awfully promising. Have you picked a day to test if :witch: doesn't show her face?

Well, I let excitement get the better of me and tested with a dollar store cheapie this AM -- BFN. Not a surprise, but still disappointing.

My official "late" day is Monday, so I'm saving a FRER if AF doesn't show up this weekend.

Yesterday I got home from work and napped for two hours! At least if I'm not PG I'm now caught up on my sleep deficit!

sounds promising!! good luck and let us know! :)
Hi! New here:) Figured I might as well join in:) as a background, we have been sorta TTC for almost 2yrs (meaning we weren't preventing it), and went to the doctor about 6 months ago and was diagnosed with PCOS (it is in my family so I expected that). I was put on 50mg of Clomid for two months but it didn't help much. I was put on 100mg Clomid in Jan, but I was out of country for two weeks including for cd21 blood work so not sure how it worked. February 100mg again and this time I had satisfactory progesterone results! This cycle I again took 100mg and am still waiting to hear my CD 21 progesterone.

I Think I O on cd17 or 18, but probably cd18. Which would put me at 6-7dpo now. Here's what I have so far:

Dpo 1 or 2 - nothing. Creamy CM
Dpo 2 or 3 - nothing unusual
Dpo 3 or 4 - little fatigued (but that could be from lack of sleep and working...). Nothing else
Dpo 4 or 5 - nothing unusual... Maybe a little gassy (not unusual for me during this time��)
Dpo 5 or 6 - nothing unusual...still a little gassy
Dpo 7 or 8 - nothing much...still just a little gassy and a bit tired (but also worked hard the day before, so that explains that!). Creamy CM.

Well, that's it for now. Not much happening with me.
Good morning ladies! I've been obsessing about this thread and finally decided to share my story! I just feel like I'm pregnant but I don't want to get my hopes up too much so I don't get too disappointed if I'm not.

Here are my symptoms up to this day (think I am 5dpo)

1dpo: cramping, super tired. No cm at all

2dpo: no cramping at all. Was feeling great overall! Still
no cm.

3dpo: slight cramping all day. No cm. Felt great overall.

4dpo: not extremely tired but just low energy. Couldn't do my daily workout, felt way too exhausted for that. Still some little cramping non-stop all day. Noticed that breasts feel fuller. But at the same time they don't seem bigger, although they look like they fill up my bra a bit more. Is it all in my head?? Urgh so hard to tell! Also, very weird for me, noticed blue veins over my breasts that circle up each nipple. Don't recall having that before. Also VERY WEIRD for me (TMI alert!) I was at work and felt a huge discharge from down there (almost like AF started in full force). Went to the bathroom and saw nothing in my undies (no visible cm so I guess it was just very watery cm) but my undies were complety wet and I even got 2 big spot on my pants, almost like I peeded myself! :blush: Thank god it was the end of my shift and I was going home shortly after. Super tired at night.

5dpo: cramps in lower abdomen are still there but it feels more like my tummy is "working". Sorry it's a hard to explain feeling! Nipples are very sensitive and they feel like they are burning.

Anyone else experienced that huge watery discharge at 4-5 dpo? Or did anyone have blue veins on breasts as an early pregnancy sign? I'm confused since it seems so early on to have pg symptoms!

Good luck to all of you ladies and crossing my fingers for lots of BFP soon :thumbup:


6dpo: Very emotional (almost cried over the phone while having a discussion with my boss), peeing more often, gums were bleeding when brushing my teeth at night, burping more often :blush:, not as much cramps in lower abdomen today. Oh, and definitely impatient and grumpy at times :growlmad:

7dpo: Vivid dreams, breast still feel fuller but nips don't hurt as much, almost no cramping. Felt short of breath after taking stairs at work! I usually do that multiple times a day and don't recall being so short of breath afterwards

8dpo: Peeing more (went to the bathroom before bed, once during the night and twice when I woke up!), dull headache that lasted pretty much all day, AF like cramps all day, very nauseous during the evening but it could be from eating too much sugar (my coworker brought us the most delicious dessert :winkwink:), very tired in the evening but it could be because I worked until 4 am the previous night and was up at 10h30 am in the morning. I was also super impatient!! :growlmad: I hate being like that - this is not me!!

I don't know what to thing about the AF like cramps :shrug: I read in other forums that some people get them pretty constantly during the TWW and got a :bfp: but they feel so much like cramps that I get before :witch: that I'm very confused. Oh well, I guess only time will tell!
I'm not officially updating my post in red until AF shows, but I tested today, as period would be due, and my FRER was a BFN. :growlmad:
I totally stalked this thread before, so thought I'd add to it now! Funnily enough, the two months I WAS SURE I was pregnant, I was definitely not pregnant. The month I was, I wasn't sure at all. For me me there were definitely differences, the most noticeable was that I didn't have my usual PMS / PMDD symptoms. And I got a bloody nose. And drooled in a public place. :haha: Thanks and Baby Dust to All!!


O Day-- Exhausted. Grumpy. Sad. A little hopeless about sleep. Wondering if I'll ever sleep again. Ovary aches.
1 DPO-- Feel really good, despite little sleep, no physical symptoms. High Cervix. Mild sore throat.
2 DPO -- Somewhat sore bbs, very good mood, not irritable, depressed, or anxious! So that's good. Still mild sore throat. Thirsty.
3 DPO -- No more sore throat. A little tired, but not depressed / anxious / stressed. Took two naps. Still slightly sensitive bbs. Mild back pain towards pm.
4 DPO -- still great mood. Productive. No real physical symptoms. Took brief nap. Ran 6 miles in 58 mins, great time for me!
5DPO-- Extremely tired. All day. Not sure if related or due to the insomnia. Woke up with stomach ache and sore abs. Didn't last the whole day. Felt a little ill all day. Started to get depressed towards the late evening, even teary. Feeling hopeless and wondering if this is the start of PMDD. Less appetite than usual. Food tastes sub par.
6 DPO -- Good mood, no physical symptoms
7 DPO -- Not so good, didn't sleep at all, no physical symptoms, talked to OBGYN about going back on sleep meds.
8 DPO -- So far so good. Decent sleep. Light brown discharge when wiping at lunch time. Very constipated. Good mood. Vivid dreams.
9 DPO -- Tired, weepy, Emotional, napped HARD
10 DPO -- Slept great. Woke up at 9! Boobs hurt. Never had boob pain before.... Napped. Irritable. AF arrived by PM :( :growlmad:


O DAY — Extremely overwhelmed and weepy. Found out we are moving in a month. Insomnia.
1 DPO — Slept well. Upped sleeping med dosage. Feeling much more calm about move. Constipated due to med change. Extremely hungry after running 7 miles.
2 DPO - Woke up with blood in my nose (uncommon). Extremely irritable. Depressed. Overwhelmed. Lots of white CM in underwear. Feels like PMDD.
3 DPO - Extremely depressed. Lots of CM in underwear. Feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Think PMDD is in full bloom.
4 DPO — Tired, but by the afternoon I felt great. Went for 6 mile run in 51:20. LOTS of white CM in underwear. White, creamy, stretchy, a little tacky. Vaguely sore BBs. Felt a very brief back cramp. Lower right side. Shoulders ache.
5 DPO — Constipated, TERRIBLE GAS. Some cramping. Can’t be sure if boobs are sore or not. Very hungry. Insomnia.
6 DPO - No physical symptoms, travel day. Excited for vacation! Insomnia.
7 DPO — Backache, cramp + diarrhea, gas in the pm, boobs are feelings things. Still great mood. Starting to get suspicious. Insomnia.
8 DPO — Lots of physical symptoms, sore bbs, stomach twinges. Cold. A little irritable. NERVOUS…Something makes me think this might be it. Insomnia.
9 — Great mood. Another night of insomnia. Lots of physical symptoms (sore BBs, stomach twinges). Constipated. Back ache. Excited for tomorrow!
10 DPO — AF arrived on time first thing AM. Confused! And sad :( Irritable. Hopeless. :cry:

CYCLE 3, Wasn’t Trying Because We We’re Moving (Didn’t use OPKS, assuming ovulation day same as Cycle 2)

1 DPO —Slept well, woke up very bloated, mood okay. BBs are not sore (different from last month). Not very big appetite. A little drowsy.
2 DPO -- Great mood all day, horrible stomach ache after lunch (most likely because I had soy bean pasta, prunes, and veggie shake for lunch). Worst gas of my life. No boob feels. No CM in underwear (different from last month)
3 DPO -- Generally bad mood. Traffic was terrible. Bloated and gas. No boob feels. No CM again. Tired. Ready for move to be over!
4 DPO -- Nothing noted because so distracted by move.
5 DPO -- Bloody nose, drowsy, took nap, good mood, a little weepy but happy weepy, right ovary aches briefly in pm
6 DPO -- Not much noted because so distracted with move. Slept terribly. Good mood.
7 DPO -- Moving day!! Woke up with stuffy nose and slightly sore throat. Think I may be coming down with something. … By the time I got on the road physically and emotionally exhausted. Before I left, ran a 7:50 mile at 0 incline and was completely out of breath, felt heavy and out of shape, even though I'm in great shape. Need water constantly. Had to drive 8 hours. Was very tired on the road driving and had trouble keeping eyes open. Almost fell asleep on the road (yikes!). Never been that drowsy while driving before. Took lots of breaks. Felt like hell when I got the hotel.
8 DPO — Drove 8 hours again. Almost fell asleep driving again. Scary, never been this tired driving before. Had to stop every hour to take breaks. All food tastes so good. Even Taco Bell. Exhausted before bed. NO BACK PAIN or physical symptoms though.
9 DPO — Finally slept in and woke up in new home!! YAY!! Great mood. Absolutely NO back pain even though I just moved. I have never NOT threw my back out while moving. Thought AF came and ran to bathroom, but just wet underwear (sorry TMI!!)
10 DPO (AF DUE) — Woke up with nothing, surprised. :shrug: Went out for coffee and while I was drinking coffee a big puddle of drool fell out of my mouth and onto the coffee in front of people!! WTF! That is when I knew I could be pregnant. Slowly walked home. Took two tests. BPF! :happydance: Told husband afterwork and he cried and said it was the best day of his life :kiss:

Confirmed at doctor at 14 dpo. Awaiting 7 week scan in two weeks!
So excited to share that I've just received my :bfp:, much sooner than I expected. I've updated my symptoms and experience in my prior post.

Good luck to you all! Hope you get your :bfp: soon as well!

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