Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hello ladies!!
I am so excited to see so many BFP, congratulations!!
So I just broke in to testing about a half hour ago, went to dollar tree and bought 6 htp and used one which was bfn 😢
I’m only 10 dpiui but since I been feeling crampy and sore down there and my boobs have been feeling heavy I kind of was expecting to see something on the htp but nothing, not even the shadow of a line.. I have the feeling I’m out this cycle.
I was looking into my notes from 2016 when we got pregnant and realized I got a BFP at 14 dpo and my nurse asked me to test 18 dpo so I am hopeful that in few days I test again and something good will happen. Hoping AF won’t surprise us before and she won’t show for whole 9 months hahaha!!
How you girls doing? Anyone tested so far? Any new symptoms??
Cd 14 day I O. very very strong O pains but on my bad side (no tube) so don't hold too much hope for this cycle but so far symptoms are:

1dpo dry cm, a little cramping generally feeling normal
2dpo dry cm, feel cagey today, craving sweet stuff especially chocolate. Slight cramping again.
3dpo slight metallic taste in mouth which lasted about 5 secs, glob of white creamy cm, aches and shooting pains in boobs. Forgot to mention being run down with cold and cough starting 1dpo
8dpo lots of tugging in uterus and af type cramps in the night

This cycle bust :bfn: oh well on to next cycle
Cycle 4 (Cycle 3 of AI)
Avoided symptom spotting until about 11 dpo
11 dpo - bright red spotting followed by light brown tinged CM, then gone. Sore breasts
12 dpo - Sore breasts
13 dpo - Positive HPT (FRER) and negative HPT (CBD). Sore breasts, brown to pink discharge increasing throughout the day, light cramping.
14 dpo - Positive HPT (FRER) but lighter, negative HPT (Dollar store cheapies). More brown to pink spotting, small amount of light red tissue passed just before bed.
15 dpo - :witch: from Hades. Chemical pregnancy. :(

Orange because to me a CP is both a BFP and AF, so I didn't know which color to make it. :cry::cry::cry:
Cycle 4 (Cycle 3 of AI)
Avoided symptom spotting until about 11 dpo
11 dpo - bright red spotting followed by light brown tinged CM, then gone. Sore breasts
12 dpo - Sore breasts
13 dpo - Positive HPT (FRER) and negative HPT (CBD). Sore breasts, brown to pink discharge increasing throughout the day, light cramping.
14 dpo - Positive HPT (FRER) but lighter, negative HPT (Dollar store cheapies). More brown to pink spotting, small amount of light red tissue passed just before bed.
15 dpo - :witch: from Hades. Chemical pregnancy. :(

Orange because to me a CP is both a BFP and AF, so I didn't know which color to make it. :cry::cry::cry:

I'm so sorry :( that's so cruel I bet you really had your hopes up. Good luck next month though!
Hi everyone, used to on b&b loads but not been on here for probs just over a year (or thereabouts)

So I find myself here again after natural contraception, or rather ntnp (or rather hoping for a little “whoopsy baby”).

So I think today I am 9 dpo. I’ve had a few unusual symptoms this cycle, so here goes
1-5 dpo - nothing out of the ordinary
6 dpo - constipated
7 dpo - cramping for small while, then small one off bleed (not enough for a pad but significant on wiping). Also had dizzy episode when turned over in bed (never get dizzy).
8 dpo - few more short lasting dizzy spells through day and again at bed time, crampy/dull ache lasting most of the day. Very moody.
9 dpo - dull mild headache most of the day (although could be due to my daughter having me up a lot last night). Crampy/dull aches on and off all day.
Hello ladies!!
Iwantbabydust I’m so sorry, I’ll be praying for your BFP next cycle!

I was very hopeful this month, we had our iui on January 30th with 4 mature follies and husband count was good however I’m 14dpiui and still testing negative on hpt 😔
I been having cramps on and off por the past week and back ache but at this point I think I’m out, AF hasn’t arrive yet but I am due on the 16th or 17th and honestly I don’t think we are pregnant which is heartbreaking since we spent so much money on this cycle and we are kind of broke right now.
Anybody else testing lately? I can’t wait to hear good news from you ladies!
Hi ladies. OH and I had some, uh, risky sex right around my estimated OD and I have been having symptoms ever since, so here I am a bit unexpectedly in the TWW!

LMP 1/26
Estimated Fertile Window 2/4-10 with O Day 2/9
BD 6/8/9

1DPO-tossing and turning all night, vivid dreams including pregnancy dreams, "feeling" my uterus is warm/heavy like I feel it before AF comes, bloating, mild cramping, backache, tired and took a nap on the couch
2DPO-tossing and turning all night, vivid dreams, warm/heavy feeling uterus still, complete loss of appetite/mild stomach-achy feeling, backache, bloating, mild cramping
3DPO-tossing and turning all night, vivid dreams, warm/heavy feeling uterus still, complete loss of appetite/mild stomach-achy feeling (ate 75% lunch, 50% dinner), backache, mild cramping, bloating, frequent urination, cervix really high/hard/closed, snappy/sassy attitude at work which is unlike me
4DPO-slept better last night, still not super hungry/mild stomach-achy feeling, mild backache, cervix still high/hard/closed, somewhat still feeling my warm/heavy uterus

The biggest thing that is unusual aside from my feeling of certainty is my lack of appetite and my lack of symptoms. Normally between O day and AF I am emotional, eat everything in sight, and have sore BBs. I don't normally have the bloating, nor the sensation/awareness of my uterus, which is so unusual to describe. And being basically uninterested in food, eating only because I know it's lunchtime or dinnertime etc, is strange. I am wondering if we caught the egg on our earlier BDs and I'm more like 5/6/7DPO.

Thoughts? :)
4DPO-slept better last night, still not super hungry/mild stomach-achy feeling, mild backache, cervix still high/hard/closed, somewhat still feeling my warm/heavy uterus)

Not sure why I can't edit my previous post, but a 4dpo update - I took an unplanned 3 hours nap after my last post, now back to lack of appetite /mild nausea, sensations of wetness despite only a small amount of CM when checking cervical position.
TMI warning. 9 DPO cervix moved lower today. BFN this morning. Is there still hope? Cervix moved lower and feels firm, but opening feels like pursed lips. almost like something is over opening. Any opinions of advice?
Well the ugly witch just showed up tonight so I will call my RE tomorrow and see what is the next step.
Good luck to all other ladies this cycle and here we go with another round. ❤️
This is our fourth month ttc.


1dpo - no symptoms
2dpo - ewcm, spotting
3dpo - no symptoms
4dpo - no symptoms
5dpo - fatigue, irritable, small bit of cramping, constipated, bloated, gassy, joint/muscle aches, bbs a little bit sore, feels like I’m getting a head cold, temp 36.3
6dpo - fatigue, irritable, anxious, bloated, gassy, muscle/joint aches, small bit of creamy cm, slight stuffy nose, feel like I have a head cold, temp 36.5
7dpo - fatigue, irritable, anxious, bloated, head cold seems to have gone, small bit of creamy cm, sharp pain in left ovary (lasted only a few seconds), temp dropped to 36.1
8dpo - small bit of creamy cm and cramping, bbs feel fuller but not that sore, temp rose again to 36.5
9dpo - no cm, fatigue, small bit of cramping, bbs feeling fuller and a bit sorer, swollen gum, temp 36.7
10dpo - with fmu and a frer test, fatigue, swollen gum, temp dropped to 36.3, think I’m out
11dpo - sore bbs, fatigue
12dpo - sore bbs, fatigue, temp 36.3
13dpo - AF showed up


Ovulation day: temp 36.1, mild cramping, slight pain on and off in right ovary, ewcm, insomnia
1dpo: Brief pain in lower back, mild cramping, sore bbs, small bit of ewcm
2dpo: temp 36.2, slight pain in bbs, no cm
3dpo: temp 36.0, fatigue, very mild cramping(on and off),sore bbs, muscle aches, small bit of ewcm
4dp: temp 36.6, fatigue, very mild cramping (on and off), sore bbs, muscle aches,irritable, small bit of creamy cm, peeing more often
5dpo: temp 36.7, fatigue, mild cramping, bbs sore and feeling bigger, muscle aches, peeing more often, no cm
6dpo: temp 36.9, fatigue, sore bbs and feeling fuller. Peeing more often
7dpo: temp 36.7, fatigue, very painful bbs, peeing more often, pain in right ovary, couldn’t finish my dinner(not like me), small bit of creamy cm
8dpo: bfn, temp 36.9, fatigue, sore bbs, peeing more often, small bit of creamy cm, diarrhea, anxiety
9dpo: bfn, temp 36.9, fatigue, sore boobs, insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety, nausea in the morning (think it could be because I took my tablets on an empty stomach), swollen gum
10dpo: bfn, temp 36.9, fatigue, sore bbs, anxiety, sore muscles, dull ache lower abdomen, bfn at night, I’m sure I’m out this month and AF is on her way
11dpo: bfn, temp 36.8, fatigue, sore bbs, sore muscles, cramps
12dpo: bfn, temp 36.8, fatigue, sore bbs, dull ache on and off lower abdomen
13dpo: bfn with fmu and frer test, temp 36.6, soreness bbs
14dpo: AF started

After AF I had some spotting and a positive test but then I had more spotting and bfn’s - must have been a chemical/early miscarriage.


We weren’t suppose to be trying this month so I’m not sure exactly when I ovulated but I’ll keep track of symptoms here just in case.

O day: cramps in right ovary, lots of ewcm
1dpo: pain in right ovary, lots of ewcm
2dpo: no symptoms
3dpo: small bit of ewcm
4dpo: small bit of ewcm
5dpo: no cm, bbs slightly sore, feeling down and anxious, brief pain in right ovary
6dpo: small bit of creamy cm, bbs sorer and feeling fuller, brief pain in right ovary, still anxious and feeling down
7dpo: sore bbs, feeling down and anxious, fatigue
8dpo: bfn, sore bbs, couldn’t finish my dinner (although I notice that this happened around the same time last month
9dpo: bfn, sore bbs, fatigue, gassy, diarrhoea, dull ache lower abdomen, brief pain on and off in right ovary, sore legs
10dpo: bfn, temp 36.8, sore bbs, fatigue, gassy, dull ache lower abdomen
11dpo: bfn, sore bbs, fatigue
12dpo: bfn, sore bbs, fatigue, mild cramps
13dpo: bfn, sore bbs, fatigue, mild cramps
14dpo: AF started
On 4th round of Clomid, TTC#5 for ~20 months.

Feb 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 :sex:

Feb 10 +OPK Tons EWCM

Feb 11 O'd-Watery CM, Intense ovary pain, like BAD!!
1DPO-Cramping, no CM noted
2DPO-Cramping, watery CM
3DPO-Cramping,EWCM, Both ovaries killed me if I barely coughed??:growlmad:
4DPO-Cramping, thinner clear CM(not much thou) irritable:dohh:
5DPO-Twinges on both ovaries throughtout day, cramping in between the twinges.
6DPO- Twinges on both sides, cramping as usual
7DPO-Creamy CM, cramps from both sides, dizziness, backache, BFN
8DPO-Creamy CM, Cramps, BFN
10DPO-Creamy/Thick white CM, BFN, feeling down, but can't help that I just "feel pregnant", sensitive breast
11DPO-No cramping, for once:),breast still sensitive, no CM, not dry just none
12DPO-super emotional, no CM, cramping a lot today, Did not test-tired of effinBFNs:growlmad:
13DPO- No CM, bad headache(which I never get:/), feelings of weakness/fatigue or like sugar was low??, mild cramping, Breast tenderness, feel like I have set out in the sun for too long at times. Don't know if its my sugar or if I'm just getting hot.(Not like, oh I feel hot. Like holy cow I'm roasting in here and my co-worker has a heated blanket on, hot!!) Working nights tonight so will test when I get up today:shrug:
Hi ladies!
So a little about me:
After almost 4 years ttc we got our BFP on January 2016 and delivered our precious baby girl October 2016. This thread helped me so much to see my symptoms and other ladies symptoms, also to feel that I am not alone and to give and receive support to others like me seeking to achieve the miracle of motherhood. Here I am almost after 2 years starting again ttc #2. We started injectables on December and did ti, January we did letrozole and I jectables and IUI #1 with 4 follies ending in BFN. Today is CD 4 and I am starting letrozole again to attemp another IUI praying this time it won’t take as long as last time. I am not getting any younger and also money is not that good so we only have certain number of attempts available. I have PCOS and husband is healthy. I am excited to share my experiences and symptoms with you and also hopeful we all can get our BFP soon.
Thank you for all the support and keep posting your symptoms. Hugs and baby dust to you all!!
Back in the TWW!

1 DPO - No symptoms
2 DPO - Very faint cramping a couple times, not for long. Extreme exhaustion.
Hi there !

This is mine and DH second cycle trying this time (we tried for 6 months last year with no success and took a break from it). Here are the symptoms I’ve had since O:

1-3DPO - had flu, temps were really high because of flu and hard to decipher and symptoms when I felt that awful.

4-6 DPO- mild cramping in left side of uterus bbt above my coverline but lowering slowly, milky CM, headaches ( I never get headaches I thought they were left over from the flu)

7dpo- temp dropped below cover line, thought I was having a problem with progesterone levels and for sure thought I was out for this month, still milky CM and headaches and couldn’t sleep throughout the night.

8-10 DPO- temps went back up, dull cramps (so weird), nipple started to get slightly sore, headaches, runny nose and couldn’t sleep through the night (thought I was getting a cold). On 10 DPO DH noticed these weird pore looking bumps around my nipples that have never been there before. Headaches on and off, constipated (sorry tmi) a

11-13 DPO - temp still high, breasts feel full( usual for AF) , nipples still hurting (not normal for AF but has happened a few times so I didn’t think much of it), more bumps showed up on my nipples, still lots of milky CM (not normal before AF). Full cramps but not like AF cramps. Still can’t sleep throughout the night (this seriously never happens) nd gassy (gassy is normal for me for AF)

14dpo- AF due today (have not had A cycle that wasn’t 29 days since I went off BC 2 years ago). Temp still high which never happens Boobs significantly sore, no moodiness (usually so irritable around AF ), waiting all day for AF. No CM. Nipples still sore, really tired (usual for Af) dull aches in my pelvis ( usually have terrible cramps with AF that are hard to handle) . BFN on internet cheapie. Can’t sleep throughout night, took a internet cheapie test BFN.

15 DPO - boobs so sore I can’t lay on my front or touch them , they’re sore majorly on the sides into my armpits, still dull aches in pelvis, some CM but no other symptoms of of or AF but still hungry. BBT still high Still don’t trust it enough to test, I don’t want to get my hopes up too much so I’ll wait till tomorrow if AF isn’t here I’ll test.

16dpo- [COLOR="seagre[COLOR="seagreen"]en"]
woke up at 4 am had to pee so I decided to test with FRER got my BFP! [/COLOR][/COLOR]

Good luck

I'm at CD12 and 3DPO, because my cycle was odd this month having Od a week early, and so far:

CD8 - Positive OPK

CD9 - (O day) BD @pm, no symptoms

1 DPO - BD @pm, no symptoms

2 DPO - Driving the 2 hours home from vacation I was ready to fall asleep, had to buy a coffee and this was at 3pm! Maybe light cramps for a second (could have been to poop lol). At night my 15 lb dog was super protective of me, guarding me from my inlaw's dog I'm watching at my house and he has NEVER done that... later he was sleeping against me by my belly, which he also never does. He usually sleeps under the covers but up near my head. Picture below. I didn't think anything of it, just thought it was cute, but sent this pic to my bff last night laughing at his lil nose poking out and she knows I'm TCC and she said maybe he knows! And I forgot dogs can sometimes sense hormone changes, so I googled and it's actually a thing. They lay by your belly and get protective even before YOU know you're pregnant... FX! Or he could have just missed me while I was on vacation. In the pic, the black fabric on the right is my shirt.

3 DPO - Felt a slight wave of nausea this morning while getting ready for work just standing in the bathroom... hadn't eaten or had coffee yet. Mild cramping again for a sec. Kinda low CP. Very light amount of CM, which was milky white and tacky kind of.

4 DPO - EWCM when I wiped, light amount of milk white CM when checking CM. High CP, wet, semi hard. Exhaustion. Frequent urination. Cramping.

5 DPO - EWCM when I wiped, a lot more milk white sticky CM when checking CM. High CP, wet, semi hard. Exhaustion. Frequent urination. Negative OPK - checked it due to the EWCM incase I was wrong about Oing 5 days ago. Cramping all night. Exhaustion lasted all afternoon and night and even took a nap. Been craving McDonald's McChickens and I'm normally a burger gal. Got one today. Thought it would be too early for cravings, but oddly enough I saw a video of a woman who got a BFP and explained her early symptoms before finding out and she also craved McChickens... what?! Lower backache along side cramping. Constipation. Crazy thirsty late at night. Peed a lot.

6 DPO - Creamy CM, still high and wet CP, cramping, tired but not exhausted yet. Will check back to update later.

In the pix below, the OPKs were Mon-Sunday. Friday was my peak and Saturday I Od.


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Thought i’d join in..( I don’t temp but going off my app and cervix position/CM I am 5dpo

1-3dpo - awful migraine that just wouldn’t budge, UTI, left sided pain

4-5dpo - thrush 😑 AF type cramps, tender breasts, really awful nausea and hot flushes

6dpo - Cervix is really high firm and closed, breasts are veiny and tender, heartburn at night.

7dpo - Cervix is really high, closed and really soft. Breasts are veiny, and nipples are mega sensitive! Lots and lots of creamy cm

8-9dpo - Cervix high and closed and wet, breasts so so sore and nipples are darker and bigger?! Heartburn at night and lots of gas pains.

10dpo - Cervix was low and open (am) by lunch time it was mega high and closed and wet. Breasts are just getting more sore and nipples feel like they are burning with shooting pains. Really bad gas pains in tummy along with a stitch type feeling near my belly button. First time I’ve been fatigued this cycle!

11dpo - sore breasts still, Cervix really high closed and really soft, fatigued and pinchy stitch feeling lower stomach. Cm is quite thick

12dpo - breasts really sore, full and itchy nipples, period type pain and heavy feeling in stomach. Cm is creamy, Cervix high soft and closed. Nausea (I was nearly sick in work looking at cereal 🤢)

13dpo - breasts still full and sore, period pains. I also feel really wet down there like I am about to get af any minute. Cervix very high and closed
ok here we go, TTC # 2, cycle # 7, will update as this 2 week wait draaaaaggggsss on lol

1dpo - cramps on right side, post ovulation pain, sensitive nipples
2dpo - mild cramps, lower backache, fatigue
3dpo - 6dpo - mild cramps in lower right side abdomen, bloating, lower backache
7dpo - sore bbs, pinching / pulling sensations in abdomen, cramping at night on both ovaries, vivid dreams
8dpo - felt nauseous but didn't throw up, sensitive bbs
9dpo - felt nauseous again in the morning but didn't throw up, mild cramping, tired like sooo tired don't want to get out of bed
10dpo - diarrhea, bbs feel heavy, took a test in the am, BFN :( feeling out this cycle...i know there still could be a chance...also, so emotional today! ugh!

Wow these are like the same symptoms I have had since 1DPO! Except I have slight constipation instead of diarrhea and I usually have diarrhea at least once or twice a week lol wondering if it's the prenatal vitamins that are constipating me.

aw I see your text turned red, sorry :( last cycle was unsuccessful for me too but now i'm back in the TWW...going to start a new post now. baby dust to you!!
Hi ladies! here we go again with another TWW, hoping it's the last one FX!

FEB 19 - CD 14 - Positive OPK, BD'd (using softcups this cycle, first time trying them out)
FEB 20 - CD 15 (O day) - Negative OPK, BD'd anyway
FEB 21 - 1 DPO - ovulation cramps
FEB 22 - 2 DPO - milder ovulation cramps, BD'd
FEB 23 - 25 - 3-5 DPO - Woke up feeling sick like I was getting the flu again, extremely tired, like couldn't even keep my eyes open while sitting on the floor with my toddler, took a 2 1/2 hour nap when my toddler napped, continued lower back pain at night, so hungry, like always hungry, cramping in lower abdomen, had to get up to pee like 5 times throughout the night
FEB 26 - 6 DPO - wicked cramps in lower abdomen, almost feels like ovulation pain, then a very sharp pinch on the right side, made me stop and take a deep breath. lower backache was killer on this night. still a bit constipated and so tired.
FEB 27 - 7 DPO - woke up from a good sleep so tired, yay.
ok here we go, TTC # 2, cycle # 7, will update as this 2 week wait draaaaaggggsss on lol

1dpo - cramps on right side, post ovulation pain, sensitive nipples
2dpo - mild cramps, lower backache, fatigue
3dpo - 6dpo - mild cramps in lower right side abdomen, bloating, lower backache
7dpo - sore bbs, pinching / pulling sensations in abdomen, cramping at night on both ovaries, vivid dreams
8dpo - felt nauseous but didn't throw up, sensitive bbs
9dpo - felt nauseous again in the morning but didn't throw up, mild cramping, tired like sooo tired don't want to get out of bed
10dpo - diarrhea, bbs feel heavy, took a test in the am, BFN :( feeling out this cycle...i know there still could be a chance...also, so emotional today! ugh!

Wow these are like the same symptoms I have had since 1DPO! Except I have slight constipation instead of diarrhea and I usually have diarrhea at least once or twice a week lol wondering if it's the prenatal vitamins that are constipating me.

aw I see your text turned red, sorry :( last cycle was unsuccessful for me too but now i'm back in the TWW...going to start a new post now. baby dust to you!!

Hey! Yeah last cycle wasn't successful, but I should have figured because I had JUST come off BCP after taking a week of pills. So far doing all right with symptom spotting for this cycle. FX to you as well!

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